Was Obama a good president?
2015-11-09 06:51:15 UTC
Was Obama a good president?
273 answers:
2015-11-09 15:43:52 UTC
Reality is that he's a poor president. History will look back on him with rose-colored glasses simply because he's the first black president.

His only meaningful contribution is preventing another great depression...but he screwed that up by giving those who caused it a free pass to essentially do the same thing again.

He's almost doubled the national depbt

He's made race relations worse

He's made the political divide even worse

He's plowed his way through our bill of rights.

Our trade deal has weakened our economic and industrial power

I'm still very skeptical about his "healthcare reform" since it failed to make healthcare affordable...instead it made it more expensive for everyone else. It would be nice if they actually addressed the reasons why it was so expensive in the first place.
2015-11-09 19:31:31 UTC
He was an okay president. I'd say after he's left office he'll hover around the 16-20 range of the presidents.


-The Iran Nuclear Deal is a much needed detente to nuclear tensions in the region.

-The ACA is a solid health care system that has helped a lot of people

-Relations with foreign countries have been normalized after Bush's tenure

-The economy has recovered from the Great Recession


-Drone strikes have been escalated heavily and we're now just basically mass murdering citizens

-He's said that we're going to stay in Afghanistan when there's pretty much no reason to do that

-The ACA that was implemented was a gutted version of the original idea and was damaged by concessions to the Republican Congress

-While racial tensions hurting are not his fault, he has done little to address them

-He has used the NSA and government surveillance far too much and hurt civil liberties

Overall he's a B- president and will mostly be remembered for the ACA and being the first black president.
2015-11-12 16:12:20 UTC
Its still up in the air for as to being good or better. Although no president does everything right or wrong. And you do have levels of harm some do that cuts the good other things that are done, I do not approve of drones. And I did not think he pushed his party to fight more aggressively. If not after GOP headed by Mitch, said all congress was going to do was work to stop Obama where ever then can and make him a 1 term president. At least after the 1st year, where every Bill sent to congress was either not allowed to be voted on or vote no. Which included all the roads and infrastructures bills, 200-300 a year. And even the republican's bills were pulled by their governors, just so nothing would get done. Or after the first threat of government shut down, Obama and his party should have fought like cats and dogs in heat. But they did not and waited 4yrs to fight. Things that should have been in the works, 4yrs ago would have done so much more good. So Obama has done some good, but he could have done so much more.
2015-11-11 11:57:25 UTC
He was the best president that Isis could hope for.. For the USA he was probably the worst in our history.. and Andrew Jackson committed genocide. He backed out of Iraq and Afghanistan early causing their problems to snowball... Now we are going back in and it's going to cost a lot more lives to fight isis then to have just maintained the troops versus scattered forces. He brags about the economy, but, it actually would have been much better if things like the keystone pipeline were not vetoed by him. He's shut down a ton of business opportunities for the sake of preserving the environment., which is noble and all, but we compete ina global economy, no one else really cares about damaging the environment, we move at a much slower pace economically because we take extra precautions to prevent global warming, an event that just our nation stopping position will have little to no effect on. He's made racial tensions at an all time high because he started taking sides in issues he didn't research before the facts were clear. Forbes even rated him the 3rd most powerful man in the world. China is invading Japan because Obama is not taking action militarily when he needs to. They took a few of Japan's ryukyu islands and are starting to take over the south china sea with articial islands.

Russia is reestablishing it's naval power by taking crimea. They invaded it to get a warm water port so they can launch their navy in the winter months. Which on the surface seems harmless, except when you consider Putan has invaded Georgia (the country) Crimea, Sweeden and a few other countries against international treaties.

Obama also gave nukes to iran isolating isreal. Why is that important...

The USA makes 5 things....

Food(We are the bread basket of the world)

Weapons (bombs, planes, carriers.ect)



Online Infrastructure (facebook, uber, google.ect)

Pharmaceutical Industry

Israel is one of our biggest buyers in the defense budget. By making a treaty with Iran, we pissed off Is real who is now talking to china...

This means our economy will take a huge hit if they stop buying from us or ever stop buying in the volume that they are.....

The Bad

1. Made The Middle East A Clusterfuck that Even Bush Could Not **** Up To The Level He Has

2. Damaged Relations With Isreal

3. Damaged Defense budget exports

4. Made Russia Stronger

5. Caused A Lot of Extra American Deaths

The Good

1: Strengthened the pharmaceutical industry.

2: Helped Fix Relations With Cuba

3: Established Health Care

4: Turned The us population increasingly republican.
2015-11-11 14:51:32 UTC
President Obama ranks with President Lincoln.
2015-11-10 16:05:36 UTC
No ... Yes.... maybe?

There has not been a "Good" president since the Continental Congress elected President Peyton Randolph.

Each and everyone since had a flaw of some kind.

Obama's overuse of Executive Orders to circumvent the duties of Congress is a big one. Lack of a good Protocol officer or ignoring such advice (Bowing deeply to an Asian head of state) and others. Hiring by race rather than experience (Fast & Furious) Eric Holder, etc.
2015-11-11 07:48:42 UTC
Not was, he still is. He shouldn't be however. Should have been impeached years ago. But no, he is/was/never will be a good president. Perhaps in Venezuela as a dictator. We really haven't had a "good" president since Bill Clinton and haven't had a great president since Ronald Reagan.

Obama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever next to Jimmy Carter.
2015-11-10 19:17:43 UTC
Yes Obama was a good president.
2015-11-10 06:05:00 UTC
Overall, yes. The economy has recovered from its poor state in 2008, but at a cost. Spending had to be increased to stimulate the economy, so the deficit has increased. In 2008, the US was losing 800,000 jobs per month. As of now , the US is adding about 200,000 jobs per month. This is good, but the recovery has been slower than hoped. The stock market and S&P and DJIA averages are very strong, and economists say Obama has been one of the best modern presidents for the stock market. Although corporate profits are strong, the poor and middle class haven't benefited as much: the number of people needing food stamps has increased significantly. This indicates that even though corporations are doing well,, those profits aren't being passed on to employees in the form of raises.
trurider t
2015-11-10 10:31:54 UTC
From an ENGLISH Perspective and being aware that Americans Hate all their presidents, I would have to say he has done a fair job. The American economy failed before he won the election and he has had to tread carefully to get the Economy back on its feet. The fact the American Economy was destroyed by a Bunch of very Greedy American for the second time in 80 years (Check Your Facts if you don't believe me) prevented him doing a great deal. You can't do much when you can't afford it.

I note the recent cancellation of the pipeline from Canada. Tell me, other than the people that would have got Taxpayers money from building it and speculating on it, who would have benefited from it? American oil companies and their employees who would have been driven out of business by more cheap oil? The American public by more oil when there is a Glut of it already? That's like telling the farmers to grow more food when you can't even eat half of what they already produce.

He thinks you should get rid of guns. So does the 70% of Americans who don't own a gun. What the 30% gun owners are afraid of is that if there is a vote to repeal the Second Amendment, they won't win.
2015-11-10 21:32:37 UTC
Hmm.. Well, he benefited americans in many ways. but have you ever thought about the case of Kony? He gained money and there are theories it was an invented case. He gets a lot of petrol from other countries from this event and from the war against Iraq, it's a coincidence gasoline became cheaper after those kind of things. If you hate marihuana, well he smoked. And I personally believe, as I live in Mexico and have a corrupt government that when being president and you have much power, it's imposible to avoid the temptation of stealing. He might steal, but knows how to use the money in comparison as Mexico does haha. I don't know much about this president really, hope this helps...
2015-11-10 15:09:25 UTC
He is Not a good President. In fact he is not a legal President. His birth place is still in question . He was elected illegally in 2012 by preprogrammed voting machines coming out of the George Sores organization. Looking into the facts of these things and not just believing the Liberal Media will show us dozens of things that just are Not Right. I repeat what Agent WS-40 said..I pray that America gets a second chance.

Beth at
2015-11-09 09:25:13 UTC
Yes Obama is great president
Andy F
2015-11-09 15:37:37 UTC
A mix, I think.

Mostly, he has been really impressive in terms of saving the US and the world from a 1930s-style depression. He ended "don't ask/ don't tell" in the military and made possible a vast expansion of the legal rights of gay people, whether you love that or hate it. He adopted a basically Republican-designed plan for health care reform, first test-driven by Mitt Romney in the Massachusetts in 2006, that has extended health care insurance to millions of low-income Americans, although it hasn't curbed the greed of the private health insurance companies.

He has taken some major steps toward getting the United STates involved in fighting global climate change; unfortunately, he has also taken some major steps toward making climate change worse, through his support for "fracking" and natural gas production, as well as new permissions for the oil companies to drill for oil on the Outer Continental Shelf.

In terms of foreign policy and the military, he has a mixed record, and the jury is still out. On the plus side he did authorize the navy SEALS to kill Osama Bin Laden, and he ended a US occupation of Iraq that was going badly. He's reduced the size of the US military footprint in Afghanistan, while at the same time stepping up US drone attacks on assorted jihadist terrorists around the world. However, he waffled on Syria a few years ago; he chose to use US bombing raids on Libya to end Qaddaffi's dictatorship, leaving only chaos in Qaddaffi's wake, and Iraq today is still a mess. Whether his response to Russia's seizure of the Crimea from Ukraine has been adequate or inadequate, only time will tell. Ditto the nuclear treaty he negotiated with Iran.

His proposed signing of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) would be a disaster for working people in the United States, IMO. The TPP like too many previous "free trade" treaties looks like a giant power grab by the multinational corporations at the expense of democratic governance here in the US - it gives foreign companies new tools to undermine US laws. OTOH, Obama is saying the US needs to adopt this thing in order to build an anti-Chinese trade alliance in the Pacific that will help keep Beijing's ambitions in check.

So is Obama a "good" president? Yes and no, I think. Though I still would rather have him in there than Mitt Romney or John McCain.

-- democratic socialist / "only the truth is revolutionary"
2015-11-10 05:50:40 UTC
Yes Obama is a great president.
Md Shahinur Alam
2015-11-14 06:38:50 UTC
Obama was a good president.
2015-11-11 01:40:16 UTC
Why are you asking this question at all? All you have to do is look at his record and really he has to go in the negative column.

He failed to ever get congress to work on anything together.

He has made our relationship with Russia and China terrible.

He has done most of his so called good accomplishments by, if not breaking the law at least one foot is on the other side. You don't legislate by Executive Order.

The Iran Nuclear deal is poorly put together and they are already starting to break it.

In Syria he is not committed, 23 airstrikes a day really, if that is involvement we don't need to be there.

If your going to commit to something do it, don't give it lip service.

As a person he appears to be disinterested and disingenuous.

We have had worse and we have had better, but his administration has been relatively uneventful in the big picture.
2015-11-13 10:57:25 UTC
The United States is still standing and most people have a pretty decent quality of life, so I would say that Obama has done a good job as president.
2015-11-11 18:43:27 UTC
Incredibly underwhelming, got nearly nothing done because he couldn't outsmart an obstructionist congress, and his only legacy is undying support for whiny and thankless black people who would have liked him no matter what because of his skin color.

A completely wasted opportunity. Any of the other options on the Democratic side would have been better. I thought he was a great speaker and a highly articulate person during the election seasons, but once he was in office he didn't sound all the much smarter than G.W. with all his obnoxious "uhs" in every sentence he spoke.

All style and no substance, and this is from someone who voted for him.
Agent WD-40
2015-11-10 07:25:26 UTC
Obama is the worst President in the history of the United States of America. He is Carter 2.0. Obama was the least qualified candidate to come in at the worst possible time. He implemented Hussein Care, so the government could take over the health industry and one sixth of the economy. His policies have hindered job growth. It's even difficult for recent college graduates to get jobs. When the oil leak occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, he told us all to just suck all the oil up with a straw. He supports amnesty and illegal immigration. He does nothing about the drug cartels in Mexico, where the problem is daily spilling over our border. He prematurely removed the troops from Iraq. This allowed ISIS to come in and takeover, but Obama is doing nothing about that either. The situation deteriorates there on a daily basis. He also made this shi t t y deal with Iran, which will allow themselves to arms themselves with nukes. Their religion and their politics demand death to America and to Israel. Arming them makes no tactical sense. And then there's Vladimir Putin, who always gives Obama the finger. Putin fears neither God nor man, and he just laughs at Obama. Everyday Putin is taking greater control of the Middle East, but Obama is doing little about it. Obama thinks he can stop Putin by having a chat with him and saying nice words.

Obama is a malignant narcissist, and he will do untold damage to America for the rest of his term. His actions don't bother his conscience, because he has none. Obama is a son born out of rebellion. He is a Muslim, whom our nation is fighting a war against. He is also a Communist and a Manchurian candidate. He does not believe in excellence or American exceptionalism. Things will get much worse in America before they get better. I pray that America gets a second chance.
Smokies Hiker
2015-11-10 20:47:27 UTC
No way! He's done more to divide this country in the past 7 years than any other president in history! But then again, that was his intent the whole time. Someone finally came to rescue poor Jimmy Carter form that terrible fate of being the worst president of all time!
2015-11-11 11:38:24 UTC
No. Every politician does things for there group, or those that got him in office ( voted for him). Almost all blacks voted for Obama, and supported him throughout his presidency, and to the date he has not done one thing to help improve the condition of the lives of blacks in this country. He is a coward when it comes to speaking about racism, and has gone so far as to blame the victims of White Supremacy for their mistreatment . Should have known when he suggested a "beer summit" the first opportunity he had to talk about racism in this country, that he wasn't going to be about ****. Just another in the long line of special interest flunkies and puppets. After eight years of President Obama, I'm still waiting for the 1st Black President.
2015-11-09 07:03:10 UTC
Nope, Obama is not a good President and even worse Commander in Chief.
2015-11-09 20:30:48 UTC
Obama is a great president
2015-11-12 01:10:42 UTC
I guess the American people would have to vote on it.

For me now a days most leaders are controversial. They say one thing and their opposition says another.

It makes it difficult to trust to contradicting stories.

Well I hope I can say that Obama wasn't an evil President. Not robbing the poor and giving to the rich. Not abusing power of finance to pay for personal items or services etc. Not corrupt and understands democracy and freedom.
2015-11-10 12:34:59 UTC
No he not a good president he was a bad president he gives money to who don't work at all
2015-11-12 14:56:06 UTC
Good President? History will look very badly on this man. He has done more harm to this country than any army could do. He has been a total failure as a President.
2015-11-09 22:09:52 UTC
Is the world more stable? Are race relations better? Are individuals believing in themselves more? Have the masses decided their best bet for the future is expect others to care for them than they care for themselves?

All of these questions, answers indicate Obama has encouraged Americans to be failures. I don't think any President encouraging failure speaks well of the President.
2015-11-09 06:57:23 UTC
I think so. He was better then Bush in my opinion, then again, Bush may have had better results too if 9/11 didn't happen into the beginning of his presidency. Bush was just there at the wrong time.

Obama wasn't our best president ever, but one of the better ones of recent memory.
2015-11-11 08:12:27 UTC
Just looking at these answers makes me so sad to be a citizen of this country. Obama is one of the best presidents we've had in years. Hopefully this site is just filled with stupid conservatives and this isn't really how our nation feels.
2015-11-09 06:52:13 UTC
Obama is a great President.
2015-11-09 06:54:31 UTC
Obama is and will always be a great president, seriously look who he had to take over for
Donald Trump
2015-11-09 21:07:24 UTC
Obama is a terrible president. He raised the national debt to $18 trillion, is opening our borders, giving amnesty to illegal aliens, arming Islamofascists in Syria, pushing to ban guns from private ownership, defunding our military, inciting racial tensions, funding planned parenthood. He abuses his political power too, IRS targeting dissidents, NDAA, reaffirms the Patriot Act. He has no respect for America or the constitution. Before calling me a Bush lover, Bush was a castastrophe.
2015-11-13 06:12:38 UTC
There's a lot of debate going on with that but the truth is the POTUS cannot do everything on his own if he wants something done he had to get an okay from congress or the Supreme Court. I'm pretty sure he had intentions but was stifled by the system they let the man steer the ship and never told him that the ship was sinking.
2015-11-10 16:45:18 UTC
I don't think that he's been a bad president because the economy has improved, but with the constant vacationing and golfing hasn't helped his image much, it makes him look lazy and like he's taking advantage of the system and using tax payers' money for all of these things. Then you just have the people that dislike him only because he's black, which is ridiculous and stupid.
2015-11-10 21:37:47 UTC
I like how people in this country is more concerned about racism than sexism. Remember that election between McCain and Obama? Nobody will admit they didn't want McCain in office because of Palin. Despite how bad Obama did on that first term he was STILL re-elected! so DONT ever go on about racism. Theres worse things going on in this world.
Liberal imbeciles
2015-11-10 17:20:20 UTC
depends really, left wing says yes right wing says no. I say it dosen't really matter, every president is going to do what there told by corporate elites or get assassinated. case in point JFK, he was the last president to step out of line and got wacked.

JFK-The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.
2015-11-10 08:31:04 UTC
He Is a good President. He is in office until 2017
2015-11-10 04:55:19 UTC
I look forward to looking back on the Obama years as a spasm of muddled incompetence and dishonesty followed by a much more responsible and ethical Republican president.
2015-11-11 08:03:17 UTC
No, but why is your question in the past tense? A 'good' president would be a uniter, not a divider. A good president would be driven by best for the country and not by ideology. Et cetera, et cetera.....
2015-11-09 07:07:40 UTC
The content of his color was his greatest attribute! He gave some people hope as he never really helped them but stirred the pot and heated things up. What was his Economic Policy? What was his Foreign Policy? He did take us deeper into Socialism with the ACA and we're going to pay for it in 2016! Now he's going to empty the Prisons as he empties himself from the White House. I eventually saw what Liberals couldn't see with regards to Slick Willie as he was a Pragmatist and kept Reagan's Tax Reforms, but there will be no such lesson with the man who listened to nobody but his teachers from the past!
2015-11-12 00:12:14 UTC
Very few of American president were good due to their political policy. In this aspect, Obama wasn't different.
2015-11-11 14:13:31 UTC
He was an okay president. I'd say after he's left office he'll hover around the 16-20 range of the presidents.
2015-11-11 22:04:09 UTC
Why of course he is a good president! he got america into even more debt, he's destabilizing the middle east using the excuse of "democrasy", and letting this iranian nuclear deal happen, what a great president!
2015-11-10 16:00:23 UTC
Heck no! Obama is a failed president. He failed at domestic policy, as he's destroying America's tax-paying middle-class and our economy because of it. He failed in foreign policy as he gave the role of world leader to Putin, as he and Hillary are working towards creating another world war. Obama is a FAILURE.
King Midas
2015-11-10 17:00:50 UTC
Yes he was, he inherited a huge mess of an economy, and a he managed to turn it around despite the efforts of a hostile Republican led legislature. He ended the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and stopped the needless loss of Americans lives. He also help hundreds of millions of Americans get much needed low cost health insurance.
2015-11-11 23:14:47 UTC
Not really. Back when he was came to office, I thought he was going to be a good president, but now I got to say he didn't live up to my expectations. He's a eeh president, not good, but not bad either.
2015-11-09 14:00:37 UTC
No! Obama is not a good Pres. because he paved the way for homosexuals to legalize same sex unions by eviscerating the defenses of marriage act. The Union of two same sex persons never has been never can be and is not now a marriage because it dies not fulfill the socially essential purpose of a marriage which is to produce psychologically normal and socially well adjusted persons to lead the human race boldly into the future!
2015-11-12 04:35:32 UTC
2015-11-10 00:51:47 UTC
Yes Obama is the good in his job. The stimulus or the Affordable Care Act — is a bigger success; which better proves that the government can successfully intervene to prevent suffering while reshaping our economy to be more sustainable; or about which Republicans were more wrong.
2015-11-12 15:13:11 UTC
No, he is corrupt. He campaign for closing guantanamo bay, its still there. He campaign for ending the wars, they are more involved and defence spending has not bean lowered. He campaign for pro whistleblowers, who he has prosecuted more than all the other presidents combined. He has bean status q after bush.

obama care was kinda good though, it could be done less costly.
2015-11-12 14:08:30 UTC
This is not really a fair question. If you wanna compare him to the greats he falls short. But given you can only run 2 term for me he was a safe president a one that was needed to offset the failures of the previous one.
2015-11-09 07:02:48 UTC

He has done more w/ the hand he was dealt than any president in my life time. He inherited the record $1.4T deficit and has slashed 2/3 off that ...

The GOP decided to obstruct him the day he was inaugurated ...

Here's a list of his top 50 accomplishments ...

According to scholars, historians, political scientists etc. (people more qualified than us to judge), the early returns on the Obama presidency are quite good ...
2015-11-10 16:54:21 UTC
2015-11-10 20:39:29 UTC
i think yes, obama is a good president
Moshiur Rahman
2015-11-11 04:52:09 UTC
I think that Obama was and is best president then other all other president in USA. He wants to recover all problems in USA.
2015-11-09 17:04:27 UTC
yes Mr.President Obama is cool and did some good things he tried to do a lot more but was blocked also he is handsome so is Mr.Vice President Biden
2015-11-11 06:18:50 UTC
2015-11-10 13:24:47 UTC
Compared to a Potato, yes he was a good president, compared to another Human Being, no, he is Horrible.
2015-11-11 13:25:05 UTC
OMG!!! Not only was he NOT a good president the first time (a lot of people who voted for him the first time said America has made history) and then they had to elect him again!?!?! He has lied to and deceived the American people. I have researched EVERYWHERE to find the number on his birth certificate. Want to know what I found each and every time? "It doesn't exist". What does that tell you?
2015-11-09 12:44:00 UTC
0blunder has been the worst joke that's ever been played on the American People. Skin color be damned it's what in his hart for the American People and our nation and it's obvious that 0blunder does not like or respect the United States or what's good for the American People. Fortunately he's only got a year left in office.
2015-11-10 12:16:43 UTC
That's not the question. You want to know everything about Obama, actually. You want to ask how good he was, if the information supports that he was any good (which it has to, but again, this is a question of quantity, exaction of policy, and reputation).
2015-11-10 19:14:59 UTC
He's a good Emir. A good President? Not so much.
2015-11-12 09:49:40 UTC
As bog a failure as the past five presidents. If 48000 annual hiv infections and 98million Americans infected by curable problems is not a failure I don't know what is, disease is still running rampant and debt has doubled. Him and his head of homeland security fail. With so much disease, bacteria parasites and virus around homeland is not secure.
2015-11-12 23:46:24 UTC
He and Mrs. Clinton can leave their present elected office

good enough to both vote for a White House replacement.

Both prove good isn't $900,000,000,000 in Chump Change.
2015-11-10 23:28:32 UTC
2015-11-10 09:19:47 UTC
Greatest President of all time.
2015-11-14 00:23:33 UTC
Yes he was good and great president.
2015-11-10 12:12:44 UTC
Yes, he was but the Republicans don't give him credit for anything because they are always too busy looking for his faults and mistakes! They always look for reason to blame him. They have given him a hard time at every turn.

Bush is the real reason why we are all in this mess, in the first place! But the Republicans never admit it.
Kay Durrant
2015-11-10 13:55:02 UTC
He was a lot better than the last 2, who got us into the mess, he's been trying to get us out of with no cooperation from Repubics. He worked with what he had and did what he could do.
2015-11-12 04:58:31 UTC
Obama will go down as one of the greatest presidents in history, in my opinion.
2015-11-12 14:17:29 UTC
2015-11-12 01:43:17 UTC
2015-11-09 14:23:24 UTC
As he is still the current President, I don't think that "was" can be the right word: Obama may still turn it around, but, at this point, I feel that it is unlikely.
2015-11-10 07:26:32 UTC
Thought he still was. No he is not a good president.
2015-11-10 08:04:16 UTC
Favorable but we will never have a good president
2015-11-10 19:41:09 UTC
Not for our American way. He tried many ways to destroy us. In 2009 he stripped the freedom of speech from all major newspapers & major networks/ TV, except FOX refused to to strip them of the true facts for about a year. Before my internet service was terminated I kept all of Obama's attacks against Americans & had the invasion plans of America from within. Mike
2015-11-10 13:30:21 UTC
No Hell No he is just an Actor Making a movie that's not a president what the hell is he doing in the white house whatever I don't like him and hate him.............
2015-11-12 01:36:34 UTC
2015-11-11 18:47:49 UTC
2015-11-09 21:18:09 UTC
Hell no. First, he was unqualified for the job. He had no public nor private sector senior managerial experience, never mind chief executive experience, no military experience, no economic experience, only two years as a junior Senator before considering himself qualified to run for president and zero accomplishments in the Illinois legislature.

His economic experience has been lobbying the government for money. He doesn't care where it came from. Money was thrown at projects without consideration of their merit or effectiveness. This is how he runs his Administration. He had two full years to run wild with a Democrat Congress supporting him, with how he THINKS the economy works, before Republicans took the House. All that was done was money was thrown at problems with nothing to show for it.

As part of how he thinks the world works, are "prosperity flows from government", "government leads and the private sector should follow" and "the private sector cannot be trusted with the general welfare of the people" attitudes. This all dove tails with his idea that the country needs "fundamental change". This has always been incompatible with the needs of business, recovery and the economy in general. For example, the Great Depression actually ended in 1933, but a sharp recovery didn't occur until 1940. The application of the same attitudes above was the reason for the delay, as today. American recoveries are supposed to start, sharply, soon after a recession is over. The recession ended over 6 years ago now.

As part of Obama's attitude, he has put a big, fat, regulatory jockey on the back of the economic racehorse (namely business, big and small) and is dumbfounded on why it's not winning races again. Compare this to when economic interests were put first (with less government), as in after the recession of 1981, as normally happens, a sharp recovery did occur and the further economic reforms, including getting government off the backs of business, allowed for a 17 year booming economy.

He has just a naive view of foreign policy. He has had the attitude that the world would be better off without US involvement. Benghazi onward has been a rebuke of that attitude. It has allowed despots to push him around. Terrorism has festered with American withdrawal from a world stage, understating the threats at every turn. He thinks that just because it's the 21st century, it will stop behaving like it's the 19th or 20th. This does not mean that war is the only answer, there is smart foreign policy and even limited military involvement that can change things. He tends to think foreign policy choices are capitulation or war, so he leans toward the prior. This is the mindset that has fueled appeasement attitudes through history. He is the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century.

He is dragged, kicking and screaming from minimalist positions. When he does need to go big with military action, he often dangerously undercuts it. He wants so badly a “win” in foreign policy, he will make any deal, no matter how bad, to get a crumb. This opens him up to being a played as a patsy of some foreign despot, like Iran and it’s nuclear ambitions. The same goes with the Bergdahl swap. He wanted so badly an excuse to clear out Gitmo, he ignored the facts that were known about Bergdahl as well as the terrorists being traded. His “Russian Reset” was a joke. Among other things, the State Department (under Hillary) had so little understanding of Russian culture, they couldn’t even spell “reset” right. The desperate narrative that terrorism today is not based in religion is laughable. One cannot solve problems if the source of the problems are ignored. The “Asian Pivot” strategy is ineffectual at best. China, as other despots around the world, sense weakness in US resolve and are exploiting it. Since we’re talking catch phrases, remember “The Summer of Recovery”? He wants to delude himself that he has an effective strategy in fighting ISIS. But then it’s revealed that the “training of Syrian rebels” has resulted in only 5 of them instead of thousands! This for 500 million spent! The recent revelation that intel from the field has been cooked to give a more effective view on the war with ISIS is not surprising at all for an administration that has been in denial of all things bad in foreign policy! Only NOW, is the administration starting to give arms to the “good” Syrian rebels, a move Republicans were screaming at him to do in 2012. Once again, too little, to late.

He has a PollyAnnaish, naïve understanding of energy policy. He is enamored with the idea of green energy running the country but oblivious to the current reality of it. It’s not stopping him though, from shooting the country in the foot to maintain his 3rd grader’s drawing of what the world should be like.

He is getting the reputation as one of the most disengaged presidents. He does not take leadership on issues. He even defends his lack of action by acknowledging how many issues he first heard about via the media. Even if this were the case, I would be embarrassed to admit that, never mind defend my actions with it!

His whole upbringing and principles he has embraced has made him incompatible for the job.

Obama policies get support from those who have little to no understanding of the aspects of those policies nor context.
2015-11-09 19:02:16 UTC
It would take an hour maybe to explain it all and no I don't think he has been the best of presidents.
2015-11-12 17:52:55 UTC
He is an amazing president. I hear he smokes weed in the White House
2015-11-09 21:45:34 UTC
He is a good president for me. so YES.
2015-11-10 00:13:03 UTC
As a republican, I think he was ok. Not great, but ok. One reason I say this is because he is sending up to 50 soldiers to Syria. He said there'd be no boots on the ground.
2015-11-10 21:04:28 UTC
If I am honest, I will get insulted. If I am subtle, I will get insulted. If I am lying, I will get insulted!

I don't care if you hate it, Obama was an okay president!
2015-11-10 10:59:47 UTC
The answer to that depends on whether you are among that MAJORITY of Americans who reelected the fellow, or that minority of (mostly Southern rednecks) who lack sufficient patriotism to actually own US stocks...

Dow under Clinton; 3,300 to 10,860 (UP 229%)

Dow under G W Bush; 10,860 to 8,279 (DOWN 23.7%)

Dow under Obama ; 8,279 to 17,735 (up 9,456 points, or 114%) as of moments ago...

I'm very happy with him.....aren't you?
Ray Lennox From Leith
2015-11-09 06:52:21 UTC
Ubama? The worst-ever president of Usa
2015-11-10 13:47:45 UTC
Nope Obama Is it good
2015-11-13 00:25:28 UTC
Yes, ofcourse the Obama is the best president ever.
2015-11-10 09:55:38 UTC
He's still president. Whether or not he's any good is up to you.
2015-11-09 10:33:12 UTC
his background in community organizing and his career as an academic is no worse than some who have held this office. i think he is a victim of his egotism. personally, i think his color was a large factor in his ascent to the presidency. i don,t believe he was outstanding in any other way.
2015-11-09 06:56:39 UTC
He's supposed to be the "leader of the free world." Yet he's ranked #3 in the Forbes list of most powerful people (behind Putin and Merkel).

The Russian dictator gets a "gold medal" and the free-world gets a "participation trophy."

2015-11-09 08:12:11 UTC
Better than some, worse than others. He has had more obstacles to overcome than most of the presidents before him.
Pac Man
2015-11-10 11:49:37 UTC
Yes, better than Bush 1 and 2 and Reagan's idiotic ***.
2015-11-13 13:24:28 UTC
Yes it is in last 100 years he was best as all of them
2015-11-11 14:49:37 UTC
He is a fair president
2015-11-10 11:17:42 UTC
i don't know, he didn't pass a law that said sex offenders had to be stationed in a room in every dwelling in America and had the right to buttF*ck every tenant who lived there twice a day. He didn't do something anything like that so he's ok in my book
2015-11-09 06:55:46 UTC
The Obama administration will be remembered as a time of increasing peace and prosperity for the American people. His opponents will be remembered as short-sighted troglodytes who helped destroy nature through their greed, stupidity and fear.
2015-11-09 21:47:07 UTC
Middle of the road

Did some good things did some bad things
2015-11-11 12:54:48 UTC
No ,Obama still has his collage record hidden from the public,America got screwed royal with the left and Obama the community organizer.
2015-11-09 11:46:16 UTC
You ask this in past tense This monster has another year to run amok and destroy America I did not vote for him and as far as I'm concerned he should never be allowed to hold another public office
2015-11-10 00:54:26 UTC
Hi is one the best in the last 40 Years togheter with Clinton, people may not appreciate all what hi has done becouse of skin color.
2015-11-11 10:50:11 UTC
He (is) a great President.
2015-11-11 11:49:26 UTC
It's a matter of opinion. Some say no some say yes, so it is up to you to decide if he is good or not.
2015-11-10 01:53:20 UTC
Putin is much more popular than Obama in Europe at least where i live and where i was born.
2015-11-09 17:01:43 UTC
Yes Obama is great presiden
2015-11-10 10:34:15 UTC
Up to everyone's opinion
Khalilur Rahaman
2015-11-12 04:14:15 UTC
Rules man
2015-11-11 23:31:15 UTC
You must be smoking some medical marijuana if you think he is a good president.
2015-11-11 20:32:22 UTC
He was controlled, just like the last few decades of presidents.
2015-11-12 16:42:27 UTC
Hell no 😤 seriously if people say he was you r crazy he brought Muslims over her to kill us u guys don't realize what he's done cuase u don't listen and understand he's was the worst president in history
2015-11-10 15:28:18 UTC
He was a mix of both in my opinion. But hey, I don't know anything about politics.
2015-11-12 15:54:13 UTC
A damn good president!!! The Best ever!!! You know black people dominate like sports. LOL
2015-11-09 06:59:43 UTC
Not yet. Good at lying and getting away with it. He`s nothing more than a con man.
2015-11-11 11:08:04 UTC
Yes he is, and still have a little over a year left
2015-11-10 19:12:34 UTC
Far from it, out of almost 45 presidents he would come in 90th place.

2015-11-12 14:03:04 UTC
Obama is cool
2015-11-11 16:15:36 UTC
His wife ruined my school lunches. The food taste like pure dropped ****, and the lunches make the cafeteria smell like duce. Even the teachers gag at that tasteless looking crap that doesn't even have any nutrition.
2015-11-12 10:32:03 UTC
I would say overall that he is on a par with Gerald Ford in terms of competence.
Henry Sanchez
2015-11-10 20:01:05 UTC
Little Ms Sunshine
2015-11-12 14:34:05 UTC
Reality is that he's probably one of the best men who's had the job in the last hundred years, but it'll be another hundred years before anyone admits it.
David S
2015-11-10 07:27:32 UTC
No, he has been an excellent President.
2015-11-10 19:26:44 UTC
He is my idol, a super great president
2015-11-11 15:45:35 UTC
If you want to include that he admitted to training ISIL forces than yeah sure. They're all puppets anyways lol
thomas f
2015-11-09 19:58:22 UTC
No. He edged Jimmy Carter up from the last rung on the Presidential competence ladder.
2015-11-12 09:48:00 UTC
Yes and no. He's not the worst President, he isn't so bad but he's not the best one
2015-11-10 02:32:08 UTC
Yes. He was great. Free spirited, fun, funny, and a loving guy. Going to be sad when he goes :(
robert dutkiewicz
2015-11-10 13:33:24 UTC
only if you want a socialist. I don't. I prefer freedom. Obamacare took away a piece of our freedom.
2015-11-13 06:38:29 UTC
honestly, yes obama-senpai is a gr8 president. bless his memeful soul.
2015-11-11 01:55:03 UTC
If you like Obama you can keep him
2015-11-11 17:57:05 UTC
No, but at least he's better than Bernie Sanders.
2015-11-09 19:35:05 UTC
Good for himself and a few of his closest accomplices (he gave billions in bribe money to the Acorn hoods that got him elected through massive fraud)...HORRIBLE for the rest of us.
Just Hazel
2015-11-12 11:38:39 UTC
Compared to his immediate predecessor, he is outstanding. Only history can actually grade him but I think he will rank among the best.
2015-11-11 19:50:55 UTC
YOURE ALL IDIOTS!!! I ate some ice cream and got a brain freeze. Obviously if drink enough you might accidentally poop yourself
2015-11-11 02:44:35 UTC
Mediocre at best. At worst, Bush in black-face.
2015-11-13 09:19:50 UTC
In ways
2015-11-11 18:28:09 UTC
He was the best president at ******* the U.S over Isis must be really happy
2015-11-09 20:05:09 UTC
Is Red China Christian nation? NO!
2015-11-11 17:10:03 UTC
yes but he bowed to special interest on wall street. Very disappointing
2015-11-10 13:03:18 UTC
Probably did more damage to this country single handedly then has ever been done
2015-11-13 09:10:40 UTC
no the 44th president is a lying president ever
2015-11-13 02:37:55 UTC
he is the best president of america
2015-11-11 12:32:30 UTC
Yes one of the best ever in recent years, just does not get the credit he deserves.
2015-11-12 11:43:22 UTC
As good as my butt-hole trying to squeeze out doodoo after chili cheese night with the guys.
2015-11-09 09:46:10 UTC
Only one worse was Bush
2015-11-10 13:28:43 UTC
He's okay in my opinion, this is coming from a Conservative.
2015-11-10 09:04:43 UTC
I don't know I live in England.
2015-11-11 23:27:01 UTC
Yes. At least he was not as a warmonger like Bush...
2015-11-11 13:25:05 UTC
I think the $7.5 trillion in debt created during his term speaks for itself, unless you are a racist con!
2015-11-10 13:39:46 UTC
Obama is awful.
2015-11-09 06:52:32 UTC
He sure is the greatest. Hes a flower child. I'm so proud of him.
2015-11-10 23:37:21 UTC
no he wasn't but that is just my opinion. of course no president is perfect.
2015-11-10 13:45:49 UTC
I think that he was a good president but not the best. he was avarage.
2015-11-11 09:53:59 UTC
barack obama is the worst american president ever
2015-11-12 06:47:58 UTC
No. Mainly because he was an Islamic apologist.
2015-11-10 18:46:45 UTC
He is ok president.
2015-11-12 14:13:37 UTC
Overall he was the president Gothem deserved, but not the one it needed:)
Tad Dubious
2015-11-10 06:46:31 UTC
The vote is still out, James. He has several more months.
2015-11-11 08:40:15 UTC
Spock (rhp)
2015-11-09 07:06:00 UTC
if you're the Ayatollah in Iran, or Putin, yes. not so for virtually anyone else
2015-11-11 00:09:32 UTC
Of course not. That's a stupid question.
2015-11-10 17:44:33 UTC
2015-11-11 09:37:42 UTC
2015-11-11 00:05:24 UTC
yes very good
2015-11-12 11:04:59 UTC
he's retarded just like every other president. GO CANADA
2015-11-10 16:45:14 UTC
2015-11-13 17:44:49 UTC
Great he caught bin laden
2015-11-11 03:02:47 UTC
2015-11-11 01:35:59 UTC
One of the best, but Hillary Clinton will be even better.
2015-11-12 21:05:39 UTC
obama sucks *** i dont like him and he thinks gun control will salve everything when it will only make it easyer for bad guys to rob and kills us
2015-11-12 17:14:17 UTC
No. Obama was probably the worst.
2015-11-12 18:05:10 UTC
2015-11-11 12:57:40 UTC
No he wasn't. He caused us nothing but to destroy our country.
2015-11-09 16:08:54 UTC
was jarred from sub way a good baby sitter?
The Incredible King Dexter
2015-11-12 15:00:45 UTC
Not on foreign policy. I would give him a D there.
2015-11-12 21:15:45 UTC
He did not support the Keystone pipeline btw.
Huy D
2015-11-10 12:48:51 UTC
Dr,Sir Ichiban
2015-11-10 02:34:33 UTC
He still is, isn't he?

Or did I miss something?
2015-11-10 05:38:07 UTC
2015-11-10 11:14:45 UTC
2015-11-10 15:33:10 UTC
He still has to work his way up to just bad.
2015-11-10 09:58:20 UTC
NO, He is the worst in the world. & and a poor excuse for a Human.
2015-11-11 13:13:45 UTC
2015-11-09 08:10:38 UTC
2015-11-12 18:27:54 UTC
Same as all. People see the mistakes in the end.
2015-11-10 11:34:12 UTC

the greatest since Clinton
Wu LongDi
2015-11-11 21:19:06 UTC
Simple answer, no, but neither was Bush, Clinton, the first Bush.....
2015-11-11 08:27:04 UTC
No he wasn't
2015-11-12 13:05:56 UTC
Yes, He would have been better if Republican cooperated with him
2015-11-11 13:25:21 UTC
Well better than bush, which dont say much
2015-11-09 07:05:44 UTC
Horrible, worst ever.
2015-11-09 07:07:47 UTC
"Was"?!? He's got 14 more months left.

"Kill anyone today Curly?"

"Nope. But the day ain't over yet."
Live Love Laugh --- Die
2015-11-10 17:21:58 UTC
Is this a trick question ?
2015-11-14 00:50:58 UTC
Yes he was
2015-11-13 04:29:51 UTC
Just ask him and he will tell you in 5,000 words or less.
2015-11-11 04:45:30 UTC
Bush was better
2015-11-10 15:40:03 UTC
no. Obama is garbage
2015-11-11 14:22:29 UTC
He was okay I liked him alot
anonymous mouse
2015-11-11 13:23:39 UTC
I am a racist con, so obviously a racist like myself will say no!
2015-11-12 15:24:41 UTC
2015-11-09 06:59:55 UTC
Not in my opinion
2015-11-12 05:37:47 UTC
I would say worst ever
2015-11-09 15:06:55 UTC
He's okay, but not great.
2015-11-10 00:41:52 UTC
2015-11-10 09:38:20 UTC
Yea he was great why would you think he was not ? I loved him
2015-11-09 06:52:38 UTC
He completed what he wanted to, it all depends what you wanted him to complete.
Coop 366
2015-11-09 21:05:57 UTC
Sorry but you are using the wrong word, it should be "is" and not "was". The answer is yes!
2015-11-11 19:16:44 UTC
no he literally apologized not too long ago for being american
2015-11-09 13:10:45 UTC
Yes. And, he still is.
2015-11-11 11:25:22 UTC
No, he has been worse than Carter!
2015-11-11 19:07:28 UTC
2015-11-11 06:57:28 UTC
He was decent. Should be reelected.
2015-11-10 17:11:04 UTC
2015-11-12 16:52:19 UTC
he still is at present is'nt he?
2015-11-11 09:17:21 UTC
is too bad, in my modest opinion
2015-11-11 04:21:04 UTC
NO !!!... He's a snake
2015-11-10 12:53:52 UTC
Yes he was.
2015-11-10 12:04:24 UTC
yes he is
2015-11-10 22:46:41 UTC
Hell yea! He is resilient!
Gerry G
2015-11-12 03:59:33 UTC
Nope. Not at all.
2015-11-11 16:36:16 UTC
He was alright
2015-11-10 21:18:33 UTC
2015-11-10 16:47:42 UTC
No he sucks
2015-11-12 08:28:46 UTC
Meh not the best
2015-11-12 03:49:33 UTC
Sure. He did ok.
Weasel McWeasel
2015-11-12 10:26:24 UTC
Still is...........last time I checked.
2015-11-10 06:39:18 UTC
ordinary or average.
2015-11-12 09:03:07 UTC
2015-11-09 07:02:26 UTC
2015-11-13 00:37:29 UTC
2015-11-12 04:05:16 UTC
2015-11-10 21:15:48 UTC
2015-11-11 06:41:19 UTC
Eh he was ok.
2015-11-09 06:52:06 UTC
Still is.
2015-11-10 05:34:06 UTC
The clown should be in jail !!!
2015-11-11 10:56:01 UTC
he talk too much,he do less.
2015-11-10 11:04:42 UTC
No he was not. And no he never will be.
2015-11-11 15:20:06 UTC
He was okay
2015-11-11 20:05:58 UTC
I think he is
2015-11-13 14:43:52 UTC
{kanye shrug}
2015-11-12 11:29:17 UTC
No he was not
2015-11-11 16:43:02 UTC
time will tell!
2015-11-12 06:10:08 UTC
so far so good..
2015-11-11 15:02:34 UTC
he was great
2015-11-10 23:51:34 UTC
yes,I think
2015-11-10 23:45:44 UTC
oviously why not
Dusan Mandic
2015-11-10 05:14:46 UTC
No, he is a muslim
2015-11-13 07:53:08 UTC
no no no
2015-11-09 06:51:30 UTC
2015-11-11 12:22:57 UTC
2015-11-11 10:39:52 UTC
2015-11-10 13:39:05 UTC
2015-11-10 12:31:27 UTC
2015-11-10 12:12:58 UTC
2015-11-09 07:01:44 UTC
2015-11-11 11:29:27 UTC
2015-11-11 19:14:27 UTC
2015-11-10 11:22:51 UTC
no he is too "nice"
2015-11-11 10:24:20 UTC
2015-11-10 17:50:58 UTC
Mychaela Richards
2015-11-09 09:35:11 UTC
2015-11-11 09:40:57 UTC
No, he was not.
2015-11-09 23:35:28 UTC
N, O NO !
2015-11-11 05:28:00 UTC
2015-11-10 20:15:32 UTC
Hell no.
2015-11-11 22:50:04 UTC
Hell no!
2015-11-12 10:56:45 UTC
no were u
2015-11-10 19:34:51 UTC
Hell. no.
2015-11-10 15:12:16 UTC
He is a MORON !!!
2015-11-10 18:34:58 UTC
2015-11-12 20:50:56 UTC
2015-11-10 04:16:04 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.