I am a conservative Republican and I have to agree with you....those two very different quotes are difinately from someone who "flip-flops" on his ideology. Take a stand on an issue/take a stand on your political platform and STAND! Stand proud and tall and don't flop around. Stay well-informed, remain a highly educated individual, and allow room for your opinion to change & grow. Remain strong but open minded and ultimately one's STANCE may be renderred stronger . Notice I said OPINION and not STANCE.
OK, so the unthinkable happened....a conservative agreed with a liberal...and guess what folks....the internet didn't crash, Yahoo! didn't implode and as far as I can tell, birds are still singing and ants are still creeping around!
So now I challenge you, should Roe v. Wade even be a political platform? I feel (and of course this is my OPINION and subject to growth and change and even death) but I feel that abortion is an issue that a woman has between herself and her God! Who are we (the government of the people, by the people, for the people) who the heck are we to tell that woman what she can and cannot do with her body? And yes, it is also my OPINION that life begins well before the actual day of birth HOWEVER every situation is unique in itself. I do not feel that abortion sould be a form of BIRTH CONTROL but I do feel that it is an issue between a woamn and her God.
Barbara Bush (when she was First Lady even) said something to the effect that abortion should not be a politcial platform so she would not divuldge any information as to where she stands on the issue. What surprised me most, was not that a Strong Rupublican First Lady said this but that liberals in general, did not use her words and stance (or lack there of) to their advantage.
Also, I am a Social Worker and have been working within the Federal Social Welfare System for 14 years (7 FT, 7 PT since I became a mother) so I really break the "conservative Republican" stereo-type..... the Roe v. Wade issue and abortion (especially late term) is an issue that does NOT discriminate! Yet we have MEN, often very wealthy, who are making decisions for a woman and her body without ever even knowing the circumstances of each unique situation. My boss once told me that if men could get pregnant, than abortion would be a sacrament...it's not funny but how sad that there is some truth to that.
So, my friend and fellow American, I appreciate the information you provided...I love educating myslef and am always open to a good debate, as long as their is no nasty name calling for the simple reason to be hurtful. If you's like to stay in touch....gasp.....contact me via my 360 page.
Looking forward to reading the other responses.