Not sure where you have been but there was a feud going on as to where to try the masterminds of 9/11. The Attorney General wanted them tried in a Federal Court in NYC.
The New Yorkers and their City and State Officials protested. You cannot try a war criminal in a civil court.
Miranda rights, first and foremost, they were interrogated by Military Officials not the NYC Police.
We had a Lawyer here to represent them, had they been tried here, they would have gotten off on a stupid technicality such as Miranda rights.
They were here in Court, look it up online.
They will NOT be tried in a Civilian Court because they do not have rights as US citizens. They were not picked up on US soil. Then to add to the confusion, Germany who has much of the paperwork needed for a trial, will not release it because they do not have the death sentence there, However we certainly do have it here in NY.
Most of the people who would be called in as witnesses are not in this Country.
This has to go back to a Military Tribunal, which they already HAD.
They, the Masterminds of 9/11 did not deny their guilt, they wanted to die as Martyrs, it was not until they were sent to NYC Court that they changed their minds and wanted to tell THEIR side of the story.
Sorry but it's not going to happen.
I say they had their tribunal, now they should face their fate.
Best Wishes,