How could the "Left" ever think they were smarter?
2009-10-16 12:13:15 UTC
MIT Professor of Linguistics Dr. Noam Chompsky, speaking at the Commonwealth Club of SAN FRANCISCO, started calling Conservatives "Nazis". You'd think he could, as an expert word-smith do a little better than the typical Lib name calling.
But he is only the latest in a Progressive tradition of name-calling, insult, and innuendo against any major dissenters that threaten the Lefts socialist agenda.
Bush was derided and ridiculed as a dumbie when he had better grades at a big University than Al Gore or John Carrie, both of whom lost Presidential elections to that "dumba**".
The leftists have a propensity to declare their intellectual superiority, yet look at the goofs our genious VP Biden makes...for example,asking a wheel chair case to stand and wave at the crowd.

Now we have a Harvard guy as President, yet he refuses to release his academic records (too many "C's" and "D's" ?) And this rookie still blames Bush for the lousy economy almost a year after taking over.
How about some intellectual honesty instead of vitrvitriolme-calling, and playing the blame-game.

What say you America?
Please opine with pithy comments from anywhere in the world anytime anytime if so oincinclinedd when answering, please don't the No Spin Zone.
31 answers:
2009-10-16 12:26:02 UTC
The left tries to come off as "smarter" for one very simple reason:

Their agenda is usually not very popular among Americans.

Therefore, the best thing to do in a situation like that, is to proclaim "superior intelligence" on the Left and "Stupidity" on the right.

How do you proclaim superior intelligence? By taking over the the public Universities. After 20 years, not only will you look smart, but as a bonus, you will have indoctrinated some impressionable kids into the left-wing agenda.

And I must admit, it was a smart idea. So why on Earth did the right not think of it first?
2009-10-16 12:39:19 UTC
We tend to think we're smarter because we use carefully framed arguments based on fact as opposed to the distortions and half-truths we see so much from the right.

Everyone has the right to blame anything on anything or anyone. As far as I understand any American would blame President Bush for the spending which ruined America's economy. If someone blames someone unrelated to his government, like Obama, I would say they were definitely grinding some other axe.

Obama graduated from Harvard Law Magna *** Laude, which is top 10% of the class. Why isn't that good enough for you? Which hoop does a black man need to jump through before they can be president in your country?

If your main point were intended to be only that there are plenty of dumbies on the left, and that even the great Chomsky uses the wrong word now and again, I would agree with you.
2009-10-16 12:54:32 UTC
Truth is what you want, right? OK, pal, here it is:

1. Chomsky is outrageous. Always has been. He is a flaming liberal, so not a fair sample of all liberals or most liberals. I have greatly disliked Chomsky since I took a class from one of his students (Janet Fodor) at Harvard in 1967.

2. Liberals in general tend to be better schooled than conservatives in general. More years in school, more advanced topics, greater academic attainment, you tell me how you want to measure it, it doesn't matter, by any measure liberals are more educated in general.

3. Does this mean that every rabble scrabble ACORN street rouser is more educated than every student at George Mason, or Univ of Chicago, or Pepperdine? No it just means that the bell curves are displaced a bit to the high side for libs and to the lower side for conservatives. It does not apply to each and every individual case.

4. So are libs smarter than conservatives? No, not by any measurement I've ever seen. The natural IQ bell curve is not divided out according to political views, never has been. So, we just don't know. Maybe someday a reliable large scale study will be done. If it is, I doubt very much that a statistically significant difference will be found.

5. So conservatives are not as dumb as they appear. They do appear to be amazingly dumb, but they are not significantly different from libs if we are talking about natural intelligence. Educationally, they seem retarded, and that's because many of them live in states that place and extremely low value on education (The South, the Bible Belt, the Jesusland Zone out West). Most libs come from states that place an extremely high value on Education (New England, Minnesota, the West Coast). So conservatives seem much dumber than they actually are. So do most people at the Mall. And most at Lonely Answers Club.

6. One need not be a vitriolic rookie to blame Bush for the lousy economy which was caused largely by Financial Industry Collapses and Moral Bankrupcy, which was caused by outrageous lapses in regulatory action at the SEC, FDIC, Fed, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and DOJ during the 8 long years of G.W. Bush.

7. You finger is about to write an untrue remark about me being a lib, which would be a false calumny. I ran on the same ticket as Ronald Reagan, and won when he won. I was a liason to the RNC. I am a classical conservative, but no extremist, and not a cultural conservative. I am a tiny bit to the right on center. Mostly I just believe in good people and good policies, and I find the big ideologies utterly devoid of practical utility -- they tell me nothing about what works here and now.
2009-10-16 15:04:58 UTC
They think so much OF their mental faculties that they have nearly forgotten how to USE those faculties; which in part explains their naivety, arrogance and Bigotry. As to how they got that way; the poor B******* were repeatedly lied to during their formative years and told that embracing the leftist ideology automatically "Proves their Intellectual Superiority" to those who were questioning "The Natural and Manifest Truth" of "Democratic Socialism"
Rada S
2009-10-16 16:11:22 UTC
Liberalism is an incurable disease.....

...They believe in abortion but not capital punishment for murders

...They are immoral and sleaze around....but a Christian married women is a slut because she runs for Vice President..

...They want to feed the poor...but not with their money...

...They want to be Green...but don't think they are going to use one square of toilet paper...Do as I say not as I do.

Fact: the higher your IQ the more morals you will have and the more logical you will be. ...Many Libs are Liberal so they can get away without having morals...and if they are smarter they definitely don't use that smartness for anything smart.....
Fox News Watcher 2
2009-10-16 12:40:56 UTC
haaaa,,,glorious BILL,,,,haaa,,,and NO the letterman staffers details never came out of the closet. but lets not forget republicans finest RUSH LIMBAUGH the man of the real nobel peace prize in football.

Its liberal greatness BILL,,,,,but that does include Pelosi and franks. It might include BUSH<43> as he was considered a liberal in his days. SA LAM amigo dino
2009-10-16 12:18:43 UTC
You will be hard pressed to get any intelligent answers from the liberal left. All of the things they're complaining about today , are things they themselves did for 8 years during Bush's 2-terms. For YEARS they went out of their way to call Bush a chump, a chimp, a moron, an idiot, a terrorist, a Nazi, and insinuated that he allowed the 911 attacks to take place as an excuse to invade Iraq 15 months later. Yet by simply disagreeing with Obama's policies, liberals will accuse you of being a racist or a Nazi. And not just any liberal will make these accusations! You'll have former president Jimmy Carter calling you a racist or our current Speaker Of the House Nancy Pelosi accusing you of being a Nazi! It's becoming painfully obvious that liberals only have tollerance for the opinions they agree with.
2009-10-16 12:48:43 UTC
Sorry, I am on the left, and I happen to know what my actual IQ. You can try to apply this to some on the left, but you better look both ways before crossing the street, my dear man.

2009-10-16 12:24:23 UTC
People with real intelligence don't go around spouting off about it. They are too smart for that. They know considering yourself educated is actually an ignorant point of view because no one can ever know enough.
Lefty's last stand
2009-10-16 12:28:37 UTC
I am sorry but you are an Idiot Most republicans are rednecks from the south who never finished 5th grade. They vote republican cause they think they will pay less in taxes when in actuality the programs those taxes pay for keep them off the street begging for food. And your so called "top one percent" Top one percent of what? People in general? Of people in the US? What are you talking about seriously you need to turn in your I am entitled to my opinion card because buddy you are to stupid to have one.
Nom de Plume
2009-10-16 12:20:21 UTC
Sometime a fellow liberal will do or say something to make me wonder if we really that much more intelligent. then I read a question like yours, and I realize, we are more intelligent, but that's not necessarily something to brag about. A can of Easy cheese is more intelligent then conservatives.
2009-10-16 12:16:30 UTC
Why else do you think they have to "self proclaim" their intelligence.....because if it were true others would do it for them.

I know I'm very intelligent, but I would never go around trying to say how smart I am and how dumb someone else is, thats just pathetic and indicative of someone who is not....You think Einstein went around telling everyone how great he was? No, if you actually met the guy you would have thought he was a bum.
2009-10-16 12:19:12 UTC
Can you provide a link to the report cards of Bush, Gore, and Kerry?
A Modest Proposer
2009-10-16 12:24:43 UTC
The fact that you use a poorly begotten generalization as conclusive proof of your assertions purports to the idea that you are a moron.
2009-10-16 12:18:45 UTC
Bill, when you're right, you're right, but you don't have to go so far as the name calling to figure out they aren't as smart as they insist they are. Ever notice that the ones who claim intellectual superiority tend to be those who can't even use the spell check that Yahoo provides them? People who have to remind others often that they are superior, usually aren't.
2009-10-16 12:23:02 UTC
could say the same about that republican woman who called obama a nazi and got shout down by barney frank
2009-10-16 12:18:20 UTC
A political pundit (entertainer) denouncing presumption and name-calling?

This is the most hypocritical piece of trash I've read all day.

Did O'Reilly spell "so oincinclinedd" that way, or was the copy and paste a little too challenging?
2009-10-16 12:19:02 UTC
LOL. I hope you are a troll. The "right' is just as bad.

Letterman is an entertainer just like Rush. Either represent any political party or ideology.
2009-10-16 12:39:14 UTC
Fact: the more educated you are, the more likely you are to be a liberal.
Anti Censorship
2009-10-16 12:16:37 UTC
Its just a lie they feed to themselves to make them feel better. If the left is so smart why are the so called top 1% of the nation mostly Republican?

Their smart but not smart enough to be the best is that it?
2009-10-16 12:20:05 UTC
Here is a Real Dem. Nazi, Robert Reichhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Gonna let you die
2009-10-16 12:45:24 UTC
haha you said the left and think in the same sentence. they LEFT DOESTN THINK!. they have not a speck of logic
2009-10-16 12:18:13 UTC
Oh hay, awesome.

Lets cherry-pick some radical liberals and then pretend that everyone left of Rush Limbaugh is just as nuts!

That sounds like a great plan!

2009-10-16 12:17:56 UTC
They compare themselves to the Einsteins on the Right.
2009-10-16 12:17:41 UTC
Uhm, for one, you can't graduate Magna *** Laude with a "C" average. Also, it is no coincidence that "liberals" go on to earn more post-graduate degrees than "conservatives".

Spinning can work against you because it moves in a circle, you know?
Ol Scratch
2009-10-16 12:20:58 UTC
What about your sexual harassment Bill? HMME?
2009-10-16 12:18:33 UTC
Chomsky correctly had the Nazi movement pegged as right wing.

Question FAIL.
2009-10-16 12:16:47 UTC
Democrats always pretend to know things, when in actuality they are uneducated people who follow pop culture.
2009-10-16 12:17:53 UTC
With the rants and name calling coming from right wing talk radio - you have no complaint against the left.
2009-10-16 12:16:53 UTC
2 words for you. Sarah Palin.
2009-10-16 12:16:33 UTC
Ignorant confidence. They are so confident in themselves that they can't see they are horribly wrong.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.