Trump said that Mexico would pay for his wall, but now he's threatening to shut down the government if AMERICA doesn't pay for it. How come?
King Apologist
2018-07-29 16:31:12 UTC
What happened to his campaign promise that Mexico would pay for it? Does he just promise things that he can't or won't do?
92 answers:
2018-07-31 17:49:37 UTC
I'm not paying for a stupid wall. Trump is outside his mind.
2018-07-31 02:40:44 UTC
You got your facts wrong! He is posturing regarding americans paying. In reality, Mexico will pay one way or another and we will get that pound of brown!
2018-07-31 00:38:19 UTC
TRUMP IS NOT GETTING HIS RIDICULOUS WALL! Trump has long been cast out of society because he has never had any idea at all how to interact/communicate/blend in with humans.

Trump honestly seems to be unaware that a dumb asss wall is NOT AT ALL A CHALLENGE FOR HOMOSAPIENS!! he talks about that dam wall like he had an epiphany. drug lords have already anticipated, drawn up, and sketched out 50 different ways to get around any type of wall he puts up! The great wall of China is beautiful, yet it was ultimately ineffective.

They were still invaded!

Have a dam back bone. If it was me, I wouldnt have GAF about what people said about me separating foreign invaders who wish to take food out of our babies mouths, to feed 5 of their own. Nobody enjoys that shyt, but it would have been. Stop caring about people talking about u. They talked about Jesus. A wall will not deter a human being. Use your brain.
2018-07-30 22:54:34 UTC
that cannot happen
2018-07-30 21:16:53 UTC
Because he's an idiot!
2018-07-30 15:29:11 UTC
you are not that stupid so why act as if you are ....
2018-07-30 12:38:08 UTC
I cannot stand Trump as I am anti-Trump but I will say that one way or another while he is in charge he will get his way one way or another.

Worse part here is that someway somehow it’s the American people that will end up having to pay for it or at least most of it in taxes. Part of this alone to say the least would mean that various local & state taxes would go really high up across the USA & allot of people on some things would have to tighten their belts & do without allot of things.
Ty Morgan
2018-07-30 11:59:01 UTC
He still plans to technically make them pay for it, but in a different way than straight forking them the bill. He is planning to use trade agreements to generate more revenue from trading with mexico. And that is the extra funds that will be going toward his wall. At least from how i understand it. Also... did you actually read the article and check the tweet? The quotations around both with "shut down." The article is legit in what he tweeted, but they completely misrepresent just about every party they talk about in the article. It is obviously a charged article if you look at the language, and how it switches topics completely near the end. And the blatant misrrpresentation of facts and argument points of who the article writer sees as the "opposition".
Joseph B
2018-07-30 03:43:07 UTC
Because he is a narcissistic conman and liar, and played his supporters for fools, which most of them are.
2018-07-30 03:17:16 UTC
"Rome wasn't built in a day" & 'Border-Walls' aren't built any faster.

So,,What became of Obama's promise that everybody could keep the health-plan they liked & to shut down Gitmo?
Tad Dubious
2018-08-01 16:51:47 UTC
King A, that is because the POTUS is a liar and a bully and the grown-up version of a spoiled brat. It's a fact; it's in all the media.
2018-08-01 07:32:13 UTC
To frighten Mexico. That's how clear his thinking is.
2018-07-31 22:49:49 UTC
He is a pathological liar.
2018-07-31 01:21:12 UTC
The Brits will have brexit long before you ever see a wall.
2018-07-31 00:05:20 UTC
He needs to finish it and send a bill. He is your President
2018-07-30 22:05:01 UTC
Cons empty promises are more meaningful because they have a more arduous expression on their face when speaking
2018-07-30 19:08:34 UTC
Source and if so is trump rump a moral man no
2018-07-30 16:56:50 UTC
Mexico was NEVER going to pay for the wall. Only stupid conservatives were dumb enough to believe it. So instead of our tax money going towards things we need, like healthcare and education, it'll go to a wall, assuming they're dumb enough to approve it and build it
2018-07-30 08:50:44 UTC
He is an idiot.
2018-07-30 07:32:40 UTC
The reasons are

He knew that the promise was both meaningless and undeliverable when he made it

He does not care for the USA ,which is what I assume you meant when you said .


He only cares for his own self aggrandisement, and will grab the ***** of anybody thst thwarts that.
2018-07-30 05:48:02 UTC
he lied Again are you really surprised?
2018-07-30 05:38:38 UTC
You have a crazy president.
2018-07-30 04:09:15 UTC
We should make his David Duke-loving supporters pay for it!
2018-07-30 02:31:33 UTC
Cuz he's a spoiled brat & rather stupid.
2018-07-30 01:01:10 UTC
2018-07-29 23:21:49 UTC
Mexico already made him look bad when it declined his gracious offer to pay for his wall. Now he's trying to salvage a piece of his face by making us pay for it so he can claim he built it.

If he wants the wall so bad, he needs to donate the first $50M, paint his brand on it for compensation and let the trumplings pay for the rest by buying bricks w/ their name on it. It was trump's idea and the trumplings bought it. They need to hold themselves accountable ... cough up the dough or shut up.

The wall is a bad idea because it won't be cost effective.

"Visa Overstays Outnumber Illegal Border Crossings, Trend Expected to Continue"

Trump planted the 'wall seed' at the beginning of his campaign because he had his sights set on getting the contract to build it. He didn't do any research about it's efficacy.

When will the trumplings learn, everything this man does/says is for his self aggrandizement?
2018-07-29 20:42:04 UTC
Because one way or another he is saving the US and preventing it from becoming another failed latin country!
Jeff S
2018-07-29 17:01:20 UTC
Because the Mexican president laughed and said No!
2018-07-29 16:39:32 UTC
You can't block everything the President tries to do and then blame him for not getting anything done.
2018-07-29 16:33:09 UTC
They will through tariffs, and the money we save by keeping their illegals out of our country.
2018-08-01 17:23:19 UTC

I remember when I heard him say that he was building a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it and thought (why), since Mexico does not care how many Mexicans come into the US legally or illegally. Now if this was reversed and Mexico did not want US citizens coming into Mexico, then they would have a reason to pay for a wall.

The wall won’t hold back illegals from entering on visas, that overstep their welcome and don’t return. Nor does the wall stop planes flying into the US, like drug cartels.

Google why the wall won’t work and will find numerous reasons why it won’t and how illegals will find other ways to enter with or w/out a wall.
2018-08-01 13:11:10 UTC
because he's a lying scumbag, crybaby basically.....if you really want the truth.
2018-08-01 12:57:38 UTC
Diana M
2018-07-31 17:46:51 UTC
You have to be a ******* idiot if you actually believed you can MAKE another country pay for your countries work. Trump is a ******* idiot.
2018-07-31 08:15:48 UTC
Trump said that Mexico ...what did he say unless I am convinced how do you expect me to reply????
2018-07-31 03:06:02 UTC
Guy is full of ****
2018-07-30 20:07:43 UTC
trump is going to get in the construction business
2018-07-30 16:31:25 UTC
Like all politician he changes his mind a lot
2018-07-30 13:21:36 UTC
Has he asked Putin for help? Since they both love separating children from their parents and causing so much pain for these families then maybe they should put some of their money towards what they think they want. Damn that wall.
2018-07-30 12:27:25 UTC
Why doesn't Trump just ask for contributions from all his supporters, surely they would cough up a couple of hundred bucks a piece or whatever was needed!

Trouble is in places like Texas, the silly bastards use illegal labor all the time, in fact they can't do without it!!!

THIS was his signature promise, the foundation stone and talking point upon his entry into the presidential race, the main rallying cry of his knuckle dragging supporters at every single event he held!!!

And look at them now, making every excuse under the sun to try and cover his sorry ***! Truly pathetic!!!
2018-07-30 08:52:45 UTC
He is a populist.
2018-07-30 07:30:37 UTC
Trump is a dictator
2018-07-30 06:18:22 UTC
Never come...
2018-07-29 23:51:13 UTC
Because he is being stonewalled by judges over stepping their boundries. Build that wall. DEPORT. SEPARATE CHILDREN STOP THE LOOPHOLES. ITS all the DEMORATS PLOY> TIME TO CRUSH THEM AND SAVE THE COUNTRY!
2018-07-29 23:19:30 UTC
Were you one of those gullible people who believed Trump could make the Mexicans pay for that wall. It was one of his ridiculous promises no sensible person would ever believed he could do. The rest of the world laughed when he said that but so many Americans believed the American President can boss other countries around. Trump obviously believed the rest of the world was scared of American and that the president of America could order the rest of the world around. As soon as he got in power he phoned the Australian Prime Minister and started barking orders to which he was basically told to stick his orders up his @ss. He tried it with other countries who gave him a similar answer including Mexico when he demanded they pay for the wall. Americans have this belief they are so powerful and important in the world but forget there are 7 billion people in the world and the US is only 325 million of them and most of them don't think the USA is a nation of big heads who believe their own propaganda.

The simple answer would have been to put huge fines on any American employer or even mandatory prison terms on any person who knowingly employs a foreigner who does not have the right to work in the USA and make Americans too scared to employ illegal workers. If the Mexicans could not find a person game to risk the punishment and employ them soon the Mexicans would stop coming as there would be no work for them. America always seems to find the expensive way to fix problems when the answer is so easy.
2018-07-29 21:41:48 UTC
Politicians lie all the time
2018-07-29 20:56:06 UTC
We can never truly know what goes on inside that man's head.
2018-07-29 16:52:04 UTC
Mexico will pay.
2018-07-29 16:49:30 UTC
He HATES America and wants it ruined.

He wants all government jobs taken away, and he only cares about himself
2018-07-29 16:32:37 UTC
He lied, and that surprises you?
2018-08-01 04:01:42 UTC
He usual.

What surprises you about that?
2018-07-31 21:15:17 UTC
Wow for people who don't want Open Borders, there are alot of liberals who are real angry about this wall being built. LMAOOOOOOO I wonder why they are so angry? Oh yea, because they want the US to turn into an unruly Mexico and they want the votes for their party.
Girl in the Dark
2018-07-31 20:49:13 UTC
Now that's not right.
Smokies Hiker
2018-07-30 22:25:26 UTC
Why does it matter to you! It's not your wall anyway!
2018-07-30 20:17:04 UTC
Because he's an idiot and a liar.
Andy F
2018-07-30 19:15:45 UTC
Maybe he just forgot?
JoJo Potatoes
2018-07-30 16:53:13 UTC
He meant his good friend Ron Mexico
2018-07-30 13:15:11 UTC
Did you really THINK Mexico was going to write us a check up front?
2018-07-30 12:36:04 UTC
His mind is deteriorating

as this video explains well
2018-07-30 12:22:25 UTC
Trump is hilarious
2018-07-30 00:38:56 UTC
Vincente Fox said I’m not going to pay for your * wall.
2018-07-29 23:37:58 UTC
From the Great Wall in China, to Hadrian's Wall in England, to the Berlin Wall in Germany, people who wanted to badly enough could always find ways under, over, around, or through every wall built to try to keep them out.

It would be a great big boondoggle project, do a lot of damage to the ecology along the Rio Grande and the rest of the border, and totally fail to accomplish its purpose. Even if armed guards were stationed every fifty feet along that wall, it would simply mean that little boats carrying illegals would be landing every night along the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic coasts.

Give it up, Mr. President. Candidly admit that it was probably an ill-considered idea in the first place, and concentrate on some other ways to cope with the tide of illegal immigrants into the United States.
Polkadot Pajamas
2018-07-29 21:43:43 UTC
Because when Mexico says no, they'll have to get them to pay in subtle ways.
2018-07-29 21:24:31 UTC
In a nutshell, he is a mentally unbalanced,everything that comes out of his Trumpet is pure hate,and it is not a healthy situation him being a world leader. The sooner he is out of the picture, 'one way or another' the rest of the world can breath a sigh of relief., having avoided World War three
2018-07-29 19:07:36 UTC
Why can't we build a wall to keep Trump and ALL Republicans out of America???
2018-07-29 19:06:20 UTC
Fake news
Maria b
2018-07-29 18:16:25 UTC
Anyone who thought Mexico would actually pay for the wall is crazy. Trump just used that to het elected.
2018-07-29 16:59:48 UTC
He's doing it to force congress to do their job
Climate Realist
2018-07-29 16:44:03 UTC
Like all spoiled brats, when he doesn't get his way, Trump throws a temper tantrum.
2018-07-29 16:37:00 UTC
They are going to pay us after we build it.

over 50 billion a year goes from illegals in the US to Mexico alone. Cut that by 20% and the wall take 10 billion a year out of Mexico's pockets.

Then take the 10s of billions of aid that we send them every year and start cutting that.

With money flowing back and forth across the border then in does not matter if we bill them or just deduct it from their US recievables. They will pay in the end.
2018-08-02 03:25:20 UTC
2018-08-01 17:07:38 UTC
Idk he’s all over the place
2018-08-01 15:34:05 UTC
No comments
2018-08-01 10:07:48 UTC
2018-07-31 19:17:26 UTC
Unlike wimpy Republicans Trump has some balls and is willing to do it.

Why no the Press ALWAYS blames Republicans for shutdowns anyways.
2018-07-31 18:28:37 UTC
the wall will cost billions of dollars; with that kind of money, we could hire 200,000 INS, ICE, and Border-Patrol agents, to work with homeland security, to keep the illegal migration numbers down. this might stop some of the import-export cargo theft, too; also smuggling. that will surely reduce the unemployment numbers.
2018-07-31 12:44:32 UTC
Mexico is paying,but not enough to get the wall built as quickly as necessary.Trump was elected to undo Obamas failed immigration system and he is doing it.
2018-07-31 04:54:20 UTC
He was unable to get Mexico to pay for the wall. So now you have to pay for it.
2018-07-31 03:53:20 UTC
Because Trump uses a lot of exaggerations aka truthful hyperbole in order to rile up his audiences. Most politicians of both parties don't achieve most of what they promise. It's just hot air to win votes and support.
2018-07-31 00:22:25 UTC
Because he’s a liar. He can’t make Mexico pay for the wall. But his stupid supporters believed he could anyway and likely still do.
2018-07-30 20:05:01 UTC
1. Mexico President stated they would not pay for the wall

2. Trump had no way or authority to make Mexico pay for anything

3. He is a liar and so he lied during the campaign.
2018-07-30 19:48:20 UTC
Trump fanboy
2018-07-30 15:12:05 UTC
Because he's a politician

Politicians always lie
2018-07-30 15:01:06 UTC
Let Trump voters pay for the wall. Forget the ~320,000,000 people in the country. Just charge Trump voters for it. 22 Billion dollars divided by 62,984,825 voters = $349 per Voter. I would write the check today if the White House would open a"Build the Wall" fund.
2018-07-30 13:15:13 UTC
he is acting like a petulant schoolboy
2018-07-29 22:30:06 UTC
p p
2018-07-29 21:23:12 UTC
libtards, he first needs funding and once its built and it will be built...MEXICO will start paying for it (tariffs). WILL YOU HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE and quit twisting the truth...everyone sees right through it even though you libtards think we are listening and believing your crap!
2018-07-29 20:08:20 UTC
Trump is all mouth with little substance.

Who cares what he says?
2018-07-29 18:38:25 UTC
Hasn't anyone sussed it out yet? Trump only opens his mouth to change feet.
2018-07-29 16:33:00 UTC
Let him cry. It won't get his wall started.
2018-07-30 01:54:51 UTC
2018-07-30 00:42:46 UTC
tell lord lestermount

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.