Do you not like Obama because it's the cool thing to do?
2010-06-29 12:36:15 UTC
When Obama was voted into office it was because people liked him because it was the 'cool' thing to do. Now, do you NOT like him because it's the 'cool' thing to do? I've yet to here one logical argument as to why Obama is a bad President. He has done what the people who elected him into office wanted him to do.

I just remember that nobody would hear anyone else out as to why they voted for Obama and if we gave the reason that we liked his plans (which are being implemented - then we were stupid and just voted for him because it was obviously the 'cool' thing to do (not to mention the lame attempt from McCain and Palin to go on SNL after calling Obama the celebrity).

So now that you all like to hate Obama and like to point out that all your friends and everyone you know hate him too (because he's obviously a socialist fascist - what?) but can't give any truly logical points to back up your reasoning, should it just be assumed you hate him because it's 'cool'?

When are you going to turn off the news and pay attention to what is truly happening without having someone else have to make the conclusion for you?
Seventeen answers:
2010-06-29 13:12:42 UTC
No, I do not like Obama because he is a socialist.

2010-06-29 19:38:59 UTC
Simple. The rules of this forums should be :

1. Be extremely partisan - ignore what is actually going on and base all comments on who's doing it. Anything Republicans or Democrats do is automatically Bad; if Obama gives $10B for renewable energy, it's obviously part of his secret agenda to make the USA a dictatorship.

2a. Everything is a plot. Every news event has been orchestrated to divert attention from something else. Ignore the fact that none of these ‘diversions’ ever work.

2b. The govt can suborn every civil servant, judge, cop and reporter to their ends. Every day. Twice on Sunday.

3. Forum posters have more education, expertise and knowledge than a 747 full of Nobel Laureates. No matter what the topic, experts are *always* wrong and they are generally working for The New World Order.)

4a. Facts are passé. Being able to produce real evidence is far less important than impassioned rhetoric and flaming accusations.

4b. If you simply must produce evidence, quotes from sites that themselves give no proof are ideal. They avoid being labeled as a ‘tool of the MSM’. Or something like that.

5. Personal attacks show your intelligence. Terms like ‘Obozo’, ‘sheeple’ ‘conservatards’ and ‘Lieberals’ are clever. They are not stale or juvenile. Accusing Biden of stupidity is fair and contributes a lot to the health and continuity of this forum.

6. All channels are biased against both left and the right at the same time.

7. Everybody knows that there are hundreds of govt spies skewing voting results. Complain a lot about that. This will assure change for the best

8. All evil stems from Obama, USA, Israel and Wall Street. All of it, including hangnails. Proof is unnecessary and quite frankly, irrelevant.

9. Spelling and grammar are stuffy affections. Semi-literate rants are far better, especially if ALL IN CAPITALS and with multiple exclamation marks!!!!

10. Logic is for sissies. Refrain. Exaggerate.

11. If somebody disagrees with you, they're clearly rednecks. Slander away.
2010-06-29 19:46:42 UTC
While I didn't vote for Obama, I didn't have anything personally against him. In fact, I admired his speaking skills a lot.

But as time goes on, I have frankly, developed an intense dislike for him. I have seen increasing evidence of his narcissism and ego, of his lack of respect for the office, of his petty tantrums that are so totally unpresidential, and how disconnected he is from the REAL concerns of the people of this country. I have looked on with growing concern with the types and character of people he has brought in to advise him... bearing in mind his own admonitions during the election to judge him by the people he surrounds himself with. And above all things, I am appalled to have a President who rather than be the main advocate for our country, we see him criticizing and apologizing for us in every public forum.

There is nothing "cool" in disliking AND distrusting our President. I take no joy in feeling this way, but this man is setting us on a road that could very well destroy our way of life. And that's definitely NOT cool.
2010-06-29 19:57:38 UTC
I think that most young people still do like him, and if you have to compare those who don't like him, like the tea party for instance then I think you can define what is cool and what is not, the tea party is the definition of uncool, these people hate Obama based on racial hatred and misinformation courtesy of Fox news, they blurt out such nonsensical garbage that it probably has other nations watching laughing like hell at how utterly backward and uncool some Americans so obviously are!!!
2010-06-29 19:45:36 UTC
this is what i found: Overall, 48% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove. (that's 'The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday, June 29, 2010')
2010-06-29 19:41:13 UTC
I have never liked him, even when it was as you say "cool". He is a bad President because he has no experience and is too far to the left for the good of this country.

I don't care about being "cool" when it comes to politics. I have been a libertarian for a long time, which has been seen as "uncool" by both sides until recent acceptance by the Republican party. Only little liberal brats care about what is "cool" and "uncool" politically and that is why we have the disaster of a President we have now.
2010-06-29 19:39:27 UTC
No, I 've never felt the need to be "cool."

I prefer to think for myself and make decisions based on facts.

And, while I don't like some of President Obama's views and actions, I do not dislike him as a person. I believe he is doing what he thinks is best. I just simply disagree with him about many of his ideas.
2010-06-29 19:50:26 UTC
I didn't like obama when he first started and I still don't and I NEVER WILL like the bastard !! He is becoming hitler number two and american is becoming a dictatorship. There goes your freedom. How are you enjoying obama's "change?"
2010-06-29 19:39:40 UTC
When Obama campaigned for president, his slogan was awfully trendy and it seemed to be the hip thing to do to fit in with the crowd.

but now the trendy thing to do is to trash Obama.

now the "cool" thing to do is turn against the Democrats before they even have time to get any work done.
2010-06-29 19:39:23 UTC
Just look at most of the questions on this board, they are not even looking for answers. Most people here are just looking for an ego boost. It is in style to be anti-government, emo.
2010-06-29 19:41:08 UTC
No, I didn't like Obama when he was the best thing since sliced bread.
Deplorable and Proud
2010-06-29 19:39:24 UTC
I think it's cool to be defensive about your country against those who attempt to destroy her, so YES, that's why I don't like him.
2010-06-29 19:38:57 UTC

By now his ineptness should be obvious even to the furriest sheep.
2010-06-29 19:38:14 UTC
Who's Obama?

I thought our president was, Barack America!
2010-06-29 19:47:54 UTC
Easy answer,, it's Bush's fault.
2010-06-29 19:37:30 UTC
No, I don't like obama because he's full of crap.
2010-06-29 19:37:57 UTC
I liked him then because he was a great man, great pres candidate. I still like him, because he's a great pres.

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