Social Security ends up providing less than a 2% return on your investment.
By privatizing some or all of it, the theory is that the market could do better.
Two problems here. In my opinion the market is crooked as hell and I don't want to trust my money to it.
Second, the US Govt does not have the money to privatize all of it. The Social Security Trust found is empty. Congress is on a pay as you go system, which is Illegal for American corporations without a waiver from the govt. They, in my opinion have stolen this money from the American people.
If an American corporation handled its pension funds the way Congress does, its corporate officers would be in jail.
Most companies that permission to handle pension funds as they go are in dire financial trouble and ultimately fail. The is why the government set passed a law a few years ago that lets the federal govt take over failing pension plans.
The office takes over bankrupt pension plans and forces workers to take a lower pension amount.
I am not a big Al Gore fan, but he was right about one thing in the 2000 election. He kept talking about the Social Security trust fund and putting the money for it somewhere congress couldn't spend it. He kept calling it a lockbox and we need it.