Once again, only half of the story.
Here is a quote from FW's website "Freedom’s Watch was formed to promote the common good and general welfare of the American people by supporting mainstream conservative public policies."
The purpose of the ad that I watched on UTube appears to be to drive people to the website. The fact that they do so with a "we support the troops" message does not change the obvious intent of the ad. This intent is further supported by the fact NBC indicated they would run the ad if the link to the website was removed and FW refused.
To say that NBC refuses to run ads supporting the troops is misleading and not the complete story.
Here is what NBC had to say:
""We have a policy that prohibits acceptance of advertising that deals with issues of public controversy," Wurtzel said. "This particular ad, in and of itself, is fine. It thanks the troops for their action overseas. We asked them to eliminate a URL address where a person is asked to contact elected officials and told not to cut and run on the war on terror."
NBC rejected a previous Freedom's Watch ad that addressed funding for the troops.
"It's a long-term policy, it goes back decades," Wurtzel said of NBC's stance of declining controversial issue advertising.
He suggested that Freedom's Watch did not alter the ad in order to force NBC to reject it and thus get media attention.
"Candidly, some folks have found that you get more attention when an ad is not accepted," he said."
I'm pretty sure a patriot should not lie to make a point.