Politics all the world over has one color and that is the color of Dirt, and such a Dirt that no one can wash.
There can be hopefully politics of unity but that is happening in movies, story books or in imagination of Heaven.
On this earth no politics is of unity, it is always of Division.
Look at the results of Self Rule in India, since 62 years. Indian states have grown from 15 to 21 within this 62 years.
Is this the politics for unity?
From this you can infer what is the situation.
another example is of Religious divide.
when India was not free for self rule, there were no communal riots. But suddenly the religion became the barrier and people started doubting each other for no reason. and now the situation is of Doom. since the independence of india, millions are cut, burnt in riots by people of opposite religion, or bullets of Govt agencies have killed our own brothers.
Take the Language Divide, Hindi vs non hindi,
Take the regional divide, of Maharashtra vs Karnataka,
take the river water sharing, by M.P., Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Gujarat.In the year 1962, Tribunal of Narmada water authority had already declared that dam can be built in gujarat to harness the water of narmada, but the work could not be started due to political divide.
If it was in the hands of politicians , they will control the air which all are breathing without any hurdle, such that Those taking breathe in South will not be allowed to take breath in North, and vice versa.
Are we the sons of the great Hindu Rishis who chanted holy verses and meditated for realisation of supreme truth?