There are good and bad people every where. These are the REAL HEROES as the article suggests and real Indians as I suggest. I do not call them as Hindu or Muslim but the Indians.
Actually Hindu culture also says "Sharanagat ko Abhay"
@ Edit Raj Krish, Congress Party does not need any certificate from you. The certificate that it needs it gets in every elections. As far as the Citizens of this great nation have faith in Congress, your nonsense allegations does not hurt me or my party. And stop posing to be apolitical this is my science request to you. There were another users for a long time posing as Non-Saffron Brigade, but finally..... I respect the users who openly say that "I support blah blah blah..."
Sudan, I have also worked for a big news media company for some time (don't want to name for obvious reasons), and in Rs. 100 we used to hire people to pose and pretend in front of camera so don't give me those sh** about praying for Modi. And if Muslims are really praying for Modi good for nation because if they have forgiven Modi its good. As far India has peace and Unity that is good for the nation and I am the first person to be happy.
ProTon, no community is being attacked here, I guess by "self acclaimed hindu" some organizations such as RSS, VHP, BJP etc are under attack and in no way they represent Hindus. Do not replace Hindus with these extremist organizations. Hinduism is a great religion and cannot be tainted by these these organization. If these organizations represented Hinduism India would have become Afghanistan decades back.
Yes, Gujarat Citizens were provoked, provoked by state government, ruling party and organizations supported by ruling party. Am I is denying that?
I don't know why saffron brigade is refraining from appreciating the people who came forward to help the victims of this massacre in 2002? Why are these folks not real heroes?
Edit Dear Raj Krish, My apologies, I was just upset yesterday because of some questions and answers on YA and got carried away. Sometimes everyone has a bad day.