If you are insinuating that Tea Partyers are racist, then you really don't know what the Tea Party movement is all about. Tea Partyers want corruption in the government stopped, and the people given their rights back, what color a person's skin is has nothing to do with that. The only people who still differentiate between people of a different color, are the ones blaming others. The Mainstream Media does not like reporting things that are harmful to them and their bosses, and that is why they crack down on patriots so often. I mean who wants to lose a big fat paycheck?
Tea Partyers are criticized and called cult members and many other things, but a lot of this criticism comes from people who could care less what happens in politics, and who consider their only duties to America, to be obeying its laws and voting!! The majority of the American people have lost their sense of duty, and have given away their rights, and yet they still feel that they have the right to criticize. If you look carefully, you will see that criticism most always comes from the sidelines, here are some examples: fans are the ones criticizing players at ball games, and yet they did not even play in the game, people watching a play criticize it to no end, and yet they were not the ones acting on the stage, people feel they have a right to criticize others, even though they have not experienced the same thing. When a people begins to do these things, the nation begins to die from the inside, think back in history to the Roman Empire, and Incan and Mayan empires, they all had one thing in common, their governments became powerful, most of the people lived in luxury, considering what their forefathers went through, they died because people lost interest in the little details of their government, their government became very powerful, they all had problems such as homosexuality and STDs, and their enemies destroyed them. Which of those qualities applies to the US? Most, if not all of them!! Do not judge Tea Partyers by one or two people you have met, their are bad people everywhere. Remember this quote by George Santayana "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". I would research a subject, before trying to refute it, I have made the mistake of not doing so, and it made me look like a fool!!
Let us always remember this quote: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” - George Washington
I have been to several Tea Parties, and never seen a Medicare scooter, but I do believe that the elderly, and disabled should be the only ones to get such benefits.
May you have a blessed day