Why do people still buy into this global warming garbage?
2013-07-07 01:58:14 UTC
We now know the so-called "experts" on the IPCC were almost entirely not involved in climate science with most of them not even being scientists at all.

We know they falsified data and that temperatures have actually decreased over the last 15 years.

We know the Earth has been warming since at least the 1600s

We know there is a growing movement among scientists who reject the global warming model (which now numbers 31,000).

Currently 40% of scientists and growing.

And the guy who basically created modern environmentalism has called the current theory "drivel" and says environmentalists behave as if they are a religion.
Nine answers:
2013-07-07 02:02:59 UTC
Because they want the few people that still have an income to give it to the statists so they can supposedly play god and fix it. It's a progressivist scam to rip off the people.
The Mighty Keyboard Warrior
2013-07-07 09:08:25 UTC
The reason I "buy into it", is that I've had a look around, and most of the arguments against it seem to be coming from very questionable quarters: conspiracy theory blogs, crazy right wing pundits, people employed by oil companies etc.

They are also often incoherent and contradictory. One person will argue the globe isn't warming, the next will admit it is but then go on to say it will stop soon, the third will argue that it is warming but it's a good thing. It doesn't make much sense to me.

While on the other hand, most of the more reputable scientists seem to agree that human induced warming is in some sense happening and we should be doing something about it:

When I have a look at publication like New Scientist, Science, Scientific American, as well as organisation like NASA and so on, and they are expressing concern about climate change and proposing sensible action to circumvent it, it seems very convincing. Then if I compare that to a angry person on a blog screeching that is all part of a NWO liberal-communist plot to take over the world, I think I'd be forgiven for going with the scientists.

EDIT: "When you separate the political arguments and he scientific arguments you see the vast majority of those advocating global warming are non-scientists who do so for political reasons."

^ Blatant lies like this do not help convince me:
2013-07-09 02:34:14 UTC
The National Association of Scholars? Are you kidding me? You actually used that right wing propaganda site as a source? That's funny. Scholars they are not.
2013-07-07 09:08:54 UTC
Your sources contradict each other, and do not say what you say they mean. Specifically, Climate scientists do agree that the earth is warming, they are just uncertain of the human contribution to it. The petition project is composed largely of scientists in fields that have nothing to do with climatology (dentists are even there), and many have refuted ever having signed it all.

I agree that the environmental "doomsday" is far exaggerated, but as Lovelock (the scientist in your last link) affirmed:

"Anthropogenic global warming is occurring and that mankind must lower its greenhouse gas emissions." - taken directly from the article you linked.
Victor Meldrew
2013-07-07 09:03:13 UTC
Because all of the thousands of scientists that do not believe in Global warming are geologists that make their living off of fossil fuels.

97% of climatologists agree it real with the real numbers here.
2013-07-07 09:04:06 UTC
Global warming is real. Whether you believe it's man-made, naturally occurring or both, we must do something about it.
2013-07-07 08:59:28 UTC
The way I see it, so-called “global warming” is just a secret ploy by wacko tree huggers to make America energy independent, clean our air and water, improve the fuel efficiency of our vehicles, kick-start 21st century industries, and make our cities safer and more livable. Don’t et them get away with it! ~ Chip Giller, Founder of

Climate change: How do we know?

97 percent of scientific studies agree on manmade global warming

2013-07-07 09:00:49 UTC
They would rather trust so-called scientists than ExxonMobil funded PR agents, ExxonMobil is paying GOOD MONEY for these people, so how dare any of you don't believe them 100%. FACT.
2013-07-07 08:59:55 UTC
Because its real

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