Back in those days you could get a deferment just by being a student. Subsequently, you could be deferred if you were married. Finally, you could be deferred only if married and with at least one child. Cheney took advantage of these rules, and perhaps not coincidentally had his first child just nine months after the rule about needing a child to be deferred!
It is clear that Cheney could have entered into military service if he had wanted to, but instead chose to avoid it entirely. That was his right, but his patriotism today rings hollow.
The right-wing spin machine has now besmirched the record of at least three men who otherwise were acknowledged heroes, including Kerry and Murtha.
Criticizing the administration is dangerous to one's reputation!
2006-01-11 03:49:01 UTC
Money and connections gets deferments. Kerry went to serve and grew as a person that respected the challenges of military life and when war is right for the people.
2006-01-11 03:01:58 UTC
Thats how they operate. When William Clinton was being busted 4 an educational deferment by, i believe it was Dole and one of his buddies. They neglected to inform us, the public that they had educational deferments!!!
2006-01-11 02:28:30 UTC
A tune even George could read
What makes him click
He thinks he's slick
But makes me sick
His conscience could use a pr!ck
But it would probably take a brick
Influence Peddling is his schtick
but none of the charges will ever stick
to our good friend D!ck
Well I'm glad I got that out of my system
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.