Okay Badar B. I'm going to do you a life lesson favor. If there was a case against Bush don't you think the radical nut jobs in charge of our government would be all over this issue? Instead the most left wing leaders in American History are doing nothing about Bush and his "Horrible crimes" If anyone was going to pursue putting Bush in jail it would be these guys right? So they are not pursuing it. It pisses you off I get that. Now please put two and two together.
Okay so now we have established they have no case, correct! Why do you think the liberal nut jobs lied to you? This is going to be hard for you to deal with but really try and think why you were lied to? When they told you Bush broke the law did it **** you off? DId it make you made at him, did you want to get him out of office because of it? Did you no longer believe Bush when he spoke on any other issue?
If you are following me it should be clear by now that you were lied too so that the dems could get elected into office. How many other things do you think you they lied to you about? How about Obama is not a liberal? How about Obama is not a socialist? How about Obama will not sign any bills on his desk that have ear marks? How about Obama will put all bills on the internet and allow 100% transparency and not rush legislation. How about Obama will not sell out Israel? How about Obama will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons? I've got to go back to work so I need to stop the list now.
I hope you got the idea. If democrats tell voters the truth then they can't get elected. So they must lie. Do republicans ever lie. Sure they do. George Bush Sr. said read my lips no new taxes. Do you remember what happened to him after he lied to the republcians? We ended up with a third party candidate and Bill Clinton was elected with only 40% of the vote.
So when republicans lie, they get punished by republicans. When dems lie republicans try and hold them accountable but we can't really only the democrats that voted for him can do that.
So what should now that you are angry for being played a fool? I say tell all your friends to campaign for republicans in the next elections in 2 years. If we can turn back the house and senate to the republican party we can limit the damage done by voters like you that believed the lies.
Good luck. Fool you once shame on them fool you twice shame on you.