Did America really mean to elect "Barack Obama" the man?
2010-07-19 07:56:53 UTC
Did it matter that Obama was in the ring of Chicago elites same as Blagojevich, Al Capone....they even have a musical on the Chicago........crime in Chicago is show biz...

Should they make a Chicago the Musical Part II and call it "Barack Obama: The Man"

The broadway show would open with a sermon from Reverend Wright...."G-- d---- America"!

then you would have an opera singer to play Barack Obama and it would go "Just follllow the teleprompter and ......everything is show biz......

Next Act: The Inaugural Ball.....and then Obama getting out of his motor cade

Obama playing golf during the BP oil spill.....and then a song called

"I need a quick emotional speech, I'm an expert at this......let me do it from the oval office

it would be the best opera would get a whole lot of Conservatives to step foot on Broadway
Nineteen answers:
2010-07-19 08:02:05 UTC
Yes we can all it SNOW Business.because of Obamas big snow job on the liberals
Diane W
2010-07-19 15:13:25 UTC
Yes we did....we were sold a bill of goods that we need to return......He is the complete opposite of what he said he would be. He is a divider, not a uniter !! A liar, not an honest bone in his body. He is corrupt and said we would see the most open administration in history, no lobby influence there ! He is not for the working man, just union workers. His policies are killing jobs. He is bowing to the world and our allies are now backing away from us. He and his administration are doing a horrible job and lying to us at every step. We have had enough...oh, and Mr Biden, you are completely out of touch with reality and you prove it every time you open your mouth. Our government is out of touch with its people. November can't come soon enough !
2010-07-19 15:47:05 UTC
exactly they voted for Obama the image rather than the actual man,they chose style over substance and now the mistake is coming to light

Suprise he has no leadership ability or crisis management abilities,complete lack of foriegn policy intelligence and now the left wing radical is starting to actaully show,the only time this president shows any ability or strength is when he is pushing liberal agenda or attacking anyone who dares question him or stand against his policies.On things that matter like jobs,national security,immigration or the economy he seems to give only about 50% or less of his devotion or attention to it,the only reason he is showing any backboneon immigration is because he got called out on his lack of effort,same in the gulf oil spill,he really only showed that he seemed to care after the american public called himout on his pathetic response to the spill and his weak clean up effort,he was'nt really expected to plug the leak but he was expected to be on top of the cleanup effort which he was'nt until pressured to be.
2010-07-19 15:16:47 UTC
barack was elected by an uninformed america. they didn't take the time to learn who he truly is. his associations,anti business, anti america positions etc. i would never support anything from chicago. chicago violates the courts ruling on the second amendment by unanimous fashion. what part of congress/states shall not infringe (stop) people from owning guns or how many they can own? then there is the blago trial not being covered by the dominant media and obama's connection to blago. the unemployment rate is another as is following cloward and pavin wanting america to collapse and rebuild it their way. anita dunn is another saying he two favorite philosophers are mother teresa and mao (the murderer). joe the plumber got in right to his question to obama you new plan is going to cost me to which obama responded he wanted to spread the wealth around. most americans had no idea who they were voting for. they just wanted to fire bush who wasn't running in 2008.
All is fair in love......
2010-07-19 15:03:25 UTC
i voted for barack obama the machine.


Do you republicans still think bush was a good president?

THERE'S NO SUCH THING as a good politician. NEVER. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and the scales were lost in this country long ago. If you want change, quit bitching and rise up against the government like we should have done eight or so years ago. Burn it down and start all over again, every man for himself. No government help and no taxes. Then we will be truly free. Until then, keep thinking your little vote counts while the douchebags in charge put whoever they feel like in control.
Pres. Sen. Pis. Chief C. Wiener N.C. B.S. P.H.O.L.
2010-07-19 15:08:05 UTC
Well it's good to know that YOUR political affiliations are "above reproach".

Cause I might have been thinking " ...who would ELECT THESE GUYS?", after my borrowed automatic was plugging GWB in Seattle Washington for being a sleaze that would by proxy drug then rape said drugged female federal employee and then have her shot when she arrested him AND THEN calmly walk over to the body guard he'd had shoot her, borrow the gun, and calmly walk over to where she was laying bleeding from two gunshots from a large caliber automatic at point blank range delivered by an expert marksman to certain kill zones and kick her gun away and then bend down placing the gun within inches of her head AND SHOOT HER AGAIN himself after being warned not to or else, cause, after all, she was down and disarmed and the next logical person for him to plug was ... me.
2010-07-19 15:03:27 UTC
No, Americans did NOT mean to elect the "man". They bought a slick advertising campaign and mixed it will a little "hope and change" without fully vetting the "man".
2010-07-19 15:02:10 UTC
I like to think of Obama not as a man from Chicago but a man fro Kenya , Indonesia and Hawaii.

I group him with Do Ho, Magnum PI, and Hawaii Five O
2010-07-19 15:01:32 UTC
No, I think bo "the man" managed to confuse many Americans who voted for him thinking that the hope & change cr@p that he was selling was real. Of course, it turned out to be snake oil and those that voted for him are probably as sorry as they could ever be.

I say, tough noogies! You made your bed now you lie on it. Some people have to learn the hard way, esp. a fool. Unfortunately, we (those that didn't fall for the cr@p) all have to pay for these fools.
2010-07-19 15:01:36 UTC
Wait a minute I thought Republicans were not supposed to enjoy the musical arts unless they involved a race track ... do your parents know your gay?
2010-07-19 15:00:19 UTC
At the time, we believed we were facing a greater danger from the criminals in Congress.

We had no idea Chicago would bring an even greater danger than that.
2010-07-19 15:02:16 UTC
More like Barack 0bama the boy, sent to do a man's job.
Look into the liberal Mirror
2010-07-19 15:01:27 UTC
No, It was the biggest scam heaped upon the American people in our history.
2010-07-19 15:00:38 UTC

Obama ran as a "reformer" but turned out to be just like Bush
2010-07-19 14:58:04 UTC
The drugs are strong in this one.
Bot Johnson
2010-07-19 15:00:29 UTC
Yes, somehow we did...but remember...Germany elected Adolf Hitler as Chancellor also, then he seized complete and total power.
Hector Frodo
2010-07-19 15:00:03 UTC
Yep--and no amount of fear, hate and misinformation of the republicants can change that.
2010-07-19 14:58:42 UTC
He's president, and he will most likely be your president for the next 6 years DEAL WITH IT
2010-07-19 14:57:57 UTC
Yes, we did.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.