NO NO NO NO NO. oh yeah, and no. But seriously, whats in it for NK? its only a stunt in an attempt to get something or some sort of concession, sort of like saying i have a hostage and i will shoot him if you dont give me what i want. but its all a bluff if you think about it. first of all, look at the size of north korea. even if it does attack south korea, guam, or japan, which are three prime targets, the us will respond quickly and ultimately turn north korea into an ashtray. as much as north korea thinks that they are superior and can bully more powerful nations, it is all a bluff. furthermore, this has happened before.
now, if you want to speculate and for giggles think of a different side, i think of world war three. first, korea attacks japan, guam, or south korea. and, if you know your social studies, the us is an ally with south korea and as of WWII protects japan, and of course guam belongs to the us. so, any way you look at it, the us is dragged into war with NK. China, which will defeat the united states in war, will side with north korea. while the united states is hanging on by a thread, the middle eastern nations, seeing as israel does not have the big bad united states protecting it anymore (again, social studies skills us= pals with Israel) iran will finally nuke israel. china and north korea will provide nuclear weapons to the middle eastern nations, much in the same fashion as the us gave stinger missles to the middle eastern nations to fight the soviets. now, while all of this is happening, iceland will develop a rigorous space program and ultimately move to the moon. please excuse the spelling