Which candidate for President do you think is most concerned about the highest priority issues in America? I have heard that McCain has expressed the urgency to find new oil resources and decrease our dependency on foreign oil and that will help get us out of Iraq and increase funds to develop alternative fuel sources. I haven't heard much about Obama's plans, only what he has to say negative about his opponents. http://mhutch.blogspot.com/2008/05/more-alaska-oil-drilling-needed-to.html http://www.issues2000.org/2008/John_McCain_Energy_+_Oil.htm I mean oil independence will take some time, but considering the present crisis - isn't some drilling in Alaska and other areas of the US - important to try? I heard the oil prices are going to hit 200/barrel in 2 years which equates to more than $5.00 per gallon for businesses and consumers in the US. Prices will increase, demand will decrease, average people will lose jobs and not be able to afford food and housing - bankruptcy!