Trillions of dollars are being used to " Liberate " Iraq, These are tax dollars. Is that socialism? I read a poll today that 88% of the residents there said the country was better off before the US invaded them. But all this is acceptable socialism right? Republicans want to moan and cry that obama is bankrupting america with his healtcare bill, which will help americans who are dying on a daily basis because they cant afford coverage, will safeguard people with preexisting conditions , and keep people covered who are ill from getting dropped. But you want to spend it on IRAQ? Since the Invasion of Iraq/ Afrgan, we have got 25000 bad men from the middle east. that means it cost the Tax Payer 250-500 Million dollars For every terrorist we get. How can you justify blowing that kind of money when ours is going down. If the Government put 15 billion dollars a month into the Infrastructure of the Country, That would drop unemployment drastically, secure our borders, and we could probably afford to put a bullet proof bubble over the USA. Why do you republicans not feel bad for sick people, or poor people, but you feel good about wasting tax money on " Liberating" A country who says things were better before we got there? You feel sorrier for a foreigner than a sick or poor american?????