Libs: Why does american history even matter anymore?
2011-06-17 10:53:38 UTC
I asked my niece the other day who the USA was fighting in the Civil war. She gave me three guesses. First she said the British, then she said the Germans, finally she said the Russians. She could not even name one battle in the Civil war or even what century it was in. Ive noticed that American youth have started to care less and less about history. So on the issue of Sarah Palins Paul Revere comment. I ask you. Does it really matter?
51 answers:
2011-06-17 10:57:36 UTC
That's your poor home schooling of your niece, not mine.

It matters to me. And Palin is an idiot for other idiots.
2011-06-17 11:39:35 UTC
The reason that history matters is demonstrated within the body of your question. Without knowledge, humans do all kinds of things that are bad for them: if they know nothing of nutrition and exercise, they sacrifice their health; if they don't know that fire is hot, they burn themselves; and if they think that the British or Germans fought in the civil war, that effects our relationship with the Germans and the British.

Beyond that, we owe a duty to the truth - when human beings "know" things that are untrue, bad things happen. Case in point: someone wrote an article about Q'uaran burning in Gitmo, Muslims rioted, people died. But by the time it was known that the story was untrue, the apologies fell on deaf (actually dead) ears.

Your question also demonstrated another concept: when people are not given all the details, they simply fill in the gaps from their own imagination.

(As an aside: Palin was actually right about Paul Revere's ride, although she did mangle it quite a bit - the purpose that the British were going to Concord was to disarm the rebels, and Revere was in fact captured by the British and warned them that the rebels were prepared for them)
2011-06-17 11:15:43 UTC
It matters because we have much better people than Palin. We don't need a President who can put make up on but we do need one who has a strong understanding of certain things that tie into communicating with others around the world.

So will it matter that your neice doesn't have an interest in history? NO, she probably has other gifts & talents & unless she is going to do work that requires this subject then it won't matter.

My husband can barely read or write but he can make a lot of money helping people with problems they have around their house. When they don't want to pay a plumber or electrician or anyone who requires a specialized lisence to do minor work they call my husband to get the job done.

I am not educated either but I live as good a life as anyone. So the reason certain things matter is because they will come up on the job the person is doing.
2011-06-17 11:35:46 UTC
I doubt very few know the true reason for the civil war, especially yourself.

If I had to guess,...It was really a Power and wealth Grab,(power back to the north, if it meant getting rid of slavery) most other situations in American history..

The Party that held on to segregation and racism to the bitter end...If you folks"cons" were legit, you'd be ashamed to even bring up the subject.

Last vestige of a scoundrel,...Patriotism, and the American flag.
2011-06-17 11:14:39 UTC
Truth and logic matter a great deal more then history as Sarah Palin's stupid comments prove. A number of idiots and liars jumped to defend her ignorance with obtuse (lying) explanations of how she wasn't 100% wrong. History is constantly being "altered" and denied. Even recent history.

Trying to use history to demonstrate anything is a matter of how an individual wants to twist the facts. Perfect example: The Bush/Reagan tax cuts DID NOT boost the economy. Absolute historical proof that nobody can alter, yet there are vast numbers of ignorant morons that insist they do.
2011-06-17 11:15:18 UTC
A love for history is something you either have, or you don't.. it's the same for any school subject. Your neice probably just doesn't like history.

Of course I LOVE history and probably could name you all the civil war battles, their opposing generals, the tactics used, and the context.. but that's just me.. I'm an insane geek.. But I don't expect other people to be insane geeks.
2011-06-17 11:04:44 UTC
It depends on how young she is, I learned about the majority of American Wars in second grade.

It seems like she got the Revolutionary War, World War Two, and the Cold War mixed up.
2011-06-17 11:14:24 UTC
How old is your niece? I'm 17 and I care a lot about history, especially American history. I'm also a liberal. Also history does matter because if we don't learn from it we're doomed to repeat it.
TheOrange Evil
2011-06-17 10:57:40 UTC
I majored in American history. While I think it's kind of funny and even a little sad, depending on your niece's age, I'm not sure that her ignorance is really affecting anything or anyone. After all, knowledge of American history has been tested for a long time and every generation is performing at about the same level, meaning that we haven't collapsed as a society despite our poor understanding of the subject.
Bleeding Heart Liberal
2011-06-20 15:50:29 UTC
We need to Learn history so we don't repeat it, i guess Conservatives want to go back to the old times when the government couldn't provide anything to the people. We really need to teach our kids to be progressive.
Their Constitution rules them
2011-06-17 11:15:10 UTC
According to many who answered it's your fault that your niece is ignorant. And many of the same would fail basic US history I imagine. Those who said Palin was wrong on Paul Revere don't realize that two liberal collage history professors said she was correct in her statement about Paul Revere and that Revere in his own letters confirms her account. That's because US history must be destroyed in the minds of the youth in order to instill Progressive values and their version that the real US history was evil at best.
2011-06-19 15:28:53 UTC
Because they write so many lies in the history textbooks ---- they have to indoctrinate the youth to build their New World Order system.
Cɛrɛbrɑl Assɑssin
2011-06-17 11:18:09 UTC
I doesn't. Nobody ever seems to remember what happened 2 days ago let alone 100 years ago. Poor education system and lack of interest.
2011-06-17 11:00:20 UTC
It matters a great deal, it is important that Americans today understand their nation was founded not by conservatives seeking to maintain "tradition", but by liberals who "struck out & started their own country"...

I am sorry to hear your niece is not very bright. But cheer up, maybe she'll grow up to be a vice-Presidential candidate for the GOP, LOL!
2011-06-17 11:14:26 UTC
Well when she refers to herself and her followers as "the real Americans" she could at least get get basic history right. She always talks about how conservatives love their country more (btw, not true) yet has very little knowledge about our history.
2011-06-17 11:01:01 UTC
Remember the saying If you don't know history you're doomed to repeat it. Today the Left only wishes spin the USA history as bad. They don't wish to acknowledge the positive things the USA has contributed. If the only thing you niece hears is bad why would she want to remember how bad she/her country is!
2011-06-17 11:15:32 UTC
The NEA runs and controls the curriculum in the U.S. The NEA is run by left wing minded people who mostly all vote for the democratic party and see no importance in teaching American History, unless of course, it's something bad and negative that can taught about the evil and imperialist the U.S.A. Liberals are always trying to instill patriotism and love for the U.S.
2011-06-17 11:11:04 UTC
History is probably one of the most important subjects anyone can study. If we do not learn from history then we are doomed to repeat it.
2011-06-17 11:13:05 UTC
It must not matter because people don't seem to learn from it.
2011-06-17 11:06:36 UTC
Those who haven't learned history, are doomed to be unaware they have repeated it.

Of course, we both understand, those who attack you aren't doing so in defense of your niece. They are doing so in defense of public school ineptitude, and by extention, teacher's unions.
2011-06-17 11:05:35 UTC
If your niece plans to get married and become a stay at home mom, it probably doesn't matter.

If she wants to run for President of the United States, it does.
2011-06-17 10:58:17 UTC
Sure it matters. We have to ratchet up education as much as possible. I know you neo-cons hate to spend money, but if education isn't pumped up, we will all be work slaves for the Chinese. I haven't had a doctor or dentist in the last 10 years who wasn't Arab, South East Asian, or Indian. Education simply cannot be scrimped on and the results of a well educated public is remarkable.
2011-06-17 11:00:42 UTC
it matters because we learn from our past...

and kids NEVER EVER care about history... never have, never will... many will take it up when they get older and learn... but as kids... they just don't care...

you don't really remember your history class as "everyone loving it and making straight A's" do you?
2011-06-17 11:12:41 UTC
Yes. It matters a lot.
2011-06-17 11:00:09 UTC
If you don't know history you are doomed to repeat it. It sounds like your niece is about the same intelligence as Palin and you. Scary.
Tony Z
2011-06-17 11:10:21 UTC
In the long run, American History really doesn't matter.

All history is fiction, and fiction is history.
2011-06-17 11:05:15 UTC
It has never mattered to cons. They like to think the earth is 6,000 years old and whitewash history books with a right wing spin like the ultra-conservative Texas School Board did.
2011-06-17 10:57:01 UTC
I feel that the lessons learned from history are vital, but the details (names, dates) aren't necessarily.

For example, knowing that countries have civil wars is important. Knowing that there was a civil war in the US is important, albeit less so. Knowing the dates, not terribly important. Knowing what the war was about: vital.
2011-06-17 11:11:32 UTC
It doesn't matter to liberals. They are the ones that want to rewrite history. Next they will be teaching our children that George Washington was a gay Mexican immigrant that freed the slaves from Jesus.
2011-06-17 11:06:31 UTC
You are basing this entire rant on the simple fact that your niece is a history dunce?

Sounds like the way Republicans gather their "facts".
2011-06-17 11:01:41 UTC
Should have asked your niece's teacher, she probably wouldn't have know either
2011-06-17 11:13:42 UTC
That's what happens when unions run the show.
2011-06-17 11:07:15 UTC
That's sad. Yes it does matter.
2011-06-17 10:56:19 UTC
Of course it matters. Just because your niece and Sarah Palin are stupid, doesn't mean american history should stop being taught.
2011-06-17 11:05:06 UTC
2011-06-17 11:06:34 UTC
lol sounds like your niece is on the same intellectual level as Palin :P
2011-06-17 11:10:29 UTC
If even Liberals knew history they would understand their whole philosophy was wrong. All you are going to get out of them for this is sarcasm anyway.
2011-06-17 11:04:54 UTC
Progressives are systematically destroying recorded history and subbing their own version, and have been doing it for a long time now.

They have to bury the truth so people won't see them coming.
2011-06-17 11:01:10 UTC
Liberals rewrite history. I'm sure any discussion of the Civil War would involve discussing how the North "oppressed" the South. In Lib Land there is always an inclination to pick sides, demonizing one of them in the process, instead of simply telling the story.
2011-06-17 10:56:49 UTC
So because your niece is stupid, American history doesn't matter anymore?
2011-06-17 10:56:14 UTC
Yes, of course it matters.
All Your Base are Belong to Us
2011-06-17 11:16:39 UTC
No, all that matters to them is socialist indoctrination and being gay.
2011-06-17 11:07:51 UTC
Liberals only want history that's Berkeley approved: Hitler and Tojo misunderstood, we had no right to fight the Nazis, and Truman should have been prosecuted.
ducky aka Mr Duck
2011-06-17 11:01:31 UTC
how old is your niece ?
scott b
2011-06-17 10:55:35 UTC
Yes. It does.

Perhaps you should be worried about the education that your niece isn't getting.
2011-06-17 10:59:45 UTC
It does except maybe for you.
2011-06-17 11:12:51 UTC
so we don't repeat mistakes.
2011-06-17 11:12:45 UTC
who cares, it doesnt.
2011-06-17 10:55:59 UTC
Intelligent family you have there......
2011-06-17 10:55:55 UTC
Lib voters couldnt even say which party controlled congress during the last election and they are worried about something that we get taught in like 5 th grade
2011-06-17 10:56:04 UTC
It doesn't matter, please remain willfully ignorant like a good conservative.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.