why do you all hate bush?
2007-06-02 13:11:08 UTC
just give me a few good reasons why bush is so hated is it because we stoped a man who killed 200000 of his own people? or becaue the econemy is strong? or we arent getting along with the brits?
44 answers:
2007-06-02 13:32:53 UTC
Its the only way the Dems that control their party now can exist is to build hate into their rhetoric. That's why they use entertainers to give their news like Rosie, Jon Stewart, etc.
Clay J
2007-06-02 13:24:05 UTC
He is one of the most unintelligent presidents in the history of the United States. Do you really think the Iraq war is about Saddam? Do you really think this war is about freedom or terrorism? Then you are just blind my friend. This war is about installing a puppet government which the US can control just like the US and Iran when the Shah was in power. More so, this is to get the US a seat at the OPEC table so we can negotiate prices. Finally another purpose of this war is to give the US a military base in the middle east to threaten Iran and defend Israel. Bush is not even doing a good job of lying to the American people. I am used to being lied to by the govt, but usually by the time i figure it out im so tired that i no longer care.
2007-06-02 13:28:27 UTC
I don't hate the man, I detest his actions, or lack of action. I don't know whether you've noticed but Saddam is dead and people are killing each other like never before, so that didn't work out. Bin Laden is still alive, so that didn't work out. (By the way, in case you forgot, both Saddam and Ossama used to be part time spooks for the C.I.A. during the time when Daddy Bush ran the operation) The economy is becoming more service oriented every year, the middle class is disappearing, and we are hopelessly in debt to China, England, and Saudi Arabia, so that isn't working out. We went into Iraq under false pretenses and that was proven, so that didn't work out. We are deeper in debt than we were under the Reagan administration, so that didn't work out. We aren't getting along with the Brits because Tony Blair fell for Bush's Triumphalist policies under the guise of Christian Compassionate Conservatism, and as a result is having to step down from office over it (if only Bush would do the same) so that didn't work out. The coalition of the willing are increasingly unwilling and are pulling out in droves, so that isn't working out.

Bush's team is either stepping down or falling down in disgrace, and he has had to resort to hiring a mouthpiece from FOX noise (owned by a Brit, Rupert Murdoch) to speak for him, so that isn't working out. Bush has done to this country, exactly what he did to every single company he tried to run prior to going into politics - run it into the ground. As investors, we have a right to be a little upset about that. America now has the reputation of being the same war mongering King makers that Great Britain used to be, and we are pretty much despised for it, so that isn't working out.

No, I don't hate him, but I really don't want him running our country anymore.
2016-11-03 14:52:56 UTC
i became involved approximately Bush fairly after 9/11, concept he began a good activity in Afghanstan, yet he desserted that and went to Iraq decrease than fake motives and then i began out to unlike him, observed via a number of failed polices and extremely some modifications in how he became going to run issues, the Katrina mess the lack of ability of doing something for the financial device formerly it got here approximately and then his finished smartassness in a majority of those circumstances. if Obama makes similiar blunders i visit experience an identical way approximately him.
2007-06-02 13:14:48 UTC
I don't hate the man, I despise his policies and his inability to admit to making a mistake. If stopping a man who killed 200,000 of his own people was the yardstick, why have we not invaded the Sudan where an estimated 600,000 have died? You can't have it both ways. If that is the yard stick, it should be applied across the board.

The economy is strong for some but explain that the middle class who is having to attempt to buy more with less money.

One cannot tell me that the economy is good when the country is in so much debt that my son who is 3 owes $29,238.59 towards the deficit he has created having borrowed more money that the last 42 Presidents combined. A man who has borrowed money from countries such as China and Japan whom between the two of them hold over $1 trillion of our debt, a man who rails against countries such as Iran but in borrowing money from the oil exporters to the tune of $113 billion dollars has in fact borrowed money from Iran itself. The British people have long memories and don't suffer from short term memory loss. they remember history and did not want their country to repeat their mistakes. Once Blair went into Iraq, a country that did not fund or provide assistance in the attack on us, they knew it would have been a repeat of the British mistakes of 1927 when the cobbled together the country now known as Iraq and 1953 when they interfered in Iran, a mistake we are now paying for.
2007-06-02 13:52:09 UTC
How many scandals does one administration have to have before we realize how corrupt that administration is? Shall we start from the top.

#1 His first term was not legitimate, since Al Gore received the greater share of the popular vote and it is unprecedented to allow the Supreme Court to decide

#2 His evil side kick Dick Cheney holds his "Energy Summit" and does not even invite environmentalists and his only recommendation is more coal and let's get back to nuclear power. He is a sick, twisted war mongering businessman who has NO BUSINESS being second in command. But that's another story.

#3 After 9-11, Bush was summarily told all his advisors he only wanted to hear evidence linking Sadam Hussein to 9-11 ( a link which did not exist) Then he had his scapegoat Colin Powell go out and LIE LIE LIE to the United Nations to bully the UN into accepting the idiotic US argument.

#4 He had all news media under his thumb literally banging the drums for war so the idea of a free press was completely lost.

#5 How many times have we heard Dick Cheney and Bush say "we know they have WMDs" and what did they find?? NOTHING!!

#6 He has literally given away HUGE swatches of land to business, drilling and development that should have been protected. He is the most ANTI-ENVIRONMENT president in HISTORY!!!

#7 He invaded a soverign nation simply to fulfill his first campaign promise, the one he made to his daddy. He wanted Saddam out so he could avenge his dad. Who does he think he is, Hamlet? or maybe Alexander?

#8 He had no exit plan and NO IDEA whatsoever that there might be an insurgent movement. Now our troops are sitting ducks running around trying to fight an enemy they can't see (sound familiar?) and getting killed at an alarming rate. Not to mention the 20 to 50 Iraqis who are killed each day. If anyone has any doubts, Iraq right now is a place of pain, suffering, and danger. There are no jobs, there is no escape. It is a disaster of monumental proportions. And then he has the gaul to talk about all the "good things" that are happening in Iraq. The schools, the hospitals.. etc. it's a joke. All we can do is delay the inevitable, that is a civil war. It will happen whenever we, or two years from now, it makes no difference

#9 He has the audacity to fly in to an aircraft carrier in a flight suit and say "Mission Accomplished" and FOUR YEARS later we are in worse shape than we've ever been.

#10 He's hired 100,000 independent contractors to oversee the war, giving huge profits to the company that Dick Cheney himself was president of... Haliburton...and then it turns out that Haliburton had cheated the government out of MILLIONS... If Cheney had any integrity whatsoever, he should have made sure that Haliburton was not in the running for contracts because of the impropriety of it. But no.

#11 Abu Gahrib. We take a prison that was one of Saddam's torture cells and then we find out that prisoners are being abused and tortured routinely..So instead of shutting down torture chambers, they are now under new management!! And then Bush Administration is trying to JUSTIFY TORTURE by saying that the Geneva Convention does not appy. In other words, America can get away with torture because we are bigger and stronger than anyone else so the same rules do not apply.

#10 On several occasions, Bush has jokingly stated that he would have an easier job if the US were a dictatorship. That is a sick thing for a president to say.

#11 Guantanmo Bay. So guess what? we take prisoners and put them in Cuba and are they ruthless killers caught on the battlefield??? NO!! Less than 20% were actually captured in battle. The vast majority were taken because of a tip from a friend of a friend in Pakistan. These were law abiding citizens who committed no crime, but someone said something like "well I know their cousin went to grammar school with Osama's sister's best friend" and off to a prison camp they go. If you have any doubts about what goes on in Guantanamo, go to NPR's show "This American Life" and check out the "Habeus Corpus" show from last year. it is frightening.

#12 As more and more troups and civilians die and there is no end in sight, what does he want to do? Add 20,000 more troups into that trap of death and destruction.

#13 There is NO SUCH THING AS VICTORY IN IRAQ!! There is never going to be a ceremony where papers are signed, etc. As anti-American sentiment grows, more and more desperate hopeless people turn to terror. So the terrorists' ranks are growing by the thousands. For everyone taken, ten appear in his place.

#14 TRILLIONS are being spent on a war with no end in sight while so many desperately needed social programs are being slashed!! It's a tragedy!! We need the money right here to build our schools, our hospitals, our roads...

# 15 wounded vets are not being properly cared for!! It's bad enough to be seriously wounded in a war (25,000 have been seriously wounded in Iraq so far) but then to have to come back to a filthy, unsanitary place like Walter Reed Medical Center is just too much.

#16 The CIA is spying on its own people and putting innocent people under suspicion... They should be fighting enemies of the United States.. not investigating anyone who is an anti-war activiist!!!

#17 Bush does not care about public opinion. To me, this is the true test of a dictator. He does what he wants in spite of public opinion. With 70 % of the country against his policies and more than 65% thinking that the Iraq war was a huge mistake, all he can say is well I set the policy you don't so were going to do it my way and I don't care what you think. Any leader who is not interested in the will of his own people IS A DICTATOR, pure and simple!!!

#18 Before the Bush administration, there was a moritorium on building new nucelar plants, and believe me, that is a good thing. Anyone who uses the term "clean and safe" in the same sentence with "nuclear power" is either ignorant or a liar. Now Nucelar plants are on the fast track and all the pollution and radiation and storage problems are simply ignored.

2007-06-02 13:28:37 UTC

He is a wonderful president who leads wonderful people. The hatred expressed in this room is sickening...when this question is asked by a lib about a Dem or lib then the con's are quick to say they do not hate..they simply do not agree...the vast majority of libs answering this question gave a reason for their hate, they admit they are filled with it. I used to believe that an American was worth sacrificing for. I am quickly coming to the conclusion that simply isn't true, only some Americans are worth sacrificing for. It is a sad day when a group of ungrateful brats decide to bite the hand that feeds them. If it were not against the constitution to evict, deport, or otherwise rid this country of such vermin, I am certain it would have already been done. Then these whining, self absorbed, self serving people could be the blight on another country.
2007-06-02 13:21:36 UTC
And how many have we killed?

When did Saddam sponsor terrorism or attack the US?

Try 3,751 reasons! All body bags!

The economy isn't strong. That is pure BS! Maybe for corporate welfare. Bush has driven our debt 3 1/2 TRILLION more since he came into office. All the other presidents combined is 4 Trillion, so in 6 years he has added more than all the time from 2000 to 1776!

We killed more Iraqi's than Saddam did. We killed 1 million with our blockades, 1/2 million of them children under 5 who starved to death!

All we did was violate International law, kill 700,000 civilians (who we have a duty to protect under the Geneva Conventions) and start a civil war. In addition to 3,751 Killed in Action and 105,000 Iraqi vets currently being treated at VA Hospitals. OK, SO the claim is 70,000 DURING THE WAR, however, do you remember "We don't do body counts" Gen Franks?

I think if we didn't want Saddam in power, we should NOT HAVE PUT HIM IN POWER!

Oh, he saved millions of lives! Who's exactly? He didn't attack us! And we had no reason to attack him!
2007-06-02 13:18:23 UTC
Bush appears to be competely unresponsive to 70 % of the American people who want him to change course

He lied about WMD and the entire invasion of Iraq was based on false pretense

He has circumvented judges through the Patriot Act giving police the job of cop jury and judge

He attempted to argue that torture was ok and made laws protecting the CIA from criminal charges in cases of torture

He has recently given himself the power to suspend elections should an emergency occur

The debt is high the dollar is falling the world is dumping the greenback

Poverty is up compared to 2003

Other than that I can't think of a thing
2007-06-02 13:29:15 UTC
Because there is no single reason why we should like him. What remarkable achievement has he done so far? Nothing but creating war and annihilate innocent people in Iraq for oil and power. And if you dare to claim that Bush is a savior by liberating hundred thousandths of people in Iraq, why don't he save all of the single country in this world that is ruled by dictatorship and unjust regime? All of us agree that Bush mission in Iraq is a total failure and it started not because of Saddam but for oil and authority.
2007-06-02 13:23:29 UTC
We stopped a man who killed 200,000 of his own people, we were in Kuwait the very next day, however we never showed up in Rwanda, or 3 years late in Bosnia- millions death at either of these places,but they had no oil worth protecting.

And we share this world with 6 billion people, we're supposed to get along with everyone, or do you live in a neighbourhood that classifies people?

Wake up and smell the coffee, you can either be an American and do the right thing, or be whatever this is that Bush has made us at this point.
2007-06-02 13:19:31 UTC
I voted for him in 2000 and he has not come threw on many of his promises

what happened to social security

also invading another country is still a very bad thing

has anyone seen the proof colin powell was going to show the u.n. but couldn't because our spy's would be shown

it took saddam over 25 years to kill 200,000 bush did it in 4 years another proud stat. lets not forget the more than 3,000 americans

saddam couldn't kill that many in two wars

the outsourcing of jobs in this country has grown to an outrages #

the cost of fuel is out of control and oh thats right he's a oil


haliburton has more than quaddropaled in price due to his administrion

oh yeah were is bin laden.

he is doing a great job
Dennis H
2007-06-02 13:16:20 UTC
I'll give you 500 billion good reasons, the dollars he has wasted in Iraq. Divide the money he's spent in Iraq by the number of tax payers and you get 5000 dollars out of YOUR pocket!!!! And what is his latest "best possible outcome in Iraq"? "An Iraq that is stable and that can defend itself from its neighbors."

Guess what, Jethro, that is what we had BEFORE Bush invaded, and killed 3000 Americans, as many as Al Qaeda on 9/11, and wasted half a trillion dollars of US taxpayers' money. The real question is, if you hate Al Qaeda for killing 3000 Americans on 9/11, then why DON'T you hate George Bush and the GOP for killing the SAME NUMBER OF AMERICANS in Iraq?
Jessica M
2007-06-02 13:24:32 UTC
Do you really need to know? It seems pretty self explanitory to me. I could go on forever really...

1. Of Bush's proposed $2 trillion tax cut 43% goes to the wealthiest 1% of Americans.

2. Bush used the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks on the U.S. to create the Department of Homeland Security. Ironically, Hitler also created such an office, the Reichshauptsicherheitamt, or "Main Office of Homeland Security," and look where he took Germany. True Americans, BEWARE!!!

3. Bush leaves abused and neglected children behind by cutting $15.7 million that was supposed to aid states in investigating their cases. As long as they're educated, who cares how they're treated, eh, Dumbya!?

4. Bush's oil buddies celebrated when he nominated J. Steven Giles as Deputy Secretary of the Interior. Giles was an oil and coal lobbyist!

5. Bush cut $60 million from a Boy's and Girl's Clubs of America program for public housing.

6. Big business buddies love this one: Bush proposed to reverse a federal regulation to protect 60 million acres of national forest from logging and road building.

7. Bush wants to eliminate minimum wage, thus the enforcement thereof. Anyone for legalizing American sweat-shops??

8. Reading is (no longer) Fundamental, or at least Bush thinks so. He proposed to eliminate the RIF program, which provides free books for poor children. Maybe he's afraid they will learn to read more than 5 words at a time.

9. Bush blocked efforts to create international regulations to enforce fair labor, consumer rights, and environmental protections. He is still pursuing a global economic agenda to further the spread of transnational corporations though.

10. He cannot learn from his mistakes.
2007-06-02 13:19:23 UTC
Awww....hate is such a strong word. I prefer to reserve that emotion for serious azzholes like the KKK and NeoNazis, and televangelists. this is just a rich Texan with friends in the right places, who would be put to shame in a debate with a competent college student, if he didn't have a group of speech writers behind him.

"Off the cuff," Ol' Dub is totally lame. He's just a good ol' boy in a suit and tie.

I'm counting the days...
2007-06-02 13:16:33 UTC
Bush's economic policies are creating a wider gap between rich and poor in our country and around the world.

He has created more terrorists than he has killed.

This war has caused the deaths of over 600,000 Iraqi civilians.

He has loosened environmental regulations creating more polluted cities.

He has created record deficits.

He has done nothing good for the average American.
2007-06-02 13:26:25 UTC
Every President has had his share of haters. Clinton is no longer President but people still spew out hate towards him. In fact, I would go as far as to say that anyone [including yourself] who would dare dabble with politics will sooner or later collect his or her share of haters.

This is the nature of politics,many people say that "if you don't agree with me than you're a threat to me" that's the basic philosophy. Bush has made some very controversial decisions during his tenure; and when he made them he knew very well that everyone would not agree with him and as a result they would speak negative of him. I'm sure you heard him mention this in a few of his speeches.

That's just the way it goes. Politics is ugly and there's no way to pretty it up so to speak.
Blubber Nugget
2007-06-02 21:34:34 UTC
the economy is at its worst hes killed thousands of us troops and dick is still vice president do you want your vp shooting up lawyers of course you do he also supports hillary now there isnt something rite ther is there
2007-06-02 13:30:06 UTC
I don`t hate Bush. Me love da bush and anyfing wat gives foliage to da poonani. But just in case you is talkin bout a diffrent Bush. I gotta say man e as dun wunders for de "econemy" and particularly edookasion. I tel ya man befour Bush nobody cood evan yuos a spelchekur de wos so fik.
2007-06-02 13:28:48 UTC
firstly he was alcoholic, according research someone alcohol even quit still dry drunk, well he is dry drunk as he like to create war, he hates other leaders from other countries then he use any excuse to send military troops, to Somalia, Panama, Iraq, all NATO Base full with US army all over the world!

He is drunken master so USA has dry drunk President.
2007-06-02 13:15:25 UTC
It's mostly because he has been able to brainwash not-so-bright people such as yourself into believing what he keeps saying. The economy is rocky, The price of getting rid of Saddam is thousands of Amreican servicemen, and anyone who thinks now is the time to LOSE allies, is clearly deranged. Get informed.
2007-06-02 13:29:33 UTC
I love Bush. The left hate him because he actually does what he says, and sticks to his convictions. They hate him because he is doing dirty work that should have been done a long time ago, and is taking a huge hit for it. He'll go down as one of the greatest Presidents in history for taking a stand against the terrorists, not to mention the left. It's a popularity thing for the Dems to bash Bush, they have nothing better to do. And don't you like how someone brought up the 70% poll? I'd like to know what communist poll that was from.

BTW, Bush did admit that mistakes were made in Iraq, so scratch that comeback from your made up world lefties.
Stephanie is awesome!!
2007-06-02 13:14:32 UTC
I don't hate him. Its hard to hate someone you don't know. I intensely dislike him however.

As far as stopping a man who killed his own people, we helped install that man into power, we gave that man chemical weapons, we told the Kurds to rise against Saddam we will help you. Did we? No we left them to be slaughtered by Saddam.
2007-06-02 13:22:28 UTC
Exactly there is no reason to hate Bush. He has rid the world of Saddam Hussein. He saw Saddam as a threat and acted upon it. Might I also add it wasn't just Bush. Many countries joined the war. Why don't you all hate Blair?You don't hate Blair but you hate Bush. Bush has only done good things for our world.
2007-06-02 13:21:42 UTC
I dont hate him... His speeches are just sooo... not polished...

He has said... "If we stand still, then we're not moving forward." {Duh} "What we have to understand is that foreigners are foreign people from foreign states." and.. many more things that just don't make sense..

Other than that, I think he's made some bad choices, but what can ya do?? The damage has already been done..
2007-06-02 13:25:29 UTC
"it because we stoped a man who killed 200000 of his own people"

What about the war starter who killed 655000 people?
Jackie Oh!
2007-06-02 13:14:31 UTC
Because he is a blooming idiot and currently in charge of the greatest country in the world, which he is currently bent on destroying.
Big Head
2007-06-02 13:14:23 UTC
hmm i dont like the way he talks. why do you love bush?

have we not lost enough of our friends?

are we in america doing great?

i guess we are since tons of kids are getting the best education right?

and also because we have all the oil in the world that we still pay 30 dollar to fill up a 12 gallon tank.
2007-06-02 13:15:43 UTC
you're right, he stopped saddam hussein who killed 200000 iraqis

its just a shame george bush went on and killed the rest of them. what was the point?

he's a dumbass. he gives the USA a bad reputation.
2007-06-02 13:14:02 UTC
Have you ever heard this man speak? I've heard more stirring speeches at eighth grade graduations.
2007-06-02 14:00:28 UTC
He is hated because he is a warmonger.
jj raider
2007-06-02 13:28:56 UTC
because he sucks the life out of everything good and decent in the world.
The Man In The Box
2007-06-02 13:16:22 UTC
Gee whiz...where do I begin?

-He pissed away the surplus by spending like a drunken we have a record deficit and China is our new landlord.

-John Ashcroft....and now, Alberto Gonzales.

-He wasted billions of our tax dollars and got thousands of our brave soldiers killed (along with tons of civilians) by invading a country that had NO WMDs, NO part in the 9/11 attacks, and NO clear ties to Osama.

-He's proudly led the ongoing @$$-rape of Mother Nature. He cut a half a BILLION dollars from the Environmental Protection Agency' s budget...and turned them into a rubber stamp agency of "yes-men" for his quack science.

-During his first term, he promised more R&D in the field of hydrogen energy. Meanwhile, years later and into his second term he hasn't done jack $hit; he's just now barely starting to lift a finger to move us toward energy independence.

-A think tank study (commissioned by the Pentagon) has determined that terrorist activity has INCREASED as a result of Dubya's actions, not the other way around. Another pooch-screw compliments of BushCo!

-He's cut funding for first responders, under-funded Homeland Security, and failed to secure out ports (only 5% of incoming cargo containers get inspected) and borders.

-Tax cuts for the rich! Congressional analysis of August 2004 revealed that over 1/3 of Chimpy's tax cuts went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans.

-He, and his neocon cronies, infringe on civil liberties and wipe their collective @$$ with the US Constitution. Hey, it's just a piece of paper...

-His corrupt administration sold out a CIA agent, thereby threatening our national security...and they did it all for political gain. Sick, eh?

-Should I mention Jack Abramoff and Ken Lay?

-During his first term, he cut benefits for veterans.

-He allocated only 3% of the amount requested by Justice Department lawyers in the governments continued litigation against tobacco companies. He's completely in the pocket of corporate interests including Big Oil and Big Pharma.

-He nominated former mining company executive Dan Lauriski as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health. Talk about the fox watching over the henhouse...

-He STILL hasn't stabilized and re-built Afghanistan (as promised)...oh, and Osama is still on the loose.

-He refused to join 123 nations pledged to ban the use and production of anti-personnel bombs and mines (February 2001).

-He says the US needs more math and science teachers...then he cuts roughly $3 million (or was it billion?) from the education budget. Way to put your money where your mouth is, George!

-He cut funding for 375,000 low income college students, among his other misguided cuts to financial aid programs.

-The Clear Skies Initiative....what a joke! Can you say "triple the amount of mercury pollution"? I knew ya could!

-He's the first president in history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (2002 elections).

-He's alienated most of our friends and allies. Hey, who needs backup when you've pissed off the entire Arab world?

-He's the first president to enter office with a criminal record.

-He was AWOL from the military.

-He used to be a wino and a cokehead.

-He seems to be a pathological liar. Or simply too stupid to tell the truth. I'm not sure which is worse.

-He flip-flops.

Face it, Dubya is like a failure specialist. It's like having a neanderthal in the White House, and he's doing a marvelous job of flushing our great nation down the toliet! His tenure in office has been un-American at best...treasonous at worst.

In fairness I have to mention the ONE (and only) good thing that Apelord Bush has had a part in: The Do Not Call Registry to stop phone solicitors.
Nick F
2007-06-02 13:13:28 UTC
what has he really accomplished in 7 years except the invasion of Iraq (and a massive deficit)
2007-06-02 13:23:30 UTC
Not all people hate Bush and many that do are just pawns of the liberal media.
2007-06-02 13:34:15 UTC
"Hey, look over there, it's Osama!"

*Snatches Habeas Corpus*
2007-06-02 13:33:44 UTC
people like you are hopelessly stupid.

keep bringing down america
2007-06-02 13:12:55 UTC
Because he has done a terrible job running the country after stealing the elections
2007-06-02 13:17:11 UTC
I like President Bush and pray for him.
2007-06-02 13:15:12 UTC
it is simply because he does not think like the liberal masses. liberals are pro-choice only on the issue of murdering innocent babies. everything else, there is no choice. it is liberal or die! they are worse than islamic terrorists in many ways.
2007-06-02 13:13:34 UTC
70% of America can't be wrong.
2007-06-02 13:13:23 UTC
I don't hate bush. I mean you guys try being president. Tell me how that works out for ya.
2007-06-02 21:26:53 UTC
i don't
2007-06-02 13:13:13 UTC
Because he's a leftist.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.