Why does America still call itself the Land of the Free?
Kenny W
2007-02-28 09:01:55 UTC
When you consider the following:

- Today, it’s legal in 33 states to fire an employee just for being gay, lesbian or bisexual, and in 42 states it’s legal to fire someone for being transgender.

- The USA has a huge percentage of the population in prison. It not only has the highest percentage in the Western World but also a higher percentage than most developing nations.

- America will happily detain and torture people without trial.

- America has the highest legal alcohol consumption age. Consider this at 18 you are old enough to decide how your country is run but if the guy you vote for gets in you cannot drink a glass of champagne to celebrate.

- America has the death penalty.

- America will (and has) execute juvenile offenders and those with mental illnesses.

- The Patriot Act restricts rights such as free speech and assembly

There is so much more but I am running out of characters. So why does America still call itself the Land of the Free?
35 answers:
Wise Kai
2007-02-28 10:38:52 UTC
Bless 'em - they know little of what goes on outside their borders, they're eternally proud and they are upbeat and optimistic - whereas we in Europe focus more on the things we are not happy with & the things we know are unlikely to succeed.

We actually have it better than they do, but their universal happiness is one thing we can learn from them.
2007-02-28 09:35:56 UTC
Its the land of the free beacuse on paper we are more free than any other country in the known world. The fact you are on Y!Answers saying this further proves it.

"- America has the death penalty."

Free does not mean free to do what you want. As quoted in the constitution it is the right to liberty, freedom and the persuit of hapiness but only as long as it does not infringe on that right of others, and as long as its not outside of the law. We put people who rape children and murder multiple people on the electric chair, jeeze we're terrible

"- America will happily detain and torture people without trial. "

Prove 1 instance. Ina time of war in foreign countries those people dont have rights. American citizens are not jaile dand tortured, although I think you should be.

"- America will (and has) execute juvenile offenders and those with mental illnesses. "

Juviniles are not executed, although they can recieve the death penalty later in their lives I believe. We do not jail people just for being mentally ill. Unfortunately, many criminals are mentally ill, I think it more good than it is bad.

"- The Patriot Act restricts rights such as free speech and assembly"

Sir you are absolutely correct, as a hard core right wing conservative I do not believe the patriot act was necessary and undermines the constitution.

"- America has the highest legal alcohol consumption age. Consider this at 18 you are old enough to decide how your country is run but if the guy you vote for gets in you cannot drink a glass of champagne to celebrate."

I agree with this law because we all know we have all been drinking since we were 18 or before, its not like its hard to get. However, when you 26 you dont want to go to a bar or a 21 and over club and have a bunch of 18 year olds playing around in there. You are going there to find women your age and not deal witha bunch of immature kids who just turned the dirnking age.

Oh, and you forgot one. The biggest one.

-Gun control still exists in the US, especially in California. I can buy a rifle at 18 but not a handgun untill 21. Its stupid.

This country is not perfect, but it is great, and more people want to stay than leave, this is not something that can be said for most countries, which is why they all try to come here.
Susan S
2007-02-28 11:14:05 UTC
Two answers are mistaken on the death penalty.

Note to JS- here are a few cases where a person was executed for crimes committed while a minor. (The Supreme Court has ruled this is unconstitutional (Roper vs. Simmons) so we don’t do it anymore. Since 1986- 22 people were executed for crimes committed as juveniles.

The cases, from earliest (1986 to latest):

Charles Rumbaugh, Texas

James Terry Roach, South Carolina

Jay Pinkerton, Texas

Dalton Prejean, Louisiana, and Evidence of Mental Retardation

Johnny Frank Garrett, Texas, and Evidence of Mental Retardation

Curtis Harris, Texas

Frederick Lashley, Missouri

Ruben Cantu, Texas

Christopher Burger, Georgia

Joseph Cannon, Texas

Robert Anthony Carter, Texas

Dwayne Allen Wright, Virginia

Sean Sellers, Oklahoma

Douglas Christopher Thomas, Virginia

Steven Roach, Virginia, and Evidence of Mental Retardation

Glenn McGinnis, Texas

Gary Graham, Texas

Gerald Mitchell, Texas

Napoleon Beazley, Texas

T.J. Jones, Texas

Toronto Patterson, Texas

Scott Allen Hain, Oklahoma

Note to sgreger1:

We have executed people with serious mental illness. It is still legal to do so. All that is required is that the convict be sane enough at the time of the execution to know what is happening. This can be accomplished with medication, in at least one, case, forcibly administered. Here are the cases-

Kelsey Patterson was executed on May 18, 2004 in Texas despite a 5-1 recommendation by the Parole Board for Clemency.

Charles Singleton, executed on January 6, 2004 in Arkansas. Singleton was forcibly medicated to make him sane enough for execution. Singleton v. Norris (No. 00-1492) (8th Circuit Decision).

James Colburn, executed on March 26, 2003 in Texas.

Larry Robison, executed on January 21, 2000 in Texas
Insensitively Honest
2007-02-28 09:12:54 UTC
We are the Land of the free , we are not forced to believe a certain way , the prisoners were free to commit the crimes , it cost taxpayers money because they were stupid..personally the families of prisoners should be made to pay for their up keep , we have the freedom to walk down the road , talk on the phones , we can drink responsibly without being punished , the idiots who can not drink responsibly go to jail .. (we have to maintain order) , you sound like you want all prisoners to run free if you do talk to your congressman , get them all released to your neighbourhood , and you can sign the waiver accepting all responsibility for their actions ..we have the right to Internet access , try going to Cuba and see the difference or to another Communist country then you will see just how good it is to be here...
2007-02-28 09:15:19 UTC
Because there is no other country in the world that guarantees the kinds of rights & liberties of it's citizens as written in the U.S. Constitution.

As you pointed out there are problems, but the people have the power to change them.

For instance we can freely express our views here without fear of reprisal, I doubt many people in China or Iran could say the same.

The 10 of millions of immigrants each year must think the United States is a pretty free county, otherwise why would they come here?
2016-02-01 07:52:33 UTC
america call land free
2016-04-27 15:47:01 UTC
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2007-02-28 09:46:26 UTC
"God" knows and hence does George Bush his disciple !

Reading the comments it identified the similarity between the Witch Hunts of the Middle Ages, and the current labelling of any "dissident" a Terrorist in the States. A country or political elite that cannot see that's its policies are encouraging terrorism by its actions, is making the World a far less safe place in which to live.

Paranoia apparently runs riot, while another planeload of body bags returns silently in the night !
Rick N
2007-02-28 09:12:15 UTC
1) Why shouldn't an employer be free to hire, fire, promote, not hire, not fire, or not promote anyone for any reason or lack thereof he chooses? If I own a business, I should have unfettered control over who I elect to employ and under what circumstances. Don't like my decisions? Start your own company.

2) People only go to prison if they break laws. Perhaps they should cease doing so if they don't wish to become imprisoned.

3) The only people who are "detained and tortured" are non-citizens who also happen to be terrorists. Further, your definition of torture and mine are probably much different. I don't particularly care if someone is forced to wear panties on his head.

4) Alcohol laws are a state issue. If you wish to lower the drinking age, start a voter initiative to do so.

5) What has the death penalty got to do with freedom? Nobody has been put to death for walking down the street.

6) If one doesn't wish to be executed, perhaps he should refrain from killing others in cold blood.

7) Please list so much as ONE of your rights which has been curtailed by the USA PATRIOT Act. You won't be able to do so.

We live in the Land of the Free because with all her warts, Lady Liberty is alive and well in the United States.
2007-02-28 09:15:38 UTC
You have to be kidding me. Go to Russia or China and see how they treat their populace. I dont care much for transgender rights at the moment. We have bigger issues. I consider that a deviance I am sorry to say. But your other issues are silly. Pelple are in prison for breaking the law. Whats wrong with that? During a time of war we must do what is necessary to win. If it means torture then so be it. If your Mother was captured by the enemy and there was one enemy soldier that knew where she was wouldnt you want us to torture that soldier to get information to find her? Who cares how hight the drinking age is? The death penalty isnt wrong. Thank God for the Patriot Act and shame on the democrats for trying to repeal it. The sooner you realize that there are Muslims out there that want to kill you and harm your family you will change your mind on all this crap.
2007-02-28 09:11:45 UTC
I think it's because they are still allowed to charge what they want for taxes, they still don't realize that we have wars right here that need to be addressed prior to fixing everyone else's problems. I think it's because we are one of the only countries that will allow for those born elsewhere to have the same rights and privileges as those that are true Americans. We are not free, we are the "Free For All" country, this just doesn't apply to those that live here.
2007-02-28 09:12:43 UTC
It is the land of the free as long as we don't exercise our freedom. It's simple. By merely voluntarily not exercising the freedoms we have according to the constitution, we are truly free, especially if we refuse to exercise our freedoms out of fear of terrorists, the NSA, Gladys Kravitz-esque neighbors, or people who Aren't Like Us and Are Out To Take Our Stuff. That's how we keep our freedom. Remember, freedom isn't free.

Understand? Neither do I.
2007-02-28 09:21:38 UTC
This is one of the most poignant questions I've read on Y!A for some time. Finally a great question for the liberals and conservatives alike to chew on.

When I think of free, like in the phrase 'free country', the first and really only thing that comes to mind is free as in 'free trade', or free as in one is free to persue the almighty dollar. There is no thought of the freedoms that the constitution was written for, nor is there any feeling of pride in the liberty that many, myself included, have fought and served for. I mean honestly, and like you said in your question, I don't feel as if people are 'free' to be themselves, or to practice any religion, but we sure are free to spend our hard earned money on things we neither need nor can afford, and apparently we have no choice in spending our hard earned money on politicians who do not spend it wisely or on things that would benefit the most important things. This ladies and gentleman is our legacy. THIS is what we are leaving to our children to fight over and squander. Is THIS what it means to be an American?? I hope not.

Thanks for asking this question, dude.
2007-03-01 01:59:25 UTC
Another 1 for you to add, most of the population are whites who aren't natives. They're all foreigners that come from Europe(mostly Ireland).
2007-02-28 09:50:56 UTC
Nice list of stuff but there is a but

America has got its downsides but try going anywhere else, the UK is awful a whole lot worse, when I am in the states its a feeling, it really is the last place for the free its in the people and things will change as things do.
2007-02-28 09:15:41 UTC
The Nazis used to think that they were right aswell, what america needs is a good thumping like all dictators need and then they might realise the error of their ways. The word 'freedom' in america is the biggest lie ever told. The country is run by children with borrowed money.

p.s - Respect my Authority! ;-)
2007-02-28 09:12:08 UTC
The land of the free? Be serious! That's just a bit of a Olde Worlde thing taught in the schools. People are keeping tabs on you in every function of life
2007-02-28 09:18:47 UTC
I agree. China has more protections for GLBT's than the USA. Our country has be seized by religious theocrates that are slowly eroding our basic civil protections and freedoms.
2017-03-01 08:45:22 UTC
2007-02-28 10:09:57 UTC
You have said it all, thats why its called the Land of the

Free. It is obvious to me that you do not understand

freedom. Tell me why do so many people want to

immigrate to the USA ? and not Nigeria, or Nepal or

Indonesia etc.
2007-02-28 09:05:28 UTC
American hooers.
2007-02-28 09:08:43 UTC
- I think being able to choose who YOU choose to employ is a freedom

- Being free doesn't entail being a criminal

- Only terrorists and we DON'T use torture, only the few bad apples have, and you will have bad apples everywhere.

-The drinking age is about maturity of age, I don't believe 18 through 21 year olds are responsible enough to drink. And some over that age as well, guess what? its THEIR choice.

- Refer to statment 2

- Site source where the US ever executed a minor

- Want terrorists in our country? I don't, and support the Patriot Act.
2007-02-28 09:10:37 UTC
Because anyone is free to cross into America and get free health care, eductation, food, etc.
2007-02-28 09:05:42 UTC
1) real freedom would mean that employers could fire employees for ANY reason

2) Should those who break the law go unpunished?

3) States issue

4) States issue

5) Do the crime.....

6) You have never studdied Constitutional law have you?
Bush Invented the Google
2007-02-28 09:06:24 UTC
It is not legal to do those things; it is a violation of the Constitution. But please cite the exact state laws you're referring to that you think override the federal Constitution.

"The land of the free" does not have to mean "the land of the chaotic." There have to be rules, and you don't have to agree with them, but you do have to follow them.
england 4ever
2007-02-28 09:06:11 UTC
because they seem too think they are free to do what the hell they want !
2007-02-28 09:10:34 UTC
Because you have the right to post this diatribe.
2007-02-28 09:10:07 UTC
Ask the righties. They oppose freedom except when calling for war.
2007-02-28 09:05:38 UTC
I don't mind any of those...

- America will happily detain and torture people without trial.

You mean terrorists?

- America has the death penalty.

We kill murderers?! how sad.
2007-02-28 09:05:28 UTC
All perfect examples of Freedumb to me!! ;-)
Lady Hazy
2007-02-28 09:09:13 UTC
So much for the home of the Brave huh...
2007-02-28 09:05:21 UTC
Some countries you wouldn't be able to even ask this question. Enough said.
truth seeker
2007-02-28 09:04:58 UTC
It's a habit. We used to be free.
2007-02-28 09:06:38 UTC
Because america is in denial
Wet Kitty
2007-02-28 09:05:01 UTC
Propaganda, it keeps the sheep quiet.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.