How many scandals does one administration have to have before we realize how corrupt that administration is? Shall we start from the top.
#1 His first term was not legitimate, since Al Gore received the greater share of the popular vote and it is unprecedented to allow the Supreme Court to decide
#2 His evil side kick Dick Cheney holds his "Energy Summit" and does not even invite environmentalists and his only recommendation is more coal and let's get back to nuclear power. He is a sick, twisted war mongering businessman who has NO BUSINESS being second in command. But that's another story.
#3 After 9-11, Bush was summarily told all his advisors he only wanted to hear evidence linking Sadam Hussein to 9-11 ( a link which did not exist) Then he had his scapegoat Colin Powell go out and LIE LIE LIE to the United Nations to bully the UN into accepting the idiotic US argument.
#4 He had all news media under his thumb literally banging the drums for war so the idea of a free press was completely lost.
#5 How many times have we heard Dick Cheney and Bush say "we know they have WMDs" and what did they find?? NOTHING!!
#6 He has literally given away HUGE swatches of land to business, drilling and development that should have been protected. He is the most ANTI-ENVIRONMENT president in HISTORY!!!
#7 He invaded a soverign nation simply to fulfill his first campaign promise, the one he made to his daddy. He wanted Saddam out so he could avenge his dad. Who does he think he is, Hamlet? or maybe Alexander?
#8 He had no exit plan and NO IDEA whatsoever that there might be an insurgent movement. Now our troops are sitting ducks running around trying to fight an enemy they can't see (sound familiar?) and getting killed at an alarming rate. Not to mention the 20 to 50 Iraqis who are killed each day. If anyone has any doubts, Iraq right now is a place of pain, suffering, and danger. There are no jobs, there is no escape. It is a disaster of monumental proportions. And then he has the gaul to talk about all the "good things" that are happening in Iraq. The schools, the hospitals.. etc. it's a joke. All we can do is delay the inevitable, that is a civil war. It will happen whenever we, or two years from now, it makes no difference
#9 He has the audacity to fly in to an aircraft carrier in a flight suit and say "Mission Accomplished" and FOUR YEARS later we are in worse shape than we've ever been.
#10 He's hired 100,000 independent contractors to oversee the war, giving huge profits to the company that Dick Cheney himself was president of... Haliburton...and then it turns out that Haliburton had cheated the government out of MILLIONS... If Cheney had any integrity whatsoever, he should have made sure that Haliburton was not in the running for contracts because of the impropriety of it. But no.
#11 Abu Gahrib. We take a prison that was one of Saddam's torture cells and then we find out that prisoners are being abused and tortured routinely..So instead of shutting down torture chambers, they are now under new management!! And then Bush Administration is trying to JUSTIFY TORTURE by saying that the Geneva Convention does not appy. In other words, America can get away with torture because we are bigger and stronger than anyone else so the same rules do not apply.
#10 On several occasions, Bush has jokingly stated that he would have an easier job if the US were a dictatorship. That is a sick thing for a president to say.
#11 Guantanmo Bay. So guess what? we take prisoners and put them in Cuba and are they ruthless killers caught on the battlefield??? NO!! Less than 20% were actually captured in battle. The vast majority were taken because of a tip from a friend of a friend in Pakistan. These were law abiding citizens who committed no crime, but someone said something like "well I know their cousin went to grammar school with Osama's sister's best friend" and off to a prison camp they go. If you have any doubts about what goes on in Guantanamo, go to NPR's show "This American Life" and check out the "Habeus Corpus" show from last year. it is frightening.
#12 As more and more troups and civilians die and there is no end in sight, what does he want to do? Add 20,000 more troups into that trap of death and destruction.
#13 There is NO SUCH THING AS VICTORY IN IRAQ!! There is never going to be a ceremony where papers are signed, etc. As anti-American sentiment grows, more and more desperate hopeless people turn to terror. So the terrorists' ranks are growing by the thousands. For everyone taken, ten appear in his place.
#14 TRILLIONS are being spent on a war with no end in sight while so many desperately needed social programs are being slashed!! It's a tragedy!! We need the money right here to build our schools, our hospitals, our roads...
# 15 wounded vets are not being properly cared for!! It's bad enough to be seriously wounded in a war (25,000 have been seriously wounded in Iraq so far) but then to have to come back to a filthy, unsanitary place like Walter Reed Medical Center is just too much.
#16 The CIA is spying on its own people and putting innocent people under suspicion... They should be fighting enemies of the United States.. not investigating anyone who is an anti-war activiist!!!
#17 Bush does not care about public opinion. To me, this is the true test of a dictator. He does what he wants in spite of public opinion. With 70 % of the country against his policies and more than 65% thinking that the Iraq war was a huge mistake, all he can say is well I set the policy you don't so were going to do it my way and I don't care what you think. Any leader who is not interested in the will of his own people IS A DICTATOR, pure and simple!!!
#18 Before the Bush administration, there was a moritorium on building new nucelar plants, and believe me, that is a good thing. Anyone who uses the term "clean and safe" in the same sentence with "nuclear power" is either ignorant or a liar. Now Nucelar plants are on the fast track and all the pollution and radiation and storage problems are simply ignored.