Why is there violence towards Asians in America and is it because of what Trump said ?
2021-03-17 12:01:36 UTC

CNN)Six of the eight people who were shot dead at three metro Atlanta massage parlors on Tuesday were Asian women, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported, citing authorities.
160 answers:
Penny Lane
2021-03-22 23:59:29 UTC
It is horrible what happened. This evil man made a choice. He is an adult. No one made or encouraged him to do it.  Even if Trump said these people are to blame for the evils of the country and HE DID NOT say this he had the choice to not kill. 

People say all of the time “ don’t you just want to kill someone or beat the **** out of them “ but they don’t because we know it’s wrong  anyone who says they have never said something like this is a liar
Ron H
2021-03-20 09:32:39 UTC
If you search for China in Google news, it's all bad. And there are huge amounts of bad news. Frightened people are The problem.  The mainstream media is responsible. And is motivated by the need for a worthy adversary for our arms dealers. The problem with Russia is the increase in US military spending is more than the whole Russia budget. So non stop China basing is going on at full power.
Andrew S
2021-03-20 08:31:37 UTC
The dude is an insane religious freak not all victims were Asian.  The bigger question is were they sex slaves to the parlors and why is this allowed in Atlanta?
2021-03-19 14:23:57 UTC
Americans should leave other countries since they are behaving like beasts.
2021-03-18 22:20:52 UTC
Violence happens because someone makes a choice to be violent. Not because of anything anyone said. You always have a choice about what to do. And as far as Asian discrimination, the left has been doing that for years. Just recently the Biden administration stopped legal investigations and proceedings against top universities over their decisions to not let Asians in because they do too well. Affirmative action is systemic racist discrimination against whites and Asians. The left doesn't care about Asians. They only care about dead Asians when a white person did it. According to statistics, the majority of violence against Asians comes from blacks. You don't hear about that, because it doesn't fit the narrative that black=good and white=bad. 
The Oracle of Omigod
2021-03-18 18:18:37 UTC
The Asian women who were killed by a deranged frustrated incel  were shot because they worked at massage parlors.  The mentally-ill idiot likely barely knew who Trump was.  Serial killers are too self-centered to be thinking about politics.
2021-03-18 06:36:42 UTC
no, ppl are angry at the govt for using this virus to control and manipulate them but instead their anger is misplaced and misdirected onto asian communities bc the virus originated in china 
Justin Winhill
2021-03-18 05:33:06 UTC
The Chinese are not to blame for the virus coming to the United States. The Virus was made by Kim Jong-Un and North Korea. Remember when Kim Jong-Un said he had a Christmas Present for Donald Trump back in December of 2019 but the Christmas present never came. Oh but the Christmas present did come it came in the form of a virus in which North Korea and Kim Jong-Un released the virus in China and the United States.
2021-03-18 03:29:45 UTC
Trump ignited the race war on Asians with his racist rhetoric similar to what Hitler did to Jews. All because the Orange moron didn't want the pandemic to interfere with his golf tee times.
2021-03-17 13:42:57 UTC
2 shooting victims white, 1 Hispanic, rest Asian....just a nutjob incel libtard in need of psych meds 
2021-03-20 15:36:26 UTC
It wasn't their race. It was their profession. I swear we will never make progress in this country as long as idiots like yourself keep making everything about race and ignoring the REAL issues. The man admitted it was because of his sex addiction, but automatically it is switched over to being about race, which means we are destined to deal with social issues from a wrong perspective, doomed to failure.....and it's all due to people like you who can't break free from your shallow, narrow mindset
Wapon MSC
2021-03-20 13:15:46 UTC
I don't think so, but his supporters take him as the symbol for extremism.
2021-03-20 10:26:04 UTC
You should feel sadder that nobody cares...
2021-03-20 01:40:07 UTC
Bigots were around long before trump.
2021-03-19 21:48:41 UTC
If you think its Trumps fault you must be an idiot.
Common Sense
2021-03-19 14:14:34 UTC
Anyone influenced to be racist due to another person's words is already a weak minded individual.

Playing the blame game is also orchestrated by more weak minded people.

Racists are responsible for their own thought process.
2021-03-19 05:09:26 UTC
It's not related to what Trump said.

What's happening to Asians has more to do with how China mishandled COVID back in November and December 2019. People's mind is always looking for someone to blame for something. Since China didn't take the blame, then it seems the blame is now put on Asians.
2021-03-19 00:05:51 UTC
Because Non-Asians are sick of getting infected with Covid-19 and the Bubonic Plague.
2021-03-18 22:20:10 UTC
Oh stop it.  It's not because of Trump.  Some of you blame him for everything because you have been brainwashed to do so.  Start thinking for yourselves, geeze.
2021-03-18 20:19:26 UTC
The actual facts have nothing to do with Trump, but rather the lack of police to enforce, detain and punish lesser crimes.  In San Francisco, Oakland and New York most crimes on Asians come from the black community.
2021-03-18 18:21:25 UTC
Trump popularized white supremacy and discriminating against minority. Susan in case you don't realize it the shooter was engaging in a genocide. Susan in case you don't realize it these acts were racially motivated even if the man says he's a sex addict prostitutes come in all shapes sizes and ethnicities and the fact that he had a designated type as his choice for victims shows that regardless of his motivation was to eliminate his vices in a misdirected manner or to exterminate one ethnicity due to prejudice this is still a twisted individual much like those that have had their minds manipulated by Trump into hating minorities and immigrants (Couldn't agree more)
2021-03-18 16:56:17 UTC
Apparently you haven't been listening,  the shooter admitted he went to the massage parlors for sex and hated the fact his poor choices were controlling him. Trump or anything he has said has absolutely nothing to do with this.
Luis G
2021-03-18 16:42:01 UTC
It had nothing to do with Trump. People seem to want to blame Trump for EVERYTHING even when it comes to someone else's CHOICE to kill innocent people. 

I suppose we should also blame Trump for a recent increase in gas prices?
2021-03-18 16:19:32 UTC
Mostly, yes.  He implied, rather strongly, yet of course with "plausible deniability", that somehow China actually introduced this virus to kill people.  Also his calling it the "Chinavirus" or "Kung Flu" on TV didn't help at all.
2021-03-18 16:16:47 UTC
Trump popularized white supremacy and discriminating against minority.  Susan in case you don't realize it the shooter was engaging in a genocide. Susan in case you don't realize it these acts were racially motivated even if the man says he's a sex addict prostitutes come in all shapes sizes and ethnicities and the fact that he had a designated type as his choice for victims shows that regardless of his motivation was to eliminate his vices in a misdirected manner or to exterminate one ethnicity due to prejudice this is still a twisted individual much like those that have had their minds manipulated by Trump into hating minorities and immigrants
2021-03-18 14:43:32 UTC
If the women were prostitutes in a massage parlor in Atlanta, why was this going on?  Why hadn't the police shut down this parlor?  Was this a human trafficking ring?  These women were human beings and in America they should have been offered help.  Is our lawlessness and sin so bad that we allow this in our nation?
2021-03-18 01:07:34 UTC
My understanding it had more to do with sex than race.
2021-03-17 16:28:37 UTC
Trump added fuel to the racist fire...he did not start it.

I believe that racism started to spike in the USA after 9/11 and the ensuing islamic assaults of terrorism unleashed in Europe and the USA the years during the Bush and Obama Presidencies.  Its natural that many white people saw the vile acts of terror and started harboring a deep hatred of arabs and muslims. Hate  based on race was legitimized as something that is understandable.   Then Obama became President and that drove many white people crazy.  They had already been stewing about the arabs and muslims and the Obama Presidency reminded them that they did not like black people too and that black people were a threat too. That Obama could become President along with news reports of the coming demographic changes in the USA as people of color were increasing, made white people even more concerned about how people of color were a threat to them.  This is why we got Donald Trump right after Obama.

The attacks on Asians is just the natural continuation of the hatred for all people of color, all non whites.  To recap, it started with hate for muslims, then a hatred that blacks were progressing too much, and had to be put back in their places, and now that somehow that all Asians attacked us with Covid, which is just a pretext to hate.
2021-03-17 15:04:32 UTC
There is a long history in this country of Black on Asian violence. 


Only a complete and utter moron would claim that President Trump calling it the Chinese coronavirus would lead to anybody committing a hate crime against Asians.

Well, perhaps Democrat voters are stupid enough to do that, since they were and are stupid enough to believe all the lies the media tell them.
2021-03-17 12:46:12 UTC
The USA is a violent country. There has often been violence against people from East Asia. I never encourage my Chinese students to immigrate to the USA.
2021-03-22 11:28:08 UTC
stop with fake news, the shooter said it was not racist but you and the left wingers want to be, get a life
2021-03-20 20:15:44 UTC
It seems only a coincidence.  That nuts is a anti society retard incel.  Ths hate burred his eyes.  He. Knew nothing but revenge the society.  Even doubted if he had make. Clear who he shot.  I sugest people get rid of those conspicuous theories.  The problem is that guns is so easy to grasp so as to make more casualties. 

There are so many psychopathes out there. 
2021-03-20 07:41:07 UTC
I don't think so, but his supporters take him as the symbol for extremism.
2021-03-19 17:22:38 UTC
It wouldn't surprise me. 
Ron Akia
2021-03-19 15:15:48 UTC
What Trump has said has nothing to do with the violence against Asians in this country. I believe that the Covid pandemic originated in China and it was possibly deliberate. However, most Asians in this country have no love for the Chinese government and do not support their policies and practices at all.
2021-03-19 15:02:47 UTC
What Trump said is merely an excuse to put the blame somewhere. Asians have always suffered from this kind of racism, from WW2 and even further back. 

Only the extremely Low IQ is going to really believe that all Asians are at fault for the Wuhan Virus, the Kung Flu or anything else you want to call it. 
2021-03-19 14:23:55 UTC
Maybe some was to begin with. I never agreed with it. Especially, the chinese lately, the country and government, not the people that are in the US. Are doing fishy things, the more ignorant people think violence is the best solution to it a many situations, but the truth is that is just not the case. In more cases, people need to think before taking action. 
2021-03-19 14:10:11 UTC
Chinese people aren't good to spread Coronoavirus. 
2021-03-18 23:56:23 UTC
Personally I am getting tired of this “Toilet John” user constantly posting all this repetitive, long-winded, racist political and religious garbage in the forums. Please do something to ban this person (or robot) from the system as it’s getting really annoying!!!! How many times is he going to ask whether Jesus was buttraped by Roman soldiers? Ten thousand times? Do something about it asap.

We are talking about Shadowfire (aka Corvus Blackthorne aka Blackthorne1979 aka Dgirl aka Magistra aka Pope of Atheist God aka Shadowfire the Sarcastic aka Shadowfire lives aka Shadowfire lives bytches aka Marcus Corvinus aka Corvia Blackthorne aka ThatToiletJohnguy aka Patrick McCluskey aka Lone Wanderer aka Firecock aka Reymundo Sparks aka Reynaldo Weeks aka Nightwulf aka Fireball aka Toilet John aka Poopmobile aka Petri Lindroos aka WHERE IS YOUR POWER JN 1:12 aka Norine aka Wotan aka Rufus Firefly aka Soltaneus aka Sol Invictus aka Don't touch my anointed aka Anthropomorphic Raven aka whatever next he chooses to call himself) posting hundreds of same anonymous questions/answers always 24/7 (mainly in the Religious section). His questions: "Is Hinduism true?"; "Did Romans buttfook Jesus"?; "What's target individual? Who's torturing them and why?"; "What makes a girl harden?"; questions about suicide (take him to a mental institution where he belongs)... His answers are promoting heresies like ecumenism, rapture, horoscopes, etc. How does he do it? Is it Artificial Intelligence? It seems like he doesn't sleep and just sits there 24/7 365 year round posting heresy after heresy.
2021-03-18 15:53:18 UTC
Trump sneeringly referring to Coronavirus as the 'China Virus' and the 'Kung Flu' DEFINITELY accelerated the violence towards Asians in America. In the words of an Asian woman I just saw on CNN, 'The previous administration was the catalyst'. There can be little doubt of this.
2021-03-18 14:15:45 UTC
Noo quit being a vitcim 
2021-03-18 11:51:53 UTC
The media wants clicks.  Plain and simple.  Whenever two people have a violent encounter and are of different background, the jump to "must be racism" comes into play 
Alan H
2021-03-18 11:23:50 UTC
Do not blame it all on Trump.but he certainly compounded racism
2021-03-18 02:10:29 UTC
did it , ask why the violence is happening now and when trump was in there was no violence , or where did the covid virus come from , china seems to ring a bell . or do you believe china that has 1.2 billion has less infected and dead compared to america who has 330 million people , and you say thats not fishy !!!any way isnt biden in charge !!!
2021-03-18 00:56:05 UTC
You do know that most of the asian attackers are black, right?
The Devil
2021-03-17 23:52:01 UTC
It's very peculiar so many of you accept the word of a deranged murdering racist over plain old common sense.

tRump has pulled racism to the fore in America. Laws in the 1960's and forward to protect civil rights in America fought racism. Racists are rebelling and tRump magnified the hateful rhetoric, helping them rationalize their bigotry and racism.
Kicking and Screaming
2021-03-17 15:04:35 UTC
I suspect it may be the result of what science said. They said COVID originated in China and still stand behind that premise. If race based, the attacks shine a bad light on America that ignorance has assigned responsibility for that on 'Asian' Americans, especially since this violence seems to be perpetrated by citizens from both sides of the political divide.
2021-03-17 14:51:09 UTC
There is violence against anybody. "Asians" are not the only victims. Trump is talking a lot of nonsense and has lied many times repeatedly. I would not count on his words. 
2021-03-17 13:09:06 UTC
Trump realized that his bungled response, his lies about covid, were going to cost him the election.  As usual, instead of taking responsibility, he sought to blame someone else.  CHINA!.  He had ratcheted up his anti-China rhetoric.  Add that to the fact that America will no longer be majority white by 2045 and you have the potential for Trumptard rage at any non-white person.
Donnie Porko
2021-03-17 12:03:47 UTC
Trump didn’t help when he keeps calling it the China flu or Wuhan flu. 

It’s not that surprising that Asians were killed in a massage parlor since most Asians work in a massage parlor. 
2021-03-21 13:24:49 UTC
Maybe some was to begin with. I never agreed with it. Especially, the chinese lately, the country and government, not the people that are in the US.
2021-03-20 15:29:08 UTC
Former US President Donald Trump and his "toxic" political influence may easily be identified as the culprits for the rising anti-Asian wave in the US, with the most recent one involving shootings that killed eight people, among which six were Asians, in Atlanta-area massage parlors. But there are more accomplices. Source from
2021-03-19 13:35:49 UTC
Nowhere in the article you shared does it mention anything Trump said, so what are you talking about?

"After his arrest, Long indicated to investigators he believed he had a sex addiction and 'an issue with porn,' and claimed to see the spas as 'a temptation ... that he wanted to eliminate,'"

Kinda sounds like that was the reason.

Anyway, the Bible says to cut off your *own* d*ck if you can't control it, not the external sources of your temptations!
2021-03-19 13:15:24 UTC
What does "massage parlors" mean to you?  It's a high risk business.  As to Trump?  What did he ever say about "massage parlors"?
2021-03-18 22:37:34 UTC
Yes, constant repetition repetitiveness of ignorant no. 45 calling it the Asian Virus and mentally ill FOX news following their master in suit. 
2021-03-18 22:02:50 UTC
Traitor Trump called it the Chinese virus and Kung flu and his supporters cheered so he clearly caused this
2021-03-18 19:04:48 UTC
CNN is fake news 
2021-03-18 16:52:51 UTC

Losers (people who feel bad about themselves or maybe dont have a job), they always try to find somebody to blame.   It could be his friends or RANDOM people.  

In this case, The Corona virus.  Because the Pandemic started in Wuhan China so these losers blame ALL Asians (including Asians who were born in America) as the cause of their life problem.  They dont realize even Asian are in deepsh1t because of this virus.   Like "do you know we are all in deepsh1t including Asians?".......

And I wonder why there are too many losers in America now.....
2021-03-18 15:41:24 UTC
Trump,s comments did not help.
Mir Quasem
2021-03-18 14:42:12 UTC
No-so far it appears this is a painful act of a pervert person.
2021-03-18 04:25:45 UTC
Funny how when most victims are white, nobody claims it was racist.   
2021-03-18 03:48:19 UTC
2 shooting victims white, 1 Hispanic, rest Asian....just a nutjob incel libtard in need of psych meds 
2021-03-18 03:35:21 UTC
China wouldn’t trade with Trump so when he lost his economy he spread the false rumor the Covid virus was produced in a China lab. He continually called it the “China virus” and “kung-flu.” Some of his followers have proven to be extremists and the violence against Americans who are Orientals  or their descendants are paying the price. Trump encouraged hatred towards Latinos, blacks and liberals and anyone else who wouldn’t buy his lies. It’s his divisive politics.
2021-03-18 01:40:19 UTC
Anti asian sentiment is a long term thing unfortunately.  I know some who still hate japanese people because of WW2.  A few still harbor hate from the korean war and vietnam.  Odd that few they know are alive from that time.  8ut their hate is just so intense! But they still hate just the same!  Don't believe it was a sex thing.  Was race!  He just wants to blame others for his problem!!!
Jeff D
2021-03-18 00:05:35 UTC
Liberals are ecstatic because they think they finally have an example of the white-on-asian violence they're been telling us about for the past two months.
Little Ms Sunshine
2021-03-17 14:55:55 UTC
I heard the speaking officer clearly say that the shooter had an issue with porn and was attempting to remove temptation, and that the shooter himself said it wasn't because of race. 
2021-03-17 14:07:52 UTC
Stop blaming Boss Trump for every negative thing. You Democrats always play the blame game. In 2009 you blamed Boss Bush for an economic crisis started by Boss Clinton. Yeah remember his Administration giving free money and mortgages to people who could not afford them for the sake of "inclusion." Democrats need to stop blaming the previous Administration for their issues. Boss Trump is not responsible for the Border Crisis. But you Democrats keep blaming him. 
2021-03-17 13:08:51 UTC
So within hours of the shooting where the police say they have no motive yet.  You have all of these "anti-hate" groups saying without a doubt that these were hate crimes.  Then within hours of that, you have trolls on the Internet just foaming at the mouth waiting to post a question where they can blame Trump for yet another thing.

Here is a thought...perhaps it isn't Trump that caused this but the constant stream of media trying to convince people that there is a race problem.  The Democrats have been playing the race card for decades.

By the way where are all of the media stories of racism when a black person kills a white person?
Spock (rhp)
2021-03-17 12:28:46 UTC
this has nothing to do with Trump --
YB Logical
2021-03-17 12:09:41 UTC
The violence towards Asians in America and is either because of what Trump said or due to global warming.........We can't be certain.
2021-03-20 23:07:24 UTC
Trump's constant referring to covid as the "China virus" has played at least a small role in anti-Asian sentiment.

As for the Atlanta shooter, SO FAR it seems to not be a racially-driven crime; the six Asian women just happened to be in that line of work. Some media commentators are linking "the stereotypes of Asian women" with the fact that they were in that occupation; I don't know if that necessarily makes those six deaths a "hate crime." And, of course, two of the eight victims were not in this racial category.,
Stan Dalone
2021-03-20 21:12:19 UTC
Anti-Asian bigotry has deep roots in this country; incidents of violence targeting Asians and their communities litter the record in the 19th century on the West Coast, and we had some awful immigration policies designed to restrict them coming to this country.

It was kind of latent in modern times (or more like hiding beneath the surface, so it was easy not to notice it).  But recently it's flared up again because of COVID.  Unfortunately Don Trump made it worse by deliberately stoking anti-Asian sentiment.

I don't know about the Atlanta incident specifically, but there have been numerous other attacks recently, deliberately targeting Asian immigrants and their descendants.  So no, he isn't wholly to blame for it, but he did purposely make things worse.
2021-03-20 15:22:35 UTC
The Atlanta tragedy from what has been released looks like the result of a very sick individual's obsessions and it targeted people working in a particular sector. It is quite low that it has been politicized and connected to Donald Trump. A race-obsessed media will try to make hay out of anything that ever happens to a person of minority ethnicity. These were human beings before they were Asian or any other designation - each one a unique life and a terrible tragedy. There are still other forms of evil than racism. 
Brandon Ray
2021-03-20 04:06:21 UTC
This whole black people are targeting Asians, is a farce. One things for sure no black man would ever think to shoot up a massage parlor.

If Asians feel unsafe and want to put out propaganda that black people are targeting them, which are their economic base, them maybe in order for Asians to feel safe. Black people should abandon Asian businesses for good.
2021-03-20 03:50:07 UTC
Well it's the same reason why people were beating up Trump supporters is because the media always ramps up and magnifies things and then there's always stupid people but take it as a queue that it's okay to abuse someone.  The media played up Trump's comments and the media plays up anti-trumpism and the media plays up everything. The media plays up none what mask wears as villains and encourages people to attack them.  But the media never takes responsibility for what it's doing to contribute to these problems.  You got to remember the media is the antagonist that's hiding in plain sight and pitting people against each other. But we're stupid because we allow them to do it.
2021-03-20 00:25:58 UTC
I tend to agree with the #the Oracle. There's been no evidence from the police in Atlanta that the murders were aimed at Chinese or orientials. Let's not make everything into a racial issue. I do intend to think, however, that groups who have been successful in our culture are more likely to be envied and disliked by those groups that haven't been successful. 
2021-03-19 18:25:11 UTC
Why is most things that has in the past and will in the future bottom line is Trump?  But to answer your question  in my honest opinion.. violence towards any Asian in America is coming from unanswered questions regarding the virus and its origination.  I dont think its right.. but thats where I think it stems from.  How long will everything be blamed on Trump? For the rest of eternity??
2021-03-19 17:50:18 UTC
It's probably not helping that the media is suddenly blaring the news..why are they trying to stir everyone up? I'm Asian American and I don't blame Trump. I blame liberal media for exaggerating everything and giving credence to this whole stupid RADICAL BLM movement.
By Grace Of The Almighty Triune God
2021-03-19 17:19:14 UTC
The murderer was identified as a 21 year old white male. Whatever influence he was under , it is very obvious to all that this white racist terrorist targeted spa's frequented by Asians and killed 6 Asian women among total of 8 killed- the others being a White man and a White women. But Biden and democratic party which claims to be protectors of minority races in USA has not condemned this violence and murder of Asian women as racist attack by a white racist terrorist. Instead they are trying vainly and shamelessly to blame Trump for this. Thus they liberal leftist democrats not only prove to be retarded liars but also perpetrators of white racist terrorism along with their usual leftist and islamic terrorism.....yet again the Biden's democratic party of USA and its supporters prove to be pathetic losers.
2021-03-19 03:38:01 UTC
Probably just another boneheaded idiot blaming the whole Chinese nationality for the COVID-19 disease coming out of China that is not their fault....:(. Some of the nicest  and classiest people I’ve met have been from China, and I am European American....can’t understand why they are being hated just because of a virus that just happened to originate in China.
2021-03-19 03:22:54 UTC
Ignorance, Racism, Xenophobia and trump has a LOT to do with it.
2021-03-19 02:11:16 UTC
I work internationally.  This past year, while in Asia I experienced discrimination because I'm a western foreigner and many believe westerners brought COVID to Asia.  My coworkers, who are Asian, work in Australia where they experienced discrimination because some Australians believe Asians brought COVID to Australia. So basically humans are all the same, discriminating against minorities because that's the easiest thing to do. 
2021-03-19 01:05:13 UTC
Another liberal idiot. Posts CNN too. Wow.
2021-03-18 17:13:14 UTC
No. Remember this is the same media that only tells half truths on articles 

such as the high school student was falsely accused of racial harassment

and yet when a full video came out he wasn't the aggressor but the native 

american "elder". 

Don't jump on the blame game the media tells you. Look at the full story and 

not just what the media jumps on and claim is fact. 
2021-03-18 15:24:26 UTC
Most of the attacks on Asians have been committed by black and hispanic men.
2021-03-18 14:12:54 UTC
The answer is that people are copycats, plain and simple.  A few months ago, one criminal punched an Asian victim in San Francisco.  A week or so later, they punched an older Asian man who fell and later died.  Now look what we have.  Innocent hard working people attacked and beaten by worthless thugs.  America is a sad and violent place.
2021-03-18 12:24:49 UTC
The suspect states he has a sex addiction, and sees the massage businesses as a temptation for him, so he sought to eliminate the source.

Nothing politically related.
W.T. Door
2021-03-18 12:00:52 UTC
Please stop feeding the troll.                       
2021-03-17 15:33:00 UTC
No, black ppl are racist against Asians....always have been. The violence is coming from them. But cnn won’t tell you that. 
2021-03-17 15:18:01 UTC
Yes.  It was Trump's fault.  Your sore foot is Trump's fault.  If you get sick sometimes in the next 40 years, it is Trumps fault.  Are you constipated?  Trumps fault.  Are you ugly?  Trump's fault.
2021-03-21 09:14:12 UTC
boarding Air Force One and the secret service stood there cheering MAGA!
2021-03-20 14:32:38 UTC
Trump started this by pinning the virus on China as an intentional act and he should end it by retracting this blame and taking responsibility for inflaming hate and racial profiling .
2021-03-20 02:18:10 UTC
Oh absolutely, Trump is himself full of poop ya'll.
2021-03-19 21:25:58 UTC
Most of what is going on, if not nearly all of it is copy cat or opportunistic assaults. The phenomenon being fed by the tone and amount of media coverage. 
2021-03-19 18:05:08 UTC
What DT's iteration aimed maliciously at Asians (along with a lengthy list of other American Minorities) can easily be interpreted to be strong for actively pushing destructive tendencies.

Obvious, as the nose on one's face, bigotry discussed as fake normalcy.  Fascism is considered to be very prominent in current day America.

Oops I could easily ruin some flaky individuals perception, and they begin to interpret themselves as having a 'BAD DAY!'  Then it's everybody else's fault eh?
2021-03-19 17:40:29 UTC
Do you mean Trump repeatedly referring to the "Kung Flu", "China Virus", or "Wuhan Flu"?
2021-03-19 17:08:09 UTC
low information liberal voting.  gotta love it.  so in your mind doesnt matter who had violence against them, its trumps fault, right?  wow.  you DESPARATELY need prayer.  your question/rant has no answer as your premise is abject idiocy.
2021-03-19 14:31:11 UTC
There isn't. Well, there isn't anymore than average. News companies are just creating that narrative.
2021-03-19 02:54:36 UTC
    There's violence in the same way there was violence 2 years ago, 5 years ago, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years ago. And some of it ends up affecting every demographic. 

    Asian Americans have nothing to fear in their daily lives. At least, there's nothing substantial coming for the typical American of Asian descent than there was 2 years ago, today. 
2021-03-18 22:02:07 UTC
When people blame Trump for this do they realize that these people are likely liberal/democrat? Places like Atlanta and San Francisco are majority democrats.
2021-03-18 22:01:43 UTC
Attacks against Asians have been going on long before Trump!
2021-03-18 14:40:02 UTC

The violence  started doing the obama administration, there was far less violence during the trump administration. But you go believe your fake cnn and dont do your own research, be a good little sheep, like the reset of the democrats and question nothing. 
2021-03-18 14:09:53 UTC
Trump did SO much damge, and nothing but damage. Republicans must be purged from our country, so we can be a decent, normal country again,

and not have attempted coups

and being robbed by liars with propaganda machines.
Atarah Derek
2021-03-18 14:04:19 UTC
It's because of what the DEMS said: That Asian Americans are too successful, are "white adjacent," and have "yellow privilege." That's why basically all of the attacks against them are perpetuated by Dem voting black and Latino people. It has nothing to do with the fact that Trump had the audacity to say something akin to, "The sky is blue." Covid came out of China, and it is NOT racist to say that. Nor is it the reason black Dems are beating up Asian elderly folks. Black Dems are beating up Asian elderly folks because their Dem masters told them to.
Alice S
2021-03-18 08:42:32 UTC
Hmmm. Atlanta.  Southern state right?  Add to that that you have one of the most racist countries on the face of the Earth, with an insular view of the world, unless you are using gunboat diplomacy.  Add to that an inadequate education system, unless you have serious money to make your problems go away.  Hmmm.  Nope no ideas here.
2021-03-18 08:24:01 UTC
Yes, of course! Trump is a racist. He is 1,000% responsible for the rise in hate crimes against ALL the Non- White people in the USA because as the President of the USA, instead of uniting the Americans, he promoted racism, hate, fear, violence and xenophobia! What else can you expect from a corrupt and a White Supremacist like Trump! His three oldest kids are also just like him! But the Republican lawmakers in the Congress simply refuse to hold him accountable for anything! It is SICKENING THAT HE ALWAYS GETS AWAY WITH EVERYTHING! 

Now, let me tell you something important: If it was a Black/Muslim/Latino, who killed Asians, he would have been killed by the cops, on the stop! But since, it is a White person who killed those innocent Asian people, he will be declared: “MENTALLY DISTURBED”!  He will have a great defense team in court and he will spend his life in a mental institution, comfortably! That is the reality that Trump has created for us ALL the Non- Whites living in the USA! Isn't it just beautiful? 
2021-03-18 02:04:20 UTC
The killer admitted he had sexual issues and he targeted two likely happy ending massage parlors. 

It’s like a Puritan going after prostitutes.   
2021-03-18 01:26:58 UTC
I knew it would take less than 6 hours before CNN/MSNBC starting their spin and idiots like you took the bate

The great CNN. Why don't you read the National Enquirer or watch South Fork. they are more accurate.

The authorities in the breifing said this was not racially motivated

The killer admitted he was a sex addict and felt the parlors were part of his problem.

This is a metally ill individual and probably a typical Biden voter.
2021-03-17 22:09:09 UTC
I don't know if it's Trump's fault but I do think we need to impeach him again to find out.
2021-03-17 16:54:56 UTC
He did start it, but there's some unknown individual or group that's continuing the incitement.  
2021-03-20 18:48:34 UTC
No i don’t think so, racism exists in America long long before Trump became president, and his right wing/nationalism policy(America first) is...understandable. Asians are equally supporters republicans and democrats, with the exception of the South Vietnamese,most of them are right wing anti- commie,therefore they worshipped Trump like a King and hate Clinton who established relationship with commie Vietnam. south Vietnamese seemed to be very loyal to America no matter what, they willing to ignore any discriminations against their people.
2021-03-20 15:59:01 UTC
It has nothing to do with Trump! It is the fault of China Biden, his son Hunter and their cozy and mutually productive financial relationship with the Chinese Communists!
Jhon Brandt
2021-03-20 09:57:42 UTC
I don't think so, but his supporters take him as the symbol for extremism.
2021-03-20 05:55:53 UTC
China is good  invest in Asian good   Make   Anything Asian are good  have babies stop hate   Korea to Japan England gamble in China it’s up war is over party vets invest in work Asian Asian alive in Australia Australia come first in every country 
2021-03-19 17:36:50 UTC
You sick Trump haters are really getting low on crap to try and blame him for, aren't you?
Yoi and Double Yoi
2021-03-19 16:30:36 UTC
Trumps words and attitudes toward Asians hasn't helped, but it certainly did not cause anti-Asian prejudice.  That has existed since the middle 1800's when a large number of Chinese immigrants came to America to work building the Transcontinental Railroad.

Violence against Asians has always been problematic, but Liberals tend to ignore it because to Liberals, Blacks, Gays, Women, Muslims and Transgenders outrank Asians on the "Victim Pecking Order."  Liberals also take note that, by and large, Blacks do not care for Asians, and the Left knows which side its bread is buttered on.

It also rankles a lot of liberals that Asians have come to this country rather recently, historically speaking...the first large influx of Asians came with the arrival of Chinese workers in the mid 1860's to help build the Transcontinental Railroad...and have vastly outperformed a certain other ethnic group that gained their freedom right about the same time.  The fact that Asians put a high value on self-reliance, having a good work ethic and working hard to get a good education does not endear them to the Left, either.
The Football God
2021-03-19 15:16:12 UTC
Any person that acts on a politician's words is guilty of ignorance. 

How many Italian, German or French Massage/Spas are there in the area? Are there any Jewish, or Muslim ones in the Atlanta area?
2021-03-19 07:20:34 UTC
It is natural fact, even i also give my weaknesses blame to others. If you gonna visit other country for earning they also treat you same. Last but not least Americans were very friendly to others TRUMP created this atmosphere.
2021-03-19 03:14:09 UTC
This one terrible incident will be used by malicious actors to paint whites unfavorably on a whole to Asians, and most Asians probably want NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR IDENTITY POLITICS.  If anything, the left using identity politics hurts Asians by limiting their opportunities with affirmative action policies, and you purposefully ignore the fact blacks are 45 times more likely to violently attack an Asian than the reverse scenario, which is way more people than one single incident the media is exploiting.  Look it up and calculate it on the DOJ's website if you don't believe me.
Judy and Charlie
2021-03-18 23:37:09 UTC

And this is why he is so despised now.

This is NOT AMERICA!  And his supporters have a penchant toward violence and ignorance.  So, yes, you are completely right.
2021-03-18 20:48:05 UTC
Ah classic liberal: blaming Trump for everything
2021-03-18 16:02:19 UTC
The west coast has a lot of 'china-towns', they think Hubei City stalled and because of BLM and Democrats . . .
2021-03-18 14:15:50 UTC
black-on-asian violence has been going on LONG BEFORE covid-19 arrived. 

blacks HATE asians for setting up businesses in their neighborhoods. remember all those asian-owned businesses that were destroyed during the rodney king riots? 
2021-03-18 13:31:43 UTC
My opnion is because the Aisan women were targeted is because of the COVID and trump could only do so much.  Nobody knew what the Covid was and now we know it is from China.  They have wanted to be world leaders for a long time and that is not going to happen. 
2021-03-17 18:08:28 UTC
trump ORDERED the violence against Asian people.  And his inbred ignorant minions are following through on HIS orders.  
2021-03-17 17:36:22 UTC
It is because racist idiots blame them for the Coronavirus. 
2021-03-17 14:33:00 UTC
Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well. Man is long gone,'However

there are those who ride the one track rail to Trump town. You will find that

these people killed in GA will have been done because of the Industry they

are connected to. Most of the asian Massage parlors are run and fronted

by gangs. You will be more then likely surprised that this is the scenario

2021-03-17 14:26:21 UTC
Naw. Georgia is a blue state now so the shooter is more likely to be a Biden supporter.
2021-03-17 14:22:25 UTC
Most likely a liberal since they're the ones who get triggered over the virus.
2021-03-17 13:03:42 UTC
No it’s not because of what trump said 
2021-03-20 16:35:11 UTC
Frankly, the violence is probably due to the media focusing on this issue.
Taylor Jonney
2021-03-20 12:41:01 UTC
You people are stupid.
2021-03-20 05:43:27 UTC
The suspect already admitted that he had a sexual addiction and was angry about it because he was highly religious. He saw the massage parlors as temptation and decided to get rid of them. If anything, it appears as though he liked Asian women TOO much. Was not racially motivated, please stop pushing divisive rhetoric over racism when there was none. Do some basic reading. None of this was hidden information, it was all in the story. You're ignorant and should be embarrassed.
2021-03-19 20:59:59 UTC
There is a lot of violence in America period. This is something I think a lot of people fail to recognize, especially gun violence. That’s why gun control is such a hotly debated topic here. 

People are looking at the victims, and that’s important - mostly Asian women. The discrimination that both women and minorities face are because of issues with social justice and white privilege.  And, yes, Trump definitely contributed to that, on purpose, to mobilize political support. The racism and sexism was already there - he just opened the wounds more to take advantage. 

But, who we should mostly be looking at are the perpetrators. In gun violence, the statistics are pretty clear - mostly white males of various ages.  It is more a reflection of white rage than hostile racism, which is an important distinction. 

If a person is targeted by a group for their race, gender, or sexuality, that is a hostile hate crime. Matthew Shepherd is an excellent example, who was beaten to death for being gay. In these cases, it is a mentality (by the perpetrators) that the individual inspired the crime with their behavior, that makes them different. 

When white rage happens, a person takes out their anger on random strangers of a group. They’re both hate crimes, but the psychology of the criminal is different. In white rage cases, the perpetrator is more indifferent to their victims, feeling entitled by their own privilege, to take out their anger on anyone they deem to be the cause of their problems. They blame the entire group rather than singling out one individual. 

White rage rises when the rights of minorities increases to the point when it begins to be felt by the majority. The most threatened individuals are those with the most social power, especially if it’s one of their only claims to privilege. This means that poorer and less advantaged white males are probably more prone to white rage than white women or men with greater means. 

Although, individual psychology and upbringing  also comes into play. If a person accumulates wealth but still has a blue collar mentality, they may also be more sensitive to shifts in power, feeling that their status is less stable. Also, sociopaths may be inclined to be inspired or take advantage of mass shooter trends for their own fame or motives (Las Vegas shooter).

In some ways, I do think the origin of the coronavirus is just an excuse to express rage toward Asians by the perpetrators. An educated person knows there are number of factors that led to this pandemic, including a spread from China, but that doesn’t make it China’s or any Asian person’s fault. It could have originated anywhere, and failure of health policies is the main cause. 

The main cause of gun violence in America is white rage (and sexism) and the ubiquitousness of guns here. There are always going to be bad people that use politics and social inequality as excuses to commit crimes. And, yes, even without guns. But, we just make it so easy for them. Why?

I also just wanted to add that class inequality is a big reason, too. I said the increased rights of minorities, but this could be relative when the middle class is getting smaller, and the upper class is further away. In other words, the minorities are just a scapegoat for increasing class divide. 
2021-03-19 17:22:15 UTC
There’s no violence towards Asians. Stop exploiting a rare situation and claim it’s racism
2021-03-19 17:04:15 UTC
Anything to blame trump he lives rent free in your tiny heads
2021-03-19 15:39:24 UTC
No.  it is because of the Democrats.
2021-03-18 15:36:43 UTC
One more thing you should know about adjectives is that, sometimes, a word that is normally used as a noun can function as an adjective, depending on its placement. For example:

Never try to pet someone’s guide dog without asking permission first.

Guide is a noun. But in this sentence, it modifies dog. It works the other way, too. Some words that are normally adjectives can function as nouns:

Candice is working on a fundraiser to help the homeless.

In the context of this sentence, homeless is functioning as a noun. It can be hard to wrap your head around this if you think of adjectives and nouns only as particular classes of words. But the terms “adjective” and “noun” aren’t just about a word’s form—they’re also about its function.
2021-03-18 12:00:10 UTC
Who knows?  And NO.  (Also screw CNN)

They caught the shooter and he said he was addicted to massage parlors and was trying to remove temptation.  Hey, if he's nuts enough to shoot random people down, he's nuts enough for a motive like that.

@ Pat:  BE CAREFUL.  "Oriental" is considered a racist term.  But you didn't mean it like THAT, did you?  Neither do most people you think are racist because they may use terms they grew up with but you don't like.
Armchair Goddess #1
2021-03-18 11:05:34 UTC
Yes, the upswing in violence by white nationalist militants against our nation's Asian-Americans has been directly tied to the brat-bully Donald Trump scapegoating Chinese people for the pandemic he chose to ignore.  Hate-speak sometimes does resonate with low-self-esteem individuals who want to blame envied, innocent others for personal flaws---it is very NAZI-like, unfortunately.  We each can counter this type of domestic terrorism by reaching out to those being targeted to make sure they know we support their culture and their presence.
2021-03-18 10:56:13 UTC
it's simple. people are racist and hateful. and extreme violence from men is nothing new
2021-03-18 06:26:12 UTC
Each violent act warrants its own investigation as to why it was committed, but lets explore the question anyway. It's worth a recap.

The 21 year-old individual responsible for the recent Atlanta serial shooting incident did not identify race as his motive. He was apparently angry about his addiction to massage parlors.

Nevertheless, successive acts of violence toward Asians may produce a copycat effect, regardless of original causes, wherein repeated acts become the only necessary justification for more. An attempt to find a single original cause is tempting, but potentially misleading. Here's why:

The problem with Trump as a cause, is that his comments about the "China virus" were aimed at the CCP and its involvement with SARS research in a Wuhan lab.  He was also concerned about China's response to the Wuhan outbreak, which included allowing too much international travel during Chinese New Year celebrations. Unfortunately, these distinctions were not carefully drawn, or they were poorly articulated, even if they were considered.

Major news media and political opponents branded Trump's statements as racist and xenophobic, which obscured the original intent, and conflated the confrontational rhetoric with a general distaste for all things Chinese, including the Chinese people. I doubt that was the plan, but the genie that may have been conjured to further shame China during a trade war, could not be put back into the bottle.

As the pandemic worsened, there was an increasing tendency of Trump's enemies to hold him responsible for the crisis. In turn, he deflected the blame to "China," which by extension was taken as anti-Chinese sentiment. This cycle was repeated and intensified over time, with neither side expressing any willingness to back down, or to unite against a common enemy.

Therefor, a broad and incendiary statement by the President, combined with the overreaction on the part of his detractors, created a dysfunctional environment that arguably, may have negatively affected the response of the CCP and its US counterparts to the pandemic, while serving as an excuse for more racism and violence to some among our underclass. A snowball effect was underway.

There is already a great deal of anti-American sentiment among the Chinese, due in part to the CCP's desire to further stoke the rivalry that already exists between our two countries. I do not think Trump wanted to create or intensify mutual hatred, as much as he wanted to score political points within the context of the trade war, which was still a bigger issue at the time. 

The bottom line is, a gradual erosion of respect between two large nations may have many origins, but the common effect is a cheapening of the Chinese people themselves within US culture. I fear it is also spilling over into our relations with neutral parties and allies in Asia as a whole, and within Asian communities here in America. It is beginning to remind me of the anti-Asian sentiment that followed Pearl Harbor during WW2.

So, while I do not believe Trump is entirely to blame for recent hostilities against Asians, I do believe his statements are symptomatic of an ongoing problem in America and abroad that he may have unwittingly exacerbated. 
2021-03-18 05:30:57 UTC
I attribute attacks to Communist China 's egregious human rights violations inside China and initial deliberate cover up of China Virus.  

But the unelected dictator Xi and its regime are not qualified to represent China and the Chinese people, which means dictator Xi and its regime doesn't equal China and the Chinese people, not to mention Chinese Americans here, and others overseas anywhere in the world, even Asians.

As  for Trump, he  soon called this virus from " Chinese Virus “ to " China Virus" later. Chinese Virus is easily mistaken for racism, but China Virus not, instead directly targets Communist China.
2021-03-18 02:29:13 UTC
Trump certainly did not help and had exacerbated racial tensions.  Also, since Asian people seem harmless and easily blamed because of this pandemic, the women and the elderly are an easy target.  But, regardless of the shooter's motive, for some white guys, there is a sense of entitlement to fetishized about Asian women.  You see it in movies and tv programs and in porn.  In other words, Asian women were an easy target because of the shooter's hatred towards women who he saw as less than human.....they were nothing to him.  I see a lot of answers sugar coating the incident, this is exactly what I'm talking about.  Again, there are some Americans who see attacks on Asians as no big deal and they just don't care and probably some people think it's funny.   
2021-03-17 23:11:10 UTC
I'm sure some of it is, but let's not just single out whites and conservatives, shall we? 

From what I understand the person who assaulted that Asian man in the subway, carving up his face, was an African American. His face mask had the same pattern as the hat from the Scumbag Steve meme. 

I know white racism exists, but just because you're more disgusted by racists that look or sound like Trump doesn't mean you should ignore all the other racists who are people of color. 
2021-03-17 18:45:42 UTC
I never saw violence against Asians where I live.  I went to school with some in the 1960s and 1970s.  They were treated like everybody else.  What's going on in America nowadays??
2021-03-17 18:11:58 UTC
Wouldn't happen to be about drugs and gangs would it just racist all the time because some just want to commit crimes against others and get away with it because it is part of their religion or culture that spills over into other religions and cultures and so the revolving door or revolutions continue meaning wheel like not violence...

2021-03-17 13:14:02 UTC
No.  It is because of what Michelle Obama and his husband said.
2021-03-17 12:28:39 UTC
Massage parlors habitually employ Asian women, so if someone's shooting up massage parlors, chances are many of the victims will be Asian.

In fact, a recent New York Times article pointed out that there hasn't been as much of a rise in violence against Asians as some people are claiming.  One of the West Coast incidents was reported as involving an Asian, but the victim was Hispanic.

Still, there has been SOME increase, and this may be attributed to the virus.
2021-03-17 12:08:12 UTC
Democrat on Democrat 'mostly peaceful' violence in Democrat - non Trump voting areas - MUST BE the 'fault of' an ex Democrat Trump (and his non Democrat voters) and Reagan before him*
2021-03-21 16:06:43 UTC
The person who shot those six Asian women in Atlanta was a racist. He wasn't a racist in the traditional sense that he hated Asians. He was a racist because, like many Americans, he did not see Asians as human beings. He saw them as objects solely for his sexual gratification, and killing them was no different from throwing away a sex toy. That was the only way a coward like him could stomach the thought of pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger. That's why he targeted Asian spas. He never saw them as human beings with brothers and sisters and children who loved them, with hopes and dreams, with the shared pain of the human condition. As a religious person, it never dawned on him that these are also children of God. How could they be? To him, they were just objects that existed solely to please him, as he's been told his entire life by a pervasive culture of dehumanizing caricatures. That's why he can kill them just because he had a "bad day." It meant nothing to him, just like it means nothing to most of you. This is the way that Americans have viewed Asians for decades, and it needs to end now. 

I don't believe that the Atlanta shootings had much if anything to do with Donald Trump or China. It was part of a larger problem that predates Trump. However, Trump may be the motivating figure for some of those who attacked Asians at random and called them coronavirus. 
2021-03-19 22:31:26 UTC
I believe so...
2021-03-18 12:07:59 UTC
No , the Asian massage parlor girls laughed when they saw that guy’s little wiener and he got mad and came back and killed them all
2021-03-18 07:52:28 UTC
This wasn't racially motivated... They were prostitutes, he was in rehab for addiction in that. He only did it because of that had nothing to do with race
tony b
2021-03-18 00:09:04 UTC
trump the jackass certainly didn't help matters any nor his idiot supporters
Ogami Itto
2021-03-17 23:54:06 UTC
Asians are now being demonized by leftists now as being as privileged as whites.
2021-03-17 21:47:42 UTC
Difficult to get a direct correlation there, but he has ignited the racial anger for sure, don't know if we can blame him on this one. They haven't even released a motive yet.
2021-03-17 15:54:40 UTC
Harry ButtsForever. Then explain the white on Asian crime and insults.

Yes it is directly related to Trumps big mouth

Being married to an Asiam for over 40 years i find it funny she never had any problems until Trumps stupid remarks about  immigrants and the China flu
2021-03-17 12:08:39 UTC
Yes, he kept saying "China Virus" or "Kung Flu"....I bet if the Swine Flu  of 2009 epidemic got worst, he would have called it the "Mexico Flu" or some crap like that...
Eugene D
2021-03-17 12:03:08 UTC
Ask the people that attacked them.  Don't let CNN tell you who is responsible, they don't know.  All they do is say, "Hey, some Asians were killed, we can blame Trump for that."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.