Ya, right. As we exchange Presidents and their administrations, let’s also hold our representatives and senators, on both sides of the isle, responsible for their parts in the economic meltdown. The politicians below have been exposed for their unbridled greed, ignoring their fiduciary responsibilities, lying to and deceiving the American people.
(R) Chris Cox; Chair--Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
(R) Henry Paulson; Secretary of the Treasury
(D) Barney Frank; Chair--House Finance Committee
(D) Chris Dodd; Chair--Senate Banking Committee
(D) Chuck Schumer; Heads Joint Economic Committee
(D) Richard Syron; CEO--Freddie Mac.
(D) Frank Raines; CEO--Fanny Mae
(D) Charlie Rangel; Chair--Ways and Means Committee (W&MC)
(D) Pete Stark; Chair--W&MC subcommittee on Health
(D) Sandra Levin; Chair--W&MC subcommittee on Oversight
(D) Michael McNulty; Chair--W&MC subcommittee on Social Security
(D) Jim McDermott; Chair--W&MC subcommittee on Income Security and Support
(D) Richard Neal; Chair--W&MC subcommittee on Selected Revenue Measures