Kenny W
2007-02-28 09:01:55 UTC
- Today, it’s legal in 33 states to fire an employee just for being gay, lesbian or bisexual, and in 42 states it’s legal to fire someone for being transgender.
- The USA has a huge percentage of the population in prison. It not only has the highest percentage in the Western World but also a higher percentage than most developing nations.
- America will happily detain and torture people without trial.
- America has the highest legal alcohol consumption age. Consider this at 18 you are old enough to decide how your country is run but if the guy you vote for gets in you cannot drink a glass of champagne to celebrate.
- America has the death penalty.
- America will (and has) execute juvenile offenders and those with mental illnesses.
- The Patriot Act restricts rights such as free speech and assembly
There is so much more but I am running out of characters. So why does America still call itself the Land of the Free?