Why in the name of good Lord nobody pursuing after George W.and bringing him to war crimes?
Badar B
2009-03-09 17:51:19 UTC
Why in the name of good Lord nobody pursuing after George W.and bringing him to war crimes and several other misdemeanors his administration carried out for 8 years. One can learn a lot about if interested and bring these criminals to justice unless we like to bury our heads in sand in some selective cases like this one????????????????????
Nineteen answers:
2009-03-09 17:54:23 UTC
The US Constitution, perhaps?

The only constitutional punishment for a president is impeachment; only while still in office can a president be impeached; the only penalty is removal from office.

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Jim Bay
2009-03-10 01:15:45 UTC
Okay Badar B. I'm going to do you a life lesson favor. If there was a case against Bush don't you think the radical nut jobs in charge of our government would be all over this issue? Instead the most left wing leaders in American History are doing nothing about Bush and his "Horrible crimes" If anyone was going to pursue putting Bush in jail it would be these guys right? So they are not pursuing it. It pisses you off I get that. Now please put two and two together.

Okay so now we have established they have no case, correct! Why do you think the liberal nut jobs lied to you? This is going to be hard for you to deal with but really try and think why you were lied to? When they told you Bush broke the law did it **** you off? DId it make you made at him, did you want to get him out of office because of it? Did you no longer believe Bush when he spoke on any other issue?

If you are following me it should be clear by now that you were lied too so that the dems could get elected into office. How many other things do you think you they lied to you about? How about Obama is not a liberal? How about Obama is not a socialist? How about Obama will not sign any bills on his desk that have ear marks? How about Obama will put all bills on the internet and allow 100% transparency and not rush legislation. How about Obama will not sell out Israel? How about Obama will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons? I've got to go back to work so I need to stop the list now.

I hope you got the idea. If democrats tell voters the truth then they can't get elected. So they must lie. Do republicans ever lie. Sure they do. George Bush Sr. said read my lips no new taxes. Do you remember what happened to him after he lied to the republcians? We ended up with a third party candidate and Bill Clinton was elected with only 40% of the vote.

So when republicans lie, they get punished by republicans. When dems lie republicans try and hold them accountable but we can't really only the democrats that voted for him can do that.

So what should now that you are angry for being played a fool? I say tell all your friends to campaign for republicans in the next elections in 2 years. If we can turn back the house and senate to the republican party we can limit the damage done by voters like you that believed the lies.

Good luck. Fool you once shame on them fool you twice shame on you.
2009-03-10 01:03:50 UTC
"Well, when the president does it that means that it is not illegal." - Richard M. Nixon

The President can get away with a hell of a lot. If there is any investigation of Bush, it won't be until the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are over. For all those claiming that he did nothing wrong, I'd like to point out that technically Iraq was illegal, as it did not receive United Nations support.

If some tiny country had done that, I'm sure they would've got into trouble from the UN. But unfortunately double standards exist for the US. In addition, I imagine that Bush covered his tracks pretty well and it'll all get brushed under the carpet.

The problem is that a lot of things that Bush potentially did are labelled 'conspiracy theories'. 9/11, the rigging of the '00 & '04 elections - it's very hard to get anyone in authority to truly question these things.
2009-03-10 01:00:56 UTC
Which war crimes were those?

The Iraq war that was actually enacted by Congress?

The illegal wiretaps that were actually made legal by Congress? (Obama voted for them, you know)

The awarding of defense contracts to defense contractors as allowed under the Federal Acquisition Regulations?

I think that first you have to commit a crime before you can be punished. Just disagreeing is not sufficient cause to bring charges.

And, if you want to talk about civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, remember to include Obama for anyone that died after Jan 20, 2009.
2009-03-10 00:59:23 UTC
because the new administration is the same as the old administration, they have NO desire to go after Bush. and every admin. will be the same in the future until the people wake up and realizethat the only "change" that ever occurs is the rhetoric. the results are always the same, more war, less freedom for the people, bigger government....................
Mitch C
2009-03-10 02:18:12 UTC
lmao to some of these answears Iraq war was illegal because the U.N. wasnt for it um please read the constitution congress declares war and they dont have to get it aproved by the U.N. in fact the U.S. doesn't have to answear to the U.N. at all we are a sovergn nation or did you forget as fot war crimes please inform me what he did wrong and how many terrorists you know signed the geneva conventions oh and last i checked the people bush went after (sadam, osama) much bigger war crimonals unless you want to be friends with guys who condone mass murder of there own populus or flying jets into buildings killing thousands of unarmed people
2009-03-10 01:03:49 UTC
you know some people think america has the right to toture and kill whenever they like, they are the foundation of the collaspe of the great nation, if you let war crimes go unpunished thats the end of a civilised country

its a reflection of the system you have, go around lying to the world, cause your nation to head towards economic ruin and still half the people will vote for more of it and think the guy did it is a good old boy
Agent Smith
2009-03-10 00:57:27 UTC
Rule 11:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

So do you like being an Obama shill? Do they pay you well?
Mark C
2009-03-10 00:56:54 UTC
Please help us all. What did his administration do that was illegal? If you think he did anything, why not you go to The Hague and get him tried for crimes against humanity.
2009-03-10 00:57:18 UTC
one of the laws he made up while he had his rubber stamp congress is that he and his cronies could not be prosecuted for war crimes in the US. He would have be brought up for prosecution in the Haag.
2009-03-10 00:56:09 UTC
Pelosi is heading up a commission to see if is feasble to bring him up on war crimes, illegal wiretapping, torture.
2009-03-10 00:59:00 UTC
what war crimes
2009-03-10 00:58:31 UTC
Get ready for a bunch of meaningless answers who don't understand what "torture" means, or who think that being the president is a valid defense to torture (it isn't).
2009-03-10 00:54:52 UTC
Because he didn't do anything illegal...

Get off the internet before you hurt yourself.
Paula D
2009-03-10 00:56:10 UTC
what i find weird is that abraham lincoln and john f. kennedy were assasinated for doing something good and then ******* comes along and makes everyones life a living hell and no one tried to attempt to assassinate him
2009-03-10 00:58:19 UTC
Praise the lord oh Jesus oh lord please help me. Stupid questions get stupid answers thanx for the 2 points
Subject 2 Change
2009-03-10 00:56:55 UTC
It's sad to say but; "Money talks and B.S. walks". It was as true then as it is today. If you have enough money, you CAN do anything (to get more)
2009-03-10 00:57:39 UTC
Because there were none.
2009-03-10 00:59:35 UTC
I don't know but they should.

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