Every time you turn on the TV are you more tempted to vote for the BNP?
2009-11-04 11:08:42 UTC
There was a play in Glasgow where Jesus was a transsexual or transvestite or some other creature like that, oh and we should rename Christmas a "winter-festival" lovely ;) and on a wider note Crucifixes have been banned in Italy, ITALY!

The "extreme" BNP is starting to look more and more tempting in this extreme anti-christian society we live in!

Imagine pulling that sh*t with muslims?
26 answers:
David H
2009-11-04 11:53:12 UTC
Its getting 'more tempting' every single day. All these local/government authorites have all but taken our way of life and heritage away. These people who are trying to change our thinking and way of life are no doubt the 'English Extremists' all backed up by the PC and Human Rights crowd who have now taken 'full control of the UK'.

Kids not being allowed to have their 'nativity play' (in some areas) and other English activitys that we have had for 100's of years for fear of 'hurting' the feelings of none UK indigenous people and all the other restrictive rules being forced on to the public.

Yes its getting very 'tempting' too consider voting for the BNP. They can do 'no more damage' to the UK then these governments past and present have done to this country already.
2009-11-04 16:44:59 UTC
Oh dear me.

You really should actually check these stories before you start ranting about them.

Plays are fiction; works of creative art, they don't have to be accurate, and nobody with a measurable IQ believes that the represent reality.

If you don't like a play, don't go and see it; problem solved. I can think of several plays that feature ideas or characters that I would find unpleasant, so I don;t go to see those plays. Simple.

No-one is 'renaming christmas'. The 'winterval' story relates to a one-off event in Birmingham over ten years ago; it was a promotional campaign to attract businesses to the city centre and had NOTHING TO DO with christmas.

Crucifixes aren't banned in Italy; the EU requires state-run schools of ALL member states to be religiously neutral, which includes not displaying religious symbols which might be construed as an indication that the school is run by, or endorses, a specific religious organisation. Church- run schools (of which there are plenty in Italy) are, quite rightly, unaffected.

I've never seen or heard of a 'political correctness' story that has ANY basis in fact; they're mostly inventions, and those that aren't are deliberate distortions, by the media to manipulate the minds of gullible folk like you into doing what they want you to do (in this case, vote for a fascist organisation).

To answer your question (if you don't think I already have);

I'm lesbian, and I was born transsexual. I have friends who are gay, straight, black, white, Asian, christian, muslim, hindu, and some who are none of the above.

The BNP would criminalise me and most of the people I know; they would reduce many of them to second-class citizens, and 'repatriate' them to countries they'd never seen.

Why on Earth would I vote for an organisation like that, even if it wasn't made up of goose-stepping Neanderthals?
2016-10-15 10:59:50 UTC
Blair is thirty third degree unfastened-Mason, he's a Illuminatis, you are able to no longer have confidence him, yet i'm not sure if the others social gathering are safers..... they're the Illuminatis, and that they very own you, it fairly is the hot international Order, and it is your destiny if the international do no longer awaken : And it fairly is what Bush’s minions had to assert in 2000;- "added, the technique of transformation, whether it brings progressive exchange, is probable to be an prolonged one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing adventure – like a clean Pearl Harbor" project for the hot American Century (2000) “certainly the consumer-friendly people do no longer desire war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in u.s., nor in Germany. that's understood. yet regardless of each thing, it is the leaders of the rustic who be sure coverage, and it fairly is often an uncomplicated count to pull the folk alongside, whether it fairly is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the folk can consistently be dropped on the bidding of the leaders. that's easy. All you will possibly desire to do is to tell them they're being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for loss of patriotism and exposing the rustic to danger. it fairly works an identical in any u . s . a ..” Hermann Göring(Nazi) 1946 Nuremberg Trials "we are on the verge of a international transformation. All we choose is the ideal substantial disaster and the international locations will settle for the hot international Order." David Rockefeller: fact to the Untied international locations organization Council in September 1994 "For extra beneficial than a century, ideological extremists at the two end of the political spectrum have seized upon properly-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller kin for the inordinate effect they declare we wield over American political and fiscal establishments. some even have self assurance we are area of a secret cabal working against the ideal hobbies of america, characterizing my kin and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with different international to construct a extra built-in international political and fiscal shape - one international, in case you will. If that's the charge, I stand responsible, and that i'm happy with it." David Rockefellers memoirs (2002)
2009-11-04 13:18:34 UTC
No, I think it would be a very dark day indeed before I would vote for such a party. However some of the stupid things which are going on in the name of political correctness and tolerance do make me feel that the main political parties in this country are no longer representative of the majority of its people, if indeed they ever truly were.

To try to downgrade the major religious festival of the Christian faith which has been celebrated for over one thousand years in these Islands is disgusting.

The country which we now call the UK has, in the main, been tolerant of new cultures coming to these shores and has continually absorbed them peacefully since 1066 when we were last invaded successfully. It has not always been easy or totally trouble free but it has been managed and each group of incomers have enriched the culture of the population as a whole.

What I think has changed has been the recent, (last 30 years), growth of minority groups being able to manipulate the media and politicians often claiming that they represent the "British People" while we have been idle enough and apathetic enough to let them get away with it.

The media has a lot to answer for in the way in which it pillories everyone and everything, except itself, for no better reason than to sell advertising in the case of TV and radio, including the BBC in its widest form, and to maximise sales of copies in the case of newspapers. Puerile and self serving.

Politicians of all parties have become slaves to the "sound bite"and the "photo opportunity" at the expense of principle and long term goals. The established political parties have become stale, inward looking and devoid of strategic leadership and direction. There are no longer figures who can be described as statesmen or women.

Worst of all and primarily to blame have been all of us who have allowed this to happen. We blame others, whether it be government, foreigners, trades unions, the masons, the unemployed, the rich or anyone but ourselves. We appear to have lost the ability to take responsibility for our own actions. We do not go out to vote or demand change.

As a result politics has been denigrated, no-one feels able to say "stop this nonsense" and the influencers are small pressure groups who are totally non representative of the nation.

This allows the politics of fear, hate and prejudice to make inroads into our lives in the same way it did in Germany in the 1920s and 30s. The BNP have no depth to their policies, no answers to the underlying issues of national and global politics, they just lash out at those they wish to make scapegoats.

If things are wrong, it is not the immigrants of whatever colour or creed who are the cause, it is ourselves and our laziness.
2009-11-04 11:32:57 UTC
I was brought up in a time when comedians could tell a joke without the racist card being shown the comedy shows love thy neighbour where patrick from eastenders called his neighbour a white honky , and Patricks neighbour called him a sambo, there was a show called the black and white minstrels where the singers wore black and white make up , then it was considered acceptable , obviously shows like that can not be shown but really it has gone far to the other way everyone is so worried that the have to be politically correct it is as though we can not feel comfortable in our own country it is a sad day when the minority of the people can dictate to the majority, we have traditions that are old and need to be taught to the children but they are taught everyone elses beliefs before their own also all the politicians in power do not live in areas of the U.K. where you are the only person born and bred in your own country living with many different cultures and nationalties, there alright living in their posh houses where they have plenty of money to get away from iner city rot and decay. This country is so laughable it give over £20 million in child benefits to kids who have never put a foot in the country , while some old age pensioners are to afraid to put the heating on , where is the sence in that and as I get older yes the B.N.P. does sound very tempting because the last lot of goverments do nothing to help the ones that need it , I would welcome a goverment that really represented the working class people.
The 13th Guru
2009-11-04 14:19:37 UTC
not really.

The bnp are trying to prey on the social climate/circumstances of the economic situation, where decent jobs are difficult to find to make a reasonable living.

The last despot that tried started the Second World War, preying on the desperate people by finding them jobs.

To enable to fund their cause they required a source(s) of revenue, they preyed on the Jews to get money, property, loans are written off by the banks ( which the german people liked), thus supporting the tyrannical regime.

First, the Jews, next other countries to pillage to fund their cause.

Also, the germans had to hide the evidence to uphold their will by the Final Solution.

The dead tell no lies, history is written by the winners.

Would you vote for a fickle person that do not believe that six millon Jews/people are murdered, given the amount of information available form sources from both sides and seem to be brain washed with nazi ideas to indoctrinate others?

Forced indoctrination if refused, murdered, prosecution of other(s) to get money/funding (how are they going to support/run the country when the whole country is in the state of uncertainty), government sanctioned murders to coerce and gel the supporting brain washed induced mob frenzy masses, Civil war would ensue given the freedom of information available.
2009-11-04 12:06:49 UTC
If the BNP, ever do win I hope people like the Patriot and Wolfie leave before anyone else.

The Patriot gives the same answers to all his questions, with the same biased sources from the liberal controlled media, and some "British" patriot with the English flag as his avator, he must think more of the minorities in the UK, than the Welsh and the Scots.

I will vote for the BNP, because the government and the media tells me not too and I know they are full of sh*t!

Wolfie - They are not fascist, get a clue! What like Labour used to be communist? Parties change, the Democrats in the USA used to be conservatives! The BNP support Democracy! - Nick supports the white race, I already knew this! The Japanese are a very racially minded people and Japan isnt that bad of a country is it?

Ryoshi100 - You are not British, as in Britain we spell "color" as colour ;)

Trolls, man they make it to easy! - Im not a troll, its just that my life doesn't revolve around this site, saddo!

Racism is not a sin, it says nowhere in the Bible that racism is a sin. God made each race unique, God is the creator of race, makes God the ulitmate racist in the modern PC world!
Comrade Bolshev
2009-11-04 12:43:25 UTC
Are you seriously suggesting that neo-nazis and racists who wilfully spread hatred are defenders of Christianity? The Christian churches are united against the sin of racism, and against the odious criminals of the British Nazi Party.

By the way, crucifixes have not been banned in Italy, simply banned from Italian State schools, just as in France, where Muslim headscarves are also banned (because France is a secular state, and religion and the State are kept separate).

So, no. In fact, to deny the Nazis representation, I would even be prepared, if I absolutely had to, to vote tactically for the Tories - and that's saying quite something!
Monster Morris
2009-11-04 11:43:05 UTC
i agree. it's just gotten ridiculous. obviously, it's not all muslims, but some of them just don't integrate. they try to change those around them, when they could easily go hop on a plane back home if they hate us so much. it's time that our rights were defended. this is our country, and it shouldn't change because of pushy minorities. 'three little pigs' has been deemed as racist. our own archbishop wanted sharia law. it's disgusting. this is a catholic country and if the bnp is the only party who will stick up for that, then they have my support.
The Patriot
2009-11-04 11:48:15 UTC
Actually, the ban (and it will apply to all religious symbols) applies across the EU in non-religious schools. As for Christmas being re-named, it has in the USA, where it is termed the holiday season, but here I doubt it will ever change. Unless you have proof. The term is used in addition to Christmas and the link proves it.

As for voting for the BNP, I know what they are really like. So no.
2009-11-04 12:35:29 UTC
I will vote for any party that will tell the truth and if its the BNP then so be it. The present and past governments have been somewhat dishonest in what they say and do, i.e make promises then break them, give with one hand and take it back with the other, then sell us down the river with reference to EU.
2009-11-04 12:59:53 UTC
What a bizarre question (and some equally bizarre answers).

Anti-Christian society, eh?

I'm sure we will see plenty of 'love thy neighbour as thee would thyself', and charity, and 'turning the other cheek' from the BNP if ever they got in power (*ROFL* if they ever would!)

EDIT: Hah! Crow, the day you grow a brain they might let you vote.

Cast your vote quick though because the BNP would soon take it away, along with everyone else's!

EDIT 2: Good post, Kevin T.....well said!
one shot
2009-11-04 14:46:46 UTC
The only thing I want to do, after 5 minutes of intense depression watching the news, is - GET THE FECK OUT OF THIS ASYLUM BEING RUN BY THE PC LOONIES AND LEFT WING COMMIES!!
Wired up
2009-11-04 12:07:56 UTC
I'd vote for them no problem and did so in the EU elections and i'm proud of it. Anything to piss the liberals off. Funny as hell watching them throw hissy fits and spout bullshit nobody gives two hoots about.
2009-11-04 13:44:08 UTC
2009-11-04 11:59:45 UTC
I'd never vote for a fascist party!

See 'The Patriot's' answer!

Edit: Sean, you really should try to look behind the BNP headlines. If you don't believe me then just look at the things that the BNP say about themselves! Google 'Young, Nazi & Proud', as Mark Collett describes himself, or look at Griffins statements on race and democracy. I'm not sure if you're a propagandist for the BNP or simply one of those who have been conned by them but please don't try to tell me they're not fascist.

The second link show fuhrer Nick telling a KKK meeting in the US that his party are going to lie to the British public about the politics of the BNP to make themselves electable. This is straight from the horses mouth. Don't be so naive mate!

Edt: Sean. Level 1! 35 points! And you have the nerve to call other people 'trolls'! And you're a religious nut to boot! You're hilarious man! lol
2009-11-04 11:15:55 UTC
Yes...I agree. The Liberals always try to ban Christmas especially a White one...There is nothing they hate more than a white Christmas and people out fox hunting. Especially if the dogs pick up the trail of a Muslim terrorist and end up violating his rights.
2009-11-04 11:13:24 UTC
Nice rant. "some other creature like that", was a particularly choice line. I laughed.
2009-11-04 13:19:35 UTC
as a last resort, but better some vote being cast, than blair brown and camerons no vote allowed policy.

democracy is a bummer you never get the right answer.
Mac the Knife
2009-11-04 11:49:24 UTC
I would never vote for that scum. You may think their "policies" would be a good thing, but the fact is they would alienate us to the rest of the world and we would be treated like lepers.
2009-11-04 13:12:41 UTC
Yea! the day the British grow some balls they might vote for the British national party. ( I shouldn't hold your breath)
2009-11-04 11:14:26 UTC
Never vote for the BNP.

The other three are terrible parties but never ever vote for a party like that.
2009-11-04 11:13:36 UTC
Used to be Britian would fight to exist & fight for God and country. Today you're rolling over in the name of bs political correctness.

If the muslims take you over with their claims of mock offense, you deserve it.
Julia Sugarbaker
2009-11-04 11:12:45 UTC
You can't be Christian and racist at the same time. No one in the BNP is a Christian.
2009-11-04 11:13:16 UTC
I'd vote for Griffin, do not agree with everything but then who does when they vote for someone.
2009-11-04 11:12:42 UTC

I am ever reminded that we live in a very diverse world.

I am black the BNP would never accept me because of my skin color.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.