New Benghazi Account Bolsters CIA
'...the annex received a call at 9:40 p.m. local time that the consulate was coming under attack.
'At 11:11 p.m., an unarmed U.S. military surveillance drone arrived over the compound.
'At around 1 a.m. an additional CIA team of about six security officers from the embassy in Tripoli had arrived at Benghazi. ...two U.S. military officers were part of the team that flew in from Tripoli.
'They arrived at the annex at 5:15 a.m., just before mortar rounds begin to hit the complex. The attack killed two security officers, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, who were located on the annex's roof. Doherty had been part of the security team that had flown in from Tripoli. The new attack on the annex lasted only [sic] 11 minutes.'
An unarmed drone was in position over the Benghazi compound 90 minutes after the first report of an attack.
Less than 2 hours later, a security team from Tripoli arrived in Benghazi.
So far, so good.
4 hours later, the Tripoli team arrived at the location where the remaining Americans were, and they started an evacuation.
But apparently someone was watching that location, and the Tripoli team walked right into an ambush.
They came under mortar fire almost as soon as they arrived. The mortar fire continued for 11 minutes. Two more Americans were killed, including one member of the Tripoli team.
Who tipped off the militants, so they would know where and when to wait, FIVE HOURS after the attack at the consulate ended?
Why didn't Obama provide air cover for the evacuation? Two Americans had already been killed. It was known to be a dangerous situation, that's why the remaining Americans were being evacuated.
It was 4 hours later. How long would it take to fly a few F-16's from Italy to orbit over Benghazi? It would have been a strong deterrent to the mortar attack. And if someone started firing mortars, the pilots would see them and kill them.
Why did Obama let those precious 4 hours go to waste?