What do you (Americans) think of President Bush.?
2008-07-15 21:14:14 UTC
Ok... seriously. I really want to know what you think of the current president. Americans only! After all... he does lead your country!

47 answers:
Luis G
2008-07-15 21:22:22 UTC
He and Cheney and Wolfawitz should be executed for war crimes. He is an idiot and a liar. Everything he does is bad for our country. He is the worst president in the history of the US and a scumbag. "I would welcome his assasination" as Groucho Marx said about Nixon except Cheney is worse.

Thank God we have Obama running. Unfortunately McCain ,who is a good man,wants to continue to do what Bush has done. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Bush has destroyed our economy. When he owned the Rangers baseball team he ran that team into the ground. He traded Sammy Sosa to the Cubs. He drilled 14 oil wells that were dry, backed with Bin Ladin money. He then lied about the WMD. I could easily see that was a lie. Then he hijacked the constitution with the Patriot act which is not patriotic in the least but closer to Facisim.

He was never elected even by electrol standards. He was appointed by the Supreme court who were appointed by his dad. A fixed election in Florida by the secretary General Kathrin Harris who was the head of the Bush election commitee and his brother who was the governor still had him loosing by 10,000 votes. Since they stopped the recount it came to 512 votes as the difference between the Nobel peace prize winner who also won two Oscars for an Inconvienet truth and a complete buffoon.
2008-07-15 22:22:50 UTC
Bush is a decent president, he went into office willing to compromise. Let Kennedy write an education bill and invited the leaders to the Whitehouse for visits and watch movies. They repayed him with a big screw you and refused to compromise on anything.

Less than a year in as president 9/11 happened and he held his own and actually was a very Calming and reassuring voice. He didn't jump the gun but had very straight forward rhetoric and told us we had a long road ahead but we were going to win the war on terrorism. At that time he probably had a 80% approval rating maybe even higher.

Since the impeachment of Bill Clinton, the left in this country have had a cob up their butt blaming the right for abiding by the law when someone commits perjury. So the left wouldn't have been happy with a 20 point Bush win. Bush won the 2000 election because AL Gore was seen as a stiff stuffed suit.

In the US the presidential election is actually decided by the electoral college. Each state has a popular vote, whoever wins that vote gets all of that states electoral votes. It's the way elections were designed in 1776 so less populated states would still have a voice in elections.

Bush won the majority of electoral votes, Had AL Gore won his home state of Tennessee this whole discussion would be moot, The state that decide the election had all kinds of problems. One network came on and said the poles were closed in the state so a large portion of voter in the panhandle thought it was too late to vote. Also the system which they had used for about 30 or more years (punch cards) all of a sudden was to difficult to use. A bunch of voters didn't know how to vote for their candidate even though the newspaper had a sample ballot if they had any questions.

After the poles closed AL Gore decided he wanted recounts but only in heavily democrat counties, Bush stepped in and said all or nothing. The state supreme court stepped in and said do what Gore wants. Then the federal supreme court stepped in and said play by the same rules. People were trying to count ballots with 2 president candidates punched and with no candidates punched and some that had an indentation. Long story short if you were too stupid to know how to vote your vote may not be counted BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T CAST IT.

The way the election panned out left a bad taste in the lefts mouth, mainly because they always feel entitled and if they don't get what they want out right they are used to the courts giving it to them.

I think he's a good man that was put in a tough place. He's learned some lessons the hard way. He's the first MBA ever to be president, has an IQ higher than the people calling him an idiot because he can't speak eloquently like slick willy or Osama. {IQ was estimated between 124-135 in one comparison and 119 in another. Not to shabby. BTW JFK was a 119. And Bush could handle the most difficult aircraft of the time while in the AirGuard. It was decommissioned shortly after his training though cause so few pilots could get that certification.} He's self depricating which means he's not to full of himself. All in all I think he's done what's right for the country for the most part.

I wish he would have pushed harder for s.s. privatization and used his veto pen more on spending. As far as how the rest of the world sees us I'm not to concerned. They weren't the one's attacked on 9/11. And when it comes to Iraq maybe if the french, germans, and russians weren't getting all that oil and money from Sadahm maybe they would've worried more about the weapons he had. Of course let's not forget they were the ones supplying them with weapons to fight us with.

Did they ever figure out how much Kofi Anon's son got in that "Oil for Food" deal?
Mark T
2008-07-15 21:23:59 UTC
Well, I'm certain the Iraqi's would like to try him for crimes against humanity, but I think there is a preponderance of evidence which would be more than sufficient to find the President and the notables in his administration both convictable and guilty of high crimes against the constitution.

Some of these crimes would in fact call for public execution, so as sad as it is to say, our President is in all plain speaking guilty of war-crimes and crimes against humanity, in a way not so boldly undertaken in the history of our Republic.

One need not even discuss anything beyond the crimes of the detention of the prisoners at Guantanamo and the other "black" sites.

The crimes and specifications here alone, should have and certainly yet could lead to criminal charges - including murder and federal charges of war crimes, and Lord knows how many violations of the Uniform Code of Justice, which would , the Supreme Court has said, apply in all military administrative areas.

This is to say NOTHING of the actual activities leading up to the invasion of Iraq , which by the admission of Richard Perle - one of the leading advocates FOR the war, was "probably illegal", given the manifest deception over WMD. Such charges here would be high crimes against the Constitution.

If we had a Congress worth a damn, this entire administration would no longer be in power.

For my money, I simply suggest that since Mr. Bush and company have done such a "heck of a job", perhaps all we really need to do is get the paperwork ironed out and send the lot of them to Iraq, where the the good people of Iraq , I'm sure would like to extend the heartfelt appreciation for all he's done.

A friend recently reminded me of the old scifi show Babylon 5, when an honest and sincere attache (destined to become the leader of his people), was asked by an associate of his boss - guilty of the death of millions or more, "What do you want?" He replied

"Your head....on a pike, outside the entrance to the capital, as a reminder to the next 10 generations that some favors come with too high a price."

Perhaps this particular punishment might be more suitable for the clowns that lied both of our great countries into war, but I suspect that none of this would happen, as appropriate or satisfying as it might be for some, that all concerned will live to ripe old ages, disgruntled that the world doesn't appreciate them.

Pathetically, there was someone so misinformed as to think that these must be baseless or ideologically inspired charges, like it's so cool to have to cite the numerous crimes of the president.

There are some realists whom suggest that we NEED access to oil as the underwriting of our national wellbeing and our economy, therefore the Iraqi invasion was a good idea or that Saddam was a murderous dictator.

On oil, the geology speaks unambiguously that we best think of the remaining oil is a dowry and not an endowment. Oil lasting around another 20-30 years is just long enough to get us onto other systems, but while our president spends his waning days trying to burnish his image for posterity, we the people will be left holding the bag.

On the matter of Mr. Hussein the dictator, sure he killed 300,000 of his own people using over 25 years, I'm sure every dirty trick in the book, but if bloodthirsty dictators bothered us; oh, so much, Perhaps the Neoconservative human rights pundits, would be kind enough to explain their reasoning for allowing last 50 years of Sub-Saharan African history, or perhaps the extant reasons for the current dictatorships in over 30 different countries.

Where are there evolved sensibilities, then, where is their advocacy?
2008-07-15 21:37:13 UTC
Has he spied on us? Not proven. Did he lie to us? I can't say whether or not he did or didn't with full honesty.

Your argument breaks down when you argue that invading Iraq was illegal because of its sovereignty. No nation is sovereign. Individual's are sovereign. Only government's that respect this premise are legitimate. The fact is Saddam was a brutal dictator who caused more death, disease and famine to his people then should be intended. To say that his government was "legitimate" are the words of evil. No moral man can ever honestly say that Saddam's government was legitimate and sovereign. To do so would be disrespect to the dead, and other victim's of his brutal regime.

Honestly, I think it would have be-hooved President Bush to come out and say exactly what I said in the above paragraph. I think he dishonored himself by trying to rationalize an invasion that already had an inherent rationalization there for him in the first place.
2008-07-15 22:18:57 UTC
Actually for the intellectual, Bush has done a better job than any average and young Americans have given him credit for.

Oil is the blood line of any industrial nation. Something that a country has to have. It is not right or wrong it is reality. Is it his fault that he tries to protect American interest? it is his job!

What is this interest that we hear but not fully understand? Is it just oil?

Oil is not only used on cars in a form of gasoline. It produces electricity in our country. Can you imagine how much we waste electricity in our nation? How much usage we do? The average American don't think. They whine and point fingers and waste energy by playing on their computers while their radio and TV on not to mention having all the lights and conditioner on not caring about the oil they used. That is how the average American youth thinks. It has everything to do with a mental state of convenience. How many of you see the same people circling the parking lot because they dont want to park far and walk? Lazy us. It is the new American mental state. Our biggest show in this freakin country is American Idol, what a waste of brain. No wonder most of my countrymen are dumb.

To us who do understand the vitality of oil lies the American economic survival. The truckers, the train, the banks, Computers, etc... All these industry are connected to Electricity which is connected to oil.

Did we go to Iraq for oil, absolutely! It is our countries blood line. Sadam want to sell the oil to china and india and cut our supply because they will pay higher. We need that control on oil people. Would we have gone to war if that was the reason? Most likely not. Did we need to go to war for oil. Sure we do to maintain our lifestyle. Is it worth it? Depends on your life. Whose the idiot now?
2008-07-15 21:35:50 UTC
It's sad to look at the President and his advisors scrambling, like a grade school football game, to correct problems they didn't see coming.

The Iraq insurgency, the Taliban rebirth in Afghanistan, one hundred and fifty dollars a barrel for oil, and now Freddie Mack and Fannie May. Where is the leadership! Leaders are suppose to be ahead of problems. Ready to confront problems with well thought out plans. Not playing catch up.

I give his Presidency a " D - ".
2008-07-15 21:40:23 UTC
He's a politician. What more can be said?

I'm glad he is not making the same mistake that his dad made by leaving early.

Pres Bush Sr. left Iraq a mess after the first war and that left the door open for hatred to grow and a dictator to take over.

Pres Bush Jr. is staying long enough to rebuild the mess and help them learn to take care of themselves.

Weapons of Mass Destruction lies?

First you have to define "WMD".

What causes "mass" destruction?

How did all those "mass" grave sites get full?

Hussein "mass" killed them somehow.

It doesn't have to be nukes to be bad weapons.

I like him MUCH better than what we could have been stuck with.
2008-07-15 21:22:23 UTC
Not the best president ever, but he wasn't really that bad though, (he did what he believed was right and until we know more it might have been the right decision, you usually find out more after their presidency), but we are making it a bigger deal than what it really is, "most" (key word) don't really know anything negative on Bush without parroting what they have heard, but it is very popular to not like him (especially in college).

What people also don't realize is that the President is not as powerful as we believe him to be (we blame them for things they are not responsible for, like how can presidents "lose" china). If congress had a firm no and was completely against what Bush did, congress's will supersedes that of the president.

Since I did not outright bash the president watch the coming of the thumbs down.

Added: (replying to what you added) Both Obama and McCain support spying on the American public, Obama has recently change his mind on Iran and his once firm stance on Iraq. Surveillance doesn't really bother me that much personally as it does not limit me in any way. Also the government is broke not the people as bush did not tax us he took it from the gov.

Also we did not take any oil, this shows me how little you actually know (show me the oil we are getting).
Derrick H
2008-07-15 21:25:20 UTC
That since he began his reign, accountability doesn't exist in this country anymore. He set a trend of intellectual decline. It's spread from the top down. He's also distorted the meaning of the word patriotism and managed to scare the crap out of most Americans. And that he's more anti-semitic than Hitler. Yes, I know he's a puppet for Israel but he hates Arabs.

And to add to this, people, he didn't make mistakes. He intentionally lied to the American people. How's that for patriotism?!?!
2008-07-15 21:28:21 UTC
I am sure he is a decent guy when you get to know him. I just dont think he is a real great leader. Remember his approval rating was at 80% before Iraq.
2008-07-15 21:22:12 UTC
i wana know what u think of the person that runs your village were ever u come from and why you left? isreal is going to invade iran u are a person of to little to late u will wait to go to war until war is brought upon u but by then its to little to late u dont have the 3ds u need to survive or the will
2008-07-15 21:34:56 UTC
I have respect for anyone who can run a country. It takes alot of nerve to be able to do that. He kept us safe for 7 years. I think he did as good as a job as anyone could of done.
Emily Dew
2008-07-15 21:22:32 UTC
All of these comments are so funny. A few weeks ago, we went to the Abraham Lincoln Museum and one section of the museum had many newspapers from his time framed and hung on the walls for viewing. You couldn't believe the amount of hatred the country felt for him. The newspaper headlines called him an idiot and said he should be tried for murder because of all the American men killed during the Civil War and he should be impeached. In fact, they said he was driving the country into the ground with the Civil War and the proof that he was no leader at all was in the number of states that were seceding from the country. In fact, while we were reading the newspapers, my husband said, "If you substituted George Bush's name for Lincoln's, you'd think they were talking about him!" Funny how time has a way of changing people's perspectives.
Kellie D
2008-07-15 21:23:50 UTC
I respect him as he is my President. I think he has done a good job considering we haven't been attacked since 9/11 and he sticks to what he believes no matter who has a hissy fit about it (liberals). I think he has been great for our country's protection and I think in years to come it will reflect this and his approval rating will go up.
2008-07-15 21:21:32 UTC
He leads are country, but the majority did not vote for him. Popular vote went to the democrats, but there was an entire mix up with florida and bam, all of a sudden Bush wins with the "electoral" vote.

I don't know him personally, so I can't say that I hate him. I do hate his policies, however. He's ruined the economy with his trillion dollar war, and is allowing his vice president to profit off of the death of millions of Iraqis through Blackwater security, I private security contractor in Iraq. The worse thing is, Blackwater and other contractors can rape and murder without being held accountable like our soldiers. Another thing that really upsets me is that a lot of our soldiers over there didn't sign up to go to Iraq, and have been forced to go over there and have their stays extended , and extended.

Not to mention now he's trying to get us to drill in restricted areas, that are restricted because drilling would harm the environment and wildlife in the area! How is he willing to give money to drilling companies over alternative energy reseach companies?

This is how I feel. If John McCain becomes president and keeps us in Iraq, I will leave the country. I don't joke either, I'm totally serious. I'm getting a student visa and applying for citizenship somewhere else. I can't stand saying I'm an American when we're really just at the disposal of a murderer.
dog meat sandwich
2008-07-15 21:28:51 UTC
You want to know what we think, yet you devoted most of your available bandwidth to telling us what you think. You seem to think you've got your finger on the political problems, why aren't you running for office? Oh wait, thats right..... PAD paitients can't run. :)
2008-07-15 21:23:54 UTC
I think he is basically a failure, but not as much of a failure as the liberals want to believe.

I wish McCain had won the primaries in the year 2000!
2008-07-15 21:22:43 UTC
I think he sucks---------I base my decision not along party lines but on the fact that this man hasn't been loyal to the U.S. Constitution, the document from which this country is founded on. If one looks at his constitutional record alone that would be enough to rank him as bad. All one has to do is to look at each bill he has signed off on which breaks rights guaranteed by the Constitution and that tells the complete picture of what this guy is all about. By giving me a thumbs down you are showing your own ignorance and lack of understanding on the principles from which this nation is founded upon.
John V
2008-07-15 21:33:59 UTC
Genrally, I think he is a criminal. I think he abused the power of the office he holds. I think he is intellectually lazy and incompetent. I also think that he is a liar. I think a special prosecutor should charge him with war crimes.
2008-07-15 21:24:45 UTC
Govenor Bush is a Fascist corp stooge. And Dick (Head) Cheney is the Devil!
2008-07-15 21:20:08 UTC
I like and respect President Bush. He has spent more money than I would have liked but he has stuck to what he believes is right and contrary to popular belief we are now winning the war in Iraq, so his surge idea has worked. Even though one life lost at war is too many the death toll rate has also decreased since the surge. I wish people would respect Mr.President more because he has worked hard and dealt with some of the biggest tragedies while in office and has handled it to his best ability.
Charlie Bravo
2008-07-15 22:27:57 UTC
Oh geez...where to begin?

He's an incompetent, stubborn, arrogant, bumbling fool who won't learn from his past mistakes. He's better off selling used cars to suckers.....
2008-07-15 21:23:33 UTC
I think history will judge him as a good president.
2008-07-15 21:18:26 UTC
The president of America is quite an individual, I esteem him and I think his job is not as easy as it looks. Let's all be patriotic again, ok?
2008-07-15 21:19:59 UTC
i think everyone would like pres Bush if we never got into this

whole terror thing. Have you seen him on the news? he dances with people in africa, poses with our military academy grads and all sorts of fun stuff. I just think we have become bitter because he smudged our global reputation of being top dogs. Now everyone thinks of us as the Bush loving fags that like killing ragheads. Which of course is false.

By the way i'm a liberal.
2008-07-15 21:18:21 UTC
I didn't vote him in because I was unable to vote at the time of both his election and re-election, but I can only say that he really disappointed America.
2008-07-15 21:50:23 UTC
He is number one liar and bluffer !!
2008-07-15 21:17:11 UTC
I see him as a man who did what he thought was the right thing to do.

Sure he has made mistakes but then again all Presidents do

The best way I can wrap it up is that he is not as bad as many think nor is he as good as some think.
2008-07-15 21:20:26 UTC
This should give you a good idea.
2008-07-15 21:17:46 UTC
He is bit too liberal for me on social issues, but he has done a great job on national security, no attacks on our soil since 911.
I'm Not Your Friend, Buddy
2008-07-15 21:17:14 UTC
Not too much of a leader. Mostly a puppet, terrible job. Any change right now should be good.
2008-07-15 21:19:47 UTC
McCain should have been president in 2001 not Bush.
drink spiller
2008-07-15 21:19:10 UTC
He literally makes me physically ill, ever since he cheated Al Gore out of the election. I think he is one of the biggest idiots in the political history of the U.S. ---I am ashamed that he represents such a wonderful country. Please do not think of him as one of us. I wish I didn't get so emotional about him, but UGH! I can't even watch him speak!!!
2008-07-15 21:17:00 UTC
I didn't vote for him the first or second time, I think he has ruined our country, I am almost convinced he stole the election in 2000, and I am so glad he is a lame duck. Obama '08!
Katie H
2008-07-15 21:16:34 UTC
I wish it weren't too late to impeach the idiot. I know I tried to vote to do so. I never voted for him and will think very hard before voting for any republicans in the future.
2008-07-15 21:17:40 UTC
are you a puppet on a string, don't cut my lifeline(dave matthews)

no, seriously i think he is a puppet on a string.
2008-07-15 21:27:01 UTC
he sucks he sucks he sucks i think he is an idiot
2008-07-15 21:20:36 UTC
2008-07-15 21:19:21 UTC
Bush is garbage!

2008-07-15 21:18:22 UTC
i cut him some slack, must be a little hard being a president.. ya know?

i dont have a problem with him.
2008-07-15 21:17:42 UTC
he's the dumbest person on earth and he has created a huge mess for America and he probly doesn't even know it
2008-07-15 21:17:00 UTC
Most evil and corrupt president ever. Least qualified for the job, too.
Homeless in Phoenix
2008-07-15 21:17:22 UTC
Considering the choices we had at the time he was the best available.
2008-07-15 21:20:32 UTC
The war was a horible idea so many deaths like 5000 of them a lot of his disions were horible

2008-07-15 21:16:14 UTC
worst un-elected president ever...

scumbag elite.
2008-07-15 21:16:06 UTC
Bit of an idiot, isn't he, luv?
2008-07-15 21:17:07 UTC
surely an *** hole

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