For 200+ years up until Columbine & 9/11 there weren't of an issue with mass shootings , until this great shift towards Identity Politics at it's ugliest levels played by (D). Thanks to Jihadist (Tsarnaev, Mateen, Farook...) , wannabe supremist, & socialist intent to cause chaos & murder the frequency adds to the disgruntled & bullied (columbine, Virginia tech, Washington Navy Yard). Times have change where children in gun clubs learn discipline & marksmanship in school's that administer discipline, honor, & self humility practically are rare or non existent in todays computer era.
(D)s argues that other countries don't have problems that the US is having. Liberia, Somalia, South Sudan, South Africa, & the Congo is Far worst. In the middle east people don't have much freedom. Japan, China or Russia don't have mass shooting occurring regularly because they don't play Identity politics against themselves. Muslims are closely monitored in these countries, nor are they taking Muslim refugees from south Asia, central Asia, & South East Asia where bombings are in much higher frequency than U.S. mass shootings. Japanese, Chinese, & Russian media/education don't follow the William Randolph Hearst approach to journalism that CNN, MSNBC, Daily Kos... do. Japan doesn't vilify their children as some kind of entitled monsters because of the atrocity of WWII. China doesn't play the victimhood line for eternity rather than play the victim they seek to surpass. Russia didn't import sub Saharan slaves. The descendants of Russian slaves (serfs) that were freed don't play victim. Discipline is still highly enforced through tradition & custom in many non western countries having a strong sense of PATRIOTISM. Japan, China, & Russia have severe punishment for any degree of murder/manslaughter specially when guns are used. The US has abandoned discipline, self reliance, & accountability vilifying PATRIOTISM. America helped Saved the world from Imperial Japan & NAZI Germany. The children/grand children of those that fought in both fronts to preserve the US constitution & US sovereign are being vilified simply because they are born of European stock. Britain, Spain, & France conquered & colonized the Americas & had settlers of European stock manage & worked the land. The 13 colonies under the British Empire was the first in the Americas to secede from the European powers & created the U.S. constitution & the bill of rights, a document that Makes America Great so long as socialist are kept at bay.
Criminal or Terroristic acts committed by individuals or groups should be condemned & severely punished. Proudly preserving one's ethnic Culture, History, Achievements & Contribution should not be condemned as every ethnicity engages in these behavior no matter how huge or miniscule their cultural impact is in the world. Middle Eastern, (Hebrew, Arabs, Turks, Persians), East Asians, South Asians, & Europeans are very proud groups due to their Ancient History & revolutionary achievements.
Middle Eastern Civilization had a head start in building Civilization, but was surpassed by Asians & Europeans shortly after. At the advent of the industrial revolution due to Newcomen & Trevithick's Steam engines, Europe & Europeanized America & Australia left every great civilizations behind, until when China reclaims it.
Amerindians built their own impressive civilization, but were still far behind middle Eastern, Asians, & Europeans due to the lack of Iron tech/metallurgy, written language & the wheel until contact with Europeans. Sub Sahara Africa was way behind everyone else. Feelings may be hurt, but facts are facts everyone should accept their short comings & others great achievement to grow in maturity & move forward.
In North Africa & Arabia, Sub Saharans Africans are at the bottom of favorability, but it's not primarily about skin tone. It's also about behavior, not having to have created a written language and build great civilizations independently that rivals other great civilizations. Arabs created the standards of beauty when purchasing Wives & Harems putting Eastern Europeans on top, Northern Europeans/Scandinavian 2nd, Assyrians, Persians, East Asians 3rd, Tuaregs, Yemenis, South & S/E Asians (Indians/Indochinese) 4th, Mestizos teeters between 3rd & 4th, Mulattos teeters between 4th & 5th depending on percentage of add mixtures, Australoid & Sub Saharan are 5th or 6th. In N. Africa & the middle east Sub Saharan are below South Asians, In sub Sahara Africa it's the same, defending on tribal affiliation. In the USA sub Saharan descent are patronized and very privilege that films are re-casting (tokenizing) European descent character roles into a sub Saharan descent + civil rights, affirmative action, gov. assistance & charities put them above all groups and sub Saharan African immigrants are taking advantage of those privileges. Water attacks, East Asian & Polar Bear Hunting exposes how bigoted Sub Saharan descents can be. Sub Saharans just makes it more difficult to be trusted despite all the patronizing entitlements, protective privileges and sympathies directed at Sub Saharan descents, even if Hollywood keeps hiding Sub Saharan nature in the name of SJW PC. A sub Saharan immigrant couple in Texas even decided to bring their African slave to Texas. How sub Saharan descents in the U.S.A. mostly behaves constantly demanding special privileges isn't seen in a good light in S. Asia, Arab states, & the rest of the non-western world. listed the top 5: India, Lebanon, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt ...
China, Taiwan, Japan, Western Europe & the U.S. didn't make the top 20 list. Singapore, Hongkong, Japan, China & Korea are model countries where foreigners can thrive as a minority, but it does not mean that, these country will allow themselves to be overrun, overtaken & usurped by foreigners who wish to take advantage or simply take their success for which they sacrificed for from 1,000 to 2,000+ years of contiguous civilization. Tribalism, exist in every nation in the world. Asian countries in the top 20 have very deep tribal prejudice & are no country for natives not in power (minority or majority) & foreigners (Chinese are more hated than the Japanese despite WWII). Japan is the most hospitable & patronizing country in Asia, if not the world, towards foreigners, but doesn't necessarily mean they trust foreigners hanging out in large groups, and certainly don't want to be overrun by any foreign groups exceeding 1% of the Japanese population. Mainland China is the 2nd most hospitable and probably wants to keep their Homogeneity above 90%. Hong Kong having a much higher percentage of foreigners than Mainland China isn't as hospitable to foreigners or mainlanders.
India isn't a very pleasant country, but Lebanon, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Nigeria, S. Africa, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, & Yemen are equally, if not more unpleasant for sub-Saharan descent & South East Asian Pacific. The Slave Culture is still alive in Islamic states throughout the middle east trough Immigrant Sponsorship with immigrants usually unpaid, abused, raped & beheaded. Slavery is pretty much hidden throughout the Sahel & Islamist like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, & Al Shabaab wants to revived it in its former glory out in the Open. Among Sub Saharan republics (Nigeria, Congo, Kenya...) Traditional Slavery still exist. Slaves weren't just obtained through warfare & raiding campaigns which also involved rape & mutilations, but also offering ones virgin tween daughter as payment for an offense to another family or spirits for which the spiritual leader receives the pubescent girl as his slave in labor & sex. Child trafficking is huge business in the Sahel, N Africa, Nigeria, Arabian Peninsula.
Before the Portuguese sailed around Africa & set up trading ports with costal Bush kingdoms. Tribal warfare controlled population through sacrificial ceremonies that may involved having to consume sacrificial offerings, a practice that still exist. Joshua Milton Blayhi (Gen. Butt Naked) being notorious for conducting these sacrificial ceremonies as its High Priest in Liberia (VICE: Cannibal Warlords). In Tanzania Albino's, mostly children, are killed for their body parts as charms, souvenirs, & even consumed in the same manner that Gorilla hands and feet are sold as charms or souvenirs, the rest being consumed in the beliefs of gaining some powers like Black Panther's heart of herb. After abolition of slavery swept Europe, N. Americas, then central & S. America 30-40 years later, Sub Saharan Bush Kingdoms, later republics, still had a reliable slave trading partner with Arab & Arabize nations for another 100-140 years (Saudi Arabia (1964), UAE (64), Zanzibar (64), Mauritania 2007). Europe tried to develop Sub Sahara Africa with their tech, medicine, writing/documentation & system of governance. Now China is trying to finish where Europeans left off.