Why didnt congress become neutral rather than being pro muslim?
Rang de basanti chola!
2009-06-05 05:11:41 UTC
Why didn't congress become neutral rather than being pro muslim? It could've easily averted so many disasters and riots if it had acquired neutral status. It did not, so india is a failed nation after 50 yrs.

VHP and bajrang dal would have never been formed if congress was anywhere near neutral. These organizations are like disaster management groups which only come into the picture when the water crosses a certain boundary. Its more of a defensive posture rather than offensive.

So, has congress lied to its patrons about secularism when perhaps it has been the biggest perpetrator of communal violence?

Liberty for every individual is an impossible dream in india. Freedom is namesake. It was the end of british imperialism and start of congress deceive -ism. Such is the story of my motherland!
Fifteen answers:
2009-06-06 19:14:07 UTC
You still don't see it do you ? Long Live Indian Republic has put the whole thing in the right perspective. Negativity phobia has taken Pakistan to what can be termed as a failed nation state. You do not want to do that to India do you ? We are a proud and successful people across the not run Indians down !
mukul (still busy on a project)
2009-06-05 06:32:26 UTC
Before 1990 there was no place of Pro Hindu politics in India, But congress mess up with Fundamentalists of Muslim community during shahbano episode, an further unlocking of Ram temple, then formation of Babri masjid action committee, then the creation of VHP, BAJRANG dal and rest is the History

Yes you are right if congress would have remained neutral , then the entire picture of communal harmony in India would be different.
2009-06-06 09:29:58 UTC
Congress is not only Pro-Muslim, but Pro-Hindu, Pro-Christian, Pro-Sikh, and Pro-Every other religion, in short, Congress is Pro-Indian Party. VHP, Bajrang Dal and similar organizations emerged because of hidden political ambitions of non-political organization RSS to support its front face political organization BJP/Jan Sangh. These organizations were formed only to spread communal violence in the Nation and no other reason. Do not blame Congress for the existence of these extremist groups, these are results of the ambitions of Mr. Advani who wanted to sit on the top most of seat of Indian Union Cabinet by any means. If you really feel about our motherland then think about peace, religious harmony and unity rather than British divide and rule policy in the country.
2009-06-05 22:14:07 UTC
I fully Agree with you

One ID Let the world live in Peace has given some figures of Muslim Representation in Hindustan parliament

What about Muslimstan parliament of Pakistan would he mind giving details

This is not physical representation we are talking about this is pro Muslim policies of government

Why Congress partitioned India based on religion if it was secular

Why Congress & Muslim league facilitated killing of our people during 1947 if they really wanted world to live in peace
2009-06-05 13:08:56 UTC
I wonder sometimes if the Congress is following the adage of "keeping your friends close and your enemies closer" and that the muslims don't see who their real enemies are but then i'm reminded of the blatant support to the seperatists in Kashmir by the Congress and i see that they are nothing but foreign stooges who are here to break up India under Sonia Gandhi. They don't care about any Indian and all are just votebanks to grab power.
2016-10-01 06:48:51 UTC
Ah! yet you probably at the instant are not conscious that interior the hot political dictionary compiled by using you recognize who,the be conscious "secular" (which by the way has been given a clean spelling -which i admire- by using yet another answerer who like me probably has had his account suspended and has been reborn) has been redefined.And all of the political events different than the BJP are "secular" under the hot definition. by the way,interior a similar way,"casteism" too has been given a clean meaning.Now the be conscious is used to connote "reservation previous all smart ranges and obstacles to the utter detriment of the so stated as forward caste voters".i'm effective which you weren't conscious of this new definition the two.the hot lexicon is now modern technique overview and revision and is probably to comprise many new for the main modern version and e book your replica now. meanwhile have a superb Day.
MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar
2009-06-06 08:30:14 UTC
Hanuman Jee, I could not stop myself from answering you sorry.

Do you know the full name of Pakistan? That is "Islamic Republic of Pakistan", why would you even expect Hindu representation in that parliament? We are not them, we are far better than them and we do not want to be like them. Because you used that countries example, let me tell you an interesting fact, that is irrelevent to this question. I always thought that country was named Pakistan because Pakistan in urdu means "Pure land" but that is not true, The name was formulated from: P for Punjab, A for the Afghanis of the north-west frontier, K for Kashmir, S for Sindh and Tan denoting Baluchistan.

Because your brought partition into picture let me answer you that too, Muslim leaders led by Mohammed Ali Jinnah felt that the Hindus, by dominating the Indian National Congress, were beginning to dictate decision-making in British India. The Muslims felt they should have their own state in order to protect their Islamic heritage. So in 1940, the All-India Muslim League declared its desire for a separate state. Hindus began to feel uncomfortable about being a minority in a majority Muslim State. Relations between the two groups began to deteriorate. And this was direct result of divde and rule polity of British.

On August 16, 1946, in its demand for a separate Pakistan, the Muslim League called for "Direct Action" day. Direct Action day witnessed thousands of Muslims and Hindus fighting in mixed areas. Calcutta became the scene of the most brutal violence in what became known as the great 'Calcutta killings'. Within 72 hours, more than 5,000 people died, at least 20,000 were seriously injured, and a hundred thousand residents of Calcutta City alone were left homeless. As Jinnah remarked "If not a divided India, then a destroyed India". More violence followed as the rioting spread to the rural areas of Punjab and the Ganges valley.

Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, was given full power by one of the British leaders to negotiate any agreement he could to help come to some sort of conclusion. Mountbatten saw that the only way for the British to withdraw was to transfer power to two governments, not one. With this in mind, he pressured and finally persuaded congress to accept the idea of a divided India. British and Indian leaders such as Nehru and Vallabh Bhai Patel decided that the only solution to the conflict was a partition. He made the announcement of the partition and declared the boundaries, which would divide India into two. His plan was to create two separate wings in the areas where the Muslims were the most numerous, in northwest India and in eastern Bengal which together would form Jinnah's Pakistan. This meant that both Bengal and Punjab would be divided between India and Pakistan. Mahatma Gandhi was initially oposed to this entire idea but later persuated by Nehru and Patel.

Thus, August 14, 1947 saw the birth of the new Islamic Republic of Pakistan- a Muslim nation separate from the predominantly India. At midnight the next day (on Aug. 15, 1947) India won its freedom from colonial rule. Pakistan was made up of two regions: West Pakistan on the Indus River plain, and East Pakistan, which is now known as Bangladesh.

It was unquestionably a very significant event for many, but defeat for Akhand Bharat.

In 1947, people were killed on both sides of the border. That was moment when human behaved like animal.
2009-06-05 09:24:55 UTC
It is futile to expect congress to go by justice and fairplay, at this distant juncture, since congress is right from nehru inception,a dubious political organisation of hereditary nature, which has been imposed upon the population of India, by the timidest gandhi, which quality had been used up by nehru to cheat the entire population, in the name of secularism, while actually congress , seeded by muslim genes, has been having a natural affinity towards muslims, which makes it do anything anti-Hindu, in the name of pleasing muslims; congress is also notorious for imposing policies, programmes and personalities, which even the common man would shudder to think of about being a choice; in short, congress will do what people will not want and like; in the process congress creates a bruised mentality nationwide, creating total social unrest,resulting in creation of forces of opposition, which wll be used up by the same congress to penalise opposition ruled states. It is also equally futile to talk about the present congress headed by sonias. Indian Congress culture is spreading even to US, as is evident from the latest Obama timid blabberings in Arab countries, and it it sure a result of having Indians as aid(e)s.

Congress in India is the curse of the nation, for ever. Even it's skeleton does not deserve to be in Indian soil after its burial in future, as Indians have experienced enough atrocities by this congress due to the urn of jawaharlal having been thrown and immersed allover indian mountains and rivers, polluting them.
2009-06-05 05:27:03 UTC
The Muslim religion is not "a religion of peace".

The word "Islam" literally means "submission".

Meaning that everybody is expected to "submit" to Islam.

The Flag of Saudi Arabia(which is the homeland of Islam)

has a sword on it for a reason,

because all peoples of the world are expected to either "submit" to Islam,

or DIE by the Sword.

Unfortunately, groups such as "Al Queda", Hamas, Hesbollah, etc.

are actually very accurate in their obedience to Islam.

During WWII, the Muslim countries were aligned with the NAZIS!

This is a well-known fact.

Iran's leader denies that the Holocaust every happened,

just as modern neo Nazis claim.

In Muslim Countries, women are treated as possessions.

If a Muslim woman is unfortunate enough to get raped,

not only does she have to deal with that abuse, humiliation and sorrow,

but she will be stoned to death per sharia(Islamic) law!

So-much for Islam being "a religion of peace"!

The west is not at war with Islam;

However, Islam IS at "Jihad"war with not only the west,

but anyone and everyone who does-not "submit" to Islam.

These are all Facts, not my right-wing rants...
2009-06-05 12:13:56 UTC
If Congress will become neutral than that day will be last day for congress.Survival of congress is divide and rule system only than how she will become neutral ?
Let the world live in peace
2009-06-05 15:09:27 UTC
Thanks from blocking me in your profile, but you failed sorry for you.

Out of 206 Member of Parliament in Lower House Congress has 11 Muslim MPs, out of 67 MPs in upper house Congress has 7 Muslim MPs.. Out of 33 Cabinet Ministers, 2 are Muslim, out of 7 minister of states with independent charge 1 is Muslim, and 3 out of 37 Mos are Muslims. May be my education is insufficient to read and understand how congress becomes Pro-Muslim? I think is secular and believes in equality of all religions that is why every one gets equal share of responsibilities and representation in Congress.
2009-06-05 22:23:46 UTC
The same reason why the BJP is pro Hindu and not neutral. In that case ALL riots could have been avoided.
2009-06-05 07:17:11 UTC
Because minority is a vote bank and not the majority.
2009-06-05 07:34:30 UTC
This is interesting.MUST READ FOR EVERY HINDU

Actually muslims get far more than haj subsidy. Imam salaries are paid by the Govt. Funds are provided to madrassas and mosques (hindu temples are taxed. These sops are counterproductive. All these promote islam; they promote muslim separatism and they keep muslims trapped in the backward cult of Islam. They alsopromote jihad against India.

In addition to the above the Govt provides funding and special priveleges to minority educational institutions and gives exclusive scholarships. All these sops are funded at largely Hindu tax payer expense and create anger among Hindus and religious divide. The educational benefits also have the effect of skewing demographics in favour of minorities. Because of high cost of education Hindus are having fewer children. This high cost of education has much less effect on muslims because they either do not care to educate their children esp girls, and if they do, they have the special privleges of Govt funded educatinal benefits. These education benefits also discourage conversion out of islam (and Christianity) and encourage conversion into it.

Here is a comment I wrote under my blog titled "Nehru family - all muslims?.

Quote: Lack of education among muslims is their own choice. Many of them do not think education is important, especially for girls. An uneducated mother usually means an uneducated family. They tend to have too many children, and educating many children is not easy anyway. The Govt gives special priveleges to muslims at largely Hindu expense, by funding their educational institutions and providing special scholarships to them.

Here is a summary of an article from my blog "More jiziya: Congress gives pay hike to Imams; increased scholarships for Madarsa students"

Shrinking Hindu families? Blame it on spiralling schooling bill

Excerpt: .......The survey done under the aegis of the Social Development Foundation of ASSOCHAM on “Rising School Expenses vis-à-vis Dilemma of Young Parents” also highlighted that school expenses excluding tuition fees have risen from Rs. 25,000 in 2000 to Rs. 65,000 per annum in 2008 and that too on one child. While the annual income on an average of well-off parents has risen not by more than 28 to 30 per cent, during the period, says Secretary General, ASSOCHAM, D.S. Rawat. What this has done to the Hindu middle class household is a cause of worry.

Most of these problems do not affect the minority community. Not only that they run profitable educational enterprises with excessive foreign donations but they get all the benefits from the central and state governments. Not only that they are spared of donations in their institutions, they get the benefit of reservation, government aid and individual incentives to children going to schools and colleges. Take for instance the St. Stephen’s, one of the prestigious colleges under Delhi University. Almost the entire expenditure, including the staff salary of this institution is borne by the government, but the admission here is decided by the Bishop. A Hindu student with 95 plus marks cannot get admission here but a Christian student with less than 50 per cent marks is admitted and more than fifty per cent of the seats are reserved for the community. The case is similar—be it Aligarh Muslim University or Jamia Milia. All these institutions are more conscious about their brand name. How can an institution that admits students only on communal basis qualify for secular tag? Tragically, in Hindu-run institutions Hindu students don’t get either the preference or concessions because of religion. The survey says that school costs have risen at more than double the rate of inflation and come amid warnings to parents to plan early for their child’s education. Survey also shows that families having more than one kid that send their children to private schools will be hit the hardest. Presenting the budget for 2008-09 Finance Minister informed the Lok Sabha on February 29 that the allocation to the Ministry of Minority Affairs will be increased from Rs. 500 crore in 2007-08 to Rs. 1,000 crore in 2008-09. Government has taken up the report of Justice Rajindar Sachar Committee for speedy implementation, he added. Under the UPA, and the so-called secular parties in the country there is no incentive to be a Hindu in India. On the contrary, he will remain the most exploited and condemned and his progeny is facing a slow but steady process of natural elimination by a series of official policies and systematic cross-border terrorism and infiltration all aided and abetted by the government of the day. That is why in the beginning I wrote, the truly secular survey on the cost of education reveals a highly disturbing side effect. Chidambaram told the House, “Apart from the schemes commenced in 2007-08, for minorities, it is proposed to implement the following schemes/meas
2009-06-07 03:42:11 UTC
My dear friend, please visit the following link to better understand congress.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.