MS says in his usual unconcealed hypocrisy that he can not brook corruption in public life even if it was ''you and me''...
But you know what he said just two months ago:
Question under Politics and Govt (Asker: Bull 2 months ago)
“Even after such hue&cry over Spectrum2 scandal,why Centre particularly PM "mum" & not taking any action onRaja?”
Best Answer by MS believe in...
... If A Raja belonged to Congress, he would have gone long back. To understand you have understand few things.
1. Every political party in India is for power, not for charity. Their first priority is power, not nation.
2. Today, no party gets clear mandate thus they are supported by the crutch of the regional parties.
Now, TN CM Karunannidhi is supporting central government and UPA government cannot afford to disappoint him, that is why they are really carrying the burden of A Raja until now...
So he justified the historic Spectrum 2G mega corruption saying that the PM had no way to sustain his party in power by antagonising the evil partner Dmk.
Is this not height of irresponsibility, to justify a mega drain of revenue of the nation for just perpetuate the rule of a party at the Centre.
I do not want to comment on other points that are equally hollow and steeped in double standards!
how many masks do these people wear just to side track major issues from people's attention, trying to blame people or officials or trade folk !!!!
tail piece:
I know this answer would receive either a shower of TDs or even face deletion, from experience!
But I have decided to leave the forum forthwith, being suffocated by the falsity and conflict abounding here and bid good bye to you all friends!
IF any one of you still have the patiene and energy to outwit the persistent false propaganda of vested interests, it is your business to do your best. Truth would win ultimately but the evils would howl for long, even in the face of sure defeats!