why don't Republicans accept the fact we are not going back to the days when white men ruled everything?
2015-12-04 12:35:48 UTC
why don't Republicans accept the fact we are not going back to the days when white men ruled everything?
151 answers:
2015-12-06 15:00:15 UTC
Maybe in your social and political your race as one in your group, speak in this fashion, as a conservative, Christian, Jesus loving family. We're in a mixed marriage, I'm from The Hawaiian Islands and so when topics like this come up I must say, there is no room for the race card nor is there room for only picking someone the same race or gender as you are.

Donald J. Trump is no racist period, he knows what is best for the country and illegals shouldn't ever be given the right to vote in the USA. Until they become citizens.

We don't need to accept anything regarding white men ruling us, we have almost 8 years of Obama. Donald Trump hires all ethnicities also married 2 foreign born women, so he can hardly be called a racist. We will all find out in due time. My vote is with D.J. Trump, man of the hour.
2015-12-05 16:52:11 UTC
You talk of White Rule name a Black Senator or Congressperson that is a Democrat. Name their Black individual that is running for President. Can't hum, surprising for a party spouting White rule.

I ask could America effectively be ruled by an all White authority? No. The best asset America has is its diversity, Having said that I will also state that your statement also proves how divisive our current President, President Obama has been. Before President Obama a comment like this would of never been made and if it had it would of been laughed at as being without basis. Is there racism in America? Yes, as well as in every other nation I have been to. Most is based on ignorance as is your question!
Cosmos Jones
2015-12-04 15:54:08 UTC
No one wants white men to rule everything.

I wanted Ben Carson to be formidable in his campaign He just wasn't. .

He is actually more of a moderate about abortion and you seem to have overlooked that none of the Republicans like George W. stopped abortion even if they claimed they were pro life. They talk the talk to get the evangelical vote and then go on with business as usual.

The real deal is Planned Parenthood screwed up on video talking about selling baby organs to a camera and bargaining for them. That is why funding is being cut. People also assumed that Obama care , Plan B ie the morning after pill and regular doctors could give out birthcontrol pills. They can. .

There is a difference between being against Planned Parenthood funding and abortion. It is a monopoly with very little accountability.

I will vote Republican in this election and while I believe it is murder, we let soldiers kill all the time.

I would like to vote for a female but am never going to vote for a person just because she has a uterus. That is crazy talk.
Andy F
2015-12-06 19:32:39 UTC
I don't think all Republicans are exactly alike. Some of them, at least a few, do accept that white men can't dominate our society forever. And of course, there are at least a few Republicans who are nonwhite and/or female. Examples of nonwhite Republicans today include Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Condoleezza White, Clarence Thomas, Marco Rubio, etc. Examples of white women in the GOP or in the conservative camp now include Carly Fiorina, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ann Coulter, Liz Cheney and Ann Coulter, among others.

The reason why most leading GOP politicians apparently can't accept this is because their party has made use of the racial biases of angry white men to get a big power base in the southern states of the Old Confederacy, I think. It's fashioned a similar appeal to racist or at least racially fearful white people in much of the North, the Midwest and the West.

Today, therefore, some Republicans are beginning to be afraid that they've painted their party into a corner -- that they've bet the party's future on appealing to a segment of the American electorate that is shrinking in importance as nonwhites and women make up a growing fraction of the electorate.

-- democratic socialist
2015-12-04 12:42:17 UTC
Says the guy that is just giddy about Hillary, a white woman, and Bernie Sanders, a white man, are the ONLY two people running for President on the Democrat side. Or the fact that ALL of the Democrat leaders in congress and the Senate are white.

We ain't the ones with the skin color issue, friend.
2015-12-06 10:18:10 UTC
why don't you get your head on straight and learn and understand that republicans are NOT your enemy. You've already tried the democrat way and clealy it's not working, so the other side of the coin to choose from is the republican side. Republicans learned not to reinvent the wheel. Plus too many changes and changes all at once and especially in the time of unannounced war you're screwing with minor things. Wake up!!!
2015-12-04 19:08:55 UTC
I think the best people should lead a country and excellence shouldn't be associated with the color of skin. Said that let us pray that the best man wins. In my opinion Donald Trump will make an excellent President. Why? He is not a compromised professional politician, he is an excellent businessman, a great salesman, and he is exactly saying loudly what are the real country problems that need to be corrected. Unfortunately there are too many voters that base their voting decision on just stupid slogans like "YES WE CAN" and we are seen the horrible results, because the slogan implied meanings remained totally unfulfilled.
2015-12-06 07:25:19 UTC
You do realize, had it not been for Republicans... black people would have been slaves a lot longer, right? Let me set you straight on a thing or two. Republicans wanted equal rights for blacks. In fact, the Democrats created the KKK. In fact, black leaders of the time voted in favor of segregation because they felt so much damage had been done that it was the best course of action at that time. Also, Democrats voted to keep segregation while Republicans wanted blacks to have equal rights. Republicans actually wanted blacks to have complete equal rights at the end of slavery.

As a Conservative, I would love to have more black leaders. Unfortunately, so many misguided blacks turn to the the party that brought pain and suffering to their ancestors. As a black man, I have to ask, why would you support a party, the Democrats, a party that wanted your grandparents and great grandparents to be slaves when Republicans wanted to hand you equality in the 1800's with no catch? And for what? A bunch of food stamps and to create white guilt as an excuse to not get off your butt and work!!!

@armando I am sorry you have been deprived a common sense education. Enjoy going back to your slaveholders, the Democrats who are the ones truly holding people from reaching their potential. Grow up, kid.
2015-12-04 21:40:58 UTC
If Republicans really thought that why would they have a Black Man and a Woman running for president? Your question is just more progressive stereotyping in an attempt to demonize Republican/Conservatives to try and shame them into silence. Why don't the Politically Correct Thought Police get down off their high horse before you fall off and hurt yourselves.
2015-12-07 15:52:16 UTC
Maybe because we'd rather elect Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina as freakin' PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Seriously, don't take all of your political knowledge from a ridiculously inaccurate stereotype. I'm sure you're intelligent, but it makes you sound like a child.
John C
2015-12-05 16:04:15 UTC
The Republican Party does not want to "go back" to when white men ruled everything. Incidentally there was never such a time, unfortunately.

The world was a better place when white men had more power than they have now.
2015-12-04 12:46:39 UTC
I don't see much of a difference between a wealthy and powerful white man and a wealthy and powerful person of another gender or race, unless one is clearly evil. Some people don't care who their overlord is, as long as he's not white. Sounds like equality among the rich to me.
Linda R
2015-12-04 13:22:32 UTC
A better question ..... why don't Democrats accept the fact we are NOT continuing the days

of the LGBT's, liberals, feminists, Atheists, Muslims, radials and terrorists running

everything? It is time for Americans to feel safe and have jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-12-05 16:50:40 UTC
You are being played for a fool if you have been led to believe this is simply what Republicans want. Just WHO told you this? Answering why you think this is what Republicans are for will expose your misunderstanding of any number of issues. This idea of yours is even more absurd when there is a Black man (Carson), who is getting a lot of support from Republicans for him to "rule everything" as president.

You are letting yourself react to issues, not think about them. This is what the Left has to do to get mileage out of it's ideas.
2015-12-05 15:10:19 UTC
European Caucasians want to be regarded as Saviors of the World. They Killed each other to free sub Saharan's from slavery, They killed each other to free & save Jews from Genocide, & They pressured Saudi Arabia to Abolish heredetary (chatel/caste) slavery in the 1960s which still occurs secretly. The Jews didn't seek refuge from the turks, arabs, & berbers of N. Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Anatolia, or the Caucus Region because they knew they would meet the same fate they would under the National Socialist of Germany. Sub Saharan African's would just be re-enslave in the Sahel
2015-12-05 20:48:55 UTC
Said that let us pray that the best man wins. In my opinion Donald Trump will make an excellent President. Why? He is not a compromised professional politician, he is an excellent businessman, a great salesman, and he is exactly saying loudly what are the real country problems that need to be corrected. Unfortunately there are too many voters that base their voting decision on just stupid slogans like "YES WE CAN" and we are seen the horrible results, because the slogan implied meanings remained totally unfulfilled.
2015-12-06 16:34:04 UTC
I don't think Republicans want to "go back" to anything. They realize that the world is changing and that races are melding together, just as they have been doing for decades. When the Civil Rights movement occurred in the 1960's, a lot of rules and laws changed. For the most part, America gradually accepted that. When the "Multicultural Movement" occurred in the 1980's, things reversed. Every race isolated itself, and the American melting pot went away. Now every race wants its own power and dominance over everyone else. When America ruled itself as far as business was concerned and didn't ship out jobs and commodities to the whole world without getting any return, it was a strong country. Capitalism is a concept that works, because everyone had a chance to better himself. Now that our rights and freedoms are being taken away and we have another Hitler in power who wants to rule the world, we have lost the chance to do anything for ourselves. When we as a country are in submission to China, then the people who whine about imaginary "white power" will see what evil has been brought in to destroy us. But then, it will be too late.
2015-12-07 22:27:59 UTC
Compare the democrats running for president with the republicans running for president. Think. Then you will find your answer.

You have been sucked into the democratic party's matrix of propaganda. Unplug yourself and think!

Why do the Democrats continue to believe in socialism and Marxism? Both ideologies have been utter failures, killing several hundred million people in the last century.
mark h
2015-12-07 08:44:42 UTC
But then how will you blame leaders for the way the world is without being called a racist or a mysogynist?

Can you imagine electing a minority person as President and then the left would have no choice but to stop protesting everything and pretend everything is great even when life is exceptionally hard, they would have to grin and bear it.

Wow that really would be different.

I cannot help but laugh.

Hope that helps.
2015-12-07 09:11:17 UTC
We whites still do rule.and likely always will, im not racist.. but I am white, and I know most rich smart people are too.. But they will allow others to share the lime light when they deserve it. So we don't have to go back, we are still there, just more compassionate than before. Even if there are no more whites, non whites will use our technology and Idea to their dying days to try to improve their lives.. I'm proud of being white, even though we are also a scourge of humanity.
2015-12-06 23:56:00 UTC
The people with the most money rule the world - the most populous ethnic group on Earth are the Chinese. If they wanted to, they could quite easily ' rule the world' but they choose not to and instead of far more progressive plans.

You'll see. . . .
2015-12-05 10:15:40 UTC
Why don't democrats accept the fact that a 6'2" decathlete father of 6 is not a woman?
2015-12-04 14:15:06 UTC
We accept the fact that the guy you have now set out to ruin

the country. And has damn near succeeded. So when Trump

becomes President. And all of Obamas executive orders are

reduced to rat crap. White will once again rule.
2015-12-06 04:17:36 UTC
The Democrats have three white people running for President. The Republicans have a well respected black man, two Hispanics, and a woman running. Your question is not only ill informed but foolish.
2015-12-04 12:43:16 UTC
When was it the case that white men ruled everything? I don't remember that history lesson.
2015-12-05 01:22:15 UTC
The left loves to go on about how the right is just a bunch of old white guys. But have you noticed, that there are more old white people on the democratic side? You know Ben Carson is Black right? And Ted Cruz is Hispanic.
2015-12-07 11:20:25 UTC
The Republicans do, it's the other parties that are having problems with it.
2015-12-05 01:38:34 UTC
Well, if you want other people to “rule” then maybe they should EARN it.

Giving people special treatment & giving them automatic placement in things just because they AREN’T a “white man” really isn’t the way.

You are going to ensure failure that way.

The reason there are more white men in positions of power than other groups is that they worked hard… sacrificed… and EARNED that role.

When women work hard & sacrifice… they, too ascend… same goes for other minority groups.

When you expect things to be handed to you because you feel “entitled” to them & pretend that the successful people are somehow “keeping you out” of success…

You are ensuring your failure & you will never “rule” anything.

Despite the popular societal opinion that white men are evil & that men in positions of power are automatically negative for society (thanks feminists) …the real truth is that white men are hard workers & their success doesn’t mean they’re bad people.

The broad brushed generalization levied against white men wouldn’t be tolerated against any other group.

It’s so amazingly hypocritical… especially coming from people so over-sensitive about “hate-speech” & “micro-aggressions” & discrimination based on gender.
2015-12-04 12:37:47 UTC
Why don't democrats accept the fact that socialism does not work.
2015-12-07 09:28:58 UTC
That's what Republicans do.
2015-12-04 21:58:04 UTC
Says the guy who supports the 2 white Democrats running for president but is against the Black and Latino Republicans running for president, hmmmmmmmm
2015-12-06 14:41:03 UTC
What I don't get is why women and non-whites become Republican--unless they are severe cases of Stockholm Syndrome.
2015-12-17 12:59:17 UTC
Why don't Democrats live more consistently with their own stated values, such as stopping violence against women, and then renouncing Bill Clinton, or Roman Polanski and his Hollywood hangers-on? Their methods are not the only methods of ending social injustice. For example, there was an enormously successful black man, very influential too, lots of black professionals admit to being started encouraged down their road, by his successful character and show, who chose NOT to play victim, to call black people to examine themselves and hold themselves accountable, and to use graceful achievement to overcome prejudice. He was universally ignored, shunned, told he wasn't black enough, by both Blacks, and liberals. Then this man is accused multiple times of rape, and liberals are literally slower and less confident to shun him over THAT, than they are to shun him over presenting a challenge to their way of doing things. Myself I support the chemical neutering of that man, then continuing to use his NONevil wisdom.
2015-12-04 12:38:16 UTC
White men still rule everything. A select few of them. They give you the rest of us to slap around in their place for the atrocities they commit. Their goal is to populate the world with ignorant mud bloods to rule over. And you play right into their hands.
2015-12-06 11:21:26 UTC
I don't think I've ever seen a question with more lightweight "intellectual's" trying to answer!! No doubt that they're all white (and mostly men)....
2015-12-05 09:27:18 UTC
Because if you bothered to open your eyes and look around, things are not going all too well under a Black President. Why don t you accept the fact that we have to make better choices on who we elect?
2015-12-07 08:08:34 UTC
So you prefer A Islamic Muslim government which rules are based under the Koran which means people like yourself will be killed because of your beliefs over a Republican Government or Independent Government which followers the original Constitution of Freedom of speech and religion and so fourth.or a Democratic Government which want to change the constitution to benefit their way of life and control of all people.
2015-12-04 12:45:48 UTC
For heavens sake ,give this traumatized cons a break for they are still getting over this period that ended in the 1960s .You had to be a man to lift those bodies back out of the trees but some just fell out when their heads were ripped off by the rope sort of like ISIS does .Just lately the leading GOP Presidential candidate put women back in their places when he called them all SLUTS and that means YOUR mother, YOUR daughter .
2015-12-05 21:50:25 UTC
Just WHO told you this? Answering why you think this is what Republicans are for will expose your misunderstanding of any number of issues. This idea of yours is even more absurd when there is a Black man (Carson), who is getting a lot of support from Republicans for him to "rule everything" as president.
Steve N
2015-12-05 14:43:22 UTC
That makes a whole lot of sense seeing as how a BLACK republican is running for president moron! There are PLENTY of Black Republicans by the way. You may have heard of one from back in the day, Martin Luther King, his name is pretty well known by those of us not under rocks.

2015-12-05 14:30:54 UTC
Republicans aren't asking for that. Instead we are wanting right government that rules man justly and with common sense that is God given.
2015-12-04 12:41:40 UTC
Yes the times they are a changin'.

And the buffoonery and hate mongering of public figures like Trump are helping expose the problem.
2015-12-04 12:42:28 UTC
Why don't you accept the fact that such thinking is only the subject of your team's musings?
2015-12-07 15:03:39 UTC
Why don't Democrats accept that fact you are pretty ignorant of your political party get well soon idiot
2015-12-07 08:29:43 UTC
I think white republicans should stop politics for a few years until the economy gets better.
2015-12-06 20:46:34 UTC
I think now adays it's less about white privilege and more about loot, it's about green privilege, as in money and knowing the right people.
2015-12-06 09:38:27 UTC
Why don't Democrats get the fact that most of them like you are ignorant and delusional?
2015-12-05 01:27:16 UTC
Because they look around the World and see that just about every non-white country is more or less a banana republic or corrupt dictatorship that has nothing to offer mankind but problems..
2015-12-04 21:37:02 UTC
White men never ruled everything. What a horrible notion!
2015-12-07 05:30:46 UTC
ROFL ... like or not, inspite of what you's like to think or believe the " White Man " Rules in America and many other countries even tho they allow a few token " Colored People " the " White People " rule still in America and a few other countries !
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-12-06 08:35:12 UTC
Because we hate the idea of people getting everything FREE, when WE have to work/pay for it ! On my FIRST career, of 21 years, I only missed 14 days work, due to calling in for personal time off ! Worked, and paid for my college degree ! TRY IT !
2015-12-06 07:43:06 UTC
true democracy would be made up of a proportionate representative of each ethnicity and culture, political and religious backgrounds, where each voice carried as much weight as another and anybody could at any time be elected ruler/speaker/president or whatever you wish to call him/her.

In that regard America is not a true democracy - nor is any other modern day democracy.
2015-12-07 12:12:53 UTC
They're time travelers. You may not think that's our future, but the Republicans know otherwise. If anyone asks, it wasn't me that told you.
2015-12-05 11:01:27 UTC
I can't wait for white republican start ruling again.
2015-12-04 17:04:26 UTC
Well we sure as hell saw what happens when we put a black Muslim in office, and We sure as hell ain't doing that again, If you like where this Country is headed now, You must be one of those getting all those Government freebies.
2015-12-04 16:31:38 UTC
You're the one that said it, NOT the Republicans.

If you want to see a racist, look in the mirror.
2015-12-05 12:26:16 UTC
They are the white men that want to rule.
Bob Whittemore
2015-12-05 06:23:29 UTC
I am Republican and white and I don;t believe we should rule everything.
2015-12-04 12:36:34 UTC
Low IQ's
2015-12-07 15:46:23 UTC
Maybe its because I've been paid to move people

wearing leg irons made in the USA. To go there...

watch justice being done in any Superior Courtroom.
2015-12-04 20:26:32 UTC
When liberals don't include any backup data along with their questions we can be 100% certain it is because there isn't any.

Bob G
2015-12-07 11:14:05 UTC
This question is so naive. How can anyone believe all republicans are the same in intention. That;s like saying all democrats are dope smokers, lazy, gimme mores.
2015-12-04 12:47:39 UTC
Based on the fact that your candidates for president are octogenarians who are white I thought that was a democratic policy
2015-12-04 14:15:11 UTC
So are you voting for the white woman Hillary? Or the white man Bernie? Again they are both white.
2015-12-06 03:48:58 UTC
Who would you ratherbhave as your brain surgeon, a white man with 20 yrs experience or a minority with a not so good record? Maybe thats how Liberals got so stupid?
2015-12-06 06:55:16 UTC
Whadda ya mean? RePIGnicans are mostly white men, and they mostly rule Congress and the Senate.
2015-12-06 20:06:06 UTC
Because their political base is the angry white male and his kowtowing spouse in the South and the fat rich draft dodging whites in the North East.
2015-12-07 13:25:25 UTC
White men do rule everything. They just put a black (well, semi-black) puppet in office to fool idiots like you.
2015-12-06 20:04:29 UTC
I am a republican and I am Chinese. Most republicans aren't like that.
2015-12-05 08:36:48 UTC
Sooooooo you're obviously pretty racist. And I don't know what days you're referring to.
Cenk Uygur the Snarkster
2015-12-05 16:50:37 UTC
Why are you such a racist con? When Hillary is elected the south will rise again, the KKK will be back in its former glory, and the racist cons will be speechless! White is right!
2015-12-05 09:19:16 UTC
We're still in those days bro. Smh.
2015-12-06 01:12:07 UTC
"I'll bomb the **** out of them"


a man who doesn't care about being political correct bc hes still in the top 500 wealthiest men in the world... even if he doesn't win...
2015-12-04 13:59:24 UTC
Nobody wants that and you know it. You are just another lib who is spreading hatred towards Whites before the election. Keep the hate alive is your motto!
2015-12-04 12:46:20 UTC
This question is pretty ironic considering that all the DNC has to offer this presidential election are white people.
2015-12-04 12:36:36 UTC
What do you have as proof that they do? How many Blacks and Hispanics are vying for the Democratic Presidential Nomination you hypocrite?
2015-12-06 13:48:51 UTC
the answer is in the question. they can't accept the truth.
Confederate Raider
2015-12-06 11:32:52 UTC
I don't accept that statement !!
2015-12-04 18:50:28 UTC
The republican party is majority white
2015-12-06 19:19:32 UTC
yahoo propaganda has but one trick and ignores green marxist owning means of production and to admit that only non white people such as middle eastern people have the courage to take over u.s.a. automotive industry and make publicis to admit capitalism is over.
2015-12-06 11:50:20 UTC
What kind of a question is that? Because Republicans are being backwards.
2015-12-04 21:03:28 UTC
Unless you knew every republican then you cannot know how each person accepts anything one way ir another.

Just saying.
2015-12-04 18:03:25 UTC
as long as a small group of arrogant people watch fox fake news there will be such narrow minded people. best to ignore such verbiage coming from self important people like trump etc.
2015-12-05 15:42:13 UTC
'Cause it would be better than having black men ruling everything.
2015-12-04 12:46:25 UTC
You mean like these white men?

2015-12-04 12:51:31 UTC
2015-12-06 07:35:08 UTC
Obama ego rules everything !
2015-12-06 15:35:20 UTC
white men have never ruled everything
2015-12-04 12:43:17 UTC
I hope the non-whites create more than the white so that we all have a more prosperous life.
2015-12-05 17:45:04 UTC
you mean way back to the days when America was building the greatest nation on earth?
2015-12-05 17:05:35 UTC
Only in America.
2015-12-04 12:44:55 UTC
Why can't liberals say ANYTHING without bringing race into it ?

JEEEEZ enough of your racism already !
2015-12-06 23:15:06 UTC
New world order
2015-12-04 12:36:31 UTC
The Mexicans will express their views on the subject.
2015-12-04 12:37:18 UTC
why would republicans care--there are black republicans, white republicans, Hispanic republicans--you still trying to sell that same old tired bowl of BS?
2015-12-04 12:40:27 UTC
Ask Ben Carson that question
2015-12-05 06:07:51 UTC
They're not very smart, you know. They think wishes come true.
2015-12-07 08:17:20 UTC
I believe that you are overgeneralizing about Republicans. They are each separate people.
2015-12-07 00:15:10 UTC
we wish never to return the the era crated & fostered by the democrat party
2015-12-04 18:06:35 UTC
Who do you think rules both parties
2015-12-04 19:14:04 UTC
When are liberals going to accept that there is no institutionalize racism?
2015-12-04 17:13:47 UTC
To rule you must own. To own you must buy. Once you have bought & own you will be voting Republican to keep.
2015-12-06 16:59:44 UTC
When will black people stop blaming the past for the troubles they cause themselves now?
2015-12-06 12:07:21 UTC
the dems are the ones who wanted blacks enslaved. gop was started to stop slavery from spreading
2015-12-04 12:50:32 UTC
You mean the days of the democratic lynch mobs.
2015-12-04 12:38:09 UTC
Facts is the main reason. Africa is hell on earth. Blame whitey though right?
2015-12-08 09:40:54 UTC
Our country was much more successful then. How do you like it now?
Keep It Real
2015-12-04 16:50:02 UTC
They were the good ole days
2015-12-04 12:51:39 UTC
You are racist. And all of the Demo leaders are white.
2015-12-04 12:42:32 UTC
Blah blah blah
2015-12-04 12:37:08 UTC
No one gives up power easily.
2015-12-04 12:37:21 UTC
Why are liberals so ignorant, when it comes down to the conservative agenda?
2015-12-04 12:37:19 UTC
I present to you, the current Democrat presidential field. LOL!!!
2015-12-04 12:41:27 UTC
Over my dead body will the white man die out!



TRUMP 2016
2015-12-04 12:45:42 UTC
Then quit shooting up the inner cities.
2015-12-05 17:18:44 UTC
We Elected a Black President! WTF are you talking about. And look at the job he is doing, but his horrible leadership has nothing to do with being BLACK! He is a inexperienced, ideologue with a progressive agenda.
Fox News Lover
2015-12-04 12:36:43 UTC
Hell yes we are going back there I will make sure of it.
2015-12-06 15:37:48 UTC
Because they like chicken nuggets and regret farting eggs.
2015-12-04 20:31:00 UTC
You're an idiot.
Jake No Chat
2015-12-05 19:00:30 UTC
Okay I give. No one wants that. Good point.
2015-12-06 02:54:35 UTC
After eight long years of our Muslim President doing a poor job of running this country we need CHANGE! TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-12-06 19:15:24 UTC
And this is ap pro po to what?
2015-12-04 18:53:50 UTC
They do believe that don"t they
2015-12-07 06:33:11 UTC
2015-12-05 10:20:12 UTC
because the Bilderbergers will not allow them to do so
2015-12-06 00:14:16 UTC
prophesy, but for a minute of time, stay close to God
2015-12-04 12:39:22 UTC
They are in fear. Faux Spews is their bullhorn.
2015-12-04 13:02:57 UTC
They are living in denial.
2015-12-04 20:59:17 UTC
club penguin
2015-12-04 14:29:27 UTC
they haveaccepted that fact
Who Dat
2015-12-06 07:07:14 UTC
Republicans just plain suck ***
2015-12-04 20:08:04 UTC
2015-12-04 19:43:16 UTC
Uhm, you know Obama is black, right?
2015-12-07 21:48:54 UTC
can someone go answer my question. please. I made yahoo just to ask the question.. I really need an answer asap.
2015-12-06 16:28:18 UTC
Because they want.
2015-12-04 16:47:45 UTC
This is true
2015-12-06 07:59:34 UTC
2015-12-04 13:09:20 UTC
Yes we are.
2015-12-04 22:57:17 UTC
Old habits die hard.
2015-12-04 16:15:41 UTC
They wont
2015-12-05 12:48:32 UTC
I, for one, welcome the coming role-reversal. When do I get my first welfare check?
2015-12-05 14:14:13 UTC
Thank you!!
2015-12-04 15:14:18 UTC
yahoo troll.LOL
2015-12-05 11:25:30 UTC
2015-12-06 05:28:10 UTC
2015-12-06 19:23:26 UTC
2015-12-04 19:06:49 UTC
Hell no!
2015-12-05 12:14:31 UTC
2015-12-06 06:55:31 UTC
2 points thanks
2015-12-05 06:06:22 UTC
Stfu please
2015-12-06 10:58:49 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.