Do you agree with this quote by Thomas Jefferson?
2017-08-28 16:21:09 UTC
Do you agree with this quote by Thomas Jefferson?
Eight answers:
2017-08-28 16:28:48 UTC
All responsible, educated Americans know this to be true and self evident.
2017-08-29 23:24:52 UTC
Only if you pull your head out of tunnel-vision @ss and agree with these other quotes by Thomas Jefferson:

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

- Thomas Jefferson

"If the children are untaught, their ignorance and vices will in future life cost us much dearer in their consequences than it would have done in their correction by a good education."

- Thomas Jefferson

Instead of listening, America did this:

"In 2003, a US Strategic Task Force of Education Abroad report concluded that America’s ignorance of the outside world was so great as to constitute a threat to national security."

Link -

And it's only gotten worse since then, too:

'Compared to Rest of World Americans Are Delusional, Prudish, Selfish Religious Nuts: Study'

'Depressing Survey Results Show How Extremely Stupid America Has Become'

'The American education system is creating ignorant adults'

'American Education Fails Because It Isn't Education'

'216 Million Americans Are Scientifically Illiterate'

'Science Literacy - American Adults 'Flunk' Basic Science'

'Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens our Future'

'Americans are still scientifically illiterate — and scientists still need a PR team'

'US adults are dumber than the average human'

'Americans Amaze Scientists With Their Stupidity'

'Quiz: Are you stupider than an average American?'

'Why Are Americans So Stupid -- And Proud of It?'

'What Americans Don't Know About Science'

'Americans Believe in Science, Just Not Its Findings'

'A Few Basic Science And Tech Facts Many Americans Don't Know'

'Why Are Republicans the Only Climate-Science-Denying Party in the World?'

'How Much Don't You Know? The Epidemic of American Ignorance'

'Why Many Americans Are Simply Clueless About Global Events'

'Americans pretty clueless about politics, world'

'Ignorant America: Just How Stupid Are We?'

'What's the Constitution? Don't bother asking 70% of Americans: Alarming number of U.S. citizens don't know basic facts about their own country'

'Americans are dumber than average at math, vocabulary, and technology'

'Are Americans Too Stupid For Democracy?'

'Ignorance of international affairs: It's a major problem for America'

'Why Are Americans So Ignorant Of The World Outside America?'

'Why Americans are so ignorant about the rest of the world'

'Staff Editorial: America’s struggles with cultural ignorance'

'Poll: Americans' Knowledge of Government, History in 'Crisis'

'Study: Americans Don't Know Much About History'

'Pathetic: THIS Is How Ignorant Americans Are About History'

'9 In 10 Americans Fail This Test About Recent American History'

'The Scary State of Financial Literacy in America'

'Financial literacy: Not just a problem for students'

'Financial Literacy: Two-Thirds of Americans Can't Pass Basic Test'

'Americans Struggle With Financial Problems They Don’t Understand: Study'

'Survey: Americans Are Pretty Ignorant When It Comes To Religion'

'How Ignorant About Religion Are Religious Americans?'

'Millennials leaving church in droves, study says'

'America’s Appalling Ignorance of Christianity'

'Why Americans Know Little About The World'

'American Ignorance of Global Geography: A History'

'U.S. Foreign Policy Can be Only as Good as Public's Understanding of World Affairs'

'Researcher Says Americans Are "Deluded" Regarding What They Know About the Rest of the World'

'Study: One in Three Americans Fails Naturalization Civics Test'

'Require a civics test? Americans have a long history of ignorance'

'Blame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis.'

'We The People Are Really Ignorant - "A new report on civics shows Americans know less than ever."

'America is still hamstrung by insularity and ignorance'

'Americans Are Both Ignorant and Easily Fooled | Watching America'

'Trivial Pursuit: Why Americans Are Dangerously Ignorant About the World'

'Survey Shows American People Are Super Gullible and Believe Silly Things'

'American Ignorance - The public is shockingly unaware of the world'

'Americans Are Clueless About Canada -- and Other Countries, Too'

'Ignorant USA: Is this what Americans believe Britain is like?'

'Australians Answer Americans' Dumb Questions'

'Clueless: America's ignorance of the Middle East will shock you'

'MEANWHILE : Americans Must Correct Their Ignorance of Asia'

'America's Cult of Ignorance Is No Match for Asia's Cult of Intelligence'

''The cult of ignorance in the United States: Anti-intellectualism and the "dumbing down" of America'

'How Stupid Are American High School Students?'

'New Poll Shows Young Americans Are Embarrassingly Ignorant'

'American graduates dumber than other countries' high school dropouts'

'American kids, dumber than dirt - The next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in U.S. history'

'Students Flunk U.S. History Test: Congress Calls on Teachers to 'Redouble Efforts'

'New Report: Most U.S. Students Fail Civics, History & Geography'

'American Students Flunk Their Own History, Geography'

'Flunking Civics: Why America's Kids Know So Little'

'America's Embrace of Ignorance'

'World Affairs: Too Often Foreign For Americans'

'America is still hamstrung by insularity and ignorance'

'How did Americans get so utterly clueless about world events?'

'Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America's largest generation'

'American Millennials are Dumber than Other OECD Millennials'

'Surprise: A Majority of Millennials Don't Have a College Degree'

'US millennials far below average in literacy, numeracy, problem-solving'

'American Millennials Rank at the Bottom of Almost Every Vital Workplace Skill'

'Report Finds American Millennials Ill-Equipped for Global Workforce Competitiveness'

'Are We Doomed? American Millennials Are Just About the Least Skilled in the World: Report'

'Generation Dropout: Millennials Joining the Workforce Are Less Educated Than Retiring Boomers'

And that list - quite literally - goes on and on - to America's shame and not its credit.

Whining about gun rights can't & doesn't fix anything on that repair list of reasons America's not great anymore.

So why are you wasting your time and ours when America's got actual, real problems to worry about right now.
2017-08-29 20:38:31 UTC
Of course.

The saddest thing about my liberal counterparts is that their anti-gun...

If we abandoned the SJW crap, and the anti-gun naritve, we could be doing so much better right now..
2017-08-28 17:42:06 UTC
This statement is not something Jefferson wrote, but rather comes from a passage he included in his "Legal Commonplace Book." The passage is from Cesare Beccaria's Essay on Crimes and Punishments, originally published in Italian in 1764.1 It appears in Jefferson's commonplace book as follows:

Falsa idea di utilità è quella, che sacrifica mille vantaggi reali, per un inconveniente o immaginario, o di poca conseguenza, che toglierebbe agli uomini il fuoco perchè incendia, e l'acqua perchè annega; che non ripara ai mali, che col distruggere. Le leggi, che proibiscono di portar le armi, sono leggi di tal natura; esse non disarmano che i non inclinati, nè determinati ai delitti, mentre coloro che hanno il coraggio di poter violare le leggi più sacre della umanità è le più importanti del codice, come rispetteranno le minori, e le puramente arbitrarie? Queste peggiorano la condizione degli assaliti migliorando quella degli assalitori, non iscemano gli omicidi, ma gli accrescono, perchè è maggiore la confidenza nell'assalire i disarmati, che gli armati. Queste si chiaman leggi, non preventrici, ma paurose dei delitti, che nascono dalla tumultuosa impressione di alcuni fatti particolari, non dalla ragionata meditazione degl'inconvenienti, ed avvantaggi di un decreto universale.2
2017-08-28 16:52:40 UTC
A firearm to protect you, your family and your property it you think you need it has nothing to do with registering guns and running background checks to make sure the criminally violent and mentally ill do not have easy access to guns.
Jeff S
2017-08-28 16:38:37 UTC
Yes that's one reason why liberals believe in gun rights too!
2017-08-28 16:30:13 UTC
The ole "criminals don't follow laws so we shouldn't have laws" angle.

I take no issue with the quote though, but it is irrelevant because nobody (except perhaps a very small and insignificant fringe group of people) is trying to forbid people from having firearms.
2017-08-28 16:23:42 UTC
This statement is not something Jefferson wrote, but rather comes from a passage he included in his "Legal Commonplace Book." The passage is from Cesare Beccaria's Essay on Crimes and Punishments, originally published in Italian in 1764.1

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.