The Armenian genocide, in my opinion, is not true. At the time before WWI, Turks and Armenians were living peacefully in Turkey. When WWI started, Turkey was sided with Germany and were up against the allies such as France and Russia. The allies came to the Armenians and asked them to kill off the Turks as a bargain for their own country's freedom. The Armenians accepted and started to kill off many Turks. The Turks obviously didn't sit back and let this happen, they decided to fight back against the Armenians. (so, technically both sides were being killed at the moment). Then, the Turkish government decided to deport the Armenians to the east of Turkey in order to stop the fighting between the Turks/Armenians. If you don't know already, the east side of Turkey is very mountainous and can get very cold. The Armenians were therefore put into train cars and shipped out of the country by going through the eastern region of Turkey. During this moment, many Armenians died due to the extremely cold temperatures which they had to endure. Now, to fast forward to my questions to the Armenian government about this issue:
1. If the Armenian Genoicide "supposedly" occured in the early 1990's, why did it take you until the 1970's to say that there was one?
2. Why is it when other countries have asked to open the Armenian archives, the country of Armenia never allows anybody to look at them?
3. (In relation to question 2) If the Armenians won't open their archives, then do you think it's possible that the Armenian government is lying about this event?
4. Don't you find it ironic that in the 1970's the Armenians stated this issue? Couldn't it be that they wanted to get money from the Turkish government for the genocide?
I'll let you ponder on these thoughts. Like I said, this is my opinion and my facts. If you don't want to believe it...then fine by me. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.