Truth is what you want, right? OK, pal, here it is:
1. Chomsky is outrageous. Always has been. He is a flaming liberal, so not a fair sample of all liberals or most liberals. I have greatly disliked Chomsky since I took a class from one of his students (Janet Fodor) at Harvard in 1967.
2. Liberals in general tend to be better schooled than conservatives in general. More years in school, more advanced topics, greater academic attainment, you tell me how you want to measure it, it doesn't matter, by any measure liberals are more educated in general.
3. Does this mean that every rabble scrabble ACORN street rouser is more educated than every student at George Mason, or Univ of Chicago, or Pepperdine? No it just means that the bell curves are displaced a bit to the high side for libs and to the lower side for conservatives. It does not apply to each and every individual case.
4. So are libs smarter than conservatives? No, not by any measurement I've ever seen. The natural IQ bell curve is not divided out according to political views, never has been. So, we just don't know. Maybe someday a reliable large scale study will be done. If it is, I doubt very much that a statistically significant difference will be found.
5. So conservatives are not as dumb as they appear. They do appear to be amazingly dumb, but they are not significantly different from libs if we are talking about natural intelligence. Educationally, they seem retarded, and that's because many of them live in states that place and extremely low value on education (The South, the Bible Belt, the Jesusland Zone out West). Most libs come from states that place an extremely high value on Education (New England, Minnesota, the West Coast). So conservatives seem much dumber than they actually are. So do most people at the Mall. And most at Lonely Answers Club.
6. One need not be a vitriolic rookie to blame Bush for the lousy economy which was caused largely by Financial Industry Collapses and Moral Bankrupcy, which was caused by outrageous lapses in regulatory action at the SEC, FDIC, Fed, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and DOJ during the 8 long years of G.W. Bush.
7. You finger is about to write an untrue remark about me being a lib, which would be a false calumny. I ran on the same ticket as Ronald Reagan, and won when he won. I was a liason to the RNC. I am a classical conservative, but no extremist, and not a cultural conservative. I am a tiny bit to the right on center. Mostly I just believe in good people and good policies, and I find the big ideologies utterly devoid of practical utility -- they tell me nothing about what works here and now.