How would the press have reacted if the Bush administration had recruited citizen informants as Obama is now?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How would the press have reacted if the Bush administration had recruited citizen informants as Obama is now?
28 answers:
2009-08-06 03:48:02 UTC
The press would have crucified him.

Hitler would be very proud of these Gestapo tactics.
Reverend Master of Curses
2009-08-06 03:25:32 UTC
If these sorts of tactics are deemed necessary it makes me wonder how good the health insurance reform can really be. It seems to indicate that the bill can not stand on it's own merits.

As for using citizen informants to help defeat political adversaries, that is very scary. It may even find it's way to the Supreme Court. How do you suppose Sotomayor would vote?
2009-08-06 04:14:10 UTC
Liberals need to look up the definition of Fascism, which is exactly where our government is headed. (or are we already there?)


1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2009-08-06 03:37:57 UTC
I don't quite think it's as sinister as people are making it out to be, however, it's a major political misstep. Throw in the Dems interest in "fairness on radio", and it does start to make you wonder though. My guess is that this guy is gone from his whitehouse job in 3 months because of this.

edit - if this was done on Bush's watch it woud be the lead story on MSNBC and CNN, instead of a footnote if reported at all.
2009-08-06 08:59:03 UTC
Ain't this the way they did it in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union? Barocko and his Hitlerian policies will be the demise of this country. It's already in a hell of a shape. I tried to warn everybody but, nooooo, we've gotta have abomo. He's the only one that can save us. What a bunch of horse hockey.
2009-08-06 06:30:05 UTC
They would be saying off with his head!

And yes, that statement your quoted, along with equating people against health care reform along with the Birthers, have pissed me off.

If the White House staff wants to stop the "misinformation," they could have solicit people to e-mail them under the guise of wanting to know the facts of the reform. Instead, with the wording used above, they are showing their true colors of treating opposing citizens as dumb morons that need to be tracked. And yes, it does come across as the Hilter youth movement.
2009-08-06 06:15:43 UTC
Not a single real answer from the libs? No surprise, there's no way to defend this. Here's another for you on the left who scream about the patriot act. This is all Obama Bush to blame for this one. Take a look at the Cash for Clunkers privacy act statement. This will blow your mind...
2009-08-06 07:12:02 UTC
The liberal MSM would have relentlessly attacked Bush if he had done this. And yes, the Obambi administration is beginning to look more an more like a fascist group. Most people don't know that fascism is a left wing group similar to communism. Obambi and his radical crew are liberal fascists as explained in Jonathan Goldberg's book - “Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning,”

by Jonah Goldberg, (Doubleday, 2007).

Definition: Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is part of the “problem” and therefore defined as the enemy. I will argue that contemporary American liberalism embodies all of these aspects of fascism. Page 23.

…Fascism was born of a “fascist moment” in Western civilization, when a coalition of intellectuals going by various labels—progressive, communist, socialist, and so forth—believed the era of liberal democracy was drawing to a close. It was time for man to lay aside the anachronisms of natural law, traditional religion, constitutional liberty, capitalism, and the like and the rise to the responsibility of remaking the world in his own image. God was long dead, and it was long overdue for men to take His place. Mussolini, a lifelong socialist intellectual, was a warrior in this crusade, and his Fascism—a doctrine he created from the same intellectual material Lenin and Trotsky had built their movements with—was a grand leap into the era of “experimentation” that would sweep aside old dogmas and usher in a new age. This was in every significant way a project of the left as we understand the term today. Mussolini declared often that the nineteenth century was the century of liberalism and the twentieth century would b the “century of Fascism. “ It is only by examining his life and legacy that we can see how right—and left—he was.

Page 31.
2009-08-06 04:08:49 UTC
2009-08-06 04:58:35 UTC
You get a star my friend.

Help us lift the tea box...WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We must all work together United we can do this.

First we vote the Democrats out.They want mob rule we'll give them "Mob Rules"(By the way that's great Black Sabbath song and album).

If you listen to fools...The Mob Rules.

Yeah the so called "Media" isn't doing their job.If were this petty Benito Mussolini would be exposed for what he is a petty thug.Bush he wasn't even close to those like Pol-Pot/Hitler.Now when someone talks about a well funded secondary defense (Like our dear leader) and wants to set up snitching web site to report people(Like our dear leader).Man Hister(Love that Man who saw tomorrow), is smiling in hell with young protege.
2016-05-27 06:29:13 UTC
That's about perfect.However,judging from recent ideas that have been floated,such as Cap and Trade,which is nothing but a HUGE Tax,or a National Sales Tax,which would also be a massive new Tax,there now needs to be additional small print at the bottom.Feel free to play with the wording,but something along the lines of: Once reality kicks in,and we realize that all of Obama's massive spending,that he's had to engage in BECAUSE OF GEORGE W. BUSH,cannot be paid for by increasing Taxes on the Wealthy,the Administration reserves the right to engage in MASSIVE ACROSS THE BOARD TAX INCREASES.These tax increases will be effective on all Americans,on everything from the Energy that heats their home,to the Soda in their Cupholder in their massively taxed tiny little tin can of a Car. AD
2009-08-06 10:28:00 UTC
If back in the 60's they had not removed all the good American books on this subject(socialism) then the people of the USA would, today have enough information, and would have known at the last elections just what was gonna happen. The USA unknowingly adapted socialism under the name of Liberalism in the 1950's. The Democrat's did adopt this platform. The dumbing of America has kept everyone right where they wanted them to be, We are still One Nation Under GOD!! So people PRAY, that this nation is strong enough to survive, Evil prevails when good men do nothing!! It looks to me as though the Good Men are taking a stand now!! God bless America. I think the Media went After Bush for the phone tapping incident!!!
2009-08-07 07:14:36 UTC
The MEDIA as a whole would have screamed loudly if it had been any administration other than a liberal type. period.

More literate, English speaking people should read: "Liberty and Tyranny " by Mark Levin. Our country has not only regressed to a great degree over the decades, but leapt backwards from what our forefathers intended at the beginning. Strange days now and ahead. Get ready to see more ludicrous events. sad indeed
Lazer Beam
2009-08-08 11:04:31 UTC
You feign outrage at this non-existent attack on your right to privacy, which, if you're a Right Wing-Nut such as Antonin Scalia, you don't believe exists constitutionally anyway, and which, in any case, you lose in public. If by your well-organized, well-orchestrated behavior, you deny me my right to civil poilitical discouse without disruption at a townhall meeting called for that purpose, then government intervention should go beyond investigation to arrest under the RICO statute.

As to what would the Left do if Cheney's Bush Administration had engaged in such investigations, it did. Remember how, after 9/11, Cheney's Bush Administration infiltrated private meetings of groups here with questionable missions, such as helping the poor.

So if you believe in political karma, you have reaped what you have sewn. But don't hold Obama to a higher standard than Bush, even though he can meet it, because that would be hypocritical, and we know the Raging Right is not hypocritical.
2009-08-07 22:02:18 UTC
The press would be all over it. There is a hands off approach when it comes to negativity toward Obama. Is the press now afraid of the monster that they created?
Hank Rearden
2009-08-06 11:00:33 UTC
They would have proclaimed the return of Stalin and Hitler...

Oh, wait. I forgot - they DID that already.

For Lorenzo - Wonderful reference!

Edit - for Bug - May I remind you of the junior Senator from Minnesota's second best-seller? "Lies, and the Lying Liars who Tell Them"..

One cannot report a supposed "Lie" without also reporting the "liar" and the "circumstances surrounding the lie".

Of course, this presupposes that what is being reported is the "lie" and what is being broadcast by the government is the "truth".

If you have that much faith in the government, you're more naive than I thought.
2009-08-06 16:28:21 UTC
The man is trying to prevent disinformation from forcing the hands of the us citizens. At least we are being asked to spy on big business which I support. If we were being asked to spy on each other I might buy into your nazi paranoia but frankly corporations need someone looking up their buts because their dishonest and corrupt and would do anything necessary to preserve their cash cow- the status quo. Whose side are you on the banks or the people?
2009-08-06 15:04:13 UTC
Please show me where, in that quote, Obama wants people to report on other people?

Seems to me he's only asking for people to report the lies that are being spread, so that he can properly address that. I don't see anywhere that he asks for names.

When did conservatives become such paranoid cowards? Remember the old right-wing saying, "if you're innocent, you should have nothing to hide".

But then again, you've probably already decided to pick an answer that agrees with your position, instead of opening your mind to an alternative point of view, so I guess I wasted my time answering. Shucks.
2009-08-06 12:43:18 UTC
This is only a first step, we can expect more in the coming months. The media would have went ape over this sort of thing. Funny how we are not hearing a whisper from the groups that "defended our rights" during the Bush terms? (Oh excuse me, the rights they were defending were the rights of terrorists to kill innocent Americans.)
2009-08-06 10:33:56 UTC
My question exactly. The press is mostly in the tank for 0bama anyway. He can do nothing wrong in their eyes. If it was the Bush administration, you'd never hear anything about it.
Another Voice
2009-08-08 12:12:17 UTC
You idiot! All they want to know is what kind of crap is being circulated so that they can produce the facts in order to debunk it. This isn't nearly as bad as Bush and Cheney using executive power to do secret wiretaps and other types of surveillance.
2009-08-07 09:04:41 UTC
I really don't think their reaction would be any different. after all the same ppl who handled Bush are the same ones who are handling Obama. they are both puppets for the same master, why ppl think they are diff is beyond me. your right they have been following the Nazi playbook almost to the letter, probably the same group.
2009-08-06 10:46:48 UTC
the Legend of Young Pavlik, Informant 001:,9171,747837,00.html
2009-08-06 10:08:19 UTC
I think we all know the answer to that one.

Oddly, I wish that he had pulled some of the shi* that king Obama is pulling, maybe this entire thing could have been avoided.
Imitated, But NEVER Duplicated
2009-08-06 04:17:45 UTC
The Press is FOR Freedom of Speech, not AGAINST it like you bush supporters are.
Sir Fart a Lot
2009-08-06 03:29:12 UTC
uh Bush did actually, just in a different way
2009-08-06 03:19:56 UTC
That's it! That's what I love to see. Citizens standing up for their rights to receive SPAM. We can never get enough.

Are there black helicopters following you too?
2009-08-06 03:19:11 UTC
Yeah let's all ignore the propaganda that is making people stupider.

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