Boomer conservatives are not mentally healthy. They have wandered off into a psychological/ideological space that is so dysfunctional, so contrary to their own best interests, and so utterly disconnected from reality that they have become a danger to themselves and to all the rest of us who have somehow escaped the mind-virus that has them in its grip. They are so far off the tracks that I believe it is safe to say that they are wrong about everything
Boomers were sold on the idea that responsibility for the future of their race was “square,” “oppressive,” “wrong,” and, worst of all, passé. They were taught that racial conflicts should always be viewed in a “fairness” frame (is it fair to keep 4 billion non-Whites out of our country?) instead of Nature’s real frame of reference — that of survival. (Does allowing hundreds of millions or billions of non-Whites to cross our borders with impunity help or hinder our survival as a race?)
When many of the boomers later rejected the hippie counterculture, and developed a nostalgic yearning to return to the traditions and sense of community of the America they grew up in, they still retained this utterly false moral framework. This has made them totally ineffective at fighting the degeneracy they claim to oppose.
They are incapable of defining the problem (because “racism is wrong” it can’t be a racial/biological problem, they think); they are “morally” forbidden to conceptualize what a healthy future would be like (racial-nationalism, the only possible way to ensure a future for our children, is the very thing they have been taught is “the very definition of evil”); and they are fanatically opposed to naming the real enemy. (Because that would entail “racism” and the “ultimate sin” — “anti-Semitism.”) The very best they can ever do is complain that “it sure was better when I was young” while piously denying the reasons why it was better. Such people cannot win, ever — except in a fantasy world inside their fevered, crippled brains.
Don’t be like this poor excuse for a man. Don’t be a part of the problem. Don’t be a fool. Don’t be a boomer conservative.
Do acknowledge that our problems are racial and biological. Do accept your responsibility to ensure a future for the next generation of our people. Do resolve to abandon all myths, to be utterly realistic and face the world as it actually is. And do join together with us; and use your life, whatever energy you may have, and your limited number of days on this planet, to sweep aside all obstacles, fools included, that block the path to our race’s destiny.