Do you still have doubts about NBC?
2007-12-07 15:08:46 UTC,2933,315944,00.html

NBC, probably the most anti-American news outlet. Un-American, Un-patriotic, and bias. Who in their right mind watches this propaganda network? BOYCOT NBC!!!!
26 answers:
2007-12-07 15:21:33 UTC
Yes, they are traitors

ABC and CBS aren't any better
2016-05-22 05:49:08 UTC
I don't think they are the greenest network. None of them are, but they sure are the dumbest network for doing this greenwash attempt. It's one thing to bring attention to our planet's global warming and energy situation, it's another to trivialize it through ridiculous entertainment. Perhaps they would do better for the environment if their execs and producers would walk to work or stop driving their SUV's and limos. Better yet, we'd all do better if all of t.v would cease and desist or at least go away and die.
2007-12-07 15:31:54 UTC
According to the article, NBC had no problem with running the ad but they objected to the Freedom Watch site being shown because part of this site is pro war propaganda. Just because you agree with prowar propaganda doesn't make it any less "propaganda". Refusing to be accused of promoting sites that engage in propaganda of any kind does not make them un-American, Un-patriotic, or biased.
2007-12-07 15:35:18 UTC
So you're citing Fox News as a source of evidence to show how NBC is biased and propagandistic... Makes perfect sense to me.

"the link to the website violates their policy on controversial issue advertising because it encourages political action and other activities. He said the policy is applied consistently across the board and this group was not targeted in any way." is a biased and propagandistic website. Hence, they chose not to have the commercial with their address in it. NOTHING about being anti-American by denying it to appear in the commercial (which they said they have absolutely no problem with).

Sorry, but you're wrong on this one.
2007-12-07 15:59:01 UTC
And Fox is your source for impartial news? ROTFLMAO!! If you had bothered to read the whole story, even Fox reported that NBC had no objection to the content of the spots, and would have gladly run them if they hadn't prominently featured the URL of the organization's extremely biased web site. They're trying NOT to be propaganda distributors, unlike some other networks I could name.
freedom first
2007-12-07 15:39:32 UTC
NBC is also GE - a major supplier of weapons parts, rockets, nuclear electronics, expensive medical equipment and "green" energy. They're the number one recipient of corporate welfare in America, "America's News Leader," One of the countries worst polluters, and one of the biggest advocates of "green" technology that isn't so green (Like their mercury filled light-bulbs).

Its hard to see through their "triple-speak," you see, they supported the war with Iraq to begin with and now although they've turned against it they've set their sights on Iran.

Between the ratings and the rocket sales, how much money do you think they made on "Shock and Awe" night? Their CEO donated the maximum legal amount to Bush before Bush was known, then used the company PAC To send another few hundred thousand to the Republican Party. Why stop there? He similarly dished out donations to Tom Daschle, Harry Reid, and Patrick Leahy.

But now there's no reason to back Bush. He can't get re-elected and NBC has a perfect candidate to replace him: Hillary. She may not be quite as good for the war business as Bush, but she'll continue dropping bombs while spending hundreds of billions more on "clean" energy and medical equipment. I'm sure GE remembers with a smile that deal Bill brokered with China concerning nuclear technology - guess who pocketed the profits?

Don't believe me? Good, you shouldn't. But you should find out more on your own.
2007-12-07 15:22:20 UTC
Once again, only half of the story.

Here is a quote from FW's website "Freedom’s Watch was formed to promote the common good and general welfare of the American people by supporting mainstream conservative public policies."

The purpose of the ad that I watched on UTube appears to be to drive people to the website. The fact that they do so with a "we support the troops" message does not change the obvious intent of the ad. This intent is further supported by the fact NBC indicated they would run the ad if the link to the website was removed and FW refused.

To say that NBC refuses to run ads supporting the troops is misleading and not the complete story.

Here is what NBC had to say:

""We have a policy that prohibits acceptance of advertising that deals with issues of public controversy," Wurtzel said. "This particular ad, in and of itself, is fine. It thanks the troops for their action overseas. We asked them to eliminate a URL address where a person is asked to contact elected officials and told not to cut and run on the war on terror."

NBC rejected a previous Freedom's Watch ad that addressed funding for the troops.

"It's a long-term policy, it goes back decades," Wurtzel said of NBC's stance of declining controversial issue advertising.

He suggested that Freedom's Watch did not alter the ad in order to force NBC to reject it and thus get media attention.

"Candidly, some folks have found that you get more attention when an ad is not accepted," he said."

I'm pretty sure a patriot should not lie to make a point.
2007-12-07 15:27:40 UTC
I love how people claim that NBC is soo liberal. It's owned by GE, a huge corporate entity. I have huge suspicions they are not liberal, and in fact are a supplier of weapons for the very troops mentioned in this ad.
2007-12-07 15:17:10 UTC
Freedomwatch is a right-wing partisan organization using troops for their personal self interest.

Sort of how Guiliani uses 911.

NBC would have no problem showing the ad if they just left their website out of it.
2007-12-07 15:17:53 UTC
Never had doubts to begin with all I have to do is watch them.

I don't need Fox News to tell.

Funny thing is CNN and New York Times had no problem with the ads.

That alone should tell you the bias of NBC.
2007-12-07 15:15:47 UTC
While I don't watch TV since it is all controlled by five major corporations, I was impressed with their stance on the particular article rejecting that advertisement.
D squared
2007-12-07 18:16:31 UTC
And let's add Fox. Talk about propaganda and yellow journalism, I mean YIKES!!!!!!
2007-12-07 15:16:47 UTC
I think we should al find ways to thank the troops for their service.

But I agree with NBc--tnough in other circumstances I would not.

The reality is that the Bush administration and other traitors have linked "support for the troops" to support for Bush's war of aggression in Iraq. NBC is right for refusing to air ads that function as propaganda for Bush's program of war and murder of innocent civilians.
2007-12-07 15:23:32 UTC
Most media outlets are very anti American, They are slanted towards the left with such bias that the only ones who can't see it is the liberal zealot wackos
2007-12-07 15:16:37 UTC
Does NBC even have any shows worth watching? I haven't watched anything on NBC,CBS,or ABC in over a decade.

2007-12-07 15:13:06 UTC
Yes. Freedoms Watch is a political hack organization which exploits our troops for political purposes.
2007-12-07 15:45:18 UTC
This is disgraceful. Pres Bush should have a spine and stop this kind of treason.

I now add GE to my list of not interested in buying products.
2007-12-07 15:23:35 UTC
no reason to watch NBC since they canceled Crimestory and Private eye
2007-12-07 15:23:20 UTC
And you watch FOX

Anti American Fascist
2007-12-07 15:16:26 UTC
So go to a Fox link to see why I should not watch NBC.

You do see the absurdity here, don't you?
2007-12-07 15:13:46 UTC
Heck I'd boycott except I don't even know what channel NBC is on in my area, never watched it before and even have more reasons not to bother.
2007-12-07 15:20:51 UTC
Just another good example. Great question
2007-12-07 15:15:17 UTC
90% of the media is Left Wing so who would doubt that they are. Peace
2007-12-07 15:25:11 UTC
what would you call fox? that network is almost as biased as al-jazeera.
2007-12-07 15:12:37 UTC
I also have big doubts about Hilary Clinton, she couldn't win the president elections. She wins the American people lose.
2007-12-07 15:16:28 UTC
good job NBC

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