Why Don't Some Americans Want a New 9/11 Investigation?(please read)?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why Don't Some Americans Want a New 9/11 Investigation?(please read)?
Fifteen answers:
2006-11-14 07:52:29 UTC
Every one of the investigations you mentioned, Iran-Contra, Clinton-Lewinsky, Valerie Plame were all hatchet jobs by partisan hacks. None of those investigations should have ever taken place. One of the biggest reasons I am disgusted with the election results is that my Congressman Witch Hunter Henry Waxman is going to launch dozens of his own investigations and like the previously mentioned investigations, all figure to be hatchet jobs by a partisan hack. Meanwhile leaders of both political parties, the recently deposed Speaker of the House (a Republican) Dennis Hastert, and soon to be Senate Majority Leader (a Democrat) Harry Reid both enriched the value of property they own by earmarking funds for improvements out of the Federal treasury. If this country had an honest government, both men would be getting ready to serve time in a federal prison.
2006-11-14 07:37:19 UTC
The big lie. Most people seem to be saying that any other opinion about 9/11 is so absurd as to not be listened to. That is just how the big lie works so well. We always get the short end in the handling of important issues. JFK's shooting was a perfect example. Everyone knew Oswald did not act alone, but did not push and were forced to swallow the Warren Report. 9/11 is even more sinister in its implications, and so too preposterous to be believable. I hope the Congress will open it up, but if any of the other reports we have received are the standard, we won't get the real story on this either.
viren k
2006-11-14 07:22:26 UTC
America is a country which is always at conflict with itself and the outside world becos 1. it was born out conflict between British and others during the civil war.2. It is habitat ed by people from elsewhere rather than indigenous people. People came from Italy, France, Scotland, Ireland, England,Holland , Sweden and lots of other places in the world to settle down, becos it was a land of opportunity The black slaves got nothing, others were deprived. America does not deserve Democracy. So now what do we have?

People always in conflict amongst themselves.Too many opinions.

9/11 need not have happened , had somebody, especially, the Administration, been more alert, and not at cross purposes with itself.The data was all there, it had only needed1 person to take hard decisions.
2006-11-14 07:53:18 UTC
Yes, I urge you to wait and see what is going to be next? The Democrat is going to clean up and The Honorable Nancy Polosi promised 90 days for result of several changes. You need to send her your comment and suggestion. Then write everyone in the Senate and Congress. You will be surprise the outcome, keep working. Remember, Please be fair and tell the truth. I am sure people will respect you when you are honest and sincere.
Tommy G.
2006-11-14 11:22:49 UTC
When large buildings fall they not only fall on top of surrounding buildings they create shock waves that damage the structure and foundations of buildings near by.

Investigate everything and everyone who cares you will get no answers other than what we have.We demand free unhindered movement then blame the government because they don't strip search everyone and physically search each piece of luggage.Do you comprehend how large the number is of people that fly?
2006-11-14 07:15:47 UTC
You are severly underrating the 9/11 commission. Have you ever read it? It's about an inch thick. It didn't just slap some info together and call it quits. As to the blacked out info, its called national security. Some things shouldn't be known to the public, get used to it. And why would the 9/11 commission go into detail about the surrounding buildings effected by the attacks? They were indirectly involved, not directly, and therefore are not relevant in an investigation as to the cause of 9/11, which this was. I assure you, much more than 3 million was spent on this matter. Much more.
Parrot Bay
2006-11-14 07:13:33 UTC
Congress would not be doing their job if they did not investigate this. How could anyone be against finding out what lead to the USA reactions to 911. If they are against it what do you think they have to hide?
2006-11-14 12:42:27 UTC
The Investigation of JFK 1st its never over who killed him and who killed the 1st killer and who killed the 2cond killer and why
2006-11-14 07:26:47 UTC
I am all for a new investigation....excellent question and remarks!
2006-11-14 03:18:00 UTC
I have screamed since 9/11 that we needed to look at those who gained from the attacks, just prior to the attack, the middle east was in chaos, Israel was in trouble with the UN and US public opinion was calling for sanctions in their attacking unarmed Palastinains, Bush was pushing for increased sanctions against Iraq, meanwhile bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the trade centers and security was cut back drastically. Much of the buildings colaspe does not make scientific sense if it was caused by the fire and inpact from the jets, steel does not melt at the temp that the fire heated to, buildings do not free fall when colasping only imploding caasues this. No engine or balck box was found in the pentegon! Too many unanswered questions and no real governement attempt to answer them
2006-11-14 07:14:01 UTC
Well, like Captain Kirk said at Khitomer, "People can be very frightened of change."

This country tends to look the other way when confronted with inconvenient truths.
2006-11-14 18:38:59 UTC
You are just nuts. All you can see is hate for any person that does not agree with you.

2006-11-14 07:12:14 UTC
good point.

now take this too the politicians to see if they will back it,

we cant do much on just this site hun.
2006-11-14 07:12:30 UTC
Thats been beat to death. Its a total snoozefest and anyone buying into it is whacked, paranoid, too young to know whats going on, ill informed or somehow otherwise disenfranchised.
2006-11-14 07:31:42 UTC

9/11 commission report ( ) web site video link. You may have to click twice on the link below or copy and paste to address bar to start video:



The Second Attack (High Tech – 09/17/01…), Which was plotted.

Willfully & Knowing of the first attack (9/11/01), Premeditated Mass Murders.

World News Report in 2001: That special interest stock funding from Terrorist groups towards electronic (computer logistic)* companies in Norway (Teleplan, inc.) where discovered. Their Purpose & Intent was never investigated and overshadowed by 9/11/2001.

• Storage Devices, & outsource warranty services. Create their own business (customers) to benefit their company whose value & profits have sharply declined.

CYBERWAR: Local News Reports (LA) said the NIMDA computer virus looks like Swiss cheese and goes out at first ineffective. We (I) sent there own weapon, “computer virus’s" back to there own servers and main network system. Then I Used DOS to steel IP address and dial up access to log into International Network (Concentric) that was to use AIRSNORT Wireless Computer Virus to Steel Money from the free offshore IS support for the WTC Victims (To Refinance Terrorist Funding).


'Nimda' worm strikes Net, e-mail

Published: September 18, 2001, 5:20 PM PDT

update A computer worm that spreads to both servers and PCs running Microsoft software flooded the Internet with data Tuesday, prompting the FBI to create a task force to investigate the attack, sources said.


Ziff Davis weekly computer publications at first reported that the Potential of the NIMDA computer virus would Appear as if it was the Second Attack – High Tech. At first it was unknown that the worm virus hide in the windows registry with a 10-day countdown. Then NIMDA (polymorphic worm virus) goes out to search for web sites to re infect systems with other Computer Viruses that steel (back to the Melissa Pappa Virus **) and where they made them to mocks (Mimics) me and/or my relationship with xwife. Such as, “Love Bug, Fun Love, I Love You" computer virus’s. NIMDA computer virus goes out on 9/17/01 MIMIC (Mocks) the anniversary of when I first meet xwife, in the beginning. My Employers & I where used as Fall Guys if they where ever caught for a crime wave of white collar crimes starting with the computer virus,” Stone" in the early 90’s.

At the same time over Twenty Five Unknown Vulnerabilities for Windows 2000 starts to steel (ID Thefts) people money from xwife jobs? Employers that handles password for credit card accounts for adult web sites and business firms that handles people stock and retirement investments. I was to be Used as a Fall Guys (evil hacker?). Steel people money through the internet put the stolen funds through Grand Cayman accounts and then transfer them to world banks that are used by relatives (The Mob), & Associates (Al Qeada).

I used a TRICK not mentioned here, so I can detail it with a FBI LIE DETECTOR TEST to Validate my Actions of how I hacked into main server.

I created a hardware Glitch Before 9/27/01 (PE_CIH [Chernobyl computer virus] PayLoad) which destroyed the system with the Computer Virus’s (all that steel) and Lots of other unknown vulnerabilities that I never seen before, such as PE_Monkey computer Virus? I described it and reported it to & notified other Security (anti-virus companies). The article listed below pertains to my actions. Basically they became paranoid and gave me all their information (knowledge), so I would be the one to blame if something went wrong.

They reconstructed their backward network system of death (the electronic holocaust). Use TRICK to HACK into Main Server. Redirect Output into a new Input Back to Itself….System OVERLOAD…Self Destruct…..Chain Reaction.


Analyst estimate Nimda virus hit eight million systems.

Written on Tuesday, October 02, 2001 @ 14:06:57 EDT

Topic: General News

The Nimda computer virus affected 8.3 million computer networks around the world and caused $590 million in damages, a security firm said Tuesday.

Michael Erbschole, vice president of research for computer economics in Carsbad, California, said the bug closed down many e-mail servers and that many networks faced the tedious jobs of cleaning up computers one at a time. "Overall we are getting close to a textbook model of response to a fast-moving bug," said Mr. Erbschloe…..continued….

Analyst estimates Internet virus hit eight million systems,

"Some people are calling Nimda a wake-up call, but if Nimda had a destructive payload it would have been a messenger sent by SATAN.

This would have easily cost well over $3 Billion in cleanup costs and another $3 billion in lost productivity if there was a killer payload and if there were no automated processes in place to eradicate the bug."


-> Microprocessor Hardware/Software Engineer, Beta Tester for Norton, McAfee, & M.S., ECT. OEM System Builder for Microsoft. Electrical Engineer. In 2001, Over 17 Years experience with computers after I built my first computer an IBM/XT. I got the AKA/SATAN from an article I did about what I saw and my credentials & knowledge (statistical analytical engineer). I mention how the NATAS virus was one of the only Computer Virus where Software tries to Physically Damage Hardware.


Security Focus says "Don’t blame us about that fake Nimda Fix"

Written on Monday, October 01, 2001 @ 15:10:31 EDT

Topic: Security

Computer Security firm Security Focus said it is not the author of an e-mail and file attachment claiming to be a fix for the resent Nimda worm. In a warning posted to the company’s "Incidents" mailing list yesterday, the San Mateo, Calif.-based Company said it believes the attachment could be a Trojan horse program that could damage user’s system if opened. SecurityFocus said the e-mail claims to come from it as well as from Cupertino, Calif.-based antivirus firm TrendMicro Inc.

"The messages come with an executable attachment named FIX_NIMDA.exe, "SecurityFocus said in the warning. " Do not run this attachment. These messages do not come from us or TrendMicro, as a quick check of the headers will reveal. Common sense and best practices indicate that you should not execute any code that come(s) via e-mail unless you authenticate the source of the message."…continued…

Security firm issues warning about fake Nimda fix


The Nimda worm – reports of which first flooding into mailing lists and security firms two weeks ago – is a mass-mailed piece of malicious code that infects systems running Microsoft Corp.’s Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000

Unlike other worms and viruses, Nimda is capable of spreading via both network-based e-mail and Web browsers. It was also written to scan for exploit back doors LEFT BEHIND by previous viruses such as CODE RED and SADMIND.


-> OUR Intervention made them make the fake fix, just as they made NIMDA computer virus itself!




ARMAGEDDON: Some trick levels explained. Pathetic Faceless Cowards!


To resolve social security, national deficit, Black Gold (OIL) supplies, population growth, ect.


Y2K Bug scare was to increase PC sales for the electronic Holocaust. While Apple (MAC 2) in the 80's never needed year 2000 BIOS updates because it’s a basic mathematical algorithms.


** Trick level caught at the second attack (high tech). Listed Above.


Steel the internet, steel all money....

So, there is no money. Create a SLAVE PLANET!

BUT...the only thing wanted more then MONEY (the root of all evil) is POWER. The western states a different loyalty.

A coup attempt fails, Real war breaks out.

Nuclear Attack.... Toxicity... the ozone decays. The Global poles start to melt,

Waterworld...we all DIE!

9/11 -- GENESIS 9:11


Total Death & Hatred to Mankind:

No school, bread into slavery (book: brave new world).

Death Games (movie: rollerball) for entertainment.

You die at age 27. (movie: Logan run)

Feed the slaves their own kind (solant green).

So know one country is to blame, in the end they would say that your where

saved by aliens and that you are lucky to be alive, so that you prey to false idols.

(Ancient Egypt)


TRAIN: the first monopoly to control consumer’s health and welfare. Along with monopoly of telecommunications, media & transportation for control to have the People (labor & workers = slaves) live a false reality of the world.

Report a false war (war of the world - 1st radio broadcast).


Ronald Regan. Collaborated with other country’s (EXPAND YOUR VIEW). Planned since the 80’s. Outsource our jobs and business’s in the USA to other countries & former enemy’s an exchange for there association with an evil empire. As the US would be the breadbasket to support the slaves. As we go to war against terrorist. Then we are attacked by our former enemies who take advantage of our situation?. A false reality reported by the media giants (monopoly) that wanted to rule the world as

Kings & Pharaohs = Control & Power / Labors & Workers = Slaves. No money you work just to survive and prey to false idols. September 11, 2001 a trick to kill their own first to hide the truth of who (USA) plotted doomsday.


The second coming is backwards. Pure Evil, and only the innocent die and everyday there is hope, because without Hope there is no future. No signs or miracles. Satan is your savior. Passes Judgment onto god. Fear God. WHY?

Because when God showed signs & miracles, ”The Left Behind” created Religion. They said if you don’t go to church and pay us MONEY that you will go to hell. The church out of Greed made its people go out and recruit new members for their religion and insist there religion is the right one. RELIGION has caused most Wars, Hatred, and Deaths! - Babylon (tower).


The fourth plane, the passengers tried to get into the cock pit….but where not successful before the plane crash into the hillside…by the hand of god. To expose (white house – politician) who responsible for plotting doomsday.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.