No, I think it would be a very dark day indeed before I would vote for such a party. However some of the stupid things which are going on in the name of political correctness and tolerance do make me feel that the main political parties in this country are no longer representative of the majority of its people, if indeed they ever truly were.
To try to downgrade the major religious festival of the Christian faith which has been celebrated for over one thousand years in these Islands is disgusting.
The country which we now call the UK has, in the main, been tolerant of new cultures coming to these shores and has continually absorbed them peacefully since 1066 when we were last invaded successfully. It has not always been easy or totally trouble free but it has been managed and each group of incomers have enriched the culture of the population as a whole.
What I think has changed has been the recent, (last 30 years), growth of minority groups being able to manipulate the media and politicians often claiming that they represent the "British People" while we have been idle enough and apathetic enough to let them get away with it.
The media has a lot to answer for in the way in which it pillories everyone and everything, except itself, for no better reason than to sell advertising in the case of TV and radio, including the BBC in its widest form, and to maximise sales of copies in the case of newspapers. Puerile and self serving.
Politicians of all parties have become slaves to the "sound bite"and the "photo opportunity" at the expense of principle and long term goals. The established political parties have become stale, inward looking and devoid of strategic leadership and direction. There are no longer figures who can be described as statesmen or women.
Worst of all and primarily to blame have been all of us who have allowed this to happen. We blame others, whether it be government, foreigners, trades unions, the masons, the unemployed, the rich or anyone but ourselves. We appear to have lost the ability to take responsibility for our own actions. We do not go out to vote or demand change.
As a result politics has been denigrated, no-one feels able to say "stop this nonsense" and the influencers are small pressure groups who are totally non representative of the nation.
This allows the politics of fear, hate and prejudice to make inroads into our lives in the same way it did in Germany in the 1920s and 30s. The BNP have no depth to their policies, no answers to the underlying issues of national and global politics, they just lash out at those they wish to make scapegoats.
If things are wrong, it is not the immigrants of whatever colour or creed who are the cause, it is ourselves and our laziness.