You are looking at the political pendulum as it traces its path from one extreme to the other of the great false dichotomy. The false dichotomy is between socializing all and privatizing all.
The key to understanding why both are extreme usurpation's of freedom comes from knowing the essentials of freedom and thus how both extremes abuse it.
1) Human life is a process that manipulates nature to its gratification.
2) Freedom is the absence of another's interference in the practice of life.
3) Interference is easily revealed by the scientific method of control and experiment.
The Created property thought experiment:
Abel makes a shovel. Cain takes it, does Cain abridge freedom?
Control: Remove Cain and Abel still has access to his creation.
Experiment: With Cain Abel's access to his manipulation is lost, the interference is shown.
Reverse Experiment: Remove Abel and Cain still does not have access to a shovel. Cain shows no loss by Abel's presence and actions. So Abel's creation and claim did not interfere with Cain. The concept of property, ie exclusive access to the maker, is shown from both vantages to be consistent with freedom.
The Natural property thought experiment:
Abel wants to use land, but Cain claims it first.
Control: Remove Cain, Abel has access without interference.
Experiment: WIth Cain Abel has lost access.
The infringement of Natural property exclusion on freedom is shown.
These two thought experiments also parallel the same way both government extremes rob freedom. The left wants to steal the already made shovel, and the Right wants to steal the nature needed to even make the shovel. Or in other words, the left robs post production, and the right robs pre-production. The left wants to socialize all, and the right wants to privatize all, including freedom. Recall that when others have privatized freedom it used to be called slavery. When all production is socialized then no one is free to control their manipulations. When all nature is privatized then the freedom to even produce is stolen, either way there is no freedom to produce and enjoy.
The real answer is to socialize the freedom to produce (natural access) and to allow property (privatization) in things made. But that is only tried occasionally.