Illegals are busy cutting ranchers' fences, throwing garbage all over ranchers' pastures, killing ranchers' cattle and eating them, gacking up windmill tanks bathing in them which denies the cattle their water, breaking into ranchers' houses and raiding their refrigerators, stealing ranchers' trucks, knocking over liquor stores, kidnapping people, peddling dope, decapitating people in apartments in Phoenix, gunning down ranchers and Border Patrol Agents, driving drunk with no license or insurance on our roads, committing other garden-variety felonies, educating their kids in our schools on our property taxpayer's dime, sitting in our emergency rooms with no intention of paying a red cent toward the bill, living in our HUD housing and using our food stamps on falsified documents...
AND LIBERALS KEEP SAYING THE TRICK IS TO QUIT HIRING THEM. Which ones of them are working, and how do they have time to work while they're doing all that?