Propose a new way for voting ( Say in elections) other than the traditional method (everybody equal right)?
2006-02-14 02:48:03 UTC
When ie a university professor and an illitrate individual have the same power of vote effect the illitrate can be deceived more easily and if the majority are like that then the charlatan candidate will win easily.
Two answers:
2006-02-14 10:28:37 UTC
Good point, and yet another flaw in our voting process. I would suggest that all voters would have to take a simple test, whether they understand the workings of our government (unbiased ?'s like "How many people on the Supreme Court", or "Name the governor of your state").

Trouble is, voting tests are often associated with the biased "literacy tests" in the South, to make sure blacks couldn't vote. So this idea, while interesting, is unlikely to go anywhere for a while.
Rigoberto MenchĂș
2006-02-14 13:38:27 UTC
One man, one vote. That is democracy, you know.

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