Well, if you want other people to “rule” then maybe they should EARN it.
Giving people special treatment & giving them automatic placement in things just because they AREN’T a “white man” really isn’t the way.
You are going to ensure failure that way.
The reason there are more white men in positions of power than other groups is that they worked hard… sacrificed… and EARNED that role.
When women work hard & sacrifice… they, too ascend… same goes for other minority groups.
When you expect things to be handed to you because you feel “entitled” to them & pretend that the successful people are somehow “keeping you out” of success…
You are ensuring your failure & you will never “rule” anything.
Despite the popular societal opinion that white men are evil & that men in positions of power are automatically negative for society (thanks feminists) …the real truth is that white men are hard workers & their success doesn’t mean they’re bad people.
The broad brushed generalization levied against white men wouldn’t be tolerated against any other group.
It’s so amazingly hypocritical… especially coming from people so over-sensitive about “hate-speech” & “micro-aggressions” & discrimination based on gender.