Why are conservatives protesting coronavirus lockdown/quarantine?
2020-04-21 17:15:40 UTC
Why are conservatives protesting coronavirus lockdown/quarantine?
178 answers:
2020-04-26 19:00:22 UTC
2020-04-23 03:29:41 UTC
Yes i agree, Republicans keep 'blaming' China over this whole CoronaVirus thing, especially Donald Trump. I personally voted for Donald Trump but i am trully dissapointed by his recent comments, he is on the verge of starting World War 3 over childish comments

However i still support the man...but how is blaming china going to make the situation better??? The Chinese people are innocent and did nothing wrong to deserve this. We are humans, if someone gets sick from a virus then we all fight it together! 
2020-04-22 19:58:18 UTC
They think their rights to have a haircut trumps someone's right to not catch a highly contagious disease.
Warren T
2020-04-22 17:36:46 UTC
2020-04-22 15:57:59 UTC
Simply because you dont give up freedoms for temporary security. If you want to stay home then, by all means, stay home...but dont make everyone else suffer because you're too scared and dont know how to take precautions. If people want to risk getting sick, so be it. Although, if you take precautions when around people, you wont get sick. They dont like being treated like little kids that cant take care of themselves...They also dont like being lead into socialism blindly, which in the long run will cause more damage than this overhyped corona...its Agenda 21, in my opinion, and if you dont know what that is I highly encourage you to look it up. Its very real and scary..Lastly, most of the elderly dont have access to all these apps and delivery services you all claim to be the solution. Plus the fact there still has to be people doing the deliveries, which cant be done in a mandatory quarantine. Even if it can, the services are so backed up where they are still available to the point youd have to wait a month to get groceries delivered. Not to mention the fact the elderly cant afford the premium cost of delivery...the food doesnt just appear at your door by magic. People are going to start starving and some are already commiting suicide...
2020-04-22 14:38:32 UTC
Because unlike liberals we are used to getting up going to work and earning our pay. 
2020-04-22 08:39:05 UTC
Because they hate America and long for its destruction.
2020-04-22 07:09:01 UTC
As more information is known, and all of the early predictions are proving false, more people are seeing the cure is worse that the disease. That this has been politicized and polarized is making many Americans even less willing to follow blindly into economic oblivion.
2020-04-21 17:22:40 UTC
Uncertainty and economics tied together with false claims from Trump and his propagandists at Fox, Rush Limbaugh and others.  

They are isolated and economically insecure.People will grasp at anything they think can help them or assuage their fears.  For those people it is more sad and a result of their situations than reprehensible.  "A drowning man will grab the blade of a sword"  and "A drowning man will clutch at a straw" both apply.

Trump and his propagandists are reprehensible for feeding fears and misconceptions to people.
2020-04-21 17:21:13 UTC
for the same reason I'm guessing you would be upset if  you're entire village was shut down due to a fire 900 miles away...

....or if police were give door-to-door search powers because of a hostage situation 500 miles away...

....or if your power and gas were shut off because of a ruptured main three counties over...

if you claim to be on the side of "science" then you must understand that what is necessary in one area based on infrastructure and demographics might not be necessary in another with an entirely different environment...
2020-04-25 09:56:49 UTC
To protect their economic power. They're getting a taste of how it feels to be black in America and they don't like it. 
2020-04-25 06:05:29 UTC
Because of the wickedness of our leaders but I can just conclude that it's ignorance
2020-04-24 21:49:17 UTC
It is madness as it will cause more problems people should stay in that`s what we get told to do in the uk.
2020-04-24 09:48:16 UTC
The right wing media and Donald Trump clearly do not want Americans protected from this virus. Its evident from the beginning with Trump and Rush Limbaugh and many on FOX New as recently as March were saying its a hoax. And Trump all along at every step when given a chance, has done the very opposite of what common sense says he should have done. Even now he is still dragging his feet and telling bold faced lies.  His daily press circus is important for him to make sure he can spread as many lies and combat the truth. People are still not really asking why Trump is spending so much energy to make sure the end result is that as many Americans are killed as possible.  I believe that the answer to that question has to do with the fact that this is 2020 and Trump's reelection year and we had a preview of it with the recent Wisconsin election and the fact that just prior to that AG Barr floated the idea that he wants Constitutional rights suspended and Trump around that same time started to make bold assertions of absolute power.  I believe that Trump is hoping for things to be way worse than they are now.  This is why he has been doing as little as possible and even encouraging Americans to be stupid and get infected.....  Why? well by the fall and election time, this would mean that the entire country could be like New York was a few weeks ago, total mayhem, and chaos.....he would tell his supporters to go out and vote and they would listen to them. Other normal people with common sense who clearly know how bad Trump and Republicans are would be more likely to not go risk their lives and those of their loved ones to vote or request mail in ballots, which Trump has also asserted that they are fraudulent and clearly he and Republicans have a plan to make that voting avenue as hard as possible.  The Trump GOP objective is to have the virus crisis be essentially a voter suppression tactic, as a base approach, but to have the other card they can play being possibly declaring national law and just cancel the election or its results if he loses......

The protesters are protesting because they have been propagandized to do so … the usual suspects of FOX News and organizations funded by right wing billionaires who support Trump.
2020-04-23 16:31:05 UTC
Because 26 million people have gone on unemployment in a month.  In case you didn't know, that is a signal that life is going to get really, really difficult really really quickly for the average person in the months if not years to come.
2020-04-23 10:30:09 UTC
Michigan is a loser Democrat state like you are, People do not want Goverment to tell them what to do, and YES Hillary still lost the 2016 election
2020-04-23 04:52:17 UTC
Because they are stupid. That explains most of the dumb things cons do. 
2020-04-23 03:02:56 UTC
because their deplorable who are in denial due to their love for their leader, dictator trump
2020-04-22 21:46:41 UTC
Because they want to!
2020-04-22 17:55:46 UTC
stupid is as stupid does - and everything republicans do is stupid!


these fools are killing Americans
2020-04-22 17:19:54 UTC
It does NOT take a conservative to see through all this quarantine B.S.  These people have NOT been sick and they just want to WORK AGAIN.  Businesses NEED to reopen and America needs to get back to normal.  We can do this if we just use the brains we were born with and Common Sense.
2020-04-22 16:20:09 UTC
Because it is against their freedoms and rights. If you want to stay home, stay home. If you want to go out, that is your risk to take. Forcing someone to shut down their business and stay home is against the principles of individualism that the country was founded on.
2020-04-22 15:57:15 UTC
it is nothing more than a racist white privileged temper tantrum because for the first time in history white people have to follow the law like everyone else
Dr. D
2020-04-22 15:41:37 UTC
Conservatives are independent folks who don't want the government telling them how to run their lives. Many small businesses are hurting terribly, and they could lose their livelihood. They believe their common sense will allow them to open their business while using public health guidelines. 

The government is trying to balance the needs of both public health and the local economies. You don't want to address the public health and in the process ruin the economy for decades to come. 
ron h
2020-04-22 15:09:43 UTC
Most of them don't realize it, but they're part of the tRump reelection campaign.  The money behind the organizers is from trump's fellow criminals--donors  THAT"S why tRump is telling TWO STORIES at the same time right now: Follow his plan, BUT protest that SAME plan if your governor is a Dem.  It's a scorched earth campaign.  NO PRICE is too great for SOMEONE ELSE to pay to get him reelected.
2020-04-22 14:49:35 UTC
Stupidity ----------------------
Planet Earth
2020-04-22 11:40:09 UTC
They want all the population to hug uncle COVID19. 
2020-04-22 05:27:02 UTC
I'm a Democrat and I'm protesting also 
2020-04-21 18:24:59 UTC
 I am a primarily a liberal and fortunately I live in a state where they don’t have lockdown. But if they did I would be protesting it also. It’s not a conservative thing per se. It’s just a thing that bothers people who don’t feel like they should be told that they have to imprison themselves by their state government when there’s no logical reason for it. 

You’re probably more likely to pass on coronavirus or get it from an asymptomatic/mildly symptomatic family member if you stay cooped up with them 24/7  than if you spend some time outdoors Getting vitamin D from the sun, fresh air and exercise all of which are known to be very good for your immune system, lungs, brain, body.  You’re also going to get depressed also constantly cooped up indoors And that also lowers immune system function. Do people not know any of these things? 

Well if you get all your info from the CDC I guess you wouldn’t know. Because they’re not going to tell you. They probably don’t even want you to stay healthy and more resistant to this virus, but to think that your only hope is to wait until the vaccine comes out. Then the Big Pharma vaccine patent owners within the CDC make  out like bandits. People don’t even know the politics and economics behind these agencies and how they are interrelated. So maybe some of these reasons are why people are starting to protest. 

Why shouldn’t they? Not just  conservatives. A lot of people. Intelligent people who employ logic and discriminatory thought. People are just getting tired of the stupidity and illogic out there. One-way supermarket aisles as if that’s going to do anything. Wearing a facemask while walking along a country road when there’s nobody within 500 yards of you. Wearing your face mask jauntily dangling and half-untied from your face as if that’s some kind of cool fashion statement ...which kind of defeats the purpose. So why even bother? I don’t.

Some people literally jump away from you if you come by them in the aisle and they didn’t see you right away as if you have leprosy. And the toilet paper and other hoarding. People act like they have absolutely no brains whatsoever.

I’ve seen all this stuff. And it really bothers me that people are so willing to be manipulated and don’t even have the brains to use discriminatory thinking in these matters. A very sad commentary on the average IQ and susceptibility to brainwashing of the average American.

.Common sense and logic  seem to be just as much in short supply these days as toilet paper 
2020-04-21 17:24:03 UTC
They think only "libs" are being killed by the virus.  Cons think their worship of Trump bestows some kind of magically immunity to the virus, and as long as they and their loved ones don't get it, why should they care.  Being killed by the virus only happens to other people, not cons.  That's why.
2020-04-26 01:45:36 UTC
TLDR: Because I'm sure alot of them own companies that require workers to operate and if people are isolated, chances are they arn't working, or being micromanaged in a workplace. So that's money they assume they arn't getting.

Possibly being ***** and putting the economy over their populations health.
2020-04-25 11:41:09 UTC
If you’ve watched Fox News recently, you might think there’s a small revolution afoot in Red America.

A series of anti-social-distancing rallies have popped up across the country — in Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas, and elsewhere. As my colleague Jane Coaston noted, it harks back to the Tea Party craze in 2009, “when well-funded right-leaning groups lit a fire under an already outraged Republican base and helped to ignite a political movement.”

The California Department of Transportation owns dozens of vacant homes in northeast Los Angeles, but on Monday it ordered homeless families who occupied 12 of them to leave — though they moved in just before Gov. Gavin Newsom issued his March 19 order requiring the state’s 40 million residents to stay home to avoid spreading the coronavirus. The families are part of a grassroots movement called Reclaiming Our Homes, an organization many outside of our state might think of as typical of liberal California.

But even as those activists fight for security, shelter and, in effect, protection from the virus, hundreds of other Californians have willingly left the safety of their residences over the past week to protest the state’s stay-at-home order and demand that beaches and parks reopen.

They want, their signs said, to go surfing, elect President Donald Trump for four more years, and to recall Newsom; they don’t want tyranny or vaccines, declared other placards. One woman, whose picture went viral, stood outside a Huntington Beach Baskin Robbins (clearly open for take-out) with a sign that said "Give me liberty or give me death" — though, perhaps, it's fair to say that an inability to get her roots touched up was not exactly what Patrick Henry had in mind in 1775.

Similar protests have been seen elsewhere in the country, apparently encouraged by a network of right-wing organizations that support a smaller federal government. Though they involve a small number of people compared to the 72 percent of Americans who support continuing stay-at-home orders until medical experts say it's safe, these rallies have become fodder for conversations about the nation’s supposedly interstate culture wars.
2020-04-25 04:19:10 UTC
People are trippin, they wanna get out.. They  put money over lives.. I know economy is in trouble, but everything should not open up, as they say in couple of months, it is coming back! God help us all, some say, it's the begining of these end.. I will wear my protective gear, for long time to come, when I do come out. This is worse  than the non believers beleive. My prayers are for the world

 God help us♥♥
2020-04-24 19:22:43 UTC
Well, I agree with people who protested nuclear power plants! I also agree with unions that have people go on strike and don't let any scabs cross picket lines! I guess I have to say since they have the right, we have the right to counter-protest if that makes any sense!
2020-04-24 17:26:26 UTC
Because once the population is incapacitated, humans become vulnerable. The longer people are prevented from conducting their own affairs, the likelihood of government robbing them or using business to do so increases by 110%.

Government can never be entrusted with protecting human rights.

So, people need to wear masks while they exercise their freedoms. Gravest human rights abuses have never happened inside the States, but they will follow this crisis. There's grave human rights abuses noted over the years, but what is coming is unimaginable. The cure is often what damns a population--meaning those who come to you as sheep but are wolves. Please wear a mask. All abusers want to appear to be the savior. 
2020-04-24 14:07:48 UTC
1) Because they misinterpret the health recommendations of scientists to stave off a potentially enormous loss of lives as somehow hostile. 

2) They don't seem to consider that a death toll of 40,000 Americans in a single month is actually a problem.

3)They don't care about their own health and are so selfish that they don't care they are risking others health also. The elderly and vulnerable are at particular risk but they don't care.

4) They believe stupid bs conspiracy theories 
2020-04-24 00:00:37 UTC
It's not a liberal/conservative issue. It's a human issue. You are incredibly childish.
2020-04-23 21:23:50 UTC
Republicans are used to going to work and it is a hard transition to sit around and play video games -- for Democrats it is Same Day, Same S*** !
2020-04-23 18:20:52 UTC
They seem to think it's a violation of their "rights of freedom."
2020-04-23 13:22:36 UTC
Liberals are dumb. You do realize quarantine is for sick people not scared people 
2020-04-23 00:48:14 UTC
a coworker does!
2020-04-22 23:24:37 UTC
They are being bussed in by the billionaire donors of the Republican party. They are trying to create a false populist movement, again. It's what they do to keep their stranglehold on power.
2020-04-22 21:38:50 UTC
They want to see women they're not related to.
2020-04-22 19:39:01 UTC
Because they are more concerned about profit than people 
2020-04-22 15:15:22 UTC
They prioritize the economy ahead of health. Some are just plain selfish. They don't like the sacrifices it takes to battle the crisis.
2020-04-22 06:06:13 UTC
Reasonably, if your town has no infected people, and they don't shop at WalMart , go for the challenge to not get infected.
2020-04-22 03:55:40 UTC
Every small business owner is protesting, this shut down will ruin them. not to mention those who have had health insurance their entire working life who now are getting cut off.

It's NOT just Conservatives, it's the American People who want to better themselves, doing all they can, yet can't.
Captain Obvious
2020-04-22 03:14:29 UTC
It's not just Conservatives, it is all people who are concerned about their economic well being over the lives of the Health Care Workers they presume will remain there to put their lives on the lines to take care of the idiots themselves.  Their economics vs healthcare lives... hmm...
Andrew S
2020-04-22 00:21:03 UTC
Because they understand the importance of the economy and realize it does not function if too many people are out of work.
2020-04-21 17:17:28 UTC
they are easily triggered.  

i want them to go out.  

i want them to catch covid-19.  

they are only brave with a gun and in a gang
2020-04-24 04:48:16 UTC
I understand where they are coming from, but we need to open the country smartly and not reckless. If we open it recklessly, the more cases of the virus would spike and it would make it harder for the rest of us to open the country.

I too, want the country to be re-opened, but we have to do it the right way and not do it the reckless way which I hate to say, is the President of the United States is doing. He is encouraging all the protesters to come out and protest against the stay-at-home orders saying that the governors has too far.
2020-04-23 22:27:46 UTC
Cabin fever.................
2020-04-23 21:41:28 UTC
Because they're unsympathetic morons. They couldn't give two shits about the virus until it affected them, because of their "me me me" personality. If you're reading this, do yourself and the community a favor and stay home until your local government lifts restrictions. And I don't care if it's a free country. The constitution clearly states under 18 US Code 1111 that murder is the unlawful killing of others without aforementioned thoughts, meaning these protesters are rioting without thinking about the dangers of others. Sure, I get people miss their friends and going out to places, but other countries are doing it, so why can't they? Sheeesh. 
2020-04-23 21:04:36 UTC
Yes i agree, Republicans keep 'blaming' China over this whole CoronaVirus thing, especially Donald Trump. I personally voted for Donald Trump but i am trully dissapointed by his recent comments, he is on the verge of starting World War 3 over childish comments
2020-04-23 20:47:26 UTC
We can all blame China
2020-04-23 19:06:15 UTC
Because it's unconstitutional to force people to stay home who do not want to.
2020-04-23 14:04:40 UTC
Because governors have become tyrants and we can't let that happen. This is happening all around the world sadly. Especially in Africa where there is no food and corrupt leaders following what the Democrats are telling the world to do.
2020-04-23 12:05:12 UTC
Because they ain't stupid and realise "coronovirus" is a simple con game presented by felons?
2020-04-23 03:45:39 UTC
Anyone that wants to end the quarantine values money above life.  Their feelings will change when it hits close to home.
Five T
2020-04-23 03:02:54 UTC
Maybe because it's all mass hysteria. Because they want a paycheck again, it's all bilge. People shouldn't have to lose their freedom because of ninnies who are so scared that they live in fear because the government tells them to. People who want to live in fear can do just that but their fraidy cat qualities shouldn't be infringing on those who want to work, pay their bills and everything else. Very low mortality rate and a very high recovery rate. People on here trying to justify government tyranny should just move to North Korea. 
2020-04-22 23:40:27 UTC
Just because YOU don't know any doesn't mean it's not real. My neighbor is a nurse, she knows it's real because she's in the trenches. My uncle's best friend has it, he's a bus driver. The fact you don't know anyone who has it just simply means the quarantine is working. Duh! You are also aware of the fact that this is a global pandemic not something just in the United States? 
2020-04-22 23:29:15 UTC
I ate a banana today. It had appeal.
2020-04-22 18:23:54 UTC
It’s the agenda. They keep us on house arrest and will keep ‘extending’ the lockdown. Eventually they’ll move us all to giant prison bunkers 
2020-04-22 18:06:52 UTC
I'm on the conservative side of things, and... I'm staying home... I know there's people out of work, I know it's a hit to our economy, I know it's more than simply an inconvenience...

I just want to be around to complain about it later. 

It's been quite a hit for me and my family as well; I think it's foolish to risk lives when you don't have to.... I saw this: “The curve is flattening so we can start lifting restrictions” is like saying “The parachute has slowed our rate of descent so we can take it off now..."  

My recommendation is wait until its safe.  It may not be just *your* life at stake... 
2020-04-22 17:40:42 UTC
RepubliCONS are greedy and selfish bastards who think the virus is a hoax 
2020-04-22 17:14:58 UTC
The "lockdown" comes with severe economic and personal hardships. We were told these hardships were necessary to delay and flatten the curve of illnesses so as to not over burden our medical staff and facilities.  Once that has goal has been achieved, the reason is no longer valid and should be lifted.

Also, the lock downs cause a great deal of hardship without really addressing the issue.  It's silly to say I can ride the subway or go to the grocery store every day, but I can't get my hair cut even once in a month.  That's not effective social distancing and is why NY got hit so hard despite having "stay at home orders".   

We don't have the best of both worlds, we have the worst of both worlds.  We are placing great hardships on people and on the economy, while still allowing the exceptions that allow the virus to spread.  That's bad practice.  

It's time for states that have passed their peak to begin reopening in a planned controlled manner.  Several have now stated their intent to do just that.
2020-04-22 15:19:44 UTC
Because we don't rely on welfare and free handouts for our living like you guys do.
2020-04-22 09:23:25 UTC
Lets watch what happens in Sweden where there is no lockdown and see if it was all  really necessary.
Mr.Next Generation
2020-04-22 06:27:19 UTC
The lockdown is affecting the economy. Also, people are not going to work and earning enough to care for themselves and family. If this outbreak continues the government would need to send more checks to help people financially as they have been put out of work because of the government lockdown.

This is why we should open the country asap. If it stays lockdown for too long small businesses would die out and people will run out of money.
2020-04-21 22:01:16 UTC
The economy is suffering, some people won't ever financially recover from this, some people think that's more important than the people who are affected by illness. (Not sure what political leanings are up to, I'm young, I've been told I lean a little right of my generation, I'm just hoping for a vaccine and that we will recover and learn from this collective experience)
2020-04-27 10:11:29 UTC
So democrats enjoy being unemployed and don't protest?

You're a stupid SOB.
2020-04-25 03:51:56 UTC
So they can spread the virus and reduce the number of Trump supporters.
2020-04-24 17:32:55 UTC
Because they care more about the economy than lives.
2020-04-24 16:23:30 UTC
Just on the grounds that you dont surrender opportunities for transitory security. In the event that you need to remain at home, at that point, definitely, stay home...but dont make every other person endure on the grounds that you're excessively terrified and dont realize how to avoid potential risk. On the off chance that individuals need to chance becoming ill, so be it. Despite the fact that, on the off chance that you play it safe when around individuals, you wont become ill. They dont like being dealt with like little children that cant deal with themselves...They likewise dont like being lead into communism indiscriminately, which over the long haul will cause more harm than this over-hyped corona...its Agenda 21, as I would see it, and in the event that you dont comprehend what that is I profoundly urge you to find it. Its genuine and scary..Lastly, the greater part of the old dont approach all these applications and conveyance administrations all of you guarantee to be the arrangement. Additionally the reality there still must be individuals doing the conveyances, which cannot be done in a required isolate. Regardless of whether it can, the administrations are so sponsored up where they are as yet accessible to the point you'd need to hold up a month to get staple goods conveyed. Also the reality the older cannot manage the cost of the excellent expense of delivery...the nourishment doesn't simply show up at your entryway by enchantment. Individuals are going to begin starving and some are as of now committing suicide...
2020-04-24 15:15:44 UTC
trying to get Trump reelected.
2020-04-24 13:05:08 UTC
Because its bullshit and our ''working'' people like myself is getting tired of paying the lazy *** people that are on welfare !!! We love our freedom and tired of the Libtards taking that away from us! This is no worse than the flu unlike what the news media says..
2020-04-24 11:36:31 UTC
no, not really. actually people are bored siting at home
2020-04-24 04:00:10 UTC
They are obeying their Christian leader, Trump the Hateful Moron.
2020-04-24 01:00:20 UTC
Some conservatives. Not most, and not even that many. Like usual, it's just the loudest ones doing something dumb and being noticed for it. And enough in this situation to potentially cause some harm. But they're doing it essentially because they've never lived through anything like this or had to deal with it in their lives before and it doesn't fit their worldview. Already suspicious of authorities and governments, many feel that the COVID crisis is/could be a ploy or a way of nefarious people taking advantage of a plague to grab power/control people. (They could be right in certain cases!) They are unequipped to face the reality of an outbreak like this. 

Similarly, on the other side, some liberals are equally unequipped, and are either thinking it's doomsday or are taking things too far in some regards with their personal precautions and feelings about it. I know some more liberal leaders of educational institutions in my area who are ready to make the call not to open and have classes/school start until late October, and either push back or cancel Fall sports, which I feel is a bit premature of a call to make this early, it being only the end of April and our governor saying things will likely be opened up and "back to normal" by June/July, although some models are predicting another spike in the outbreak or the peak not happening until around mid-August.

Me, I'm just going to do my best to distance, help others out and be aware of their needs, especially my immuno-compromised and chronically ill friends, and be cautious. It's not forever and will be over before too long. If it had been a year or more and the numbers were still what they are, then I might be protesting.   
2020-04-23 18:47:41 UTC
Because they live in cloud cuckoo land, are inbred and thick as bloody ****, with all the social graces of Dung Beetles and the education commensurate with that of  a 15th century Court jester. 
2020-04-23 18:25:07 UTC
Since this is a libtard lie, we can ignore this asinine non-question. 
2020-04-23 13:42:11 UTC
Because it's a distraction caused by the democrats to undo Trump.  Country was actually doing great until this stupid lockdown because they can't stand the fact that Trump is actually doing a great job so it was a last ditch effort to sabotage him.  Too bad it's gonna fail because Biden has no chance of winning.
2020-04-23 06:11:01 UTC
Because I have a large penis
2020-04-22 23:04:39 UTC
Conservatives value freedom more than liberals and the idea of big government  telling people what to do does not sit well with many Conservatives. Also Conservatives tend to be more optimistic and faithful than Liberals when it comes to certain things.  Liberals tend to believe that government needs to get involved to fix everything which is a huge frustration for conservatives.  Conservatives often don't like to be told what to do by "know it all bureacrats".  Conservatives also believe in a strong work ethic and if the country is closed, how can Americans work? It is frustrating.

That said, as an Independent voter who has voted for both Democrats and Republicans in the past, I can tell you that in this situation alot of it also has to do with misinformation and wishful thinking on the part of Conservatives. And Donald Trumps mixed messages doesn't help the situation.  At first, I thought that the Coronavirus was no big deal and even posted on social media mocking people who were afraid of it.  Then I took it upon myself to look reality in the face, even though it is against my optimistic nature.

The fact is that Coronavirus is not like the Flu.  I don't know anyone personally who has had Coronavirus but it is still really early on it in the epidemic and between March 20 and April 20 we have went from 200 deaths to 40,000 plus deaths and anyone who knows anything about logarithmic or exponential growth would find it concerning. It is already the leading cause of death in Americans and that is with rigid social distancing in place.  We don't know the real death rate of Coronavirus but we do know that in one month the disease has killed more Americans in the month of April than a typical flu season does in a year.  If the virus is left to spread without any mitigation, millions of Americans would die (mostly older Americans and people with pre-existing conditions) and that is a fact.  

Now you can debate how deadly the coronavirus is or if the media is biased or if all the people that died with Coronavirus actually died directly because of Coronavirus, but while we are trying to figure things out, mitigation is reasonable to prevent us from finding out the hard way and watch hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans die. The good news is that assuming hospitals are not overwhelmed, the fatality rate seems to be very low. But if the hospitals get overwhelmed to quickly and everyone gets sick at once, the overall fatality rate can be quite high and alot of people die. In light of the foregoing, a limited shut down makes sense.  Keep in mind the measures currently in place in the USA are much more mild than those in China or Europe.

So, bottom line, Conservatives believe in freedom, hard work, faith in God and all those great ideals which makes them skeptical of big government.  That said, this time around I support the shut down measures and am glad I live in a State that really is doing a great job in handling the actual pandemic and places the health of its citizenry ahead of economic recovery. You can bring back jobs alot easier than human lives.
Kimberly S
2020-04-22 17:10:57 UTC
They see the facts.... 
2020-04-22 14:46:46 UTC
Because they're idiots who think the oogy boogey government is out to get them and their guns.
2020-04-22 13:21:28 UTC
The US Constitution & the Bill of Rights is everything to American citizens, it is not reserve for (D) political supporters only. Responsible social distancing can be achieved without trouncing on the US Constitution. Staying inside the car at a drive in church service is social distancing having more than 10 ft. of space in an enclosed car. You can buy food from a drive through, but you can't attend a drive through service. If a canoe can skim around the lake, why can't a house boat? Buying seeds to grow your own food in your back yard is social distancing. Governor & Mayors can't make laws, only legislatures. Mandates that Blue State Governors & Mayors are issuing are a violation of the U.S. Constitution, if it infringes upon the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution.

At some point the country & the world will need to cope & live with COVID-19 along other diseases that are far more lethal & incurable than COVID-19, it's not a Doomsday bug. With an incubation period of 2 weeks, 6 weeks quarantine/shutdown is more than enough. 85% infected with COVID-19 (0.05% Mortality) don't get ill or need hospitalization. COVID-19 (3-5 times more contagious) is 2/3 less lethal than seasonal flu while the world is still dealing with HIV, EBOLA (99% mortality), & Syphilis without a vaccine. Shutdowns for more than a couple of months will put 280 million US folks in poverty. A year shutdown will put 320 Million Americans in poverty where the government will have to nationalize the industries, private property, & public individualism inducing famine, unproductivity & deaths.

Despite how American socialists (Sanders & the squad) brand their socialism as Democratic Socialist to misdirect or cloak their true intentions to achieving the end goal of Socialism for state bureaucratic control of the economy, industry, property & the public by draconian bureaucratic regulations. Everything they propose such as universal single payer health care is straight up the USSR, Cuba, & Venezuela's play book. (Venezuela was praised as Democratic Socialist that was actually Communist with its bureaucrats pillaging oil revenues to fund itself & its rationed socialist handouts). These socialist countries don't have state of the art Hospitals, Care, & Training because there isn't enough funds & man power regardless of how much of the private sector are taxed & nationalized. Ultimately all concept or branding of socialism leads to Government owned property of industries, housing, farms, people, long working hours, no free speech for dissenters, no entrepreneurship, no economic competition in the country, no varieties of products or materials to chose from, & no individuality. 


In a Socialist country it is very hard to be a Millionaire, if not impossible when socialists like Bernie & AOC will take 90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. Sanders always touts Sweden, a homogenous tiny & less densely populated country, as a socialist success where Millionaires & Billionaires thrives. The middle class & the working poor are the ones funding most government assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC wants complete Cadillac assistance: Housing, Healthcare, Allowances (will never happen as many socialist Gov. concept tried). Bernie always lauds Cuban & USSR health care (rationed single payer) & education of indoctrination & mediocrity, where US entire public schools system are headed. Sanders & his socialist squads will use every means of pressure & influence to advance the Green New Deal's socialist agenda that will plunge the US economy & society to mirror that of Cuba & Venezuela permanently for decades, if not a century to come as stated by Bernie Bros on hidden camera. Unlike Sweden, it'll be funded by the top 21% (millionaires & billionaires) & reverse that into the top 0.0001% in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea that will eliminate the middle class to exist flattening the income for all class among the rich, middle & the poor.

Sweden is not Socialist.

70%-80% of the economy shutting down from COVID-19 pandemic sends the economy in peril & plunging 1st world economies into a depression. A nationwide economic shutdown from a pandemic or warfare is when socialism takes a foot hold & eventually take over that will be permanent under the Green New Deal, the New Communist Manifesto. Anyone who has lived in Venezuela or escaped Venezuela knows this feeling, once all Industries & Private properties are nationalized. Senate & House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba were bureaucrats control the economy & the profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed assistance hand outs & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair.

Senate, House & (D)s governors are trying to prolong the shut down & drive small business out of business, unless their quid pro quo demands are met as POTUS prepares & urges each states to open their economy in 3 phases. With the power of the purse it is (D) representative body's chance to exploit this pandemic for their special interest. Brace for massive high inflation & taxes. (D) congress wants to spend & print money up to a quarter Quadrillion+ copying the Zimbabwean or Venezuelan model of printing endless money that inflation renders useless where $1 is a Trillion in Zimbabwe & Venezuela currency. Since the pandemic is affecting the world nations' economy globally, the U.S. economy has a chance to rebound on top having more to lose than 3rd world countries. The economies may have reset, but 1st world countries have the means with their infrastructures in logistic, manufacturing, retail, natural resources, academics, engineering & science for their economies to bounce back. 3rd world economies' chances of surpassing 1st world economies are non existent due to crimes, corruption, & brain drain of specialized skills.

(D)wTDS thinks the CDC was perfect under Obama to elevate Obama & vilify his successor, when it's the same CDC & personnel running it for 3-4 decades. There are certain situation that no amount of preparation can prepare for. Anthony Fauci wasn't prepared for what was coming, though he is an expert & has served since the early 80s, he & most of the scientist on disease control just didn't know what they were dealing with. CDC had no choice but to copy how China & Asia handles COVID-19 that is relatively unknown along with the data China released upon who are the most vulnerable & will likely get ill & die. Without known vivid details about how seriously contagious the disease was, he & many other (lib) experts concluded that the Wuhan Flu is less of a threat than the seasonal flu. In Jan. 21st, Dr. Fauci assured the public on NEWSMAX that the Wuhan Virus is not a threat to America. In Feb. 17th, he again said on air that the danger was miniscule. As the 15 days guidelines was near its end in late March, Fauci contemplated in quarantine up to a year. In early April, computer projection model was found over estimated. 


Fauci & Birx have served for 4 decades, but didn't know a thing about a new corona virus they haven't observed & studied. Fauci studied Ebola for 3 1/2 decades before a dent of 1% survival rate was possible from a 100% mortality with no vaccine yet developed. Unlike COVID-19 prevention of Ebola even HIV is not to get bitten, licked, or raped by Gorillas, Chimps, Baboons, Capuchins by simply cook & eat the bush meat very well done. Melanesians of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea & Austronesians of Indonesia hunt & eat wild bats very well done. Americans eat Black & Brown Bears, Racoons, Nutria, Porcupines, even cougars to not waste the meat, but if Koreans, Vietnamese, Pilipino, Indonesian, Nigerians, Congolese, Kenyans, & S. American indigenous tribes eat dogs, bats & tarantulas its a crime of the century. Even eating Spectacled, Sun, & Moon Bears are a taboo for snooty European descent. Africa, S/E Asia, Oceana, Central & South America still have lots of wet Market. The US had wet markets up until after WWII when Birds Eye's frozen food took off. Obtaining fresh meat in the US now days is mostly harvested directly from the wilderness or farms. Despite the war cries against Chinese Wet Markets, there doesn't seem to be much vitriol in African bush meat markets were Ebola & HIV was unleashed by under cooked primate/monkey meat.

Once in a hundred years there's a pandemic that mankind can't prevent or control anytime. Micro plastic, Trans Fat, Hard Narcotics, Tobacco, THC Vaping, Weed, Sugars, & MSG are somehow weakening our immunity from Single Cell Bacterial Viruses that mutate all the time allowing evolution to occur for billions of years. Viral outbreak seems to pop up where large flocks, herds, & communities are densely packed. Every living thing (Animal, Plant, Fungi) on the planet has some sort of disease for billions of years. As mankind converts 85% of the planet's forest cover for human use: cultivation, roads, & development: entertainment, settlement, warehouse, airports... diseases have nowhere to go but where humans are to survive.
2020-04-22 06:46:48 UTC
Because people are losing jobs, the retailers are facing loss and people fear dying out of hunger than corona
2020-04-22 05:05:10 UTC
Because conservatives value money over health and over life.
2020-04-22 03:51:26 UTC
Not everyone is getting sick from coronavirus.  Life goes on whether you're healthy or sick. Forcing people to stay home or in quarantine is very restrictive so people are protesting.  
2020-04-25 13:18:23 UTC
It is Trump's people that are protesting lockdown.  Trump voters are not conservative, they are anarchists.  Societal filth;  scum
2020-04-25 12:42:37 UTC
"Why are conservatives protesting coronavirus lockdown/quarantine?"

I don't know...maybe because unlike a lot of neo-communists who masquerade as "liberals," they actually have jobs, and they realize that the 'free stuff" the government is giving today isn't actually free?  Maybe they don't like the idea that their jobs are being taken away by a lockdown to protect people who could just as easily be protected if THEY quarantined themselves?  

Of course it's funny how you claim it's "conservatives" who are protesting...because I am not a conservative, and frankly I support protests against these forced quarantines!  And then there's that CNN twit, who apparently has (had?) COVID19 and advocated for the quarantines, but still decided to leave quarantine when it suited him.  
Ralph G
2020-04-24 18:59:43 UTC
I heard that most US citizens approve of the lockdown, and the protesters are really just a small, vocal group backed by an AstroTurf right win organization.
2020-04-24 16:08:41 UTC
I Never Had Voted To Republicans And To D.T BUT Now I Love To Vote D.T He Is Right About China & CV ( Why People Keep Saying? Pandemic  Word ? Why Not ? World War C.V China ?
2020-04-23 22:19:33 UTC
because in some states the restrictions are arbitrary.  Why are bars allowed to stay open but not churches? for example.  Its about fairness.  
2020-04-23 22:10:51 UTC
never posion food or try to get back drugs by posioning food in all countries you just piss off poeple and then you will  be take by force to a death chamber in america .if you makemake bullet and caught you spend 100 years jail
Friendly Stranger..
2020-04-23 18:58:43 UTC
To validate your question, statistics have shown that more conservatives compared to liberals desire that states re-open much sooner. Those who are protesting, the majority are conservative and most notably, they are Trump supporters. I believe the reason has to do with two areas: 

1. Opposition to Democrat Governors - In most of the states where there has been protesting (one exception is MD), the governor is a Democrat, but of course that hasn't been the case for all but most. As a result, many conservatives see the lock down as an assault by Democratic leadership which conservatives are unwilling to accept. Thus, the rise in protests and even death threats sitting governors. 

2. Belief that a lock down threatens their Constitutional rights - Another well-known reason is because the imposed lock downs have been viewed as unconstitutional. It has been this view that has caused an increase in gun sales (also prompted by fear) in addition to the active protest against the stay-at-home orders. 

While protesting is a Constitutional right, one must also understand that the element of wisdom should be applied. Is it wise to protest during a pandemic when the rate of infection could increase? The protesters who are abandoning their homes to make a point, if they are infected, the cases will not show immediately, but it will show up perhaps a week or two later because of the lag in transmission. Also, these same individuals believe that this is a fabrication and that is based on a desire to see President Trump's presidency ended. Regardless of the reasoning, thousands have died and thousands more have been infected. One cannot manipulate the facts to suit their own biases. 
2020-04-23 15:06:30 UTC
Because of tyrants. They're taking advantage of the situation so that they can control us.
2020-04-23 12:09:53 UTC
Stay at home and be safe
2020-04-23 03:46:39 UTC
Well...they always have been not that far sighted. Rather they make foolish decisions what put people in jeopardy.
2020-04-23 02:49:56 UTC
Because Trump is spreading a bunch of bullshit propaganda. My family is conservative as am I. We're from New York. Tons and tons of people I KNOW, have been dropping dead left and right, young and old. Yet, these delusional maniacs are going to effing kill us all because they're effing insane, and as long as it isn't affecting them, then who cares right? UNTIL IT DOES, WHICH IT WILL. But they are all too stupid to understand that the only reason Trump is pushing the country to open is so that he can win reelection. He doesn't give a flying f*ck whether you die or you don't. 
2020-04-22 21:51:55 UTC
Because there should NEVER HAVE BEEN a lockdown...and now the LEFTISTS want to use it to undermine TRUMP.
2020-04-22 19:40:10 UTC
because this insanity is killing the economy
2020-04-22 19:20:20 UTC
Because we can't realistically keep everything on lockdown for the next 18 months. People are out jobs, sources of income, etc. We can't cause the next great depression due to an illness that has 1 percent fatality rate (which may even be lower if we included non-tested cases).  Democrats seem to think we can just shut the world down for a couple years and have things go back to normal instantly. Does not work like that. I am relatively young and made below average income. I cannot afford to be out of work till this thing passes. 

Democrats also act like this has a 100 percent fatality rate with the way they talk about it. As if it is as serious as contracting ebola or rabies or something. The truth is that most elderly people who get it will not die or even be hospitalized over it. This is a partisan response. Most of my democrat friends were not too concerned about the virus(with many hosting parties because it "only" has a death rate of around 1 percent) at first..... but then when it became political they started acting like everyone who goes outside without a mask is super selfish, etc. Typical liberal hypocrisy. 

The disease instead has a 99 percent survival rate. Oh and those "poor medical professionals" have more job security than ANYONE right now. 

The only thing keeping us from sliding into a full economic tailspin is the fact that Republican policies on re-opening are giving consumers and investors hope. Consumers hope that there will be jobs and investors hope that their stocks won't completely crash to nothing. If we took the "lets shut down everything till there is a vaccine"  advice then there would not be an economy left to restart when all is over. Of course public health people like Fauci are giving the most risk averse projections and recommendations possible-- that is their job. However, the economy is also important. We can't just completely ignore the economic impact of this in the name of safety. Sacrifices have to be made. Nobody wants to see 1 percent of people die, but as a significant number of those are old - we aren't really saving a lot of "person-years" (number of years of life expectancy total * number of people with such expectancy). I say it is worth it to restart the economy during May. 
2020-04-22 18:17:36 UTC
Because lockdowns suck
2020-04-22 17:58:40 UTC
Because their moron leader encouraged but true.
2020-04-22 14:12:28 UTC
Because we are smart and want to protect our country and protect ourselves at the same time .
2020-04-22 04:51:04 UTC
People panic unfortunately you can't reason with them.  people fear the unknown and do not want to be controlled or not have control of the situation. 
2020-04-21 17:23:45 UTC
Its easy for people who can work from home to judge. Maybe they can offer to financially help them out to sit tight at home?

100% chance they will die with continued lockdown. 2% chance without.
2020-04-21 17:17:29 UTC
Because they are self destructive and want to prove themselves right that the virus is nothing more than a flu.  I hope they succeed in getting the virus and learn the hard way, how bad it really is.
2020-04-25 12:33:04 UTC
Its silly and short sighted. 

"My decent has slowed, I guess its safe to cut off the parachute now"

"My fever has stopped, I guess its safe to stop taking antibiotics even if there's 5 more days of treatment to go"

"We went into lockdown and the rate of spread slowed, this means we should end the lockdown now."

2020-04-25 05:22:30 UTC
They dont believe it is as bad as it isand don't want welfare 
Shinnyuu R
2020-04-24 23:43:08 UTC
The ironic thing is they’re not getting sick because people who are staying home are keeping them safe. 
Angelina J.
2020-04-24 14:47:28 UTC
They fear that the amount of bankrupcies, unemployment, will lead to catastrofies. They also show how contradictive a lot of measures are. Honestly I am also more afraid of all the coming unemployment, mainly in the travel and hospitality sectors, but I feel like we should wait it out, or we'll be stuck with this virus the entire year. Let us wait and get it over with. Even in Wuhan there are still infections. I bet it's because they are restarting many businesses.
2020-04-23 21:39:20 UTC
Yes i agree, Republicans keep 'blaming' China over this whole CoronaVirus thing, especially Donald Trump. I personally voted for Donald Trump but i am trully dissapointed by his recent comments, he is on the verge of starting World War 3 over childish comments
2020-04-23 20:58:04 UTC
They didn’t protest it until Donnie told them too.
2020-04-23 20:49:15 UTC
NEVER EVER change anything on a conservative,it all should stay the same
2020-04-23 15:46:36 UTC
As they are true patriots, they want to extend the time for lockdown, spread the disease among themselves more so they die or get too ill to vote for Trump, also want to wreck the economy by extending the lockdown.
2020-04-23 10:07:32 UTC
Maybe they want to act as kamikaze and give their lives for the cause... 
2020-04-22 22:10:52 UTC
I thought it was SJW liberals crying its racist its racist to control us.
2020-04-22 22:01:40 UTC
They are all tied up in the stock market.  If you are locked down, you are not in the malls spending money, burning petrol, paying union dues, attending church, etc.
2020-04-22 19:13:55 UTC
who said it was conservatives?

and how does mowing my grass spread the virus? some states won't let you do yard-work
2020-04-22 16:45:50 UTC
They don't know. Conservatives are full of  blind racist rage and nothing else. If it wasn't the quarantine they'd be protesting Big Bird because he's yellow. They're gonna be venting their hate filled racism and ignorance regardless of what is going on. I'm very worried these idiots are going to start World War Four
2020-04-22 13:36:17 UTC
They want to get back to work and pay bills.They want to go museums and to go to the mall!
2020-04-22 11:34:44 UTC
common sense.  safety reason and logic.  those things unfamiliar to the idiot left.
2020-04-22 03:03:49 UTC
The real story is this. People in Michigan are protesting because their governor has a strict rule where if you go to Walmart, you are only allowed to buy food, not anything else. It got spotlighted when baby seats were photographed as being tied off from the public, not accessible to buy. It's both Liberals and Conservatives who are protesting those kinds of strict rules. Don't believe everything you read in the fake news.
2020-04-21 19:32:42 UTC
I just think its sad that freedom in this country became "go out and get sick" rather than find a way to have laws that suite situations as these. Do you see any other country demonstrating?

They don't run into these problems because workers already have rights from the get go. That is freedom, and not this crap that you see here
Robin W
2020-04-21 18:22:34 UTC
They think it's a hoax, 'cos Trump said it was.  So did Fox "News".
2020-04-21 17:30:20 UTC
Because Trump told them to and because rich right-wing interests are funding them.
2020-04-21 17:16:49 UTC
They think that will help Trump's re-election campaign, by blaming the loss of jobs and economic depression on governors who shut down their states to prevent the spread of the disease. Trump is still dragging his feet when governors ask him for more test kits to help re-open their states' economies. He claims that there are enough test kits and that states should try to come up with test kits on their own.
William P
2020-04-25 03:51:28 UTC
Because they have a brain.
2020-04-25 02:41:53 UTC
Cause this country is sadly divided.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-04-24 16:20:40 UTC
The "protests" are being funded by alt-right anti-democracy anti-unions U.S. billionaires driven by greed---people like the DeVos (Betsy DeVos et al.) family, the rabidly anti-labor Mercers, and the secretive corrupt Koch Donor Network who put profits above all else ("DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" by Jane Mayer, 2017).  I'm relatively certain there are also some Russian MAFIA laundered millions trying to sow division and discontent as well ("Mueller Report" Volumes I and II; "The Plot to Destroy Democracy" by Malcolm Nance, a 35-year CIA counterespionage expert).  
2020-04-24 09:28:42 UTC
They don’t believe they will be affected by the virus. By giving into quarantine, they are giving up their civil rights without a vote and probably not all the correct facts concerning the virus.
2020-04-24 08:59:00 UTC
Trump 2020. !!!
2020-04-24 08:09:03 UTC
Because they can see the devastating economic damage it is doing. COVID-19 is a serious disease but we can't keep destroying the economy to help protect a tiny percentage of the population
2020-04-24 05:25:15 UTC
Unemployment and poverty will hurt more people than the virus.  You can't have precautions that harm more than the problem you are trying to solve.

Secondly, by having the precautions that are now in effect, the theory is that it prevents a spike in the number of cases, but extends them over a longer period of time.  Some scientists think this will result in more infections and deaths over time.

The Swiss have done no quarantining, and they think the virus there has started its decline.  The theory is by allowing natural exposure, more people develop a natural immunity sooner and the crisis will end sooner!  It seems to be working there.

Third, most of the cases in the U.S. are in New York.  If New York data was deducted from our national data, the U.S. would rank very low in the world for per capita cases!

In many areas, there are very few (if any) cases.  Why should businesses in those areas have to close when the risk is very low?

Forth, last year, the U.S. had about 35,000 deaths from the flu.  This far exceeds the number for Covid.  Some years the flu deaths are much higher, yet there were no shutdowns or quarantining.  There was no wide-spread panic, because the media did not tell people to panic!  

Finally, we are supposed to be a free nation!

Let the government advise us.  If we then decide to go to work, we should have that option!

If you are afraid and want to stay home, you should have that option also, but your fears should not dictate what everyone else must do!

Yes, take reasonable precautions.  Encourage people to wash their hands, check people for fever before they enter certain public places, limit visitors to hospital patients and nursing homes, etc. But, do not strip away the freedom that is the foundation of our country!

The current situation is causing people to loose their jobs, loose their businesses, go into great debt, and they will possibly loose their homes, savings, and security of life!

Healthy people should have the choice of whether to stay home or go to work!  

Keeping sick people at home is quarantine.  Keeping health people at home against their will is an abuse of power and tryanny!
2020-04-23 13:18:12 UTC
Why are liberals being paranoid schizophrenic asswipes?
2020-04-23 09:21:53 UTC
To reduce or eliminate spreading of Corona virus diseases
2020-04-23 02:39:39 UTC
Not just conservatives.

 The end result of this is homelessness, starvation and loss of life. It's a pretty serious thing to tell the whole nation they cannot work and move freely, cannot heal their own selves with colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide the common water purifer (per NASA Jim Humble), or take ozonated water to cure all their diseases.

 But they're doing it. The liberals would rather kill the whole nation just to take over the office, and now they have control of the Presidency completely with Trump as the lame duck.
2020-04-23 02:11:32 UTC
Because they're stupid. Frankly, if they want to all go out and disregard quarantine for a haircut or a restaurant meal, be my guest. It's their funeral.
2020-04-23 00:08:45 UTC
What you got to remember is that people have bills to pay, and many people enjoy having a job and going to work, although they say they don't, a job still gives them a sense of purpose.

Myself, personally, I'm happiest when I'm working. It gives me a break from the house, and it also as I said in the above, a sense of purpose.

And because we are a country that is built on industry, we need to be able to go back to work pretty soon, so that our entire economy doesn't collapse.
2020-04-23 00:06:47 UTC
They think their rights to have a haircut trumps someone's right to not catch a highly contagious disease.
2020-04-22 13:28:59 UTC
People are suffering.
2020-04-22 10:15:12 UTC
This is why. You’ll have more deaths from the lockdown than you would from the Coronavirus itself.

Starvation, depression/suicide, poverty leading to a lack of medical care, have all skyrocketed since the quarantine. But the media obsessively focuses only on the virus, and not other causes of death, because the media wants to push their agenda.

This shouldn’t be about whether you like or dislike Trump. It’s honestly not about that. It’s about, do you want to have a Great Depression or no? Because if one occurs, a Democrat isn’t gonna be able to magically fix it. We’ll be screwed for like an entire decade. So for your own good, you should be begging for the economy to re-open immediately. 
2020-04-22 07:16:39 UTC
Because Democrats are hypocrites.  They are demanding wide-open borders, so that illegal aliens can come here.  Democrats are also releasing violent criminals and/or illegal aliens from prison.  They will be allowed to commit crimes with absolutely no restraint at all, thereby spreading the contagion even more...yet honest, law-abiding Americans are ordered to stay home?  What hypocrisy!  "A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this" (Psalm 92:6, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!   
2020-04-22 02:08:54 UTC
I used to think some of these protesters were acting foolishly. But I’d hate to be in their position. 
2020-04-22 01:42:10 UTC
We protest because democrat governors are overstepping their authority 
2020-04-22 00:16:53 UTC
Because it violates their constitutional rights. They would prefer a suggestion. 
2020-04-21 17:21:38 UTC
we've been in lockdown for 6 weeks. it's time to get back to work and stop being afraid of the invisible enemy. corona virus, is sensitive to UV light and heat. and summer provides both in spades. it's time to get out and get back to work and play outside again. most people don't like or want to get used to getting paychecks from the government. we like earning our own money, with a job well done.
2020-04-25 10:02:07 UTC
Politics! Politics!! Politics!!! The conservatives are seeing this pandemic time as the best time to discredit President Trump and bring down his chances of reelection.
2020-04-25 02:16:00 UTC
Because they care more about money than the lives of others.
2020-04-25 00:30:43 UTC
Because they're listening to the BS that Trump is feeding them and prefer having their "freedom" to get haircuts instead of staying indoors to protect their community. Believe me, I am extremely OCD about my hair and this is the longest I've ever went without getting a haircut but guess what? You won't see me out on the streets protesting! I am staying indoors and working remotely so I can keep myself and everyone else safe.

These idiots who are out there protesting do not realize that the longer they go outdoors and spread the disease, the longer these lockdowns will be in place. Think of it as cooking a pizza. The more you open the oven door and check on the pizza, the more heat that will escape, thus it will take longer for your pizza to cook than it would if you just left it in there for the amount of time that you're supposed to.
2020-04-24 22:59:30 UTC
Yahoo answers .............
Disco Stu
2020-04-24 17:36:12 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you referring to those idiots who go on telly and online telling people to break the coronavirus quarantine, such as GB's Nigel Farage and Stanley Johnson?  They don't get it.

   Or those people who think the lockdown isn't working and Sweden has it right? Sweden changed their minds a week ago and implemented a lockdown because even with their scattered population it wasn't working out. Conservatives don't like it when it would be untrue to blame something on leftie opposition or a fantastic conspiracy theory.
2020-04-24 06:50:51 UTC
Entitlement. They believe that political agendas matter more than human lives. (Not all conservatives, just the uneducated ones who don't understand how diseases work.) They're only "pro-life" when it comes to unborn fetuses, in reality, they don't give two shits about what happens to the rest of the world. 

They said their protests were because they were having their "God-given rights taken away." However, very few wear masks. Very few stay in their vehicles. And almost all were holding "Trump 2020" signs. Not sure what that has to do with their rights being taken away. To my understanding, it's because of their state's governors, not Trump? Not to mention, most of these "rights" aren't rights at all, but privileges. Getting a haircut is a want NOT a need. Going drinking with your friends is a want NOT a need. You aren't having your rights taken away, you're being inconvenienced, and you can't handle that.

Buying seeds IS a need, but not for the majority of Americans. Unless you're a farmer, or someone who can't afford to buy food from grocery stores, you don't NEED seed. However, because farmers and poor people exist... I understand why they would protest against this, but still, if you're going to protest, do it smartly and not selfishly. 

They also think that their lives matter more than nurses lives. I saw a video a couple days ago depicting a bunch of, what I can only assume to be, Republicans verbally abusing nurses (who were wearing masks and staying six feet apart.) Ironically, if these same people were to contract COVID-19, they would go straight to them, begging for treatment. 

In addition, Republicans tend to (again, not all of them, but a good majority of them) react to situations hastily, rather than thinking about the consequences their actions could have. For example, the amount of COVID-19 cases was dropping until the protests occurred, however, they are, unsurprisingly, rising again.

The people who actually want their state to reopen are staying indoors. Because, and I can't believe I have to mention this to grown adults, but diseases spread. Shocking, I know. So, let's say, you attend the protest. You get out of your vehicle, wearing no masks, gloves, or PPE, and standing very close to others. Someone, who doesn't know they have corona, as symptoms don't should until 3-5 days I believe, accidentally pumps into your, or vise-versa. Their germs are now transferred to you, along with the disease. Alright, it only touched your jacket, no big deal, right? Okay, so now you get back home, you take off your jacket, throw it in the washer, great. (This is assuming you even have this thought in the first place.) So after you take off your jacket, you sit down, grab the remote, watch some TV. Then you go onto your phone, make a few calls. Then you go to the kitchen, grab some pans and begin making dinner. As you're making dinner, your face starts itching, so you itch it. No big deal, people itch their face all the time. But wait, did you wash your hands after you threw your jacket into the washer? Chances are, you forgot. You're pretty healthy, right? No big deal. Alright, so now that you have corona (although you don't know it yet) you decide to go to the grocery store. Grab your cart, pick up a few items, put a few back, and then check out. The cashier handles every item you have, hopefully they wash their hands afterwards as well. 

Alright, but the cashier looks healthy and young, and you are healthy as well. No big deal, right? 

Oh look, in walks an elderly person without people to shop for them, she grabs the same cart you used. Does her shopping, heads out. The cashier handles all of their products. What are their chances of survival?

Oh look, in walks a young person with a blood clot in their lung (I'm one of these people), they grab the same cart that the old woman used. They shop, head out. The cashier handles all of their products. What are their chances of survival?

But everything's fine, right? Because you're fine, right? Unhealthy people don't deserve to go out anyways, and should just stay inside while the rest of you get to enjoy life, right?

However, I know this will not get through to many, as many don't care about other people's lives. So let's talk about YOU. You wanna go out, go to the beach, get a haircut, go drinking? Stay home. Why? Because the more people who get COVID-19, the longer states STAY closed. Any state who reopens during a national pandemic that's on the RISE, does not care about their people. I can think of very few states who would be willing to reopen as the number of deaths increases. You want your so-called "rights" back? Okay, stop the spread, let it calm down, let the states reopen, then you can go get your much "needed" haircut. 
2020-04-24 02:23:43 UTC
Corporations are mad that the're not making money, and would rather have people die if they make their buck
2020-04-24 00:13:27 UTC
Because the economy is dying. 
2020-04-23 23:50:14 UTC
China virus, China's fault like always
2020-04-23 18:24:35 UTC
"Why are conservatives protesting coronavirus lockdown/quarantine?"  LOL!
The Patriot
2020-04-23 09:23:30 UTC
SOME of those on the right are protesting as they have been told that #COVID19 poses no or little risk to others.  For many it is about justifiable concerns about income and jobs, but for others it is about silly issues such as getting a haircut.  But you cannot blame them if they have been fed lies by those who should know better.
2020-04-23 06:20:05 UTC
Because they like freedom and don't like being told they can't work, can't go outdoors, and can't worship (yes, Democrat governors are even banning religious gatherings which is very Bolshevik-like and scary). Here in America there's a little thing called the Bill of Rights; Americans have the right to assemble and worship. The Democrat governors have NO right to discard the Constitution like they're doing. It is nothing short of tyranny. And the economy is tanking because Democrat governors are prohibiting and ILLEGALIZING businesses from operating. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what would. There's no need for Democrat governors to force businesses to shut down and tank the economy. It doesn't fix anything; people still go outdoors and socialize. 
2020-04-23 01:11:49 UTC
Read the constitution n bill of rights again
2020-04-22 19:03:36 UTC
Because we believe in the rule of law.  (HINT: The Constitution is the law of the land) 

We also know that unless the economy is opened in short order and people get back to work, the entire world is in for a rough time.  Besides, you "quarantine" the sick.  You imprison the healthy.  Leftists just can't seem to see the difference.

That's not to say we shouldn't observe caution and continue with social distancing while proceeding with care.  But if we want to eat, we need to work.
2020-04-22 18:49:25 UTC
It has been a really long time and people need money to bring food to the table. People need to work. Some people haven't even gotten their stimulus checks or unemployment pay. A nation cannot survive when everybody, other than the most important supply chains, is stuck at home twirling their thumbs.  
2020-04-22 11:18:59 UTC
Because dim ocrat governors are going way too far putting restrictions that have nothing to do with the virus like not allowing us to buy seeds or plants or not allowing us to work inside our homes or work alone in a vacant house,or violating our rights by telling us we can't attend drive in church services where we stay in our own car the whole time.The bill of rights gives us the right to peacably assemble and the bible says "forsake not the assembling of yourselves together" then saying "I WASN'T THINKING ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS" !!! Dim ocrat governors are totalitarian dictators,causing rioting in protests.
2020-04-22 07:51:48 UTC
Because conservatives work. We don't sit around collecting welfare or have parents taking care of us. We have responsibilities. This is something liberals would never understand.
2020-04-22 01:08:54 UTC
There struggling to get by and are worrried they will lose their home.
2020-04-21 17:24:39 UTC
They're protesting unnecessary, seemingly capricious and unwarranted closures that don't protect against anything but their earning a living and keeping their businesses and jobs from being eliminated.

It's probably far too nuanced for you dull tools of the left.
2020-04-21 17:20:06 UTC
Conservatives are not known for their intelligence. Let the selfish idiots protesting contract COVID-19. They are right-wing extremists who would rather risk people's lives than keep themselves and their families safe. They are being funded by wealthy far-right donors.

They are protesting about the wrong things. They should be demanding universal health care and a universal basic income. The United States is going to give only a few people a pathetically small amount of money, one time. Most European countries are covering everyone's salary for as long as it takes. And because Americans’ health insurance is tied to their jobs, the people who have lost their jobs are in serious trouble. But the protesters are ignoring these issues and waving Nazi flags, which is totally the wrong way to get sympathy.
2020-04-27 15:27:15 UTC
Because they're accusing governors of being dictators over their stay-at-home orders?
2020-04-24 08:44:20 UTC
Because For one,  If you actually do any research into the Virus and the numbers and projected numbers and statistics you see that it's less harmful and less deadly than the regular seasonal flu,  and the consequences of the lockdown have lead to a destruction of the Supply lines that's destroying the Food Supply, Even the UN says that the lockdown will cause millions of people to starve to death.., especially poor people in Africa... and in the ghettos of our own nation likely... Milk and eggs being dumped, huge fields of vegetables and wheat not being harvested left to rot in the fields,  meat companies shutting down, while simultaneously a halt on imports , we already don't produce enough food to feed our own country people were already going hungry.. now with the shutdown many will starve, the worst repercussions will be in poor neighborhoods in Africa and india, and throughout the middle east.. millions of people will die not from covid,  from Starvation and poverty... and then there's the rest of us who will be in the same boat if this doesn't end Right now... besides that there's also all the people who can't pay their bills there are like over 30 million people already standing in bread lines, filing for unemployment,  the petrodollar collapsed,  stock markets crashing, a lot of people are gonna end up on the streets losing their homes losing their businesses.. and besides all that the psychological impact of the terror being imposed on people has led to about a thousand fold number of calls to suicide prevention hotlines... , people who need surgeries can't get them,  people who need dental work or other medical care can't get it.. what's going on right now is nothing short of genocide.. and it's only gonna get worse and worse and by the time you see it by the time it hits home it's too late to stop it..
2020-04-23 18:43:42 UTC
As a new USA citizen, I believe that these protests are legal; based on the right to assemble. These protests are idiotic based on safety. However, these people have a constitutional right to assemble and be idiots.
2020-04-23 11:34:32 UTC
Only idiots fall for this flu scam.
2020-04-22 12:39:45 UTC
They're tired of people not working.  What some that have kids that could affected ?
2020-04-22 03:50:10 UTC
Simply because they're selfish idiots. Q
2020-04-21 18:48:10 UTC
Many prohibited activities like golf are far less risk than permitted activities like riding the subway or going to a grocery store.   Everyone should protest having freedoms restricted when restricting those freedoms serves no useful purpose.  

States like Nebraska and Iowa allowed social distancing opportunities to remain open and have not seen higher fatalities as a result.   
Liberals sequester from fact
2020-04-21 17:22:35 UTC
Because it is very suspicious since the flu kills more people than covid 19 and Ebola and SARS are both more deadly. The lockdown seems like some kind of pinko political agenda. If it isn't it's better to make sure the government understands we the people are still endowed with the first and second amendments.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.