2010-08-14 15:33:57 UTC
His ruling did not address gays, his ruling was only to remove the definition of Prop8 which was defined as a man and a women. By removing that definition, he legalized gay marriage. With me so far? Good. ------> BUT.......
By removing the inferred restriction so gays can now get married, his ruling also allows a single parent to marry one their single adult kids. Or two adult siblings can also now get married. Or a unmarried grandparent can now marry of their unmarried adult grand kids.
-----> May sound stupid to some and sick to others, but look exactly at what Walker did by his ruling.
Look at the specific wording of his ruling. I did and his ruling removed and banned Prop 8 language as man and a woman, so same sex couples can now get married. But as he removed the one and only restriction, he left "no" restrictions.
Do you have a sister, brother or any other relative same sex or not, you'd like to marry? If you're both of adult age and single - Walker has made it legal in California.