2009-09-20 10:04:08 UTC
Do you think we can successfully blame poor people for the rising costs in health care? You know, like we blamed them for the mortgage crisis, which led to the banking crisis, which led to the GLOBAL economic crisis. Incidentally this makes poor Americans the most powerful group in the world: They caused a global crisis ... wow.
Is the system gamed by the rich, who go to expensive ER's, but who could afford health care if they wanted to? or by the poor, who go to expensive ER's because they have no choice?
The powerful blaming the weak, unconnected citizens for the misdeeds of the powerful, has it always been this easy?
Common sense tells ME, that poor people have very litte to NO power whatsoever to wield. It's almost like blaming the Palestinians for the Middle-East conflict: they have NO tanks, NO gunships, NO nukes, NO airforce, so .....naturally they MUST be the source of the conflict.