If you think homosexuality is a choice here is a question for you?
2011-01-26 14:19:25 UTC
So let's say it is a choice, people are born and choose to be gay. Riddle me this, by saying that aren't you also implying that people also choose to be straight? There cannot be "choice" unless there is two or more choices to submit to. Applying this logic back to the argument, if people choose to be either straight or gay does that mean that everyone is essentially bi-sexual and choose to go either way? If so, why would someone choose to be gay in a world that persecutes them so severely for it, especially in teen cases where their choice leads them to persecution by their peers eventually ending in suicide?
32 answers:
2011-01-26 14:22:56 UTC
I was born buy sexual

when I couldn't score I buy sex. LOL

It's a joke dummy, LOL
Andy F
2011-01-26 14:31:08 UTC
I don't know the latest biological research on this.

However, I'd guess that the majority of people probably are bisexual and do have a choice about going either way.

I'd guess that a large minority is exclusively gay and feel that they have no choice at all. At least this is how many self-identified gay men describe themselves.

And probably some sizeable fraction of the population is almost exclusively straight, and in our homophobic American society can't even imagine wanting to have gay sex.

So I disagree with your hypothesis about "everyone" essentially being bisexual. I think it's probably more like the famous Bell Curve distribution, with 2/3 of the population falling within 1 standard deviation (no pun intended) of the statistical mean.

Without really knowing the research, I'd guess that 68% of the US population is bisexual, with about 16% lying at the "exclusively gay" end of the curve and 16% at the "exclusively straight" end.
2011-01-26 14:32:12 UTC
I do not know. Homosexuality was listed as a psychological disorder by the APA until 1991. There are many arguments for a genetic causation, but they really haven't located a DNA pattern that they can say determines sexual preferences, as they have with race, for example. So I guess the jury is still out.

Personally, I've never found men (or most women) to be sexually attractive. I can only relate to the fact that I've only been attracted to pretty, petite women with accents (married three of them). I don't know if that is a choice, circumstantial, an act of God, genetic, perversion, or a psychological predisposition and I don't really care. As far as I am concerned, you are entitled to be attracted to whomever you are attracted to. We're still trying to work out the legal details to accommodate that fact.
2011-01-26 14:25:25 UTC
I believe that it is an often correctable birth defect. But our leaders won't admit that they are doing this to us, so they won't offer medical treatment for it.

I do think some women choose to be gay or bisexual though. For the cool factor. And some because they were molested by men. I suppose that could make a guy think he's gay too.
2011-01-26 14:32:30 UTC
If you think "homosexuality" means what your question implies, you are cognitively unqualified to ponder in this area.

Suicide is NEVER caused by ANYTHING anyone ELSE ever did to the victim. It IS the world's most conspicuous sign of untreated MENTAL ILLNESS, though, which leads me back to my opening point.

Homosexuality is a CLINICAL term for a specific range of mental illness. Just as everyone who enjoys a good fire is not a pyromaniac, everyone who indulges in same-sex "acts" is not a homosexual and using the word that way is a politically motivated LIE that prevents HELPING those who need and want help. Therapists are kicked-out of the profession unless they LIE to patients to PREVENT wellness. YOUR entire caucus says this is a "civil-rights" matter.

Why YOU much prefer a kid DEAD than healthy escapes me.
2011-01-26 14:33:54 UTC
I have no problem saying that people choice to be straight or are conditioned to be straight. You see it is not me who NEEDS to say sexual orientation is something that younger born with. The urge to procreate is something that all creatures are born with. Without it most species wouldn't even exist. We are built for procreation not sexual satisfaction. Even evolution can't exist without reproduction, natural selection can't exist without reproduction. Even homosexual animals have a need to produce offspring. So sure it could also be a choice, but it is the one choice that is necessary.
2011-01-26 14:23:40 UTC
That is a false premise and a very clever way of twisting facts.

3 guys get a room, pay 10 bucks each. The owner decide to give 5 back, the bell hop kept 2 and gave one dollar to each meaning they only paid 9. 3 times 9 =27 plus the 2 the bellhop kept is only 29.

Try again with your homo argument please with some real information and not trickery
2011-01-26 14:34:18 UTC
So what if it is ?

I mean beating up your wife is a choice too and I don't recall the homophobes standing on top of their trailers and screaming to all who are within earshot about how wife beaters should never be allowed to remarry .
Raymond C
2011-01-26 14:29:28 UTC
Biologically it is a proven anomaly to have gender to gender sexual activity, since the only point is impulse satisfaction. It does happen but rarely. The homosexual community is rife with impulse satisfiers who believe it is okay thus natural. I would consider the input of a celibate homosexual simply because he would not have a horse in the race.
2011-01-26 14:24:11 UTC
its definitely a straight because i choose to be if i wanted to be gay i would choose to be gay that simple.youre not born some point in your life something happened that sent you down that road to desire men.if youre saying homosexuality isnt a choice then how about grown men who have a sexual attraction to children?that must not be a choice either huh?i think not.
2011-01-26 14:22:48 UTC
I think the heart wants what the heart wants and we can no more control who we are attracted to than we can control the color of our eyes or hair at birth.

Celibacy is a choice, acting on our sexual feelings is a choice , but being straight or gay is not.
2011-01-26 14:24:09 UTC
Why would anyone choose to be gay? Do you know how hard it is? Your parents hate you, you don't have equal rights, and you are bullied constantly in highschool. Then you have religious nuts saying you are going to hell. It's hard to be gay
2011-01-26 19:22:02 UTC
What sane man would want something shoved up his a**??!?! Our a**holes are meant to be one-way... sh*t comes out, but NOTHING should go in.
2011-01-26 14:22:57 UTC
Homosexuality isn't a choice. Would that mean the Cons have just chosen to be straight? So if that's possible then maybe Cons were born Gay, but chose to be straight.
2011-01-26 14:22:40 UTC
The ridiculously high rates of gay teen suicide in anti-gay communities (like the LDS church) should be evidence enough. Anyone who believes these kids CHOSE to be driven by guilt and confusion to the point of killing themselves... well, they are gravely mistaken.
2011-01-26 14:21:12 UTC
I know! I've like so suggested that homophobes *choose* homosexuality for one day..or even an no avail

if being gay is a choice...why are so many in the closet? why does it take so many years to come out? why do so many struggle to act hetero

i guess chimps and penguins *choose* to act gay too LOL
Jamie Nineque
2011-01-26 14:23:08 UTC
No. We're talking about transferable traits. Mating between a man & a woman passes this trait on.
2011-01-26 14:22:22 UTC
Let me begin with this....

...there are numerous people in the GLBT community who refute the notion of the "gay gene"...the reason for this is because if it IS ever found, and a single GLBT person is found to not have it, then they fear it will be classified as a "choice" and they will lose their "protected" status....and all the money and benefits that go with it., the same can be said for any behavior. If a person is married for 10 years then leaves his wife for another man, he is called "courageous"....If he leaves her for another woman, he's called a "scumbag." Why? Because society makes the CHOICE as to how they are going to classify various behaviors.

Face it, people CHOOSE to do many things that go against the concept of "normal"....even though it would bring them pain and misery. Disaffected teens kill themselves every day because people are mean to them....are you saying they should just "shape up" where gay teens should be given hero status?

Once again..."I have no choice but to be this way" sounds more like a plea for sympathy than a statement of who you are.
2011-01-26 14:25:56 UTC
Of course it is. Everything is a choice.
2011-01-26 14:26:48 UTC
There is no such thing as "bisexual" you either suck wang or you don't there is no gray area on this.
2011-01-26 14:21:48 UTC
I think in most cases people are born that way and in others, they are not. Homosexuality in females is generally as a result of abuse in a heterosexual relationship.
2011-01-26 14:25:24 UTC
So people can be born a serial killer too, right? You are not very bright..
2011-01-26 14:22:32 UTC
What about those who are gay in prison then go strait upon release? If your logic is true then it is a disorder like pedophilia.
2011-01-26 14:21:21 UTC
If it is genetic, not a choice, how has that gene survived 1000s of generations of evolution when it has such a serious reproductive DISadvantage? Or don't you believe in evolution?
John D "Your ad here"
2011-01-26 14:21:19 UTC
You make a good point. I didn't "choose" which sex I'd be attracted to.

(Clooney doesn't count).


Jaker has an interesting, but not conclusive, point.
2011-01-26 14:21:22 UTC
People aren't wired to play with each others' poopie as adults. Those who do are deviants, just like those who choose to molest children and have sex with animals.
2011-01-26 14:21:08 UTC
i think being gay is in a gene or something.
2011-01-26 14:23:42 UTC
I don't say this often....this is a stupid question.
2011-01-26 14:21:10 UTC
it itsn't a choice
2011-01-26 14:21:06 UTC
This is politics. The section for gay questions is that way --------------->
2011-01-26 14:20:30 UTC
Gay people will go to hell anyways, so this does not matter.
right is right, left is wrong
2011-01-26 14:21:06 UTC
liberalism is a disease and affects the mind

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