The liberal MSM would have relentlessly attacked Bush if he had done this. And yes, the Obambi administration is beginning to look more an more like a fascist group. Most people don't know that fascism is a left wing group similar to communism. Obambi and his radical crew are liberal fascists as explained in Jonathan Goldberg's book - “Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning,”
by Jonah Goldberg, (Doubleday, 2007).
Definition: Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is part of the “problem” and therefore defined as the enemy. I will argue that contemporary American liberalism embodies all of these aspects of fascism. Page 23.
…Fascism was born of a “fascist moment” in Western civilization, when a coalition of intellectuals going by various labels—progressive, communist, socialist, and so forth—believed the era of liberal democracy was drawing to a close. It was time for man to lay aside the anachronisms of natural law, traditional religion, constitutional liberty, capitalism, and the like and the rise to the responsibility of remaking the world in his own image. God was long dead, and it was long overdue for men to take His place. Mussolini, a lifelong socialist intellectual, was a warrior in this crusade, and his Fascism—a doctrine he created from the same intellectual material Lenin and Trotsky had built their movements with—was a grand leap into the era of “experimentation” that would sweep aside old dogmas and usher in a new age. This was in every significant way a project of the left as we understand the term today. Mussolini declared often that the nineteenth century was the century of liberalism and the twentieth century would b the “century of Fascism. “ It is only by examining his life and legacy that we can see how right—and left—he was.
Page 31.