2011-05-14 14:00:06 UTC
And yet these uneducated kool-aid drinking Fox Spews watchers actually think the 2000 election was legitimate. Haha! Ignorance must be bliss when you're that brainwashed.
In Volusia County, Florida a strange error was discovered upon reviewing the electronic voting results. As Dana Milbank of the Washington Post put it:
"Something very strange happened on election night to Deborah Tannenbaum, a Democratic Party official in Volusia County. At 10 p.m., she called the county elections department and learned that Al Gore was leading George W. Bush 83,000 votes to 62,000. But when she checked the county's Web site for an update half an hour later, she found a startling development: Gore's count had dropped by 16,000 votes, while an obscure Socialist candidate had picked up 10,000--all because of a single precinct with only 600 voters."
Diebold internal corporate memos show that they were aware of the voting fraud and claimed to have no idea how it occurred since the chip from that machine was missing....
Here is one memo:
"I need some answers! Our department is being audited by the County ... I have been waiting for someone to give me an explanation as to why Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a minus 16022 when it was uploaded. Will someone please explain this so that I have the information to give the auditor instead of standing here 'looking dumb.'"
And here is a test where they show how easy it is to hack the Diebold machines: