Well, I'm certain the Iraqi's would like to try him for crimes against humanity, but I think there is a preponderance of evidence which would be more than sufficient to find the President and the notables in his administration both convictable and guilty of high crimes against the constitution.
Some of these crimes would in fact call for public execution, so as sad as it is to say, our President is in all plain speaking guilty of war-crimes and crimes against humanity, in a way not so boldly undertaken in the history of our Republic.
One need not even discuss anything beyond the crimes of the detention of the prisoners at Guantanamo and the other "black" sites.
The crimes and specifications here alone, should have and certainly yet could lead to criminal charges - including murder and federal charges of war crimes, and Lord knows how many violations of the Uniform Code of Justice, which would , the Supreme Court has said, apply in all military administrative areas.
This is to say NOTHING of the actual activities leading up to the invasion of Iraq , which by the admission of Richard Perle - one of the leading advocates FOR the war, was "probably illegal", given the manifest deception over WMD. Such charges here would be high crimes against the Constitution.
If we had a Congress worth a damn, this entire administration would no longer be in power.
For my money, I simply suggest that since Mr. Bush and company have done such a "heck of a job", perhaps all we really need to do is get the paperwork ironed out and send the lot of them to Iraq, where the the good people of Iraq , I'm sure would like to extend the heartfelt appreciation for all he's done.
A friend recently reminded me of the old scifi show Babylon 5, when an honest and sincere attache (destined to become the leader of his people), was asked by an associate of his boss - guilty of the death of millions or more, "What do you want?" He replied
"Your head....on a pike, outside the entrance to the capital, as a reminder to the next 10 generations that some favors come with too high a price."
Perhaps this particular punishment might be more suitable for the clowns that lied both of our great countries into war, but I suspect that none of this would happen, as appropriate or satisfying as it might be for some, that all concerned will live to ripe old ages, disgruntled that the world doesn't appreciate them.
Pathetically, there was someone so misinformed as to think that these must be baseless or ideologically inspired charges, like it's so cool to have to cite the numerous crimes of the president.
There are some realists whom suggest that we NEED access to oil as the underwriting of our national wellbeing and our economy, therefore the Iraqi invasion was a good idea or that Saddam was a murderous dictator.
On oil, the geology speaks unambiguously that we best think of the remaining oil is a dowry and not an endowment. Oil lasting around another 20-30 years is just long enough to get us onto other systems, but while our president spends his waning days trying to burnish his image for posterity, we the people will be left holding the bag.
On the matter of Mr. Hussein the dictator, sure he killed 300,000 of his own people using over 25 years, I'm sure every dirty trick in the book, but if bloodthirsty dictators bothered us; oh, so much, Perhaps the Neoconservative human rights pundits, would be kind enough to explain their reasoning for allowing last 50 years of Sub-Saharan African history, or perhaps the extant reasons for the current dictatorships in over 30 different countries.
Where are there evolved sensibilities, then, where is their advocacy?