UK: Is there anyone who doesn't like the direction we're heading but would never vote BNP?
kp ♥
2009-03-27 11:00:06 UTC
I dont think I would/could ever vote for them but I wouldn't vote for labour or conservatives either.
23 answers:
Violation Notification
2009-03-27 12:50:27 UTC
No way. I agree the country isn't going to well at the moment but voting BNP is not the answer. It's like stubbing your toe and then amputating your foot to stop the pain! Yea it's not great at the moment but if the BNP got into power it would be a hell of a lot worse.

People need to remember as well though, that labour are failing at the moment but you can not pin the economic crisis on them. It's a global problem not just in the UK or US.

EDIT: "Whilst I oppose immigration entirely I would never vote for the BNP."

What are your reasons for opposing immigration?

"I have no issues making a protest vote,"

How is that a reason to vote? So to protest against the main partys you want a group of lunatics running the country? Can you not see there isn't any logic in that what so ever?
2009-03-27 17:13:32 UTC
Probably about 95% of the electorate fit your description. We all have different ideas about how things should be run, and we don't want to live in a museum; but the last 10 years have seen attempts to destroy our way of life, our constitution, our economic future, our national sovereignty, privacy, freedom and national character. The conservatives are busy trying to become NuLabour, Labour are busy trying to become Old Labour, the LibDems are sliding to the left, UKIP are becoming a shambles and the BNP are still a bunch of racist idiots. Anyone with a bit of personality and drive could start a new party and win tomorrow. Where is David Owen when we need him? I'd vote for bloody Ant and Dec if they promised to sort out immigration, get the feckless back to work and stop the government mortgaging our future.
2009-03-28 12:16:46 UTC
I think you have to choose who you vote for carefully, but how can you be careful about the BNP.

Perhaps you can see New BNP on here, their policies and where they think they are headed. A simple analysis of the answers here and the policies on the BNP website.

The BNP members will not respond to questions they cannot control. Anything which seems to put their policy in the wrong light is simply ignored, because a small party can do this. They concentrate on their presentation.

One question was answered by a BNPer which went right against muslims. It disappeared for some reason.

Private seems to have the party line down to a tee

"The BNP have no connection with fascism."

Wrong. They have a lot of connections with facism.

Nick Griffen, their leader, was in the National Front, of which he served on the governing body.

Griffin founded the International Third Position, formed with italian and british facists.

Between 1995 and 1997 he wrote an anti-semetic publication called The Rune.

"Griffin claims that the law under which he was convicted "is an unjust law and he therefore has no obligation to follow it"."

"In issue 12 of the BNP publication The Rune (see 1998 public order conviction) he called the Holocaust "the Holohoax" and criticized the Holocaust denier David Irving for admitting in an interview that up to four million Jews might have died in the Holocaust. Griffin wrote: "True Revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century."[22][23][24] Griffin was eventually prosecuted for his articles in The Rune (see below).

In 1997 he told an undercover journalist that he had updated Richard Verrall's Holocaust denial book Did Six Million Really Die?. He also described his former MP, Alex Carlile, QC, who had reported The Rune to the police, as "this bloody Jew... whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust."

In his defence during his 1998 prosecution, Griffin said: "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat ... I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.""

The BNP claims not to be anti-semitic, not to be anti black, asia etc. It makes sense, people will not vote for such a party even if they agree with it. But they will vote for a party that hides this even when they know it is true.

"Those that suggest it does obviously dont know what fascism is and dont know who the BNP are.Usually theses critics are uneducated types reiterating cliches they heard from other people."

I guess in one way they are not fascists, Fascists seem to revel in the fact. But the conditions in britain are not right, and have not been for a long time. Now they might be more popular because of the economic crisis, but in a few year this will die down. They want to get into some sort of power, they are playing the game.

Denial is part of the game. "We are not fascist, we are not racist" when they so obviously are and their policies reflect this.

What does the term "Native British person" mean? To me this smacks of concealed racism. Ask the BNP what this means, who this applied to, will you get an answer? I have seen one say that second and third generation will not have a problem, but first generation british people, those born to foreign parents, those legal in this country, well they will be harassed out of the country.

They want corporal punishment for petty criminals. Look at the USA and their execution policy. 80% of all executions are of blacks, most of these blacks murdered a white person, YET, most murders are committed by white people. Go figure. What would happen with the BNP policy, hmmm! How to get "non-natives" to leave 101.

"Fascism would suggest authoritarian and dictatorial leadership.The BNP are diametrically opposed to this and are the greatest advocates of free speech and democracy."

Because they have no choice. They are trying to gain respect in a system that does not and will not tolerate non-democratic parties. In fact the police have banned their members being in the BNP for these reasons, they are trying hard to appear legitimate, but it does not work for most people.

"The BNP is not racist."

Hmm, the term "native British people" suggests otherwise, Griffin's anti-semitic past suggests other wise. I think this is something to do with a dog born in a stable is not a horse, don't you think?

"Anyone who suggests that they are either do not know the meaning of "racism"and dont know who the BNP are."

SUggesting that the holocaust was the "Holohoax", supporting a guy who spend 2 years in Austrian prison for holocaust denial, wanting to get rid of the non-british natives from the country.

"The BNP do not regard foreigners as inferi
2009-03-27 14:37:59 UTC
One here. I'm borderline socialist, and allegedly the BNP are the only ones proposing nationalisation of core resources...oh, apart from RESPECT...or the SWP...or the Green Party...or the Socialist alliance...or Socialist labour party, so basically most of the minor parties apart from UKIP and the old Liberal party.

So basically there are lots of protest votes to go for, but I'd always feel like I'd be waving my right to exercises my democratic voice voting for a party that never stands a chance of office.

Politically I'm quite close to the green party in terms of economic and social policy. Regrettable exceptions being the environment isn't my #1 priority at the moment (get people on the streets into affordable housing, deal with poverty, then worry about what's still generations down the road), and I don't agree with their drugs policy. I also wish they'd start acting a bit more like a proper political party and less like a bunch of sixth formers on a field trip, like here:

It always astonishes me how people who claim to be socialist can support such extreme right wing social policies, the basic idea in socialism is egalitarianism, all national socialists do is replace class divides with race ones, it's absurd. Some of the biggest theorists in the anti-racist movement have been marxist or post marxist thinkers.
2009-03-29 06:03:23 UTC
I see no alternative to the BNP, there is no other political party either listening to the cries of the British people to stop Immigration or entry into Europe. Our government is run by fraudsters like 'Peter Hain and Jacqui Smith and a host of others deliberately carrying out fraudulent activities in front of our noses. What would happen to you if you got caught fiddling your employer? You would be sacked and taken to court to return the money.

At the present time we have a Dictatorship with the three mainstream political parties forming a united front party without any significant differences.

The BNP are in tune with Mr & Mrs average and their views make complete common sense. There would be little point in voting for mainstream policies if you walk around with your eye's open and you do not like what you see. If you would never vote for the BNP and think like the BNP then any vote you give to other parties would be a wasted vote.

If you vote for what you believe to be right ,that will always be the right decision.

2009-03-27 11:32:56 UTC
I have no issues making a protest vote, if the main stream parties are not listening or concerned about quality of life in the UK then what option do I have?

I voted Lib-Dem last election.

I voted new labour in 97 and god I regret it!

Edit - the UK needs proportional representation!

Edit - Beastie - Get the SNP down here I'd vote for Alex!
2009-03-27 11:11:08 UTC
I've always voted Lib Dem but having read the Conservatives policies I am in favour now of the Conservatives. I'm also basing my new support on my observations of their party. The conservatives at one point screwed up whilst in power yes but then again all parties do even the Labour party has screwed up, just look at the state we're in now.

What people need to realise is that It's been about 10+ years now since the Conservatives were in power and we've had several leadership changes and David Cameron IMO knows what needs to be done. Labour have screwed this country over and it can't get any worse, the conservatives this time around I believe strongly have what it takes to turn things around.

Whilst I oppose immigration entirely I would never vote for the BNP.
DeLite aka xXxCHExXx AJB ROCKS!!
2009-03-27 12:44:02 UTC
I think that's the majority of people. I wouldn't vote Labour or Conservative and definitely not the BNP.
2009-03-27 17:09:52 UTC
I'm 20 and I've never voted for anything yet! Because I really don't know who I'd vote for! But I know 100% I would never ever vote BNP.

You could just not vote or wait till you find a party who have policies you really believe in. You have to be careful with some parties, often they have hidden agendas!
2009-03-27 12:39:29 UTC
There's not 'anyone.' It's more like everyone with a few thousand exceptions.

Point of interest. Who would you vote for?

Croxx. Scottish Parliament has partial PR. Still no BNP MSP's. Couple of Greens and independents, but absolutely no BNP, because while they stood in every single eligible area, they polled 1.3% of the vote over the whole of Scotland. Even the Greens got enough percentage for two MSP's.
2009-03-27 11:39:59 UTC
I don't support the BNP and I certainly don't want a BNP government.

BUT...the mainstream political parties will never take any notice at all of the electorate on immigration, Europe, crime or all that PC nonsense until voters give them a good scare.

I will vote BNP in the EU elections for that reason. It's the ideal opportunity, we all know the EU parliament is a complete waste of space so even the BNP can't do any damage there.

Only the BNP has the shock value to wake up the mainstream parties and make them listen.
2009-03-27 12:40:46 UTC
Yes, me. It would be utter stupidity to vote BNP though. The last time a country voted in a party like that, the result was World War 2.
Comrade Bolshev
2009-03-28 06:57:17 UTC
I have absolutely hated the direction this country has taken since 1979.

I voted Labour in every election until Blair; Iraq, Afghanistan and tuition fees have ensured that I, and literally millions of others, never will again.

We need a party that will unite all socialists, social democrats, trade unionists and other people of goodwill, and will make this country once again a fit place for the majority of its people to live in, as Attlee and Bevan once did.

And as for the British Nazi Party, there should be a constitutional prohibition of racist candidates from standing for any representative office, from parish councillor up.
Point and laugh
2009-03-28 01:46:06 UTC
The BNP are as shady and sleazy a group as you'll find anywhere. An obsession with race coupled with barely concealed adoration of Hitler and the Nazis means they will never have a single MP. Because of the EU system it is possible that one or two of them will become MEPs. I expect this is the extent of their corpulent leader's ambition.
2016-12-01 13:00:50 UTC
of course no longer as supportive of Griffin as lots because of the fact the BNP could like us to have faith interestingly. I recommend, he chooses to stay in an "ethnically cleansed" city and helps the Reds. possibly it is all rather component to a sparkling international Order conspiracy to infiltrate the BNP.
The Nucleus
2009-03-28 03:07:48 UTC
I am not massively impressed by their leadership but it is obvious that if you wish to make a point about immigration they are the way to go.

There is much intellectual dishonesty in show on this thread; in particular the BNP manifesto does not include proposals to remove voting rights from the British people other than a miniscule minority of conscientious objectors. Whilst I disagree with this it is hardly the totalitarian legislation that 'the patriot' presents it as.

Wolfie is an even greater hypocrite. If his party, the SWP came to power, it would suppress bourgoise political parties and put their leaders in concentration camps. In the poisonous tradition of Bolshevism the term 'Bourgoise parties' means anyone who disagrees witht the SWP leadership.
2009-03-27 14:02:58 UTC
While I'm no fan of bourgeois democracy I'd rather have that than totalitarianism. The idea of voting for a party who, if elected, would take away your right to vote is exactly like turkeys voting for Christmas.

Given the opportunity I'd vote for a progressive left wing party such as RESPECT or the Green Party. Failing that I'd vote for anyone to keep the nazi BNP out.
The Patriot
2009-03-27 12:41:12 UTC
Loads. What I do not understand is why people are not voting for UKIP.

They have many policies that loads of people agree with and none of the racism of the BNP. Not only that, unlike the BNP, if UKIP took power, we all would still be allowed to vote!
2009-03-28 10:05:12 UTC
The way to fight the New World Order is with a Freedom Party not another anti-freedom party. Border control is an important part of freedom defence however.
2009-03-27 15:41:41 UTC
Only a complete brainwashed fool would let its own race and ethnic group get extinct

Sorrowly, people can not think by themselves anymore and most think everything the media say about the BNP is true

Blacks stick on blacks, jews stick on jews, it is only when you are white that it is racist
2009-03-27 13:43:06 UTC
why wouldn't you vote for them? i suspect because you believe the propaganda the other parties brainwash you with. Go on to their site and take the time to read about them properly, you will see they are mindless not racist thugs. They are the party Great Britain needs without them our country has no hope. You will have a chance next year to save your country, you just have to brave and do your own thinking rather than listening to propaganda like the rest of the sheep. If we carry on as we are going we will be fighting over scraps of food before long.
2009-03-27 12:48:27 UTC
Why wouldn't you vote BNP, kp?

Before you make your mind up about the BNP, at least read our policies first:

If you want fundamental change in Britain, then the only alternative are the British National Party.

We would put British people like you first instead of immigrants, we would end all immigration to the UK-permanently.We would deport foreign criminals, and illegal immigrants.We would be tough on crime, because we would bring back proper sentences for criminals.We would get rid of political correctness once and for all, as it restricts free speech.We would abolish all anti white positive discrimination schemes.We would also immediately leave the EU.

kp if you was to apply for a job, you could legally be turned down by an employer because you're white.Positive discrimination allows that.Are you happy with that?

Are you happy with 4 mosques being built a month, and the islamification of Britain?

If you want change, then vote BNP.

If you want things to stay as they are, then do nothing.Its that simple.


2009-03-27 11:06:24 UTC
Vote for RESPECT party

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.