Why do liberals defend Muslims when they violate rights of women and homosexuals daily?
2017-02-12 01:58:19 UTC
Why do liberals defend Muslims when they violate rights of women and homosexuals daily?
423 answers:
2017-02-14 20:16:25 UTC
Daily its about slamming President Trump, 20 30 times daily. HEY i Get It, its ALL THEY GOT
Barbara Doll to you
2017-02-14 10:07:38 UTC
The whole ethos of liberalism is toleration. However, sometimes they don't know where to draw the line, because it's too easy to believe infinite toleration = infinite good.
2017-02-13 19:40:14 UTC
Because they're fools.
2017-02-13 15:42:00 UTC
Because Muslims and Liberals have one big thing in common. They hate a free America.
2017-02-13 13:13:29 UTC
Defend just about everyone. Big picture, injustice against someone eventually becomes injustice too anyone.
2017-02-13 02:34:18 UTC
you guys barely know anything about Islam
2017-02-13 01:48:29 UTC
2017-02-12 20:04:47 UTC
If I thought you gave a damn about either I would answer this question.
2017-02-12 10:52:33 UTC
They want more taxi cab workers, rapists and terrorists.
2017-02-12 05:51:23 UTC
Because they are not all like tha to many Muslim women do not feel they HAVE to wear a burka..they do it out of tradition/ faith... many do not do it at all. juat like christianity jas many different branches so does islam.

I mean some forms of christianity refuse to have any medical care throughout thier entire lives because they feel it is against god will. Some chirstiand believe that it is ok to allow to let a poisonus snakr bite them because god wilk protect them. Some christians think that children with diabilities ahouls be purged from the earth ( nazi's)

Whatever kind of belief there is, there is always a radical side to it. To judge all for the actions of one is unAmerican.

I have many friends I do not judge any of them based on. What they label themselves as. Christian, muslim, atheist, pagan I try not to judge at all. But serious actions cannot be ignored.

I'm all for screening immigrants... FROM ALL countries. Because after all Islam is a religion not a race....
2017-02-16 19:24:47 UTC
The heart of my explanation is that liberals believe it is immoral to discriminate in any way. Thus they see Islam as just another religion to be respected equally with Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Bahai, animism, pantheism, and everything else. (with the sole exception of Christianity, which liberals despise---too much to go into to explain that exception here)

Liberals also are unwilling to discriminate between cultures and in general see them all as equally valid and equally worthy of respect. Thus we see in Muslim-majority nations cultural characteristics that should be offensive to liberals: disrespect for homosexuality, the horror that is female genital mutilation, honor killing of a family member whose behavior brings shame upon the family, death penalty for conversion from Islam to any other religion, inequality of rights between men and women, inequality of rights between Muslims and members of any other faith, and encouragement to use violence (jihad) against people and governments that stand in the way of establishing the caliphate. (Note that Islam is not just a religion; it includes the desire to forcibly replace any existing government with a theocratic government (caliphate) and a Koran-based system of laws (sharia), both of which are incompatible with Western concepts of justice and governance.)

Liberals' unwillingness to discriminate between behaviors you and I might see as good or bad means liberals must turn a blind eye toward the problems they would otherwise see in Islam and in much of the Arab world. Liberals in our government display the bizarre behavior of refusing to say 'radical Islamic terrorism' to refer to the murderous behavior of Islamic extremists. Government employees during the recently ended liberal administration refused to speculate on the motives of a bomber or shooter even after the perp had announced on social media his allegiance to ISIS and shouted 'Allahu Akbar' at the scene of violence. Instances of female genital mutilation or honor killings are routinely ignored in the leftist-dominated news media or at most described as family violence.

In summary, liberals/progressives/leftists have ideological blinders that force them to pretend that bad things don't exist. When bad things do happen, the basic goodness that liberals believe exists in all persons mean we all just need to sit down and talk reasonably to work out a peaceful solution. That might work when both sides share the same value system, but those willing to use violence to further their aims find it all too easy to take advantage of those who limit themselves to peaceful methods.

(This a short version in which I largely ignore the differences among leftists, progressives, and (modern-day) liberals; and similarly I blur the differences between Sunni and Shia, and between Muslims in Western democracies and in the Arab world, and between most of these Muslims and the adherents of Al Qaeda, ISIS and other Muslims we call extremists.)
2017-02-15 23:58:53 UTC
real liberals should not defend great swathes of people personally but should defend the right to believe in whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect others negatively. liberals do not condone violations of rights because that is by definition 'not liberal'. liberals should obviously however defend the rights of people to practice whatever religion they choose again provided there are no negative impacts on others and should not discriminate based on any label, for instance religion such as Islam.
2017-02-15 18:33:36 UTC
That is really a great question. I don't know, probably because most liberals are hypocrites.
2017-02-15 13:09:57 UTC
Its sad to know that you guys know very less about Islam. Guys please go and read Quran if you guys can don't just read it understand it.
2017-02-15 00:24:22 UTC
Cause liberals are ignorant.
2017-02-14 15:15:48 UTC
Total rubbish, it was the liberals that helped woman rights and homosexuals to be where they are today in the first place. Do you realise that Muslims are mainly conservative? So it will be the conservatives that will defend. Also the Muslim conservatives will look at the British conservatives as being liberal. Where does it begin and end? Conservatives are against gays, drug users, gay marriage, the list go's on. I'm a liberal, so don't get it twisted with being weak, the Conservatives are weak because they don't know how to cope with differences and change. Modern Liberal ethos - We tolerate but be warned, dont take the piss because there will be serious consequences. Peace
2017-02-14 08:07:25 UTC
because their mad that they cant get a girlfriend let alone a wife!
2017-02-14 03:57:15 UTC
Because most modern Liberals are SJW ********* that do it for social status, just wanting to look like a "good person", intelligent, as a trend, trying to cover up their racist thoughts, or all of the above. Bottom line is that its just politically correct.
2017-02-14 01:14:26 UTC
It's political... there are civil rights groups that are shoveling cash their way so the Dems are only doing what theyre told.

Too bad their base doesn't question their motives. Some people really are bilnd and will defend the Dems even when they're wrong.

Yes, you are right. Muslims and their religion hate damned near everything the Democrats stand for. In a court of Sharia law the Dems heads would roll. The Democrats do believe Muslims will conform to our laws. However not all of them will and they're practice Sharia law behind closed doors.

But that's none of my business.
2017-02-13 23:56:38 UTC
white guilt
2017-02-13 23:14:47 UTC
Because they are stupid inbred asswipes
2017-02-13 16:51:16 UTC
I think ISLAM is the devil's 'religion'. And that MUSLIMS are captives of ISLAM. If we REALLY cared about Muslims we would encourage them - all of them - to turn their backs on ISLAM. That said... so called 'liberals' are simply allies of evil. NOT the Roosevelt and JFK liberals. But these 'new liberal' that really aren't 'liberal' at all. They are REGRESSIVES! Horrible people. The very fact that you asked this question tells you how awful they are. Imagine a genuine liberal siding with the ENEMY of woman and LGBT people.
benjamin b
2017-02-13 08:29:56 UTC
liberals are far too daft to understand that they represent nothing - although convinced they protecting freedoms and equality - they're actually contributing to making it much worse
no name
2017-02-12 21:06:55 UTC
Damn right that's the domain of the right wing Bible thumping conservatives!!!

2017-02-12 18:25:12 UTC
Take it from me. I am quite liberal, with some conservative ideals. I am very open minded and always willing to see things from both sides and decide how issues should be tackled based off the situation. Not every issue needs a liberal approach or a conservative approach. Some differ.

Now, I think the way women and LGBT's are treated in the Middle East and Africa is disgusting. I look down at muslims over there. However, if a Muslim person immigrated to America and if they become more open minded and accepting of the fact that here in the USA most people accept LGBT's and that everyone has equal rights and opportunities, then I respect them. I defend Muslims who are already in the USA as long as they do not disrespect us or our country. You want to immigrate to America? Great! Just respect our laws, lifestyle, and don't continue to discriminate LGBT's and women. Because it's wrong in America. That's how I feel about any group, really. So I stand up for the many good immigrants.
Linda R
2017-02-12 17:53:38 UTC
I guess they all have the same thing in common - mentally insane.
2017-02-12 16:45:54 UTC
Because NOT ALL Muslims entirely believe in that. Just ljke NOT ALL Christians bomb planned parenthood offices or kill atheists.
Cosmos Jones
2017-02-12 12:07:49 UTC
They are participating in anarchy against the laws of the United States. Most are just community organizing or joining groups to resist the protocol of President Trump.

Type in Obama's insurgency or Google it. He is two miles away and working to undermine the President Trump by encouraging rioters like the ones who beat people in Berkley which resulted in a woman having a concussion and her husband having broken ribs. No arrests at all so lawlessness prevails . The people who said Obama would never leave were right. The holiday pictures with the professional photographer are designed to keep his devotees inspired while the left accuses the right of despotism , being Nazis so it justifies their violence and treachery against the American people.
2017-02-12 11:46:36 UTC
Because they are gay
atomic fireball
2017-02-12 06:24:08 UTC
Why do you generalize about Muslims and liberals? Apparently you harbor the same prejudices towards them that you accuse them of having towards women and homosexuals....
2017-02-15 21:50:14 UTC
Not every single Muslim has hatred in them. Those are the radicals. Just like not every CHRISTIAN has hate, or justifies being a pedophile or a racist because the bible says so. They are also radical freaks. I've known quite a few Muslims and Christians who aren't that way. Being afraid of Muslims is like being afraid of a white Christian because he might molest your children. Stop with the hatred.
2017-02-15 21:26:27 UTC
Idk but I'm a gay male and even I despise liberals
2017-02-15 07:21:24 UTC
they are not rational. They also support illegal aliens coming to take jobs and helping kill unions too.
2017-02-15 01:54:09 UTC
Yeah really! Sounds to me like a double standard if there ever was.
Cool guy76
2017-02-14 05:05:48 UTC
Don't no
2017-02-14 02:41:40 UTC
Because they want to get the same treatment of what they do to women and homosexuals.
2017-02-13 20:02:12 UTC
Not all you bigot
Mike L
2017-02-13 18:46:01 UTC
Doesn't Mike Pence do that very same thing? I personally don't support terrorists, but I don't care what their race or religion is.
2017-02-13 16:41:31 UTC
Gop moron, mulims in america dont violate women and gays like gop jack wagons do in airport stalls checking peoples junk ha ha ha ha ha
2017-02-13 03:50:50 UTC
Muslims and rednecks can agree on at least 2 things.

It doesn't really bother me.
2017-02-13 02:43:43 UTC
It's one of those crazy First Amendment things--freedom of religion.
2017-02-12 21:45:25 UTC
Realize that you guys are the same type of people but just with different languages and skin color. lol What kind of people are you? Trash-not because of language not because of your skin color but because of that stuff on top of your shoulder. Lucifer fought against God to give you free will...make use of it ignoramus.
2017-02-12 21:36:56 UTC
Who the hell accepts those who violate the rights of women as Muslims? If they do so, they'll be punished for this on the day of judgment according to the teachings of the Holy Quran. And these people whose beards are touching the floor and they have got nothing to do in life except imposing their religion on others, believe me, they are not Muslims. People like Muhammad Ali, people like Malala Yousafzai are true Muslims. Americans gave women their rights in the 20th century but Islam gave women their rights in the 7th century. Read Quran at least one and then decide about the reality of this post-truth era. And yes homosexuality is totally unacceptable and the weirdest thing! It is against not only every religion but also humanity.
Donnie Doom
2017-02-12 16:10:05 UTC
You will ALWAYS hear the pathetic response, "Not all Muslims are like that"... More political correctness that cripples our ability to defend ourselves. They care more about being polite than protecting America.
2017-02-12 14:51:25 UTC
Because they are dumb!
2017-02-12 11:48:04 UTC
You can not judge a religion by the actions of a few that is like judging all Christians based the actions of kkk
2017-02-12 10:21:19 UTC
Because there are not enough black men for all the white women so the white women pursue the second best thing which is Muslim men.
2017-02-12 04:21:41 UTC
So do Conservatives. I don't want to ban them either. Like Conservatives...all Muslims are not alike.
2017-02-12 03:57:18 UTC
Liberals are all about liberaty and freedom, they want to be in peace with everyone, they believe not all people regardless of color, relgion, culture are bad people because their culture or religion says that doing a certain act (killing people in the name of God or Alla) is fine. All people in this world have choices just like muslim have choices, If you see muslims seeking help, its because they believe that they dont need to spread terror by killing non muslim people, they believe when can all live in peace with each other and respect people's religion choices.

But I have to agree with you their religion violates women's right, but lets not be blind, Christianity/Catholics may not violate woman's right but it doesn't necessarily support women either, women's freedom is also limited with Christianity. I can't right about Jewish because I don't know well, but US has lots of Jews too.

Also, not all brown people are the same, not all of them are drug delears and rapes, because that happends with any race, the are lots of white people who drug dealers and rapists, black people who are rapist, lots of asians who are rapists too.

Homossexuality is not a recent thing, Its been happening for ages, and people always hided it, because its seen as unnatural in most dominant religions. We are in 2017, most people are still religious some people more flexible some less, specially the Islamic and Catholics, but with time things will change.
2017-02-12 02:26:43 UTC
some muslims violate others' rights, just as some christians do the same. but our constitution gives us freedom of religion.
2017-02-15 23:39:06 UTC
Because evil White Men did the Crusades 1000 years ago to stop moslem aggression in Europe. Judging by the current state of affairs in Europe today, Crusades 2.0 will be happening very very soon. Also brown people have more victim points than homosexicals and women on their victimhood calculator.
2017-02-15 13:47:20 UTC
Because homos and women are pedophiles. Muslims are good people. Look at the women and gay men prancing around your sick society.
Muizz Rehan
2017-02-15 11:36:59 UTC
because they are ...........
2017-02-14 21:35:16 UTC
I know a lot of nice Muslim people.
2017-02-14 08:54:13 UTC
Firstly, Islam is about the establishment of a worldwide Caliphate or government by god ( Theocracy ) which is run by non-elected men, only men, who will interpret and apply Sharia Law as they see fit. In practice it is short on mercy and questionable in the extreme in terms of justice. The testimony of two women is required to match that of a man for example.

Take a look at the Moslem majority countries : 60% of the people cannot read. That is frightening in itself.

Given that the aim of Islam is very much political and is contrary to the values of democracy : Why is it tolerated at all? Would you make the same concessions for Communists?

Quote : 'If Allah says that execution and amputation is the best form of punishment then who are we to argue?' Quote : 'It does not matter what science says: The Quran must be believed.' ( Speaking about the sun going around the Earth)
Cow Goesmoo
2017-02-14 05:53:35 UTC
Liberals obviously don't defend Muslims because they agree that they violate the rights of women and homosexuals.

You can't just make a statement like that and ask it, it's just stupid and doesn't even help you.
2017-02-14 04:12:14 UTC
Michael Savage in his book Liberalism is a mental disorder explained how liberals deeply skewed self destructive thought processes are damaging themselves and others irrevocably.
2017-02-14 02:05:27 UTC
because they are repeating history with like minded communism and complete stupidity and they make terrible decisions like dumb criminals i still havent met a so called "good muslim" that has said they dont want that evil that keeps destroying countries not ONE why i dont trust muslims period
2017-02-14 00:13:32 UTC
So do Christians and we defend them sometimes.
2017-02-13 23:17:15 UTC
Because they are loving people
2017-02-13 22:32:07 UTC
because not all muslims are like that. i work 40 hours a week with a muslim from turkey and shes cool af. We joke and have a good time, and she even has a good friend who is a lesbian (always see pics she posts on fb with her out at the clubs believe it or not) muslims are just like you and me. just some of them are crazy/radical. but not all.
2017-02-13 18:28:16 UTC
Agreed. The most true yet suddle comment i read online was this guy who said "Liberals actually think ISIS will change by being nice to them"
2017-02-13 15:16:25 UTC
Why do Americans hate people who are no threat to them. Why is that ?, are they stupid or just easily influenced.

Most of South America, China, the middle east, vietnam, korea, back to China again. Russians, all eastern europeans.

Currently its Islam. Although the government claim not to be against the religion itself, except the people(American citizens) dont understand that bit. They know from experience that when the government tells you to hate, you hate fully, not just readily and half hearted.

Please build a wall. But extend it up the east and west coasts and along the Canadian border too. Then never leave it.

Unreal. Surrounded by no threats and the most hate filled, paranoid, people on earth. Perhaps this is the reason its no longer safe for an American to be a tourist.
2017-02-13 06:10:32 UTC
Criminal minds think and flock together.Liberals are anti American
2017-02-13 02:40:51 UTC
Because anyone that identifies them self with a political party tends to lack common sense
2017-02-13 02:40:13 UTC
I am not a liberal and don't even involve myself with politics. Not all Muslims treat women badly. I am sure some do, but others may be very good husbands, fathers, and brothers. Just like there are some who profess to be Christians who mistreat women. Or even atheists. Some of the very ones who insult religion for mistreating women, have been very rude to me online and I am a woman.
2017-02-12 20:40:12 UTC
Because not all Muslims are like that.

I know plenty of Muslim women who have laid back, chilled out husbands that let them show their hair.

The Muslims you're describing are the "EXTREMISTS".

The BBC broadcast a television show called "Muslims Like Us" where a group of different type of Muslims lived together for 2 weeks in a big house and they were both men and women. One of them was gay, another was a white British elderly woman who converted years ago. There was a vile boxer in the show who agreed with terrorism and he was sexist as well, most of the other Muslims in the house confronted his disgusting behaviour.

I hope this answer opens your mind because I have met very good Muslim people and they are not evil. I grew up from a Christian background, we had extremists in our religion so why are you not complaining about us?
2017-02-12 18:09:32 UTC
It's about the inability to communicate. Naturally I know not all Muslims are like that anymore than all Germans are Nazi scum. What the right doesn't here is that birds of a feather flock together. The reasons 'liberals' support Muslims is a lie, they support the enemy of the United States and Western culture. The right doesn't hear that. The United States is in a with a foreign power and the first thing killed in any war is the truth.
2017-02-12 17:30:15 UTC
Now thats rich comparing a radical muzzie to a KKK member,

Skippy the Clan is a democratic based organization. You seem

to have lost your little way again. Baa Baa Black sheep.
Mr. Wizard
2017-02-12 16:35:29 UTC
The prevalence of anti-Trump protests in 4 words: BLIND DEFIANCE AND ANGER.

The demographic MAJORITY of these protesters were infants when the horror of 9/11 erupted on America; many of these protesters still are too young to legally vote. And the adults who unite with these protesters are they type of people who get blindly taken in by con artists and fanatical religious cult leaders.

For the like of it or not, there are TWO distinct types of Islamic Muslim: Purist and Fanatical; need I expel further words and lengthen my logical answer, explaining prevalent sociological differences existent between the two classes??

Right now in America, scores of Fanatical Muslims slipped into the U.S. easily during Obama's 8 year POTUS ride; they're they're in plain sight hidden, standing alongside Purist Muslims who join the seriously MISLED American anti-Trump LIBERAL protesters.

American Purist Muslim and Mid East Fanatical Muslims, albeit far different in many ways, DO share the common belief that women are to be suppressed and submissive---and homosexuality IS strongly taboo and forbidden, avowed to NEVER be accepted.

And how hypocritical of the feminist American anti-Trump protester to rant loudly on against Trump's Immigration Plan ( it really is NOT a "ban", by the way, like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer would rather you believe )---when in the Middle East, girls and women there are molested, abused, harassed, sodomized / raped---and in tragic cases, murdered....all because they insulted a male in their homeland.

And if these American Liberals were to anti-Trump protest rally in the streets of these 7 named Mid East countries outlined in President Trump's Immigration Plan----they'd easily find PATRIOTS of al-Qaida and ISIS, protesting inches away from them. Well guess what? They won't have to fly over there to find them.....because well hidden in plain sight, alongside the peaceful protesting American Muslim Purist----those radical terrorists stand inches away from them......and you'd never know it.

Let's put all that aside a second--get down to the REAL bottom line: Trump stole your dream of seeing the election of a FEMALE POTUS.....and you Girl Power people really believe you won't see another chance like Hillary's in your lifetime.

Key leaders within the Democrat Party---you know them all---are the REAL ones to blame; they're the DETACHED ones, who grossly bungled their POTUS candidate nomination procedure--betting on Hillary as the sure bet to win. Yet you're loudly out there, ever loyal to the very same deceptive political leaders---who MISHANDLED the Democrat chance of winning the Election; THEY ALL STOLE YOUR DREAM, NOT TRUMP!!

Why not redirect that hell fire anger you espew towards THEM and DEMAND they open up with the TRUTH???

Again: President Trump didn't steal your dream. Eight years of fun Democrat defiance towards not only Republicans, but a silent---but very prevalent American VOTER MAJORITY is what handed Hillary her defeat.

And the LOUDER and HARDER you press on with this Hell fire anger towards Trump---the harder you'll make it for ANY Democrat elected official to not only win election......but ever gain merit in Congress. There are prospective Democrat candidates fearing they'll lose entry into elective political office---because they're currently Democrat. Currently..........
2017-02-16 07:00:50 UTC
Well, most popular religions do violate women and homosexual rights. In the holy bible they say that a woman must marry a rapist if she is impregnated. The bible also states that homosexuals must be stoned to death. So in the sense of individual rights Christianity and Islam aren't too different.
2017-02-15 23:40:26 UTC
This question makes no sense..
jacob f
2017-02-15 20:45:00 UTC
Just look at how they act. They destroy property and set things on fire all the time. Look at how many Trump signs were stolen during the election. They love free speech as long as you agree with what they say and want. They are no different then the terrorist. Look how many liberals have been talking about hurting Conservatives!
2017-02-15 11:06:19 UTC
2017-02-15 00:12:29 UTC
I never defend Muslims they believe this to be Halal
2017-02-14 21:06:01 UTC
no idea
2017-02-14 16:57:54 UTC
Because they think that any and every comment / action that goes against anyone for any reason, under any circumstance, is racist.
2017-02-14 11:45:08 UTC
Because it's not 'Muslims' in general. There are people who do the same in every color of the rainbow, and that includes European types. Some 'Muslims' do that, true, but what of the KKK (and they're only white) or some other organizations...
2017-02-13 21:55:31 UTC
If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all
2017-02-13 11:32:19 UTC
2017-02-13 05:27:11 UTC
"I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team.
2017-02-13 00:08:14 UTC
Thats what they R programmed to do...
2017-02-12 22:35:31 UTC
VOTES; just as the liberals made promise after promise to do things for the Hispanics and for everyone as far as that goes, but then did nothing to follow through with it. Remember Hillary's promises to us (millions of new jobs for New York) when she ran for the senate; she did nothing to keep her promise. They will say (and promise) anything to get a vote. The Comprehensive Immigration Bill voted through with e Democratic Senate several years back was a ploy to get Liberal votes. The Democrats knew it would never pass with the bad parts of the bill. They voted in favor of it expecting the Republican lower house to reject it and they (democrats) could then blame the immigration mess onto the Republicans.
2017-02-12 21:59:57 UTC
First of all they plan to behead Christians at the end days this was told to me by rabbi and minister.They meaning many plan for the destruction of USA.Third how come you don't see Muslims protest against this !
Gianna S
2017-02-12 21:28:51 UTC
Liberals want votes. Wherever they can get them, regardless of where they come from. Remember Nancy Pelosi? She whispered, "Tell them you're a Muslim!" She didn't think the mic was right next to her! Now, that doesn't make saints of the Republicans. Everyone is guilty in this crazy world!
2017-02-12 18:20:42 UTC
Some liberals do. Maybe they remember the saying forgive them because they don't know what they do. Cultural induced thoughts change very slowly.

But it is better to treat everybody the same. Some republicans also defend strange things. Never let a background of a person mess with your morals. Although it is very common.
2017-02-12 14:41:23 UTC
Most liberals detest any Muslim that violates the rights of women and homosexuals while many conservatives openly want to limit their rights.
2017-02-12 05:43:52 UTC
They don't. It takes a very low IQ to think they do.
2017-02-12 02:05:25 UTC
Because they want more brown on white rape and massacres.
I was wrong once
2017-02-12 02:00:54 UTC
You people are so correct. ALL Muslims are violent terrorists. And ALL illegal immigrants are drug dealing rapist murderers.Nice job.
2017-02-17 15:23:29 UTC
Their thinking processes are distorted. They try to make a freedom of religion issue of banning terrorists. They also cry freedom of the press when the president is upset about wanton abuse of that freedom by lying constantly about him. If their thoughtless ideas took control, there would be many Americans killed by terrorists who just came to the USA, and the biased media would continue its bad abuse of its freedom. Freedoms have limits, and they cannot realize that.
2017-02-16 19:17:21 UTC
They are not necessarily defending muslims. They are defending the freedom of religion and beliefs that we all should have the right to and are advocating for the fact that not all people of a religion or nationality are radical or terrorists and that you can not judge a people as a whole by a small percentage. Almost any religious group can be shown to have radical or terror based groups including Christianity and we can not and often do not base all our views of the religion or people by that group.
2017-02-16 11:48:30 UTC
2017-02-15 07:16:03 UTC
Look mate Muslims are ****** okay, let's just leave it at that. Hopefully people like Marine Le Pen and the French parliament, British exit from the European Union, Donald trump and the Republican Party can stop these unappreciative dogs at the borders. And send them home. They don't come here and start dictating what's right or wrong, we've perfected that over the past 400-2000 years. They are of inferior intelligence and life is better with them digging holes in a desert somewhere where our men can get some target practice. Not in my ****** back yard. Waste of material if you ask me.
2017-02-14 18:38:06 UTC
Can't fix stupid.
2017-02-14 15:56:27 UTC
Even the most radical of christians do not go around beheading and blowing up other Christian groups. Liberals love Muslims because they share the same hate. The United States.
2017-02-14 09:54:31 UTC
They like to start stuff
2017-02-13 23:00:43 UTC
Because they see them as a fluffy little victimized group that needs their protection. :( And maybe some of these liberal "men" are not as feminist as they like to claim, but rather enjoy the thought of more men coming in the country who treat women like trash. But not all liberals are like that, just the loud screamers. I am liberal, feminist and antifascist, that's why I hate islam.
2017-02-13 22:53:25 UTC
Because this is America and we live this way but not everyone in the world does. And as a matter of fact America is still pretty much sexist and racist. Point is, not all Muslim's are bad people. The violation of women's rights has a lot to do with a culture they have followed for years upon years. They may have to liberate themselves in the same way that we had to fight for our rights.

It's not our place to generalize all of them when there are probably many Muslim's who do not intend to violate anyone's rights. And we can't force them to become a democracy overnight so that we can feel better about them and who we thinkthey are. Everything isn't about us and how we feel.

That's why.

BTW we keep calling all of them Muslim's. Isis are not Muslims. They're satanists. Think about it.
2017-02-13 20:01:30 UTC
sounds like christians, or at least the fundamentalist ones, you know kinda like the fundamentalist muslims you are talking about. there is a difference between a moderate and a fanatic and i think you are having trouble understanding that not every single muslim in the world wears a dynamite vest while running into government buildings and yelling death to america. some just want to come work here and not bother anybody. same as some christians. problems arise when fanatics like you try to start controlling what everyone can and cannot do with their lives.
Rand & Evelyn
2017-02-13 18:20:44 UTC
This country was based on freedom of religion. However, liberals do condemn violent actions of any religious or social subset.
2017-02-13 11:31:58 UTC
I guess they all have the same thing in common - mentally insane.
2017-02-13 04:01:35 UTC
Because the left is mentally insane and wants to try to pander to every minority possible.
2017-02-13 03:57:36 UTC
I do not know why they should, because in my opinion they should not! There exist in the Qur'an the Surah Ali Imraan verse 14: "Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return."

So, in my interpretation this verse clearly shows that women, sons, gold, horses, cattle and land are merely objects for/of men's desire!

And that must be what muslim (men) think and have it in their mind!

And to me that is wrong! That way of thinking is barbaric from the past! Women (and men) have brains and feelings and are not just objects like animals!

So, any violations of human rights (of women or men) should not be defended!
2017-02-13 03:33:19 UTC
I don't
The Watcher
2017-02-13 03:28:22 UTC
2017-02-13 00:26:38 UTC
You would dare speak so??
2017-02-13 00:17:17 UTC
Like how not all whites are pedophiles or serial killers, not all Muslims are terrorists. People seem to forget that the people who gunned down many innocent kids and young adults were whites, blacks, and one Asian dude.
2017-02-12 11:41:51 UTC
I don't think all Muslims are terrorists and don't think ALL of them support abuse towards women and gays. However, a large MAJORITY of them do, therefore, I think it quite confusing in regards to liberals, who claim to support the rights of everyone, would support Islam. After all, many of them despise Christianity.
2017-02-12 02:19:58 UTC
Why do Conservatives defend Republicans when they violate rights of women and homosexuals daily?
Diana M
2017-02-15 14:35:40 UTC
I dont. I have no problem with muslims i just dont like their religion as all
2017-02-14 17:22:40 UTC
Not only do they violate the rights of women and homosexuals, but they also sexually abuse children; commit acts of terrorism and war crimes; and execute people for not sharing their beliefs.
2017-02-14 13:56:44 UTC
Yahoo Helpline Desk@+1^800^782^3911
Mrs Awesomness
2017-02-14 06:04:37 UTC
I could literally say the same about Christians...

They are the ones who want to "protect the sanctity of marriage." In fact they want to be able to legally refuse service to someone because they are of the LGBTQ community.

They also are usually pro-life and think that it should be harder to get birth control. Not to mention the fact that Churches have a tendency to hire child molesters for Priests...

If you want, I could give you a history lesson about the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, how they justified racism and slavery by saying that is the way God intended it to be, etc, etc.

So the real question is why don't we do a Christian ban instead? People who are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc tend to be Christian, oh wait it's bad to judge millions of people you don't know unless they're Muslims.
2017-02-14 02:39:18 UTC
Because they believe what they are told to believe by the media.
2017-02-13 23:04:36 UTC
They don't know the quran like most people. By trying to be too inclusive they are exclusive from those who don't believe in inclusive-ism. This is the lie of postmodernism, it is still modernism and will fail the same way.
Michelle Obama's Hair Gel
2017-02-13 20:24:07 UTC
Liberals secretly love to oppress women and quash the freedoms that our founding fathers established our nation upon like religious freedom and the right to bear arms and speak openly against the government oppression that Obama subjected us to for 8 long years.
2017-02-13 17:18:04 UTC
I have no clue why liberals defend Muslims. It makes no sense. It's like they want their woman to be raped, and their children murdered. Smh.
2017-02-13 16:59:14 UTC
It is the same reason that many liberals, including myself, don't shame Christians for their beliefs, which often include treating women and LGBTQ+ individuals poorly. People have the right to believe what they want to believe without facing discrimination. There is a big difference between disagreeing with someone and disrespecting that same person. In addition, not all Muslims violate the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people. Muslims in other countries differ greatly from Muslims in America, and even Muslims within the same country have different aspects of how they define Islam, which is very similar to Christians. All religions have branches that encourage skewed ideals, which can be seen throughout history. One example that comes to mind is the existence of the Crusades.

The whole idea behind being liberal is supporting liberty, freedom. People deserve choice, and American citizens should be given the rights that the Constitution and judicial courts supply despite any choices. What it really comes down to is having respect for people, even when you disagree with them. I don't agree with many Christians or conservatives, but the moment that their rights are at stake, I will not stand by and let these people be mistreated. For instance, I believe that Christians should be able to express their beliefs in public schools. I also believe that, while I don't condone a lot of their opinions, conservatives should be allowed to share their views without being slandered and treated with violence. What I find so puzzling is the fact that many of these people have a hard time returning the favor.
2017-02-13 14:59:58 UTC
Because are morons
2017-02-13 10:52:04 UTC
daily house water cup map
Mir Quasem
2017-02-13 03:29:58 UTC
Disagree.Only few perverted members of ISIS do not represent the entire Muslim world.
Bear In Mind
2017-02-13 00:27:07 UTC
Most likely because most Conservatives are against Muslims. I honestly believe it's that simple.
2017-02-12 23:54:46 UTC
Be careful with the blanket statement here: not all Muslims act this way. There are many muslims who disapprove of what's going on in the Middle East. The liberals are trying to make our president see that not all muslims are like the ones who are terrorizing the world.
2017-02-12 23:28:58 UTC
Because you can't fix stupid...
2017-02-12 12:42:55 UTC
Well firstly do you think its right to judge and generalize everyone? How does that make any sense. Most Muslim men & women want human right laws, equality, freedom of religion and women rights in their country BUT its not their fault their country is run by brutal corrupt dictators who don't care about improving the country economically or laying down rights for everyone. If YOU have a problem with Saudi, Iran, Egypt or whatever, then go to those countries and speak to the LEADERS directly! not the ordinary citizens who have nothing to do with how their country is run.

Islam was one of the first religions to give women rights. Women 1400 years ago didn't have no rights at all and a lot of baby girls were buried alive, did you know that? When the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad, he improved the rights of women making it compulsory for all women to study, to be able to work and run their own businesses if they choose to (many of his wives did), to marry when they are ready and to be able to choose their own husband when before they were forced into getting married, women are also given a dowry when they marry but the husband cant take it back, when before families would sell their daughters off to the highest bidder. Other rights included the right to vote, divorce, inherit and own property. Muhammad himself always use to listen to his wives, he never raised his voice at them, never hit them, respected them and confided in them, he was best friends with his wives and told all Muslim men to treat their wives the same way. If Muslim men don't follow these rules laid down in the Qur'an and Hadiths then its not the fault of the religion, its the fault of Muslim men.

As for homosexuality, it is a sin in Islam and most Muslims disagree with it, if they don't want it in their own country, you've got no right pushing them to have these rules as its their own country and they can have any rule they want.

Unlike in Christianity and Judaism, in Islam you have to have 4 witnesses who have seen you commit the homosexual act and the chance of that is 1 in a million....

Gays and Trannies who want to carry out those acts should just move to the West.

HOWEVER Muslims who do come to live and work in the West should respect the rights of homosexuals and trannies.
2017-02-12 12:34:09 UTC
Why do you sympathize with Judaism and Zionist so much?
2017-02-12 11:40:16 UTC
Why generalise? I could quite easily say that all Christians are homophobics that don't believe in Science when that's obviously not true.
2017-02-12 03:42:16 UTC
They don't do that here
2017-02-12 02:01:02 UTC
The simple fact is that are liberal frenz just aren't very bright, so they don't even know that they're doing this.

Yes, of course it's sad and pathetic, but given what their moms and their "teachers" did to 'em, it's understandable.
2017-02-15 17:59:53 UTC
I think that the Liberals are just protesting for the sake of protesting,,, Muslims just happen to be the flavor of the day,, Muslims in general aren't bad people it is the Radical Muslims that are bad,,, The only problem is no one can tell by looking at a Muslim which one are the radical and which aren't
2017-02-15 02:22:20 UTC
They hate President Trump and they don't even know why. If you don't believe me,ask one of them why they hate Trump and then watch them hum and haw for 5 minutes and then come up with some lame answer.
2017-02-13 22:09:06 UTC
Radicalism in the religion of Islam is practice by only a minority of the Muslim population. Don't let the vile actions of a few shape how you see the entire group as a whole.

Anyone can take any sort of religion and make it into something far beyond the faith's foundation principles: i.e., radical Christians such as the Nazi's, the KKK, and those jackasses at Westboro Baptist Church. Because of the actions of these evil people, and by your logic, should we view everyone of Christian faith as nothing more than a racist, homophobic bigot, whose life mission is to condemn and eventually exterminate everyone who doesn't share the same beliefs as they do or look the same as they do?

NO ONE is condoning radical Islam and the violation of human rights carried out by it's followers. I'm defending the vast majority of Muslims who peaceful and that are entitled to the same basic human rights and fundamental American freedoms that you and I have.
2017-02-13 18:26:06 UTC
Conservatives violate the rights of women and homosexuals daily, as well you know.
2017-02-13 16:30:36 UTC
Because they are hypocrites
2017-02-13 02:55:43 UTC
Because all libtards and muslims are crazy and they ALL hate the U.S. Constitution and democracy.
2017-02-12 23:21:24 UTC
We need all the help we can get. that s why!
2017-02-12 21:35:57 UTC
cause we smarter
2017-02-12 17:41:47 UTC
Why do cons defend the GOP and Trump when they violate the rights of women and homosexuals daily. Liberals are not defending the Muslim practice of discriminating against women. They are defending the first amendment rights of all Americans, and those rights include the right to be a Muslim. Besides, here in America we can make laws against discrimination against women and homosexuals. If Christians, muslims or any other people violate those laws, then they can be punished by the courts. Therefore, banning Muslims does nothing to protect women's rights. Banning discrimination against women and Muslims would protect the rights of all Americans, regardless of their religious believes, or lack thereof.
2017-02-12 17:06:28 UTC
I dont, but regressive far-left ones do.

I only think they have a right to believe what they want, just like christians,

When they try to infuse our government or destroy the native culture... that's when counter-action needs to be made.
2017-02-12 15:49:20 UTC
definitely a perverted view of rights of people
2017-02-12 14:44:53 UTC
Becasue they love the fact that Muslim's kill the hated Christian enmasse..."the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
2017-02-12 14:12:49 UTC
maybe because that's their politics?
Radical Marxist
2017-02-12 13:55:54 UTC
Most people are born into their religion. It's important to distinguish true believers from people who inherit their religion. There's many "Muslims" who oppose the kind of anti-gay views and sexism that you're talking about.

Sadiq Khan, the "Muslim" mayor of London, voted for gay marriage.

I think most liberals would care less if anti-Muslim people made more of a distinction between Muslims by heritage and genuine believers. However too many of the anti-Muslim people are too racist and bigoted to do that.
2017-02-12 13:22:33 UTC
That's just one of the ironies in liberal policy. Just look at the latest "Saturday Night Live" skits featuring comedian Melissa MacCarthy portraying White House Press Secretary Spicer. Liberals think it's funny and emasculating to have a woman play the male Press Secretary, but at its basic level, the whole concept is actually misogynist! MacCarthy's version of Spicer is the left's way of saying he behaves like a woman having a hissy fit, which is in itself a misogynist caricature of women!

"SNL" is encouraging viewers to laugh at women - through the mean-spirited stereotype of women - by applying it to a man. (It's akin to telling a boy baseball player he "throws like a girl", with the understanding that everyone listening "knows" that to throw like a girl is not good.) SNL and the left are mocking all women when they employ hissy-fit stereotypes to mock a man. It's consistent with their embracing and protecting of islam when the very core of islam calls for the silencing and subjugation of women and the punishment or even death of the sort of deviants on the left that are defending them today!
2017-02-12 10:45:42 UTC
Because it's no different than saying Christians violate rights of homosexuals daily, but that would be labeling everyone who is a Christian as doing that when it's not true. All religion is bull ****. If we stop allowing Muslims in, then we have to stop everyone who isn't an Atheist essentially.
2017-02-12 09:43:13 UTC

Well what would you expect from people that support the likes of this?.........
American Patriot
2017-02-12 05:36:53 UTC
i dont know either man, muslims are the opposite if liberals so it makes no sense but then again neither do liberals
Rand Paul/Ted Cruz
2017-02-12 05:34:23 UTC
Because most Muslims vote democrat, and they want to use whoever will give their party the most votes.
2017-02-12 02:09:44 UTC
Because liberals are an anti-white, anti-Christian hate group, and they will side with anyone they think will side with their hatred.
2017-02-16 03:05:39 UTC
They don't, but I'm sure YOU violate those rights daily.
k w
2017-02-15 00:11:20 UTC
spoken like a true COMMUNIST.....want to go to russia , douche bag ?
2017-02-14 20:12:04 UTC
Whaaat???? The question makes no sense at all. Can you please rephrase it in the form of an intelligent question. Thank you.
2017-02-13 23:28:09 UTC
1 Not allowing Muslims into the US is not helping women or homosexuals. It only encourages discrimination.

2 There are more Christians who are starting to show their true colors by passing laws and openly stating that women and some others should not be treated fairly by quoting scripture incorrectly to support their claim-women also are choosing to be treated as second -class beings.

3 Liberals/Democrats want what is BEST for everyone! Without regard for birth, circumstances or choices.

4 ALL immigrants HAVE BEEN screened for 2 years and in 7 steps to get to come to the US. Some of them may have to start over at much cost and safety since Trump decided that it not good enough!

5 President Trump is lying MOST of the time to scare people into trusting him to remake the government as he sees fit! Some has already proved to be unconstitutional and in human. Most of his picks for his cabinet are ironic characters who would DESTROY the office they are elected to.

6 Many Choices Trump has made have nothing to do with protecting us and more to do with ENRICHING the BILLIONAIRES he has chosen for the cabinet. NO laws have yet been addressed to help the poor and it seems that they will be the ones to suffer the most.
2017-02-13 17:42:43 UTC
Because liberals are incapable of thinking with reason and logic; they are ruled by emotion. The so-called "values" of liberals directly contradict the so-called "values" of Muslims, such as persecution of women, homosexuals, honor killings, genital mutilation of girls, etc. However, since liberals hate Donald Trump as do Muslims they are willing to overlook those things. It is a classic case of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
2017-02-13 17:01:26 UTC
Because the liberals love rapist and liberal women want covert unknown sex. I would laugh my head off Arabs male refugee rapes privilege white *** women. This coming from white dude complaining about his stupid white privilege women. I would throw rape refugee condoms just which them rape liberals just so they learn not every one gets along. Plus conservative gays would throw liberal gays into crowd of nasty muslim hating refugee that in their cultural throw gays off roof tops. And watch liberal gays learn the hard way. It sad when that happens but liberals need to be burn and scorch before they learn.
2017-02-13 16:36:55 UTC
God knows!
2017-02-13 14:46:02 UTC
Their thinking is twisted. They listen constantly to fake news on CNN and other lunatic left news media and cannot think for themselves. They divert issues, e.g. making keeping out terrorists a freedom of religion issue. Such rationalization is criminally irresponsible. We must stop murderers from coming here to kill some of us. Wanting to eliminate Muslim terrorists is not condemning Islam.
2017-02-13 14:40:20 UTC
Thr more turmoil the better
2017-02-13 09:31:11 UTC
They are basically desperately unhappy people, and, you know how unhappy people are?........the grass is always greener in the next this case. Islam is he next paddock.......and when they finally get there, they will realize to their dismay that that paddock looked green because it is full of poison weeds...
Katie Stetson
2017-02-13 06:01:23 UTC
Because it's not all Muslims
2017-02-13 05:32:00 UTC
I am a liberal and I do not defend Muslims for abusing the rights of homosexuals or women.... I do not think many liberals would defend that. Where did you get the idea that liberals defend Muslims when they abuse homosexuals or women??? I am assuming you are talking about Liberals not supporting Trumps ban. If that is the case, then the reasoning we do not support the Muslim ban, is our constitution. Our constitution supports religious freedom. As Americans (not as liberals or conservatives) we cannot pick a religion and say you cannot enter our country because you don't treat your women with respect. We cannot apply a blanket ban to an entire group of peoples, just like we cannot make a blanket statement about an entire group of peoples. Would it be okay to say Christians are (all) Murders becasuse during the Crusades Christians murdered many innocent peoples. There are many Christians who have murdered people, in the past, and recently. Does this mean we can label ALL Christians as Murders? NO. We cannot/We Should not. Just because there are some bad apples in the basket, doesnt mean you should throw out the entire basket. This is common sense. This is why The Founding Fathers would not single out specific religions and say, There are ALOT of Muslims who abuse their women (which is the truth, mind you... alot of Muslim men are abusive) (But alot of Christian men are abusive to their women also, does that make all Christians bad?) ..... You can go so far as to say it is in their Koran to treat women poorly, and I would agree. In the Koran, women are to be treated very poorly, and their Sharia law is despicable!! ... However much I may disagree with Islam, and I do disagree with Islam very much. I think it is an ugly religion! Muhammad, their founder was a pedophile. That is historical fact. I think it is disgusting that they would call someone who would have sex with a 9 year old little girl, it is sick they would call that person a prophet of God. With all that said, it is in our constitution to allow religious freedom! As long as in that religion it is not breaking any of our national laws. So Muslims have to adapt their religion to our national laws, that is a fact of life. Muslim men cannot marry, here in the USA, a 9 year old girl. While we as a nation can enforce our national laws when applied to individual peoples, we cannot make a blanket ban on an entire religion. It is unAmerican, it is against the constitution. Without the constitution, we would not have religious freedom, we as Christians would not be able to worship Jesus Christ. Who knows what kind of theocracy we mind have had, had our Founders had said only XYZ religion may be practiced. It would likely be some kind of Puritan Christian barbarity if that were the case. Thank God, Thank Christ that our founding fathers had the knowledge not to make a blanket ban of an entire religion, even if that said religion (in this argument Islan) has some ugly beliefs. And Yes Islam has, in my opinion, ugly beliefs. It is not however, up to the governement to decide what religion is right or not. ..... THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME BEING LIBERAL, IT HAS DO DO WITH THE FACT I AM AMERICAN AND I BELIEVE IN OUR CONSTITUTION. I do not agree with Islam, but as long as they follow our national laws, then I welcome them, as should you.
2017-02-13 03:05:57 UTC
I wonder the same thing
Nick Danger
2017-02-13 00:51:47 UTC
I'll bet a silice of bacon it's because not one of them have read the Koran/Quran. Especially the parts about killing gays, and using women as slaves.
2017-02-13 00:20:06 UTC
because although it may be a common thing for some muslims, we wish to defend the right of freedom of religion. We don't care about religion, we care about assholes.
2017-02-12 16:26:23 UTC
Why does it matter anyway? Muslims, Blacks, Latinos ... there's always going to be someone people want to judge.
2017-02-12 12:45:54 UTC
In the US, Muslims have to follow the laws that protect women and homosexuals. If not they get to go to jail , just like anyone else.

Note; Some so called "Christians" are just as bad as their Muslim counterparts.
2017-02-12 05:57:47 UTC
Well, I'm not saying this is why liberals are doing it, but I think it's fair to say that most of the Muslims that NeoCons and Zionists are specifically demonizing are actually the ones resisting ISIS right now, and that NeoCons and Zionists have had ISIS planned since the 80s. Hell, most of the soldiers in ISIS are mercenaries, some Israelis and some Americans are even in ISIS. America is funding all the bad muslims and killing all the good ones, and although it's a bipartisan conspiracy, the NeoCon Zionist Right is the pants wearing master mind in this endeavor.

So if we have a problem with refugees and terrorists, it's because we funded the terrorists and over threw the secular nations that protected the rights of women, christians, homosexuals, ferrets, etc.

Now, why do liberals do it? Well not all of them do. But those who do, some of the reasoning is this-that although the radical elements of Islam are more dangerous than far right Christians, far right Christians are more close and in charge. Also they have more guns and a better military, and tend to be in bed with the police. Far Right Christians, especially in the South, have had the reputation for the most recent things like racism and bigotry in the recent memory of America. They have a history, and quite frankly I think some lefties are feeling that America will always look for a boogy man like radical Islam so that 1) they have a reason to go to war with somebody and 2) they can say "See? We're not as bad as Saudi Arabia? See?"

Personally I lean right but I'm fed up with the Zionists, the NeoCons, and Military Industrial complex. I say this as a veteran who was intel, man. I'm tired of it. We're allies with the worst dictators and terrorists. For every terrorist we might kill, we kill 50 innocent civilians, and they tend to be countries that just disarmed, had no connection to 9/11, and have resources we want or looked at Israel funny. It's ****** up, man.
2017-02-12 04:53:09 UTC
who sez THAT?

NOTALL MUSLIMS.SSSSS skp,,,not all muslims,,,,,skp kaskip,,not all ,muslims,,sssssss skip.not a;;,skip,,,,,ssssssssss skip not all muslims,,skipka skip.....not all ,muslims NOTALL MUSLIMS.SSSSS skp,,,not all muslims,,,,,skp kaskip,,not all ,muslims,,sssssss skip.not a;;,skip,,,,,ssssssssss skip not all muslims,,skipka skip.....not all ,muslims NOTALL MUSLIMS.SSSSS skp,,,not all muslims,,,,,skp kaskip,,not all ,muslims,,sssssss skip.not a;;,skip,,,,,ssssssssss skip not all muslims,,skipka skip.....not all ,muslims NOTALL MUSLIMS.SSSSS skp,,,not all muslims,,,,,skp kaskip,,not all ,muslims,,sssssss skip.not a;;,skip,,,,,ssssssssss skip not all muslims,,skipka skip.....not all ,muslims you dems are a broken record,,sss kaskip you dems are a brok,,kaskip skp,,,,,you dems are broke,,,,skp skp skp.....ssssssss
2017-02-12 02:01:22 UTC
Your usage of the pronoun ''they'' is wrong.

Islam is not a monolithic bloc. You can no more assume the Muslim you just met is in favour of Isis or Saudi Wahhabism than you can just assume every White man supports the KKK.
2017-02-16 04:45:29 UTC
not all muslims do that
2017-02-15 06:28:39 UTC
Are all Muslims the same? I think not but sadly only the extremists make good TV. In any case, it would be a good idea not to generalize as we are all unique individuals regardless of colour, class or creed
2017-02-14 20:49:29 UTC
Well, not all muslims are homophobic/sexist. Just because they follow a certain religion doesn't mean that they're a bad person. A lot of muslims aren't like that, really. Saying they are is a big generalization.
2017-02-14 20:16:05 UTC
It is not the isolated thought to defend primarily Muslims but to defend freedom and freedom of assembly and religion and to think and live freely
2017-02-14 16:21:18 UTC
who knows
2017-02-13 23:47:59 UTC
Because they're not hypocrites. Christianity is just as sexist and homophobic as Islam yet nobody discriminates against Christians so they see no reason to discriminate against Muslims if they're fine with Christians like everyone else.
2017-02-13 21:27:37 UTC
Because, reactionary movements.
2017-02-13 14:53:00 UTC
Because of the wonderful things he does.
Barney Google
2017-02-13 12:58:07 UTC
They are not by your say, immoral or like, 'uncooperative.' OR phobic. A person reacts with the gut, their kindness and mindfulness.. If you vote with your hate, you are flat-out busted. Get your priorities in order, honor your brother.
2017-02-13 06:13:22 UTC
they are terrorists .
2017-02-13 03:29:52 UTC
Making all Muslims your enemy makes 1.6 billion enemies. We need to cultivate our relationship with moderate Muslims.
2017-02-13 02:53:40 UTC
Because they choose to believe that most Muslims don't follow what's actually written in the Quran, which makes them victims of unjustified scrutiny and contempt.
2017-02-13 02:38:54 UTC
I don't think you know what islam is.
2017-02-13 01:44:53 UTC
They hate Jesus and they are possessed
2017-02-12 17:22:06 UTC
Because two wrongs don't make a right.
2017-02-12 11:41:03 UTC
Because like women and homosexual, Muslims deserve to not be discriminated against.
2017-02-12 09:53:41 UTC
Because their puppet masters dictate the pecking order, and they are too mindless to question it.
2017-02-12 07:45:16 UTC
They have to follow the party line or stand.
2017-02-12 06:16:43 UTC
This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day. It said "Gays for Muslims." Like do they not realize that in most Muslim countries they'll execute you in public for being gay? I believe in Pakistan, they'll hang you if you're simply caught with another man in your bed room.
2017-02-12 03:04:08 UTC
Liberals are discracful . Muslims are reportable . Get them . Out
2017-02-17 01:20:15 UTC
Because liberals really want to be dominated and made into slaves. It is how their brains are wired.
2017-02-14 21:00:14 UTC
you don't have the right to talk abou muslims
2017-02-14 18:08:33 UTC
They're also known to defend the rights of Nazis and their ilk, so they're being consistent.
Ethan Newton
2017-02-14 15:40:55 UTC
Liberals don't understand the difference between condoning and loving someone despite their wrong doings or sin. see I can love muslims and pray for them, but whole heartedly not agree with their customs, religion, hate crimes... liberals just want to believe that because we are smart enough to open our eyes and see that how muslims treat women.. and children and homosexuals is evil.. sharia law is evil. See my God wants me to love everyone. He would not have me to commit a crime against anyone whether gay or straight, black or while, whatever religion... he doesn't even want me to hate my biggest enemy.. instead he wants me to love them and to pray for them. That's what liberals don't see. They'd rather see a Muslim kill a gay than a Christian pray for them. That's sad.
2017-02-14 03:06:35 UTC
because us guys can't get pussy laid in amerika so wtf anything goes mother-foiker, okay?
2017-02-13 23:28:14 UTC
Firstly Muslims do not violate rights of women. Islam is a religion muslims are people who are followers of Islam. If muslims choose to not follow Islam correctly that does not mean the whole of the Muslim community are all the same. Talking about homosexuality Christians are also against the homosexual some people with non religious views are against homosexuals. Non Muslims have been known to terrorise homosexuals. Non muslims have been known to violate women's rights. You seem to be lacking knowledge. Non muslims have also caused terrorist attacks people are people don't blame religion for people's actions. There are many people who have religious beliefs but some may be radical or just true believers. Some christians can be extremists just like some muslims can be extremists. Humans are humans blaming a religion is almost like making excuses for what someone has done wrong
Sharon S
2017-02-13 19:23:53 UTC
because they are crazy
2017-02-13 16:15:10 UTC
At the most basic level,the liberal is anti-God,he/she is an intellectually dishonest,unprincipled,and mentally immature spoiled child who is forever in search of a world without moral consequence. That is why the liberal makes "The State" his/her god. The liberal worships The State. The liberal attempts to use his/her god(government) to eliminate all moral consequences for immoral behavior,"In the name of justice. The liberal vainly imagines that freedom from moral consequence can be secured by a collectivist,totalitarian state.
2017-02-13 14:43:44 UTC
Liberals do not defend Muslims when they violate rights of women and homosexuals daily
2017-02-13 07:21:43 UTC
You're probably a homosexual.
2017-02-13 03:47:09 UTC
We have Mormons in Utah marrying many young girls who wear weird clothes, cover their heads with weird pilgrim hats and we don't help those girls. We have other weird cults in America - does that mean we're all in cults forcing young teenagers to marry creepy old men? Neither are all Muslims creeps. Many are educated and nice normal people.
2017-02-13 02:27:33 UTC
Get your facts right. Stasticslly speaking, none of those banned Muslim countries committed a crime.
2017-02-13 01:49:26 UTC
2017-02-13 01:21:11 UTC
I do not defend them
2017-02-12 19:17:24 UTC
Kill homosexuals they do... I agree. But one isn't bad for not agreeing with gay marriage

Rights of women? I'm not saying I'm for stoning, but you make it seem that makes it oppresing women. The Muslims are horrible not because of women alone, they're just horrible to each other. Men, women, children, doesn't matter.

This is nothing but a feminist argument. Just cause you don't wanna give rights to women doesn't mean you hate them. Not giving women rights isn't the same as treating blacks, "bro"-saying Hispanics, Italians, like garbage or treating tomboys and autistics like garbage. The crimes Muslims do to anyone caught doing adultery is horrible, don't get me wrong. I am against Islam altogether.

Now on conservatives, I agree it's kinda hypocritical for women to complain they got it bad, when Islamic countries don't even give them the right to drive. Liberals are contradictory, if not necessarily hypocritical

But this feminist nonsense needs to stop. Feminism went too far. I'm not saying I'm against women having positions and jobs, necessarily, but someone isn't bad for that. "Sexism" is NONSENSE
2017-02-12 17:44:56 UTC
Don't even bother asking this kind of question... Liberals are too blind and naive to even their own thoughts to answer this accurately. The real reason is, in reality when we consider logic, you wouldn't support them. They're from a different country and they need to stay there. They do not value and believe in the same standards as Americans do. Which is going to lead to some serious problems long-term.
roxxi gurl
2017-02-12 14:45:05 UTC
its not about their beliefs. its about respecting other humans like how we would want to be respected. the bible even has anti-woman scriptures in it. Christians pick and choosee what to follow in their boook
2017-02-12 14:32:44 UTC
... because "liberals" heads are pickled with an ideology call "cultural relativism" which means basically all cultures are equal just different. So where women are stoned to death is just different to Britain or America. The "liberals" hate the West every bit as much as Jihadists. Ask any "Liberals" just how many terrorist attacks will it take for them to rethink. How many more incidents like Cologne on New Years Eve ?. How many more towns like Rotherham ?. The answer will surprise you.
2017-02-12 06:41:31 UTC
Uh so do Christians. Women are not equal to men either. Bible says they must obey their husbands.
2017-02-12 06:22:42 UTC
Simple'..they do not live in the same ghettos, and are not in touch with the real world
2017-02-15 15:40:02 UTC
I'm a liberal atheist and I don't defend Islam because it isn't peaceful. The middle east consistently violates the basic rights of people, and funny that Trump did not include KSA, a nation that consistently ranks as one of the world's ardent violators of free & basic rights. It's funny how Christians talk about the rights of gays and women when for years they vehemently opposed both, but because their support is rising, now they've switched sides, kinda.
2017-02-14 06:23:34 UTC
Why do people defend Americans when all they do is reproduce with family members?
2017-02-14 02:57:26 UTC
That's a very good question. Americans SUPPOSEDLY have freedom or religion, and not every Muslim who immigrates to the U.S. is a terrorist, so to bar someone from immigrating to the U.S. on a RELIGIOUS basis is unconstitutional. I agree with Dina, immigrants from ALL countries should be screened, but I am wondering what is President Trump going to do about the illegals who are already in the U.S.- 28% of the Latinos in the U.S. are here illegally.
2017-02-14 00:50:34 UTC
Not all Liberals defend radicals.
2017-02-13 16:47:43 UTC
That's offensive
2017-02-13 08:37:29 UTC
Why do people defend Christians when they violate the violate the rights of women and homosexuals? Shouldn't we condemn all Christians because of the actions of these few?

The answer is really quite simple: not all Muslims are hateful.
2017-02-13 04:51:26 UTC
I am a Muslim. I am a religious Muslim. And I m telling you that what Muslim women go through in the Middle East is everything but true Islam. Of all the Muslims I have met my entire life (which trust me are a lot) not one has supported the treatment of females in the Middle East. I mean you ve got to be kidding me. Women can t drive in Saudi Arabia but little boys can? They FORCE girls to wear hijab which is screwed up on every level.

I am a hijabi Muslim American, I have gone to my mosque since I was born, and my sheikh (religious leaders) also encourage us to support minorities, including the LGBT community, because even if we disagree with what they believe in, everyone deserves equal rights and opportunities. We have never been taught to force people to anything.

Feel free to comment back if you have any questions, I d be more than happy to answer truthfully :)
2017-02-13 04:06:24 UTC
This election turned me from a middle of the road conservative to a full blown liberal, Trump is a joke and I refuse to be on the same level as him hands down the worst 3 weeks in president never voted for a democrat in my life.
2017-02-13 03:30:04 UTC
liberalism is a mental disorder
2017-02-13 02:55:22 UTC
They are bleeding heart do-gooders and politically correct. They believe they have to help non-whites.
2017-02-13 02:47:53 UTC
Liberals want all people to have rights, regardless of what

their beliefs are. We stand up for war veterans, most of

whom hate gays. We stand up for white trash on welfare, even though

many of them are racist. It does no one any good if the

one group of people devoted to justice and equality picks and chooses

what groups should enjoy these rights.
2017-02-13 00:50:51 UTC
My dear sir, the Republican party is riddled with homosexuals. Trump himself and Putin have a healthy sexual relationship, with Snowden taking up the rear.
2017-02-12 22:24:10 UTC
In case all of you didn't realize, this question is asking about why they love Muslims. The person who asked this wasn't asking about their love for Christians or Jews. Also, I think by liberals, they meant the social justice warriors who hate Christianity. Therefore, saying that Christians and Jews hate women and homosexuals is completely pointless.
2017-02-12 21:38:08 UTC
Liberals are ignorant and only see what they want to see. They ignore facts.
2017-02-12 15:22:22 UTC
They believe Muslims are a race and feel obligated to defend "the poor brown people." They have set low expectations for Muslims, and that, in itself, is very offensive.
2017-02-12 11:13:02 UTC
Liberals are ridiculous
2017-02-12 05:25:07 UTC
Same reason why white people defend Hispanics, and hate blacks
2017-02-12 03:38:23 UTC
Conservatives defend Republicans when they violate the rights of women and homosexuals daily.
2017-02-12 03:30:17 UTC
Well,let's just leave this out there,there are a lot of moderate Muslims,to those are the ones they talk about,they're racists and think that all Muslims are brown,stupidly enough,and treat it like it's a race,despite a Muslim being a person who just practices Islam,afraid of being called racist or bigoted they do things without thinking and then come off as more racist since i mean...they think all Muslims are ******* brown.
2017-02-12 02:45:09 UTC
Why do cons pretend they give two s h i t s about gays like me?
2017-02-16 11:47:57 UTC
All big mass movement all end up being a bore, Eric Hoffer said so.
2017-02-16 07:03:24 UTC
They are stupid
2017-02-15 07:03:11 UTC
I don't think they violate women's rights or homosexuals. You gotta do what you gotta do.
t s
2017-02-15 01:03:40 UTC
I believe that its simple ignorance. The educated left is so ingrained by the saudi manipulation of the edu system here, that they dont believe anything that theyre not told by the edu system. It was the same for me until recently, look for Jay Smith, Pam Geller, and Brigette Gabriel on youtube for clarification. Your grandchilds life depends up on it.
2017-02-14 19:22:53 UTC




a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

Individuals if all races commit crimes
2017-02-14 04:23:43 UTC
The same reason I don't think every conservative is a hillbilly who ***** his sister.
2017-02-14 03:13:24 UTC
Why do conservatives all of the sudden support Russia now that their orange loves them ?
2017-02-14 02:07:41 UTC
I'm a liberal, but also use logic and common sense. Not all liberals are the same. You have the uneducated bunch just like any other group. I'd say they're brainwashed. If you start arguing against facts and your own best interest and refuse to admit when you were wrong then you're no better than a trump supporter. someone else just brainwashed those idiots first
2017-02-13 18:04:15 UTC
Hmm, well let me tell you that in the ******* Bible there was plenty of women and gay bashing! Christians love to ******* pick out all the good parts in that pathetic book and purposely leave out the bad, same with Islam!

****, some Christians like the ******* Amish sexually assault women and only get a slap on the ******* wrist (whatever religion they are they still do it)

Look, all religion is garbage! All of them! The problem is a lot of white Americans want to throw Muslims out of the country because it clashes with their own christian beliefs. I mean if we look back at history the Muslims in north Africa enslaved white Europeans and used religion to justify it (Barbary slave trade) and then Americans used Christianity to enslave blacks.

Problem is whites want to rule the very land they came here with their disease with and killed everyone here for and now they are seeing their very existence coming to an end, or at least shrinking and they can't stand it.

Liberals don't care about religion, they believe it's fake and only care about the good of other people, or in this case the Muslim immigrants! Yo, America was created and built by immigrants, the land before was destroyed by the Europeans.
Eagles fan
2017-02-13 13:57:06 UTC
50% of muslims in US want to live under SHARIA LAW!!! WAKE UP

2017-02-13 11:25:04 UTC
Don't confuse liberals with the progresive left. There is a big difference.
2017-02-13 10:41:06 UTC
If I thought you gave a damn about either I would answer this question
Tia Marie
2017-02-13 01:59:47 UTC
Because, not all Muslims do that sort of thing. Some of them are good people, and some of them are bad people. It's the same with everyone else. We're all different, and also in America everyone has the right to express themselves; as long as what they're doing is not harmful or illegal in any way. That includes religious freedom, whether people agree with it or not. That has been part of the constitution for years, and it will remain a part of it forever; or at least I hope so anyway, since I don't want to live in a country without the freedoms to make my own choices and I'm sure as Hell that many others would agree with me on that. Also, I happen to be both a Christian and a liberal-minded person most of the time. Sometimes, I side with the conservatives but other times I don't and I don't want to get too much into that; but I'm sure you know what I'm saying. This time, I'm going with the liberal side of the debate since it is a civil rights issue when a whole religious group is being criticized for the actions of a few; and I believe that is unfair to do that personally. I look at it this way. I wouldn't want to be misjudged for being a Christian, or having Autism; or any other thing about myself that can be judged, so I usually don't do that to other people unless there's a good reason for it. But, that's very rare and I'm going to stop here since I don't want to accidentally start an arguement. But, you asked for my opinions. So, here they are.
2017-02-13 00:12:55 UTC
I don't remember ever hearing any liberals defending Muslims! Why do you stupid conservative idiots make up so many lies about us??? You must have such sad, empty lives! If we did defend anybody, it makes more sense for us to defend Muslims instead of defending evil, hateful, gun-worshipping jerks like you.
You Know . . .
2017-02-12 23:41:12 UTC
Where do you get your information?!
2017-02-12 17:58:37 UTC
All women should be enslaved to their man
2017-02-12 17:10:04 UTC
As a liberal, I don't know.
2017-02-12 14:50:56 UTC
2017-02-12 14:06:25 UTC
Simple. I don't defend violators of rights. But I do defend people against broad paintbrush characterization. Even cons, although in truth, that is very difficult at times. The individual con is easily shown to be a fool by their own statements. I prefer to think that there are some cons that are actually conservative for justifiable reasons, and not simply from base hatred of "others".
mark m
2017-02-12 11:35:39 UTC
Saying all Muslims mistreat women is like saying all Mormons mistreat women.
2017-02-16 18:35:20 UTC
I think you need to actually meet Muslims they are not as you described. There are parts of the South that do those things to a scale that is infinitely worse than the Middle East,
2017-02-16 00:57:00 UTC
I don't know
Fun Time
2017-02-15 18:08:02 UTC
2017-02-14 19:06:08 UTC
Because they believe the lies that are told on mainstream media that Islam is all about peace and love.
2017-02-14 08:04:56 UTC
because they hate white christian europeans so much that they would help a muslim who violates gay and women rights just to shake the white european but they will fail because nature and specifically God is not something they can tinker with. they do and they will quickly find out how Nature works.
2017-02-13 22:02:32 UTC
Homosexuals have no rights under our god Allah.
2017-02-13 19:46:17 UTC
Conservatives violate the rights of women and homosexuals daily, and you guys get to stay.
2017-02-13 18:58:55 UTC
Thats because as long as your beliefs doont become your actions you have right to be free.muslims have stupid beliefs but not all of them use theirs daily.
2017-02-13 18:05:08 UTC
they wear rose coloured glasses. they see the world in a different light.
2017-02-13 14:59:43 UTC
Libs don't know what the hell they want. I
2017-02-13 14:28:27 UTC
Because it is not fashionable and would not make them more popular - which is the only reason they march against Trump, etc. They know no better and are more to be pitied than mocked.
2017-02-13 12:57:33 UTC
You are an idiot and very judgemental, not all Muslims are like this, most Christians do the exact same.
Andy F
2017-02-13 05:31:33 UTC
I think for 3 .reasons, mainly.

1. the liberals probably believe in the First Amendment to the US Constitution, the one that's supposed to guarantee religious freedom for everybody in this country,

2. many liberals probably also agree with many US military officers th that it would be suicidally stupid for the US government to declare itself at war with 1.3 billion Muslims around the world, since if we end up fighting a religious war against 1.3 billion people, we're likely to lose that war.

3. Many liberals probably reason that Muslims are not the only people to violate the rights of women and gay people. Many supposedly religious Christians and extreme Orthodox Jews do the same thing, and smart liberals tend to notice such hypocrisy.

4. Many liberals probably reason that people like you, who seem dedicated to stirring up hatred against Muslims, are at least as guilty of intolerance as the Muslims you're targeting. Such liberals may be thinking that we can't hope to defeat hate by invoking more hate; that the only effective way to battle hate, including religiously based hate, is with love.

That's kind of what Jesus is supposed to have said in the Bible, actually. And it's what some of the lesser-known Jesus rabbis and religious scholars have taught. And some of the liberals who are refusing to hate Muslims as a group are religious Christians and Jews.

-- democratic socialist in favor of religious freedom for everybody
2017-02-13 02:31:48 UTC
They don't want to face the truth. They want to believe everyone is innocent.
2017-02-13 02:12:54 UTC
I am liberal and I do not defend Muslims, as their very religion is structured to create terrorism. Some are good, but some who turn religious automatically become terrorists.
2017-02-13 01:46:19 UTC
Because they are a muslim themselves. How else would they know what their talking about. Mike
Marlon Reynolds
2017-02-12 21:35:48 UTC
What happens when a Catholic, Mormon, Episcopalian, or Agnostic does the same? Don't they do that with the same regularity? Sometimes that person is a Muslim. I don't know of any liberal that desires to treat any sex or sexual preference in an abusive way.
Mike S
2017-02-12 18:30:50 UTC
As opposed to the Christian owners of assorted religious franchises doing the same as well as undermining the authority of the secular government we are supposed to have?
Special EPhex
2017-02-12 05:22:01 UTC
Because liberal progressivism means assuming the task of defending the indefensible.
2017-02-12 04:40:27 UTC
Because the real agenda is anti-"white" people.
2017-02-16 16:20:52 UTC
You know conservatives might say, "not all gun owners are bad". Well, not all Muslims are bad.
2017-02-16 02:38:52 UTC
They are liberals. They are the most retarded pile of trash to ever be conceived
2017-02-14 21:23:33 UTC
2017-02-14 19:45:27 UTC
So do Christians. And women. And people will brown hair. And middle-class people. And people born in August. And people named Francis.

Regardless of how you divide humanity (whether by religion, politics, economics, or other factors) *every* demographic will have its own problems with ethical violations.
2017-02-14 11:59:12 UTC
Because they're stupid. They also defend Christians and Jews. They think that real Christianity, Judaism and Islam are peaceful and they think that the extremist Christianity, Judaism and Islam are fake versions of those religions.
2017-02-13 23:58:51 UTC
shutup denzel
2017-02-13 22:45:22 UTC
Because they try their hardest not to make the public dislike Muslims all together
2017-02-13 20:56:26 UTC
You can also ask why Muslims associate with liberals since they are patently against everything they represent. It's a marriage made in hell and each party helps advance the others lunatic narrative: That Muslims are Liberals are tolerant people and both will go to whatever lengths it takes to prove it; 1) pretend Islam is a peaceful ideology 2)associate with people who by their own admittance are infidels.
Eric Ingham
2017-02-13 19:15:49 UTC
Because liberals are retarded.
2017-02-13 18:54:24 UTC
islam is a theocracy - not a religion
2017-02-13 09:31:41 UTC
xenophobia at its finest
2017-02-13 03:36:07 UTC
Because people do not all agree with everything about everything. Islam is a religion, female is a gender and homosexual is a sexual orientation. Not all liberals feel the same way about all of these things, and not all defend Muslims while not all violate the rights of those other two groups. The same reason I would guess these liberals you're speaking of do that is the same reason you just lumped us all together.. asshole
2017-02-12 22:23:43 UTC
Because they're retarded and don't give a damn about the people they're suppose to protect
2017-02-12 21:50:37 UTC
Just another example of LIB hypocrisy.
2017-02-12 15:03:39 UTC
well some people try to be muslims when they themselves are atheist and bash every other religion besides islam when they don't believe in God. which doesn't make sense.
2017-02-12 14:50:12 UTC
They don't

2017-02-12 06:11:41 UTC
Why do you keep insisting that only Liberals do?

Do you think every criminal is a Liberal? Do you think everyone who is not Christian is a liberal? Do you know that in the far East that Christians are considered Liberals? Do you know that Christianity is a come lately startup religion?
miyuki & kyojin
2017-02-12 03:11:25 UTC
Liberals are pathetically dumb, not see reality. If they have way, many mass murderers enter USA and kill many people.
2017-02-12 02:16:49 UTC
Conservatives violate rights of women and homosexuals daily. Our own POTUS bragged about it. We do not defend extremists who do not follow Islam. We defend the majority of Muslims who do.
2017-02-12 02:00:10 UTC
#1 Muslims vote Democrat.

#2 Liberals have adopted Muslims as their "new victim of the white man" who must be defended against him.

#3 Muslims vote Democrat.
2017-02-16 23:38:25 UTC
they want people to vote for them
Rony Parkar
2017-02-16 14:47:01 UTC
America is in wrong hands
2017-02-16 06:08:17 UTC
Crazy people do crazy things
2017-02-15 07:24:16 UTC
Because Obama loves it so very much to try and destroy the most peaceful race there is . White people are hated by them because they will never be as good as them . I am black Muslim often wanting to kill myself because I know I am part of a filthy race and religion
Mariam Banaga
2017-02-13 22:22:26 UTC
Ever heard of the saying: "I may not agree with or believe in what you say but I will defend your right to say it". Same concept. You have to realize that not all muslims are the same. I am muslim but I don't violate rights of women; go figure I'm a woman myself and I would never hurt anyone who is homosexual. To me religion is what you make of it, it can be a dangerous tool or a powerful source of spiritiality. Please don't genetalize you might miss out on getting to know some very nice people.

Good day.
2017-02-13 21:31:24 UTC
I would defend Muslims by reminding you that some Muslims aren't misogynists or homophobes.
2017-02-13 20:56:24 UTC
They do it because they don't want to lose the support of the muslim community. The primary goal of the Left is to gain complete political power. Everything else is non-obligatory. The muslim community is designated as an aggrieved minority by the Left thus another group used as pawns in a political chess game. It's a good example of liberal bias. They preach about LGBT rights and woman's rights yet they condone the barbarism Islam promotes against homosexuals and women.
2017-02-13 16:01:40 UTC
They don't.

Criminals and bigots exist on all sides - it behoves everyone to condemn such behaviour no matter who does it.
2017-02-13 05:57:02 UTC
Two reasons: Ignorance & Hypocrisy.
2017-02-13 02:21:41 UTC
Christians also oppress women and homosexuals. But the difference is Christianity also picks on any other religion that worships a different supernatural fairytale than they do. If it's OK for Christians to worship freely, it should be ok for Muslims to do the same, without putting up with nonsense from Christians. Christians have a holy book that says their god is the creator of the universe; muslims also have a holy book that makes the same claim. Neither of these have evidence outside of their books, so to claim either one of them have anymore credibility than the other is total nonsense.
Built for BBC
2017-02-12 22:59:51 UTC
Why? Because they endeavor to appease everyone who isn't a straight white male. Stupidly enough, they defend terrorists, homophobes, murderers, and rapists in the process.
Big Sean
2017-02-12 22:03:01 UTC
I've been asking your question for years because it makes no logical sense. How can the Democrat party proclaim themselves as the champions of Women and Gay Rights when they openly support a religion that egregiously oppresses women and gay people. I guess they just want their votes!!
2017-02-12 21:20:34 UTC
Because what if it's the Jews or the Christians next?
Iain Gannon
2017-02-12 20:13:07 UTC
because everyone is entitled to have and state an opinion even if you do not aggree with them
2017-02-12 20:13:02 UTC
Who knows
2017-02-12 17:14:25 UTC
Because you cons want there to be a massive persecution of and war against Muslims and you assume all Muslims are terrorists even though it's proven that IT"S ONLY A FEW DOING THOSE TERRIBLE ACTIONS WHICH YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Sheesh, should I start stereotyping you cons as well, saying that Christians all believe we should bow down to Donald Trump and destroy women's rights and subjugate minority races like it was the 1950s all over again?
2017-02-12 15:07:04 UTC
It's really just an act of protesting Trump, in any way they can.
2017-02-12 06:46:05 UTC
how bout because Muslims are not specifically gay and/or women
Lord Bacon
2017-02-12 02:07:18 UTC
I have not noticed them defending muslims.

Please will you provide a link to your source.
2017-02-12 02:04:36 UTC
2017-02-27 20:58:28 UTC
Because you shouldn t fight hate with more hate, it ll only validate their original hatred. Although it s optimistic and generated with great forethought in mind, fighting for their rights will hopefully result in greater acceptance overall.
2017-02-16 02:35:44 UTC
Democrat and Republican presidents in the last few years have both taken basically the same attitude to Muslims.

Bombing some of them and sucking up to others for political reasons.

The west is offering women and homosexuals in the middle east the freedom to be blown up by a drone and the freedom to languish in a refugee camp in Turkey.

Attitudes to women and homosexuals in Muslim countries are a lot more nuanced than you are led to believe. Americans also have a wide variety of opinions on these matters, which you can read on Y!A Sweeping generalisations help nobody.

The war (which did NOT start in 2001) is the elephant in the room.

Many conservatives, as well as many liberals, are opposed to it.
2017-02-14 20:40:15 UTC
Because not all Muslims do that. You right wingers talk as if "Muslims" is one individual and if any Muslim anywhere does something then it is as if every Muslim did it.
2017-02-14 04:07:04 UTC
This question is like me asking why many American conservatives dislike muslims when muslims themselves are far right in ideology
2017-02-14 03:50:40 UTC
Yo Christians are stupid. You have a WHOLE different view of Islam. Don't call us terrorists. Isis claims what they're doing (killing,raping, etc) is right and every Muslim should be doing that. While every NORMAL Muslim is praying, is being peaceful, and loves everyone! We're against isis and every terrorist group there is! You're blinded by the media and most of you need to stop DlCKRIDING.
2017-02-13 17:46:24 UTC
Because Muslims and Liberals have one core item in common - they both hate America.
luis l
2017-02-13 10:59:06 UTC
A lot of people vote for the mad bush clan,the worst we get from them,wars,bad economy,fear,hate and bad education?

This people live around before president bush attac them and destroy them.
2017-02-13 09:33:59 UTC
it's lefties who defend them.
2017-02-13 08:47:32 UTC
I am pleased that you have clearly identified the group responsible for ALL of the violation of rights of women and homosexuals, I am just a little concerned about the validity of the data used to reach this conclusion, My reasoning behind this is that I am sure I have seen on TV news that White Christians also commit such crimes
Kermit King
2017-02-13 03:35:46 UTC
Because muslims are people too and deserve equal rights.
Alex T.
2017-02-13 02:50:07 UTC
They want to walk the high road and defend ALL religions, sexualities, races, and genders (at least the 'oppressed' ones) no matter what they believe.
2017-02-13 02:18:38 UTC
Because they are uneducated and radomly complaim about shiť.
2017-02-13 01:16:02 UTC
Liberals are stupid, they feel all conservatives should be more accepting like them yet they can't stand the right wing politics
2017-02-12 22:16:12 UTC
Political Correctness Syndrome. There is no cure.
2017-02-12 21:20:15 UTC
I have no idea. Sounds like the liberals need medication.
2017-02-12 20:52:23 UTC
There are gay and lesbian Muslims and independent Muslim women. You are taking a small minority or what you have seen and using that to generalise an entire religious community. Muslims don't follow the Qur'an word for word in the same way Catholics don't follow the Bible word for word
2017-02-12 05:23:40 UTC
Becausr liberalism is a mental disorder
2017-02-12 04:34:34 UTC
Supposedly they want to preserve people's right to practice whatever religion they want, but the ironic thing is that Islam doesn't even respect that right in other people.
2017-02-12 02:02:19 UTC
Thank you! As a gay guy I don't get it either.
2017-02-12 01:58:47 UTC
They are idiots
2017-02-15 17:11:27 UTC
Personally I am somewhat liberal. There are bad people of every ethnicity, religion, race, etc. I am supportive of Muslims, but of course I am not supportive of radical islamic views. Just in the same way I am not supportive of radical Christian views, or radical jewish views, or anything like that. There are bad things in every holy book- you just have to remember that they are written many years ago, and our present time is different. Some liberals take it too far, and support even the bad people.
2017-02-14 21:04:49 UTC
Liberals do not defend Muslims or any other group specifically. What they do defend is their right to exist and to be different. You don't have to dislike anyone just for being who they are, but no one says you have to like what they do. Just as those who you label as liberals would defend your right to dislike (hate?) Muslims. That is one of your rights. Where your rights end is the violent expression of that dislike. Verbally it is your right to express whatever opinion you want to. That may sound like a wishy-washy way of looking at it, but it beats killing those you don't like. Don't ever forget either you or I could be on the receiving end of hate, but would be protected by the law for what we believe.
2017-02-13 17:04:49 UTC
Thats funny as they treattheir women better than Trump
2017-02-13 15:40:32 UTC
They aren't thinking- at least not for themselves. They defend people whose ideology is opposed to theirs not because of free speech issues but because it's in style!
2017-02-13 14:05:26 UTC
It's not just liberals. Maybe u should wake up to the fact that alot of our own government officials have been trying to deny rights for homosexuals for years. Yet u seem to have a problem with Muslims more than u do your own goverment
2017-02-13 13:58:21 UTC
You're confusing ONE instance with ALL instances. Their are millions of Muslim people living worldwide who are tolerant, kind, even altruistic, that DO NOT violate the rights of women and homosexuals. Just as there are millions of Christians, Hindus, Jews, Ba'hai, Shintoists and others who do not. What you refer to are a MINORITY of people in ALL cultures (Christians included) who are anti-woman, anti-gay, fearful, dogmatic misogynistic cretins. ALL of them are and should be condemned by every civilized society. Fortunately, these people are outliers, and as such they are newsworthy. We tend to HEAR about it when members of a society bar women from driving or voting, or practice genital mutilation or arranged marriages & child slavery. Remember, 300 years ago up to half the world's population was enslaved to the other half, and gay sex was criminal in most of the world up to 30 years ago. Things change for the better, but sometimes more slowly than we'd like. As a liberal, I think anyone who imposes a discriminatory view against ANY segment of society is wrong, and that religious beliefs that contradict the equal protection clause of our constitution or go against the notions of participatory democracy are WRONG and should not be tolerated. I don't believe any institution that practices a dual standard toward women or preached intolerance against any group should be mainstreamed or allowed tax free status.
2017-02-13 08:07:37 UTC
Because they want
2017-02-13 04:25:20 UTC
It appears that 9/11 has created a stereotype that has overlooked reality. There two kinds of Muslims; Muslims that don't believe in aggression and Muslims that want aggression.
2017-02-13 03:25:16 UTC
There worthless ******* real liberalsoon stand against tyranny
2017-02-13 03:21:00 UTC
muslims are evil
2017-02-13 00:26:32 UTC
We muslims dont care what you think of us, US government is a terrorist one just like Israhell
2017-02-12 23:06:33 UTC
They need all the votes they can get.
Armchair Goddess #1
2017-02-12 22:12:16 UTC
Since when does the Melting Pot of the United States of America exclude people based upon their faith choice or their place or origin? Did you happen to know, bigotry-expressing asker, that Muslims were the first successful Capitalists? True. The Qu'ran prohibits greed---something our own greedy-gut CEOs and capitalists could benefit from adopting.

The Muslims of the Middle East who courageously rose in mostly peaceful rebellion to demonstrate, encouraged or inspired by our own strong women---like Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or First Lady Michelle Obama and others of their high-powered ilk---wanted to have "more say in their government"...more democracy, in other words.

Before you blindly "condemn" all Muslims with the implied idea that somehow "Christianity" is more "humane" should read the 2006 book by investigative reporter Michelle Goldberg, "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of 'Christian' Nationalism" as well as the two books written by Harper editor and undercover reporter Jeff Sharlet (2008, 2010) regarding overdone (fanatical) too-far right-wing GOP ideas of "Christianity": "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power" (referring to the Heritage Foundation-tied theocratic-COUP-seeking Sun Myung Moon CULT called "The Family"---our own version of an Al-Qaeda recruitment for those believing gays should be put to death and that power is the be all and end all and must be achieved at all costs); or "C Street: The Threat to American Democracy." Once you have done this research, look up the special from CNN hosted by the very eloquent Fareed Zakaria entitled, "Why Do They Hate Us?" that shows similarity between fanaticism, to include the Old Testament fanatics in control of the modern-day Republican party (and the Heritage Foundation) who accept only a LITERAL interpretation of scripture and who insist on teaching this version exclusively to their "home-schooled from infancy" generations (since Reagan days, as described in Goldberg, 2006)...and the extremist interpretation of the Qu'ran.

We, the American people, in a huge majority, defend the First and the Fourteenth Amendments of our U.S. Constitution----freedoms of and from religion that apply to ALL FAITH CHOICES. We also support the idea of RATIONAL MODERATION, which simply means that we each have rights so long as those rights do not infringe upon the rights of others. You should join us---it is the patriotic, the rational, and the compassionate thing to do.
silence in black and white
2017-02-12 21:25:16 UTC
I don't think you care about either.
2017-02-12 16:39:02 UTC
I wish I knew the same thing. I think it's because Obama was a liberal and defended Islam so they all started doing it.

Also, for the people who are saying this user is generalizing all Muslims, let's face it. If you are a true Muslim, you are for sure sexist. Not all Muslims may be sexist, but they're no different than the people who consider themselves Christian and don't go to church. Not true worshippers
Grinning Football plinny younger
2017-02-12 15:02:55 UTC
I don t defend those Muslims and I dislike all hyprocrites - especially those who claim to be Christian whether - liberal or republican.
2017-02-12 13:36:43 UTC
Idiocy is an equal opportunity mind set. Liberals get in line for it more often than others. They will FEEL good about their unmitigated compassion as their heads are chopped off. I'm not saying ALL Muslims are bad but I haven't seen any Christians, Taoists, Buddhists, Hindis, or any other religion chopping heads off or tossing homosexuals off building tops in the name of their religion. Just saying.
2017-02-12 07:50:08 UTC
Democrat defend Muslim, republican defend Jews, nobody defend USA, your country is left out in this chaos. Remember, being truly an American means to defend the constitution and country not a party or those candidate who represent it. You guys are about to learn this lesson in hard way. When USA will die, so the rest of the free world.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~Abraham Lincoln

P.S Democrat and Republican are two side of the same, what you american left out is yourself. Time is ticking....
2017-02-12 07:13:28 UTC
I disagree with the question. I see conservatives doing this.
2017-02-12 05:45:16 UTC
Because they think more with their emotions than with their minds.

When people say liberal nowadays, they refer to the pious humanitarian liberal who has a coarse utilitarian and limited view of the world.

The original leftists were against religion completely,

Who was Voltaire? Who was Baron D'holbach? Benjamin Franklin? Napoleon Bonaparte? Thomas Jefferson?

These were all the men who wanted to give rise to more democratic forms of government.

Liberals today defend muslims not because of their religion but because they will do so to any human, regardless of beliefs.

This is is because they believe that every human has a pre-ordained phenomenon called "human rights"

This "human rights" is the belief that as a human, regardless of any belief or act, is entitled to certain privileges and benefits in this world
2017-02-16 01:14:45 UTC
It's hypocrisy, I know. Whether the average liberal knows it or not, I'm not sure

But for the higher-ups, it's got nothing to do with "tolerance", my friend.

It's about control
2017-02-15 06:17:18 UTC
Hate based on bias.
2017-02-14 14:56:17 UTC
Not all Muslims are like that, but yes, A LOT of Muslims are like how you described, especially in their own country where Sharia Law takes place. I think some liberals are too "positive" if that makes sense, which makes them act too "hippyish" in nature. That would explain why they defend Muslims, even when they're the "bad type" of Muslim . Some liberals need to learn that peace isn't always an option. I personally think both liberalism and conservatism is just plain retarded though. But, despite our differences, we should all agree on one thing: most religion is bulls*it. Religion is the root of all evil; religion literally created sexism and homophobia, and held us back from scientific advancement, including logical thinking. Dont get me wrong, there are GREAT religious people who think logically, but we must destroy toxic religions and religious leaders that run entire countries.
2017-02-14 03:31:57 UTC
Cuz most church going christians love America. The more they go to church the more they love America which means the less likely they will vote demon rat but the opposite is true for muslims, so they must import a foreign religion that could care less about our constitution, culture, language, laws, whatever & wants to implement sharia law. If it goes against america, they love it. Plus they vote for demon rats in bloc & pretty much when it comes down to it, is all that matters even if they murder other demon rat voters. Muslims are a larger voting bloc than gays anyway & they've pretty much exploited the gay community for all they could anyway victims are needed. Same reason they wanna keep drug dealers & junkies out of prison & an increase of more illegal aliens. Permanent underclass to use & claim as victims of evil america, racist this, racist that, bigot this, bigot that, elect us demon rats to fix it but never doing so, you know, the usual victimization crap.
2017-02-14 00:11:27 UTC
Because most Muslims don't violate women or homosexuals, most Muslims aren't radicals. If you can separate Christianity from the KKK, why can't you separate Islam from ISIS?
2017-02-13 15:20:16 UTC
Because liberals can't think. They just do what they're told!
2017-02-13 10:52:30 UTC
Any Of Those Assholes That Defend Those Groups Of: Atheists, Muslims, LGBTT, Satanists Etc Are The Same Assholes That Deny Any Existence Of The New World Order Conspiracy!!!!....
Kenny - Kidnapped By Rainbows
2017-02-13 05:15:07 UTC
They think Muslims magically change their lifelong intolerance and extreme religious beliefs when they come to the western world but they don't.
2017-02-13 03:49:30 UTC
Because they're Liberals, they don't know any better.
2017-02-13 02:10:30 UTC
They're so politically correct and falsely humanitarian, they contradict themselves.
2017-02-13 01:52:12 UTC
The question should be "why do humans defend the rights of other humans?", because that's what this is. I am an atheist, but some of my closest friends are Muslim. Others are Christian, or Jewish, or Sikh. Why should religion matter in who we "defend" or care for? Being a Muslim doesn't equate to violating others' rights. I have heard more from Christians than Muslims about how LGBTQ+ peoples shouldn't have the right to love who they want. One of the most amazing people I have had the opportunity to get to know is a Syrian refugee who is Muslim. I can say, without a doubt, that he is the most humble, considerate, intelligent and caring individual I know. He was still in high school when he watched his city and upper-middle class lifestyle get torn apart. He was imprisoned and tortured by his own government for trying to document the tragedies Syria was facing. Although only in his 20s, he has achieved more than most ever will. He champions the rights of girls getting an education, and strives towards equality for all. There are going to be bad people in every religion (or lack thereof), but please, look beyond these few to see the rest, and maybe, just maybe, your view will change.
Judy Hicswa
2017-02-13 01:39:09 UTC
Not ALL muslims jerkoff
2017-02-12 22:58:54 UTC
You are prejudging a entire group of people because of the actions of a few. And that is wrong.
2017-02-12 21:14:04 UTC
all islamic people are individuals. the conservative mind is to limited to grasp that. The conservative mind is polarized into us and them. on every scale untill some bigger force shows up. In new york city the police were conservatives the fire men were conservatives and polarized in their view of each other.Not even one single radio channel between the groups direct, when the trade centers fell they stood around and wanted to work together all the sudden, but there was no communcations between the polarized groups they watch hundreds of their friend die hellish miserable deaths. I strongly suspect they have long forgotten, the old polarized view of the other party, and now they are against some one else.
2017-02-12 19:07:01 UTC
the rights of people are violated every day

most of the violating aint done by muslims, but by so called christians

you want to defend christians?
2017-02-12 16:21:58 UTC
In their undying hatred for America, the left will ally themselves with their own oppressors and murderers. They not only don't have a peep against the oppression...and MURDER of women and gays, they support the muslims. This is why that must not be taken seriously in any debate. There is not feminist or gay rights movements in the Middle East except Israel and who do they hate, Israel,
2017-02-12 08:50:24 UTC
Note, there is a big, very important distinction between saying things like "we should not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few radicals" and in any way agreeing with the actions of said radicals.
2017-02-12 08:35:43 UTC
Because they think they are doing right by supporting these people but what they are really doing is supporting sexism. Violence, child abuse, and prejudice. Those things are what the Islamic are about.
2017-02-12 02:21:31 UTC
Don't pretend you cons give a **** about women and gays.
2017-02-12 02:14:32 UTC
It's odd that you look at it as "liberals defending Muslims". I look at it as defending the Constitution. That was something conservatives used to do until they became Neo-conservatives. And it's odd you don't know that Muslim Americans who violate American civil laws will be punished under American laws, as they should be. No one is defending criminal behavior and when you say that, you sound extremely foolish.
2017-02-16 13:09:22 UTC
My question is why do self-hating white women abandon the traditional family, and breed their own kind out of existence? The self-haters choose extinction.
2017-02-16 01:00:23 UTC
Not all Muslim's are sexist or homophobic. Many Muslim's are very open minded. I could ask the same thing about Christians.
2017-02-15 01:49:37 UTC
because liberals are dirty scums
2017-02-14 07:09:08 UTC
Public schools do not teach children how to think. Corporations, Hollywood, and New York create their culture.
2017-02-13 22:55:44 UTC
They are fools
2017-02-13 22:28:55 UTC
Because they don't believe you should generalize any group of people. There are people of every religion that kill and hate in the name of their religion so why should the Muslim faith be any different? I have 2 college friends that are female (twins) and are the only ones in their family who choose to practice their faith and even choose to wear hijabs. They are the kindest people I've met and college and every time I hang out with them, without fail, someone comes up to them and either rips off their hijabs or just throws verbal hate at them. They never even talk about their religion to me unless I ask because we all believe that people are free to practice their religions and shouldn't force them upon others. (I'm a Christian that goes to church 4 times a week.) They even recommended me an amazing Christian church that they had once visited with a friend of theirs.

I've also seen people go up to some of my other friends like once, one of my friend was harassed in public, called a terrorist, and that he should go back to the country he was from. This woman, followed him yelling these things. He's a VENEZUELAN Catholic that was born and raised in Nashville! But because he had darker skin and black hair she assumed he was Muslim. It's become a race thing as well which makes it even MORE of a problem.

I believe their should be background checks and such for incoming immigrants but liberals defend Muslims because this problem of physical abuse, verbal abuse, and even cases of death against "Muslims" is affecting innocent lives of those who are Muslim and non Muslim children and adults. Something America has repeatedly done against different groups of people and yet still hasn't learned from past mistakes.

Also assuming liberals defend muslims is a generalization. I know a couple of liberals that have the same ignorance towards them as some Republicans. There are even Republicans that defend Muslims. I know someone fought in Afghanistan as part of our Army's infantry. He said they fought alongside some Afghani troops with some of them being of Muslim faith. He says he's not against muslims, he's just against those who use Islam as a reason to do awful things. (like people of other faiths do). He's for a lot of the Republican views like the temporary ban, not allowing Syrian refugees, and such but doesn't back it up because he believes they're all bad. He just doesn't want the bad ones to come in and make his home the same battlefield he left.
2017-02-13 21:44:21 UTC
You guys no nothing about Muslims and Islam. I want let you know that Muslims have never violated rights of anyone but have provided and defended the rights of everyone. Islam is the religion which has given more and more respect to women so how Muslims could violate right of women?. I invite you guys to read Quran and Hadith so that you guys could know know about Islam.
2017-02-13 02:39:39 UTC
they dont
2017-02-13 00:07:20 UTC
i don't think all iiberal's violate rights of women and homosexuals daily?, and i don't see what it's got to do with defending muslim's anyway
2017-02-12 22:30:21 UTC
Do we?
2017-02-12 21:41:52 UTC
It is because their paid desposable useless idiots. There are not many of them left just so you know. Goerge Soros now pays people money to pretend to be them. I have seen their true numbers. In the protests, their are only 13 people per city who still believe CNN's hate rhetoric. The reason why they defend them is simple. CNN paints them as harmless puppy dogs who could not hurt a fly who are abused by their masters and need to be saved. I bet the mainstream media goes by that maddo. "Pretend their harmless abused puppy dogs" is what they probably tell themselves before reporting the news to the masses.
2017-02-12 18:00:48 UTC
I'm muslim and I think all people need to be treated the same.

And Anti-islam animals, please go **** yourself.
2017-02-12 16:37:48 UTC
Because they are f u c k ing stupid.They dont know anything about life
2017-02-12 16:35:22 UTC
As if you Republicans are the defenders of LGBT rights.
2017-02-12 16:31:33 UTC
Why do conservatives defend Christians when they violate the rights of women and homosexuals daily? I have been told that I'm going to hell because I'm gay, multiple times by Christians. My Muslim and Hindu friends have never judged me for being me. If you are using religion as your argument for your hatred, it isn't the religion speaking because religion teaches compassion, love, tolerance, and acceptance.
2017-02-12 11:59:17 UTC
Liberals defend them because they behead Christians, they don't care what they do to women and queers.
2017-02-12 09:44:16 UTC
They are both oppressed by the greatest cancer of all ----western society!
2017-02-12 07:26:56 UTC
Liberals do not care how they destroy the USA. They just want to destroy it.
2017-02-12 07:02:40 UTC
I dealt all Muslims violate the rights of women and homosexuals daily. What about people of other races and religions? Because we want to live in the world where everyone love one and other and get along. We're sick of people hating one another. And there is all kind of being who's homophobic. Your question doesn't make sense. What about you people attacking Muslims?
Comrade Bolshev
2017-02-12 05:57:04 UTC
We don't, you brainwashed moron. We defend the rights of children under bombardment, the rights of women from shitholes like yours to shitholes like Pakistan, the rights of the poor, the rights of workers on vile contracts, etc etc, ie the human rights legislation to which your filthy country is not a signatory.

Go away and eat another giant hamburger, and I hope it chokes you.
2017-02-16 07:11:50 UTC
Liberals are always liberal. They cannot be illiberal with anyone - even those violating others' rights.
2017-02-15 04:38:20 UTC
Danny James
2017-02-14 14:49:20 UTC
Why do conservatives defend Donald Trump when he OPENLY violates women, homsexuals, transgendered, POC... This piece of cr4p even mocked a disabled reporter...

How much damage has Christianity caused over the last couple thousand years huh? Holy wars? Burning at the stake? "heretics" ?? Slaughter in the name of the Bible... slavery justified by the Bible and the list goes on...

not to forget the IRA Catholic bombings in Ireland in the 80's just in case you forgot Christianity also breeds terrorism

Religion in general is BS if you ask me
Gaia’s Garden
2017-02-14 03:22:45 UTC
I don't like Sharia Law. However, many Muslims (most?) don't follow Sharia. Taking away rights of people in order to stop them from taking away other people's rights is not the way to handle it though.
2017-02-14 01:34:54 UTC
Not all people who follow muslim faith are extremists. Many places that are Christian do the same things against gay, women, children, ect. Any religion in extreme is the same that way, but what is untrue is that everyone now seems to believe that people who are muslim are all extremists in their views and monsters and Christian is laid back and moral. There are just as many violent verses in the Bible as the Quran.
2017-02-14 01:22:18 UTC
I truly do not know, but as people get older they become more conservative.
2017-02-13 23:48:40 UTC
Yeah you are talking about the Sunni part of Islam, hate to tell you this but just because they're the majority, doesn't mean Islam itself is brutal. They don't follow actual Islamic rules and have even changed the Qu'ran to their liking. However, in the Shia part of Islam, they give women more rights that Christianity and Judaism do. I should know, since I grew up in a Shia Muslim country and am a Shia Muslim. While the older generations of Shia muslims don't support gays, they aren't going to kill them because of that. Sorry to break it to you, but you should definitely research more and ask ACTUAL Muslims about Islam and the different parts of it
2017-02-13 19:53:50 UTC
Lol apparently some people think that if some Muslims treat some group poorly, every single one feels the same and that we should treat them all like we treat the select few that should be frowned upon.
2017-02-13 16:47:11 UTC
liberals are about inclusiveness, even for savages.
2017-02-13 12:04:05 UTC
Unfortunately most of things told about Islam and Islamic issues aren't correct but western people have been hearing these things for a long time and it's difficult to change their mind but I need to say that Islam Never violates rights of women at all.and this has been emphasized in holy I said most of things that you know about Islam are only made to make a bad imagination of Islam in your mind due to political reasons.the unity of Islamic countries is exactly what western governments(not people)are worried about and have been always trying to stop this from happening.

I would be happy to answer to your further questions.
2017-02-13 04:20:00 UTC
Because liberals just want the votes and don't care
2017-02-13 00:07:01 UTC
Because not all muslims are like that. You will find that regardless whether you are american muslim or whatever there are always going to be shitty people from every background. I think you just wanna feel special so you bash on another culture that you have barely any knowledge about.
2017-02-12 21:49:02 UTC
For one thing, Islam is a much younger religion, about 600 years younger, so you could actually compare it to the Christian faith's "puberty" 600 years ago. It's still developing and maturing. Second, Islam hasn't had the western world bent over the table with its *** spread for the last two thousand years. Believe me, if all the uber-Christian politicians in the country suddenly converted to Islam without changing their etiquette, the left would be just as critical. Third, there is a difference between Islam and Muslims. Islam is the strict faith and rules written in the koran, while Muslims are the individuals who pick and choose which rules and beliefs to follow, just like how there is Christianity (what the bible says without excluding anything) and actual Christians, who moderate their faith and actions. The bible is full of rules about rape and slavery, but modern Christians don't follow them, just like how modern Muslims don't follow the worst rules of the koran. Fourth (and adding on the third), the actions of the few don't dictate how we should treat the majority. There are over a billion Muslims on the planet. Let's say that a million of them were extremists, and of those million, about a fifth of them were impossible to reason with or rehabilitate. All those killers and fanatics would still represent less than 1% of the total population who are just trying to live peaceful lives. If one man out of a hundred is a killer, you don't arrest all of them. Fifth, the reason why there is so much extremism in Islam is because of the conflict that the rest of the world has dragged into the Middle East. We poked and prodded it nonstop over the years, blowing it to smithereens and forcing our rule onto it. Of course people were going to get fed up and fight back, and it's in that environment that religious extremism ends. Afganistan was a very different place back in the 60's. Sixth, we liberals don't condone what's happening over there to women and homosexuals. Believe it or not, plenty of people are over there, fighting for equal rights and trying to end the hatred and oppression.
2017-02-12 21:45:43 UTC
Muslim extremists don t make up the whole. Besides, Christianity which is quite common in the US, does exactly that in a lot of cases. It s hypocritical of you to think it s just Islam.
2017-02-12 21:11:04 UTC
if not all muslims are not homophobic or violate rights of women how come most muslims I speak to are homophobic and even more so than the christians and some when talking about a hijab think rapists target women because of their clothing, and to think that if you are covered up you re less likely to be raped
2017-02-12 18:24:02 UTC
Thats Religion for you as have the Christians if you read your history ....when religion sets itself and believers to be superior to others of not the same belief then you have madness .
2017-02-12 16:49:57 UTC
2017-02-12 16:43:47 UTC
click here
Maria S
2017-02-12 15:07:38 UTC
Because they are hypocrites. Liberals don't care about minorities, liberals, or women. All they care about is socialism, and globalization, no matter how many people it hurts. They justify little girls as young as nice being married off to adult men who rape them, women beaten in Iran and Saudi Arabia because they were not dressed modestly. They don't care about the fact that women who are raped are murdered by their own family members, and then go free, because Sharia Law alows the family of the victim to forgive a murderer( convenient when the family IS the murderer) Or even just general human rights violations of Islam, like murdering ex Muslims, people who dare to criticize Mohammed, and murdering gays. They don't care because their hate for Chritianity, and their self hate as white people blinds them, and because the leaders are people like George Soros, who believe the good of the many( as he sees it) makes the suffering of individuals unimportant.
2017-02-12 06:27:56 UTC
There is no justification for it. You'll see crazy answers, anything to justify angry, hostile, 2-faced Muslims. The liberalism will make you sick and you wonder why on earth you share the same country or planet as them!
2017-02-15 23:28:03 UTC
I believe that maybe liberals defend Muslims because it's the military way to do, the American Way. I don't think the average Muslim violates rights of women of homosexuals even yearly or monthly. What you're talking about seems to be borderline extreme islam.
2017-02-15 01:55:15 UTC
Would you defend the Sunni Muslim or the Shi'a Muslim? And in which order?
Best Answer
2017-02-15 01:08:14 UTC
It's obviously because powder puff liberal males want more Muslims and Mexicans to move here to teach us how to fundamentally transform the USA back to a culture of strong, macho men who rule with an iron fist in their families and in the workplace. They are sick and tired of hearing about who can or cannot use their crapper of choice. We have become a soft target for migrants, are you a man or a mouse?
2017-02-14 00:14:42 UTC
Bercause they are cowards...they think that if we are nice to musrats, they will be nice to chance. As Churchill said, "Appeasement id feeding a crocodile in the hope that it will eat you last." And it certainly will.
2017-02-13 21:09:22 UTC
2017-02-13 12:52:27 UTC
Liberals ignore Pippa Bacca
2017-02-13 03:33:01 UTC
You would have to be tolerant of other people's religion. as so long as their religion doesn't affect me, let them do what they do.
2017-02-12 19:08:15 UTC
2017-02-12 16:16:57 UTC
JUST like "christians."
2017-02-12 13:03:58 UTC
They are hypocritical cowards.
2017-02-12 11:51:28 UTC
why do people (conservatives especially) defend the right to have access to high power guns When they kill so many people in terrorist attacks? It's called the constitution and there's peacefull Muslims out there just like there's responsible gun owners and no true liberal defends a society controlled by religion. Do yourself a favor and look up what liberal means and you might just find out you are one
2017-02-12 02:43:39 UTC
Liberals like fooling themselves and believe they will forgiven their foolishness, but as usual, they are wrong again.
2017-02-12 01:59:37 UTC
Well in Uganda they also kill LGBT ..and they're not Muslim. They're Christian

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.