EDIT: OMG, this gets even funnier.
MARY IS FROM CANADA! She has NO CLUE what life is like here! She's posting about how unfair things are in the USA for her.
What is wrong with entitlements?
Your arrogant, needy posts, using Yahoo! Answers is being responded to.
You haven't asked a genuine question in MONTHS, seeking only to feed your failing self-esteem with put downs of others.
Amazingly needy behavior.
It's particularly sad because you are clearly capable of doing SOME research
Let's address your comments one-by-one.
Then I'm sure we'll have a TON of your evasions, insults and excuses, as usual (check the posts of First, you generalize the word "entitlement" in such a way as to obscure the actual complaint: The "You OWE me" attitude of people like you who think that taxes are for supporting your personal life.
OWS failed. Socialism has failed repeatedly (a type of government enabling of that attitude), and we're tired of it. We DON'T owe you. We never did.
Calling you out on it. WHAT are you entitled to?
Then we'll see what you really mean. Then we can agree, or see you for what you are.
MARY: "Stop your inane obfuscations.RATES are what it is all about ,not absolute dollars. There is nothing legally,ethically/morally wrong with 10 % paying 70 % of the cost .Robber barons like you demand that the person earning %40,000 pay the same dollar amount as the multi-billionaire .What tripe!"
ME: That's garbage, Mary. Right now the higher earners pay more in percent and amounts than the lower, in every category. They use deductions created for REASONS; supporting arts, charities, investing in young businesses, etc., all created by government to support some aspect of our society and they only get to write off PART of that, so no matter how you slice it, if you include all they spend on donations, etc., they pay FAR more than anyone below them. You're obfuscating and putting words in people's mouth (seems to be what you do best).
MARY: "We have a graduated tax regime based on conceopts of fairness like the Widow's mite"
ME: That's garbage. We don't base our legal system or tax system on "Fairness". That would be foolish. "Fairness" is a child's concept of "Justice". Justice is when people get what they earn.
You're still living in elementary school ideologies, Mary.
And I LOVE how you call something a lie but NEVER show proof of it.
That's what people who lie do.
We see your games. If you actually read the responses instead of scratching at everyone, you'd realize how you are behaving publicly. Is this really how you want to present yourself? REALLY?