If a city defunds police, how will law and order be maintained ?
2021-01-29 23:27:16 UTC
Will police volunteer their time without pay?  Will the mob move in and protect those who pay their extortion fee?   Will anarchy rule?  What would happen exactly?
125 answers:
The First Dragon
2021-01-30 02:59:56 UTC
People with enough money will hire security guards.  The rest are likely to get involved in militias or other local self defense organizations; or gangs, as the case may be.  
2021-01-31 03:25:18 UTC
Law and DISORDER will be kept up!!!

Disorder will set in!!! What does the word 'turmoil' mean ? From the Classical Greek implications, 'an- - ' signifies 'not' ,and '- - archy' signifies 'law'. So it implies you are without law.

The police should be appropriately subsidized, yet the police additionally should be more responsible at law. - ' Not simply shoot anybody on sight!!!!'
2021-01-30 23:56:38 UTC
Social Workers. They want to send out social workers. Y'know, until the first one gets hurt. 
2021-01-30 21:55:58 UTC
It’s really scary to think about it guess we are all screwed 
2021-01-30 12:32:17 UTC
Law and DISORDER will be maintained!!! 

Anarchy will set in!!! What does the word 'anarchy' mean ?  From the Classical Greek  meanings, 'an--' means 'not' ,and  '--archy' means 'law'.  So it means you are without law. 

The police need to be properly funded, but the police also need to be more accountable at law. -- ' Not just shoot anyone on sight!!!!' 
2021-01-30 05:03:07 UTC
Defunding them is just to scare them into stopping them from acting like they’re cooler than everyone 
2021-01-30 02:54:39 UTC
Batman will move in and sort it out within 3 months 
2021-01-30 01:13:54 UTC
Lions, Tigers and Bears oh my...Don't you worry; police aren't gonna be defunded to valuable. Our safety, the of society depends on there patrols through our neighborhoods. If anything bad eggs will be removed.
2021-01-30 00:58:57 UTC
For those who say defund does not mean taking away all of the funding: Why do the same number of signs that show up at these riots also say "Abolish or "disband" the police"?

I know that all of the BLM protests were not violent, there were two peaceful marches in my town last summer, but very many were very violent and people were killed. Violent crime increased almost 100% last summer in many of our nations cities. That does absolutely nothing to heal racism. Even after rump is gone some of these groups are screaming for Biden to be gone and the violence has continued. Sorry, but my sympathy went away after the celebrations of the murders of ambushed cops and the destruction of statues of Lincoln. One danged fool kid insolently tried to claim Lincoln was a slave holder.... That's the kind of stupidity that drives people away from peaceful solutions.

This constant racist drumbeat against all white people is as racist as anything the rebel flag wavers are screaming. It all has to stop and its time for the so called adults in this country to grow up and talk to each other like adults.
2021-01-30 00:36:08 UTC
they will probably contract with the county sheriff ..............
2021-01-30 00:24:17 UTC
Simple, the police will be less militarized. Say, someone with mental health issues is causing trouble, they can have the appropriate person help them, other than the police. Police aren't educated enough or equipped to deal with something like that. That is only one example, of course.
2021-02-01 16:57:51 UTC
I have a big problem with "Defunding the Police."

A big problem with "Stopping the Wall."

A big problem with "Stopping the Pipeline."

A big problem with "Transgender in Military."

A big problem with "Transgender in Girl's Sports."

I have no problem with equality and equity for somethings, but we cannot all treat others equally.   I would not cook breakfast for my neighbors husband as I cook breakfast for my own every morning.  Not all things are lawful or that make good sense.  And not all laws are ethical, but we are a country of Law & Order and that is good.  We are OK as long as we stand behind and support that Great Constitution written by our forefathers.  The Biden/Sanders Manifesto is not the new law.  We have a Constitutional Order of Laws.
2021-02-01 06:24:12 UTC
They will make more on the side.
2021-02-01 02:03:03 UTC
Like in the 1800's frontier justice. Offenders caught in the act of committing a serious crime are instantly hung from trees following a swift show trial.

Police are defenders of law and order versus chaos and anarchy.
2021-01-31 19:06:16 UTC
there will be crime more drugs do you like working for free?
Not Applicable
2021-01-31 15:54:07 UTC
If you dig a little deeper into the conversation, it is less about "defunding police" than it is about redirecting money towards programs and services which work on addressing needs and preventing criminal environments from arising in the first place. Unfortunately, we have tasked police with essentially mental health and social work responsibilities for which they are ill prepared. 

At the same time, with our War on Drugs, War on Crime, War on Blah-blah, we have turned many police departments into quasi-military forces. There are other options out there with various forms of community policing, but it will require thoughtful implementation of such a regimen. 
2021-01-31 15:23:20 UTC
Running at the mouth about something you don't understand is dangerous.  No one wants to de-fund the police, reallocating funds is not de-funding it is merely creating different divisions within the police force that will address matters that have been causing people to be arrested for mental health issues and other issues that general police training doesn't cover.  Inform yourself a little and you will sound more intelligent.  
Mark J
2021-01-31 13:40:28 UTC
It wont be a problem

everyone will gather round a campfire hugging each other exhanging lentil bake recipies singing  Kumbya.

Joe and Kammie witll make sure there is a universal income so you don't have to want for anything. That will immeidately get rid of any crime

Social workers will be on hand to resolve any minor problems such as domestic disagreements.

it will be lovely, truly a brave new world...

..envisaged by middle and upper class Democrats who by power of thought and belief alone can make the worl,d a better happier place. ifYou have alrready seen what will happen with the retreat of Police IN Portland and Kenosha. The super rich will pay for their own protection. Society will fracture further into 'us' and 'them'. ANd that will probably lead to an escalation of racial based conflict.
2021-01-30 23:51:42 UTC
None of that is going happen so you can relax. 
2021-01-30 20:19:29 UTC
Defund the police ---  before 9/11 my small town of about 5000 had 5 full time cops,  After 9/11 there was a big push for more cops everywhere.  == My town LOST population.  dropped to a little over 3000, but there was a big push for mre cops and now we have about 18 cops to chase down fewer criminals ,, and the extra cops just act like assholes to justify their jobs,  Defund those extra 13 cops and let things go back to normal.  I would guess the same kind of BS is going on all over the country.  Big cities have more cops now than before 9/11 and they shw their power by choking people,   YES.  defund the assholes.  Keep the decent cop who really 'PROTECT AND SERVE' instead of the ones tho protect their own jobs and serve to prove that they are bullies. = = = My guess is that things will go back to a better normal than having cops tat choke people to death .. or, in my small town, stop teenage girls and offer to not give them a ticket if they have sex with them.  


If you really believe that cops are so perfect, then we need to start teaching police tactics in high school and when every student graduates, automatically make them a member of the police force.  If cops are so perfect and never commit crimes then if every citizen is a cop then we will have NO crime at all.
Const. King
2021-01-30 19:31:07 UTC
The people will have to pay a protection fee.  They will be made an offer they can't refuse.
2021-01-30 19:09:01 UTC
Hopefully the law enforcement agencies will learn to filter out the morons who give them a bad name.
2021-01-30 14:35:01 UTC
Social workers are the plan, the money just gets moved to newly minted worthless college graduates with massive student loans..., YOU NEVER GET YOUR MONEY BACK...they are coming for your guns...
2021-01-30 13:04:12 UTC
Luckily, contrary to what rightwing media has been telling you, “defund the police” never meant “disband the police”. It’s simply meant to demilitarize it.
2021-01-30 12:32:18 UTC
Don't worry, soon in the future we will have Judge Dredd.
2021-01-30 11:16:05 UTC
There is no law and order in this country even with the police. Police break the law all the time
2021-01-30 01:32:43 UTC
Without Killer Cops robbing and murdering, things will be better!
2021-01-29 23:49:59 UTC
Portland hasn’t defunded their police, just told police to do less policing and look at the resulting violent crime that results. Defunding police will cause anarchy, but from anarchy some system will eventually arise, probably something like mob protection provided to those who pay.    
2021-01-29 23:38:13 UTC
You won’t need it they will have civil groups enforcing the laws. You know like mob justice.

Joes got all figured out executive order Tuesday it’s called Martial Law.
2021-01-29 23:36:01 UTC
you cannot have police if police are defunded. So since we have police, as long as we have police, they are therefore not defunded. Is anyone saying we should not have any police?  I am not, and I do not know anyone that is.....

Criminals hate the police.....and attack the police as we saw happen on January 6th at US capital.
Mr. Wizard
2021-02-01 20:14:00 UTC
Let's take a constructive look back at 2020, when BLM racists and their professional 'protesters' incited pockets of mass group outrage, with chants of "DEFUND THE POLICE".


And I'm backed up by dozens of Sociologists studying the behavior exhibited by such vocally loud groups in 2020.

So we're hearing THUGS and BLACK RACISTS, basically pleading for sheeple to call for elected political officials to "DEFUND THE POLICE ( that are hurting my bizness!!!)"

And this brings me to laugh at these THUG IDIOTS, because ANY serious effort to "defund" local police law enforcement offices is clearly POLITICAL SUICIDE---and no elected official--even the CORRUPT ONES-- in their right mind would NEVER dare even try slashing local law enforcement office budgets.


Because those same elected officials spent A LOT OF MONEY simply getting elected to their political positions in the first place!!!  They're NOT going to appease the CRYBABY WAILS OF HURTING DRUG DEALING THUGS!!!
2021-02-01 15:15:28 UTC
I agree that defunding the police is a bad move, but “defunding” isn’t an absolute thing. Few are seriously using “defund” as synonymous with “disband” law enforcement. They are talking about reducing police funds which is usually targeted at police acquisition of military type vehicles, firearms, etc. So a defunded police force will still be a police force, but they won’t have all the toys they used to have. The real danger is that it might mean they also might have fewer officers on their payrolls. I’m very much against that. I want to see reform, not disband. Personally, instead of “defunding” I’d rather see police “reallocate” some of their funds to crime preventative methods. 
2021-02-01 07:08:17 UTC
The Devil
2021-01-31 23:08:42 UTC
Our $90,000/yr cops  pick who they protect and how they investigate crime and crime they ignore in areas where that's their choice to treat that way. If they won't be fair with our tax money, they need to be paid according to their performance. If it comes to disbanding them and bringing in state police or county sheriffs, so be it.

Mostly, defunding police is about stopping them from murdering citizens, and being corrupt behind their "Blue Wall of Silence".

You aren't so stupid you don't understand all this.
2021-01-31 21:50:59 UTC
It won't be maintain the dum blm groups an antifa just wanna turn them city's into gang related city's look at 3rd world country's 
2021-01-31 17:35:33 UTC
As those owners and lobbyists of those corporations who are in favor of paying no or few taxes and who influenced governments to cut down police funds.
2021-01-31 14:47:55 UTC
You will have to defend yourself or what they really want is for you to stay home ,, called control if they get you to do that dems can do whatever they want and you'll do it.. shut up and do as they say,, control leads to easy take over.. wake up you are being scammed right before your eyes.
2021-01-31 03:06:26 UTC
The National Guard would be called in, as they have been.

People need to stop this ****.

If "BLM", then do your BEST to stop it at the core, but NO, they want us to hate each other, do you NOT get this.

A divided nation is easy to control.

What's the other one?

Anti Facism, hahaha.

Do they actually understand?

WOW, the sheep are in LARGE herds.

Ya'll are like children stomping on the ground for a toy in the middle of the store, screaming till the parent gives in and puts it in the cart cause they don't want to get looks.

Hope you understand that.


That isn't happening.

So we NEED to put the blame somewhere, right, haha.

Do they still allow "Ride-Alongs"?

Probably not since everyone hates the cops.

This is a horrible world I live in.
Jas B
2021-01-31 00:59:19 UTC
"Defund the police" was a slogan dreamed up by protestors, it worked brilliantly, it really triggered right wingers.

But protestors do not make laws and no Democratic President or lawmakers are going to get rid of the police force.
2021-01-30 22:49:00 UTC
That is a big social worry, and the reason for soring gun sales. 
2021-01-30 22:34:36 UTC
ask joe he can just write an excutive order
2021-01-30 19:20:15 UTC
Obviously you don't understand what the (ill-named) 'defund the police' movement is about.

It actually means to reallocate the funds. So when someone calls b/c their fully grown, 6'2" son who's got the mental development of a three year old is having a tantrum, a social worker with training on how to handle that kind of situation is sent instead of a police officer that only escalates the situation and ends up shooting the man, which has happened.

I'm completely opposed to using that phrase b/c people like you, generally don't bother to ask questions, or 'open dialog' but just jump to the erroneous conclusions you obviously did and don't understand the real argument at all.

@ to whoever said 'look at the violence in Portland', it was not b/c of defunding the police. It was b/c the bugaloo boys or Proud boys, etc, showed up to be violent and cause trouble.
2021-01-30 19:00:41 UTC
It won't, better go buy some guns before they make that illegal as well.
2021-01-30 12:49:10 UTC
You've never heard of speed traps?
2021-01-30 07:10:42 UTC
Volunteers will take over and cause more confusion, leading to the end of the world as we know it.
2021-01-30 05:52:46 UTC
First of all defund the police doesn't mean don't pay them. They're asking for the police budget to be redistributed to other areas of the community. 

Crime started to increase once they cut the budget for social services, housing, education, employment, mental health, and youth services and put that towards cops.

It only makes sense to do the opposite. 

Edit: to the person who asks why signs say "Abolish or "disband" the police"?

That's a separate issue. That's a call for police reform, racist policies, and offensive policing. They're asking for a new more community based policing. Not an end to all law & order. 
2021-01-30 04:24:04 UTC
You totally do not grasp what that phrase means.

It does NOT mean 'take away 100% of the police budget and fire all the cops'.

Rather, it means 'take away all the jobs that have nothing to do with actual law enforcement, so that the cops can focus on those things, while the freed up money would then go to specialists who deal with issues such as mental health calls, and other non criminal issues.'
2021-01-30 04:06:45 UTC
simple it wont ..
2021-01-30 01:09:01 UTC
If the police aren't getting paid Criminals will of course move in. Fortunately, Biden is NOT a supporter of defunding the police.
2021-01-30 00:51:09 UTC
By "community activists" ie, mob rule.
2021-02-02 05:00:24 UTC
No no no...    
2021-02-01 16:59:41 UTC
Defunding is a misnomer. Police will still get paid, but with defunding person especially trained to handle domestic disputes or the mentally ill. The idea is to limit resorting unnecessary violence. Tolerance training also needs to be added to again limit resorting to violence when handling minorities or anyone actually. In many cases more funds would be necessary. No one wants to live without police. The goal is to make them more effective without resorting to deadly violence.
Md Kawsher
2021-02-01 03:12:08 UTC
The pictures on our TV screens demonstrating Black Lives Matter fights are hard to watch. Tuning in to individual accounts of individuals affected by viciousness and decimation is difficult.

BLM allies are centered around late events of police savagery caught on record, just as other reported occasions of unarmed presumes shot and executed by police. In 2019, police lethally shot nine unarmed Black individuals and 19 unarmed whites, as per a Washington Post public data set.

Police allies may be considering exhibitions that transformed into disdain fests — the put-downs, blocks, jugs and defecation that were flung at police attempting to keep everything under control and ensure lives and property. What's more, the 135 cops who were executed a year ago in the line of obligation.

While we can contend about whether foundational prejudice infests police offices the nation over, there is by all accounts general acknowledgment of the thought that expansive assessment of policing strategies, preparing and responsibility is unavoidable and justified if the public's trust in our police offices is to be kept up.
2021-01-31 23:44:25 UTC
Remember, the crazies on the left who want to defund the police do not want law and order.  They think that if a person of color wants something, it's racist to deny the person what he or she wants.  Thus police should have no role, in their view.  Those of us who work and acquire property, or simply want to live in peace, be d#mned.  ("No justice, no peace!" is a common leftist saying, too, consistent with this view.)
2021-01-31 22:29:18 UTC
When a city defunds its police force, the criminals will step in and take over.  In Austin, TX, the city council voted to defund its police force by 2/3 of the funding.  Hundreds of police officers quit or retired, because they couldn't pay their bills.  They went to other cities as officers, or went into another line of work.  Austin is now overrun with crime.  The criminals know they are pretty much free to do whatever they want to, and they do it.  As more and more cities bow to the Black Lives Matter mandate that cities do away with police, this is going to happen more and more, until the country is taken over by anarchy.
2021-01-31 15:09:04 UTC
It's horseshit.  Defunding the police is just any excuse to not follow policing laws, it's an excuse to be a crooked cop. 
2021-01-31 00:29:04 UTC
The first thing that would have to happen is that hell would freeze.
2021-01-31 00:25:23 UTC
“Defunding,” if taken literally and implemented that way, would be a disaster. I’m a liberal and I can see that. Funds should be reallocated IMO to include better support for officers responding to mental health emergencies, for one thing. There are many ways we could assist and support both the police and their communities. Not to mention not hiring cops with a history of violence or racism, and not keeping cops who rack up abuse charges.
2021-01-30 17:21:09 UTC
In the major urban areas controlled by Democrats the "Crips and Bloods" will maintain order.
2021-01-30 15:40:08 UTC
defunding the police isn't taking wages away from the law enforcement. its simply acknowledging the fact that the we spend our tax money to fund for excessive things like equipment and high tech weapons, when we can use that money that would actually help communities 
2021-01-30 15:38:34 UTC
it will be mob rule
2021-01-30 10:56:48 UTC
There will be more law and order if the police are defunded.  People can buy a Glock with the money saved.  White policemen will stop raping black women if the women are armed.
2021-01-30 08:51:04 UTC
Antifa/BLM (that is to say communists) militias will be taking over.
2021-01-30 06:01:23 UTC
So this is a huge problem with the slogan "Defund the Police".  It's really really misleading.  Democratic Rep Karen Bass once called it "the dumbest slogan in history" because it's so misleading. 

When people hear "defund the police" they think what you think: that it means zeroing out the police budget and doing away with law enforcement. 

Here's the thing: that's not what it means.  What "defund the police" really means is more like "take some of the money which we're using for armed law enforcement and repurpose it for other services to deal with things which might be a public nuisance but don't involve actual crime".  The idea here is that police are being used to deal with a lot of problems that they're not equipped to handle.  Police are trained to investigate crimes and lock people up.  They're not trained to deal with people who are mentally ill, or who are drunk/high.  They're not trained to deal with homelessness.  And because they're trained to use violence against criminals, cops often end up needlessly hurting, or even killing, people with problems that might be a public nuisance, but which aren't really crimes.  One example I've used is Rayshard Brooks.  He's that guy in Atlanta last year who was shot after the cops were called because he fell asleep in his car in a Wendy's drive thru, drunk off his ***.  The encounter ended with Brooks being shot and killed by cops after he resisted being arrested.  Now, obviously, we can't have people drunkenly falling asleep in their cars and blocking drive thrus.  But it's not really a crime either.  No ones in danger of getting hurt, nothing's being stolen, etc.  So why are armed police being asked to respond to this?  Police who are trained to lock people up, but not to deal with someone's substance abuse problems.  What if, instead, some other form of worker could be called, someone who was trained to deal with substance abuse problems?  They might have dealt with the situation without violence and gotten Brooks the help he needed.  This would have been better for everyone involved: Brooks because he would be alive, the officers because they wouldn't have faced scrutiny for killing a man, and the business owner (since Brook's girlfriend burned down the store after his killing).   There's lots of different situations like this which are disturbances of public order, but which don't necessarily need an armed police response, or at least not for armed police to take the lead.  If someone is having a mental episode, is publicly intoxicated, or is homeless and sleeping in a doorway, why do we need cops carrying guns, and not trained to deal with these problems, to respond?  Programs which use other professionals to respond to these programs have been used well in a few cities.  That's what "defund the police" is all about.  Cops would still exist, and would still be responding to actual crimes: murders, assaults, someone knocking over a liquor store.  But more minor problems would be dealt with in a less confrontational approach with less risk of violence (to both the citizen and the officer.)

The name, however, is a huge stumbling block.  It makes people think it's about doing away with law enforcement entirely
2021-01-30 05:43:00 UTC
It will become like Mexico or Russian states. Antifa will be like the Cartels and race exclusive gangs will be ruling the streets.
2021-01-30 04:12:37 UTC
Sure wouldn't be trump republicans they kill the police .
2021-01-30 01:27:30 UTC
You and people like the doc man are too lazy to find out what is meant by defund the police. It won’t stop paying police officers. It will direct funds from things that the police can’t effectively handle to create other ways to handle issues like domestic disturbances and suicide and mental health calls. Things the police have been saying they don’t want to have to do anyway. Things where having a police officer come racing in with lights on and sirens just makes it worse. Then the police can handle real crimes. And not have to shoot some poor slob who got drunk after a bad day.
2021-01-30 00:35:50 UTC
Defund does not mean take all their funding, it only means reducing it. EX: tanks and heavy weapons etc. Military tech gear. etc. It also means putting some funding in other areas that police already do but are not equipped to deal with. EX homeless people stray animals and all sorts of things people call the police for when its not really their area of expertise rather social workers and so on
2021-01-30 00:17:06 UTC
I think you've gotten, "defund" confused with ,"disband". You have to stop listening to right wing talk radio lunatics that like to keep their listeners stirred up for ratings.
Gilgamesh King of Heroes
2021-01-29 23:30:03 UTC
they wont be defunded, happy now? 
2021-02-01 20:18:35 UTC
You think we have law and order?  You have never been anyplace like Singapore have you? To be honest, the USA is very lawless and pretty much always has been. 

Anarchy already rules here. Just drive down the street.  On any given day, I see cars with illegal modifications, hear people blasting music illegally, people driving recklessly, running lights, expired tags, etc. I see it every single day in LA, and we have one of the best funded police departments in the country.
2021-02-01 01:11:17 UTC
I get what you are saying but MOST of the time White cops are racists! They pull over Non-White people for speeding, DUI, or other offenses and give them tickets etc. but they often spare White people! How soon are you forgetting George Floyd?! That poor guy was suffocated to death by a White cop! 

Once, my dad was driving at night, he was coming home from work. His car was hit from behind. They were three White teenagers. My dad called 911, and the cop who came was also White, gave the ticket to my dad, even though my dad didn’t hit their car! Those White teenagers were the ones who hit my dad’s car and they also falsely accused my dad of trying to flee the scene of the accident! My dad’s car was hit from the back and he still got the ticket! 
2021-01-31 21:52:30 UTC
Since when is law and order being maintained? Also, there are a lot of dirty cops. Quite a few were arrested after 01/06. Do not forget why Black Lives Matter started. Clean up the police forced and you'll need far less of them. 
2021-01-31 19:14:52 UTC
You do not understand what it means. It means that the police are not funded as a separate division. They become funded as a part of social services. 

The city of Camden, New Jersey did it. The police department became part of social services. The result was that when someone called 911, they would get routed depending on what they needed. If there was a crime, police were sent. If it is just a domestic dispute, they send a social worker. l

That means that police are only sent to crime scenes, not to every single incident. The result is that crime goes down, police are happier in their jobs.

The police still get paid, they still do their jobs. The difference is that they don't get sent out everytime someone has an argument or someone locks their keys in the car. 

Police will do the same job they always have, but they won't have to do everything else. 
2021-01-31 03:25:46 UTC
Law and order would then be maintained by militia or gangs, they would take a percentage of profits from people(tax), in exchange for protection.
2021-01-31 00:31:49 UTC
Defund doesn't mean get rid of. They want to use some of the funds to hire people that can specialize in certain areas instead of sending cops when its not necessary. One example that comes to mind was when I was having panic attacks and couldn't go to school they could have sent a social worker or a therapist or something instead of having the cops drag me to school making the whole situation worse. Lets have cops for things we need cops for but in all other cases send someone who can better handle the situation. 
2021-01-31 00:07:57 UTC
Defunding doesn't mean completely abolishing, but reallocating some of its budget to other departments, such as housing, mental health, etc.
2021-01-30 21:36:10 UTC
It'll be maintained for those that can afford it. I once lived in the Midwest where in the area was a rural volunteer fire department that required you to make a monthly donation for fire protection. I was a volunteer for a fire department in neighboring area, but in a different county. We were called to a house fire, but couldn't cross the county line without this other departments permission. Needless to say, this farm house burned completely down. The other department was there, but didn't put out the fire because this farmer hadn't paid his dues. One thing that this farmer had going for him was that his barn and pond was in our county. We drove our pumper to the pond, set up lines from the pond to the barn, and tried our best to put out the fire. The other department couldn't stop us from doing that since we were in our county. So what if we had errant streams of water. We were protecting our county. In regards to the Police, I see this type of thing happening.
Uncle Pennybags
2021-01-30 20:32:01 UTC
My neighbor is being beaten and robbed.  Quick, someone call a social worker!
My Clone Did it Not me
2021-01-30 19:33:41 UTC
LOL that's what police and politicians do already is extortion with insane fees and 

fines along with rules. 
2021-01-30 16:54:18 UTC
Nobody is talking about getting rid of the police, except for some ultra liberals who think that community members can replace the police. They are nuts. 
2021-01-30 15:55:07 UTC
It won’t, you will have to defend yourself, and that’s why the lefties want to ban guns.
Robin W
2021-01-30 11:30:58 UTC
That sound bite was always confusing.  It didn't mean defund down to zero dollars. 
2021-01-30 09:14:22 UTC
Hand the extra money over to community activists.  Then skedaddle.  Mexico will be safer 
2021-01-30 06:39:49 UTC
Just like it is in Portland....OH, wait..Uh
2021-01-30 06:09:25 UTC
If you like rioting and looting, defunding police makes perfect sense.  
2021-01-30 01:46:50 UTC
It will become like Mexico or Russian states. Antifa will be like the Cartels and race exclusive gangs will be ruling the streets. Extortion, kidnapping, sex trades will be the main sources of wealth. Except Seattle which will always have the "Summer of Love". This is the Democrats dream. Democrats exploit tragedy's.

Building on lies like AOC did with the Riots in Washington claiming Ted Cruz was trying to kill her. No proof, No One on CNN/MSNBC calling BS on her. 

They are all on the same team. Lying to America 
2021-01-30 01:13:31 UTC
Your question is valid.  But I hope that at least a couple of cities actually go through with that plan and find out why it was a bonehead idea.  The rest of the country would then be able to see just how totally stupid it was to do that.

And the criminals will have fun until the citizens have enough and get guns for themselves, at which time it will be "Gunfight in the O.K. Corral" time.
2021-01-29 23:56:53 UTC
 Since you haven't even bothered to understand what is being proposed, your post is meaningless.
2021-01-29 23:32:42 UTC
You're confused. Defunding the police doesn't mean disbanding the police force. It means shifting some of the resources currently used for policing into other social interventions.
2021-02-01 16:33:57 UTC
Only when the far left mobs start after the politicians---with violence---just a matter of time, and would not be surprising.
2021-01-31 22:15:50 UTC
It's like this-you get paid things are cool- you don't get paid for your work such as the police then riots and death will occur 
Armchair Goddess #1
2021-01-31 12:55:12 UTC
You are perhaps inadvertently repeating disinformation while hiding behind anonymous, "anonymous."  The word "defund" was misused during the Black Lives Matters mostly peaceful protests during the summer when the "Defund the Police" chant was circulated.  What most people want to see is a "reallocation" of existing funds to include expanded training for our nation's police departments, to include more training for the psychology of "de-escalation" and use of social workers for some interventions.  Relax and take a giant "chill pill" instead of hyping an unrealistic fallacy.  
2021-01-31 11:26:52 UTC
Defunding the police does not actually mean that the criminal justice system will be abolished. There is an excess in funding within this system that can be put into large debts owed by this country. 
2021-01-31 03:35:16 UTC
If crime has risen after the police are defunded please thank Democrats for that. 
2021-01-31 02:07:12 UTC
Defunding won't mean that the police will not be paid, it means that they won't be given as much money for military grade weapons that they're trained to use on civilians or money to pay compensations and lawsuits they constantly go through when civilians are either murdered* when being arrested or caught in the crossfire. Police will remain as the point isn't to eliminate the police.

To add to that, what Black Lives Matter is pushing for is reform, better background checks so that less violent and terrible people who want to become police for power are hired, perhaps people who handle stress better and are less likely to snap, etc. We want police, we just don't want them to hurt anyone anymore. There are many terrible and unjust people in the system, so much so that the "good cops" who might handle situations better or recognize their subconscious implicit biases (as in towards any race/gender/religion) and not allow themselves to make decisions clouded in subjectives are barely a speck of sand on a whole beach.

BLM is a movement of compassion and is to help everyone while pushing our world forward into a less biased system. But unfortunately some people do not understand that just because it is called "black lives" does not mean "Black lives matter /only/" but simply that it means "Black Lives Matter, Too". Just as has happened historically, the counter-movement "ALM" is aimed to undermine us and move attention away from what BLM is intended to do and, ultimately, is pretty useless as most counter-movements tend to be given they have practically done nothing but undermine BLM since its creation (editing videos to make BLM look bad, starting riots undercover at protests, spreading text book definition propaganda etc).

I would recommend you look up videos made by leftists explaining what we actually want out of defunding police instead of hearing it from other, more questionable sources. Of course some leftists are going to be more radical, but the same thing could be said about right-leaning persons.

*And before anyone gets mad at my wording and insist that "some lives have to be lost in pursuit of 'liberty'", don't you think everyone should have the liberty to be handled professionally? To be able to be jailed, rehabilitated and remain alive? It's a tragedy to lose human life so frivolously and without a second thought as to what to do about problems presented in our day-to-day lives. That person who was killed could've been a relative you loved dearly or a friend, a romantic partner, even.
2021-01-31 01:49:19 UTC
I would volunteer 
2021-01-30 19:07:38 UTC
The military will be called in.   
2021-01-30 17:50:30 UTC
libtards are just retarded 
2021-01-30 17:36:01 UTC
Most "defund the police" proposals propose to provide less money for policing and more for social services that address the problems that cause crime in the first place.

So you're basically just fear-mongering here.
2021-01-30 16:03:20 UTC
to the one who said they were unfounded when over half the democratic party called for defunding of the police, Defund means to take away ALL funds
2021-01-30 15:30:52 UTC
There will be no law and order.. the cities and the country will turn into chaos and then the lousy government will do what they have wanted to do.. declare themselves the only law.  It is idiocy what is going on.. country not recognizable as America anymore.  Other countries looking at us and laughing.. after how we always brag we are the best in the world.  Fat Chance!
2021-01-30 15:17:21 UTC
It won't be maintained.  And that's what the left depends upon.    

@ Stop This Chaos:  Defunding the police is a leftist thing, not right wing.  So shove it, commie.                           
2021-01-30 14:03:46 UTC
The concept was actually to move some police funding to social issues so that people with mental problems could be serviced and not murdered.
2021-01-30 06:53:01 UTC
In some rich neighborhoods in New York and Chicago, they have their own private police.
Joseph K
2021-01-30 04:59:08 UTC
There's a difference in defunding and not funding.  Defunding is providing less money to do "other" stuff.  When people talk about defunding Planned Parenthood, it's not to hold all funds--but to prevent the use of funds for abortions.
2021-01-30 02:32:01 UTC
There is no law, order or justice now in the U.S.. So have to be a improvement. In most areas. 
The Football God
2021-01-30 02:18:29 UTC
That's not the goal. It's the ability to escape a social worker is 1,000,000x's easier than a police officer.
Blue Skies.
2021-01-30 00:01:24 UTC
Might want to try forwarding this question to Minneapolis, Kenosha, Portland

and Seattle. They can tell you all about the problems that have ensued since

their dive into stupidity. 
2021-01-29 23:58:35 UTC
The state or county will provide it.
2021-01-31 19:13:15 UTC
It won't. However, when crime is sky high, the SJWs will still blame it on racism.
2021-01-31 02:12:23 UTC
No city is going to defund its police department, just like no state is going to throw medicaid patients out on the street without any medical treatment whatsoever.  You anonymous trolls just love to fan hyperbole shouted in the heat of the moment, usually in the wake of another unjustified shooting of a black man by a white officer. 
2021-01-31 01:46:05 UTC
The public in general seems to think that they know best and that the police should be curtailed thru funding. You should ask these same groups how they plan to deal with lawlessness. It is always easier to criticize than to find solutions.
2021-01-31 01:13:34 UTC
by construction workers
2021-01-31 00:54:55 UTC
Law and order will not be maintained.  Look at what has happened in Minneapolis.
2021-01-30 22:48:33 UTC
it won't be maintained
2021-01-30 20:03:59 UTC
Volunteer social workers!
2021-01-30 18:51:08 UTC
Law and order would be run by the thug criminals that are wandering the streets becuase the democrat's caused the defunding of the police if that happens.
2021-01-30 13:41:13 UTC
With the police as usual. Duh.

"Will police volunteer their time without pay?"

No. They will continue to protect the city with pay, but with less pay.

"Will the mob move in and protect those who pay their extortion fee?"


"Will anarchy rule?"

2021-01-30 06:40:26 UTC
The "cities" need to TRAIN their police officers. 

The government needs to PUNISH those police officers who have become mentally ill and enjoy injuring the citizenry, for their own fun and enjoyment. 

Police officers do not FEAR prosecution for abusing their power.  That needs to change. 

City police broke my arm because my taillights were not working.  That makes a lot of sense, yes? 

I had a valid driver's license, registration and insurance.

I had no alcohol, drugs, weapons or warrants, etc. 

My broken bone healed, but the nerves and muscles they tore apart, didn't. 

One day, the citizens may take the law into their own hands, on a regular basis, and stop this unlawful abuse by those in power.
2021-01-30 06:12:38 UTC
Well the first line of defense will be to blame Trump and Conservatives aka the grown ups, as usual. Then they will see how stupid they were but wont admit it as usual and bring the police back but at first they will only protect the Libidiots so they won't seem racist.
2021-01-30 02:03:00 UTC
The word DEFUND police does not mean that there are no more police, read a little bit more.
2021-01-30 01:12:35 UTC
Not necessarily BLM want to take away the power  from   the police chiefs. They want to audit police departments if they are targeting  blacks  only . If they are they  want the police chief demoted that what's all about 
Ogami Itto
2021-01-30 01:09:40 UTC
It isn't being maintained.
2021-01-29 23:45:33 UTC
Despite a liberal call to defund police, no city is likely to.  If police were to be defunded, we would see wealthy gated communities that hire private security officers while city downtowns and poor neighborhoods become crime ridden.  If we want to create an even bigger class divide, defunding police is a great way to accomplish that.   

Anyone who thinks defunding police doesn’t mean disbanding police forces is living in a pipe dream.   Maintaining police forces requires funding.   It’s not just that police officers rightfully need to be paid, but patrol cars cost money, training costs money, a police station costs money, etc.  Defunding police absolutely means no more police.   It’s naive to think a police force can be maintained without funding.  

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.