Did Donald Trump win tonights debate?
2016-10-19 20:27:52 UTC
Did Donald Trump win tonights debate?
264 answers:
2016-10-20 19:09:19 UTC
2016-10-25 10:31:14 UTC
Trump won, he looked presidential he kept his cool for most of the debate and he stayed on point and told exactly how his plans will Make America Great Again and there is no doubt that it will, lower taxes for big businesses will let them pay their workers more it also helps new businesses start this is all good for the country because it will become self sustainable, Hillary's policies want to take away money from businesses and give it to people who don't work or can't work for health reasons which is what Hillary means when she says not just for those at the top force the businesses to pay their workers less to sustain their business which will eventually topple and they will have to leave the country to avoid the immense taxes and continue to make money which won't happen if taxes are raised it will destroy small businesses and big businesses will leave the country. Trump really has a great idea!
2016-10-20 05:27:02 UTC
More people agree with him and that's just fact. Let's admit this, the country has always been divided. The liberal poor don't belong in any country, they've proven that for not being able to succeed in their own countries which is why they were forced to leave, sold, or whatever. Conservatives are responsible for building countries. Every dictator, prime minister, king, and so forth who based their leadership in conservativism is a society builder. That is what really matters. The liberal poor make no contribution to anything other than those in the same boat with them. And yes, Trump has won every debate and more of the country will vote for him despite what's being said in the news. True Americans have nothing against dictators, they are against those without a country and those who are useless to everyone. If that means the country has to be almost entirely white, them so be it. Btw, Hispanics, Asians, Indians are all white and will do just fine in Trump country.
2016-10-21 10:50:38 UTC
More people agree with him and that's just fact. Let's admit this, the country has always been divided. The liberal poor don't belong in any country, they've proven that for not being able to succeed in their own countries which is why they were forced to leave, sold, or whatever. Conservatives are responsible for building countries. Every dictator, prime minister, king, and so forth who based their leadership in conservativism is a society builder. That is what really matters. The liberal poor make no contribution to anything other than those in the same boat with them. And yes, Trump has won every debate and more of the country will vote for him despite what's being said in the news. True Americans have nothing against dictators, they are against those without a country and those who are useless to everyone. If that means the country has to be almost entirely white, them so be it. Btw, Hispanics, Asians, Indians are all white and will do just fine in Trump country.
2016-10-19 20:54:04 UTC
Trump won, he looked presidential he kept his cool for most of the debate and he stayed on point and told exactly how his plans will Make America Great Again and there is no doubt that it will, lower taxes for big businesses will let them pay their workers more it also helps new businesses start this is all good for the country because it will become self sustainable, Hillary's policies want to take away money from businesses and give it to people who don't work or can't work for health reasons which is what Hillary means when she says not just for those at the top force the businesses to pay their workers less to sustain their business which will eventually topple and they will have to leave the country to avoid the immense taxes and continue to make money which won't happen if taxes are raised it will destroy small businesses and big businesses will leave the country. Trump really has a great idea!
2016-10-21 05:15:20 UTC
More people agree with him and that's just fact. Let's admit this, the country has always been divided. The liberal poor don't belong in any country, they've proven that for not being able to succeed in their own countries which is why they were forced to leave, sold, or whatever. Conservatives are responsible for building countries. Every dictator, prime minister, king, and so forth who based their leadership in conservativism is a society builder. That is what really matters. The liberal poor make no contribution to anything other than those in the same boat with them. And yes, Trump has won every debate and more of the country will vote for him despite what's being said in the news. True Americans have nothing against dictators, they are against those without a country and those who are useless to everyone. If that means the country has to be almost entirely white, them so be it. Btw, Hispanics, Asians, Indians are all white and will do just fine in Trump country.
2016-10-19 21:30:42 UTC
Yeah. He gave voters a reason to vote for him and explained what he stood for. It is clear what trump is for. That is what people relate to and what leads to passionate support and involvement. Hillary gave voters no reason why they should take the time to vote for her. What has she offered? How has she improved the people's trust in her? Its not even clear what she stands for...she's all over the place on the issues and has flip flopped so much that it really is hard to tell. So why are voters going to take the time to come out to vote for her when she hasn't convinced people to? She has a perfect opportunity today to fix this but failed. People don't vote for a candidate when it's unclear what that candidate is for. That's why Romney and Kerry lost.

No one technically wins a debate. Trump supporters will say trump while Hillary supporters will say Hillary. As an independent Jill Stein supporter, I think I'm objective enough to give a less bias answer. I really think trump did better
2016-10-20 07:08:30 UTC
Personally, I believe Donald won the discussions but lost the debate. He talked more about things that I felt would benefit America in a responsible manner. He also pointed about holes in policies that won't work, such as Chicago having the strictest gun laws but high gun violence. He dropped some surprise data, that Hillary was actually FOR the wall a decade ago, but couldn't get it done.

But I believe Trump lost the debate, because he dropped in some nasty remarks that will surely backfire on him. All of his nasty remarks can easily be spun into personal catch phrases by the media, and I"m sure the democrats and media are hard at work with his untasteful quotes that he carelessly dropped. It's political suicide to call someone a nasty woman in a middle of a debate.

I think Trump had the right idea for America, but he failed to act in a way that the public expects in a person running for presidency. Trump's personality on television is very genuine. Even in reality TV, he plays as himself. I feel he doesn't try very hard to hide his flaws. He doesn't try to cover up his ego, his passion, his desire to interrupt, or his opinions, however crude. Hillary is much better at acting like a politician. People who worked at the white house says that Hillary is very violent, childish, and out-of-control, but in the presidential debates, she was calm, articulate, and controlled. She knows how to act her role. And personally, I believe the public, in general, prefer someone who acts like a president than someone who acts like himself.

Proof of my claim is that, before Donald dropped the "nasty woman" remark and that he might not accept the results of the election, he was actually ahead in points on the polls. Once he said that he might not accept the results of the election, his points dropped like a rock.

Which brings me to explain what I think Donald meant. Do you remember Hillary complaining that Russia is rigging the election? If Donald wins because Russia rigged the election, do Hillary have to accept the results? If anyone rigs the election, accepting the results is to admit that you are okay with a rigged election. Hillary doesn't deserve a rigged election, neither does Donald. If Hillary is so sure that the elections are going to be fair, why does she blame Russia for rigging the election? Hmm....

Another big bomb that Donald dropped is that he will overturn Rowe v Wade. This will be a make-or-break topic for many Americans. Hillary focused on the medical need to save a mother's life. Although, I don't think ANY law will prevent a mother from saving her own life by aborting the baby. Hillary said that the government shouldn't have the right to decide, and Donald replied by saying that nobody should have the right to decide.

On a personal note, I am pro-life, but I fully support a woman's choice to abort. This means that if the public votes to fully legalize abortion, I will follow the laws. But, if the public votes to limit abortion to medical reasons, I will also follow the laws. I support the wishes of the public, and my opinion is just that: an opinion.
2016-10-20 04:23:19 UTC
Did Donald Trump win tonights debate?

ONLY the STUPID ( including Trolls of YA's ) think debates are won > they both made some good points, but most of what was spoken was BS > Hillary Minions will say Hillary won, Trump Minions will say Trump won > which ='s more BS !!
2016-10-20 13:08:54 UTC
Some people have asked if Trump even wanted to "win." The crazy thing is that any other human could have won the debate and the election. The debate issues might have included something about Ms. Clinton is rated as a liar. In which case do you think you can stand as the leader of the U.S.
Andy F
2016-10-19 22:44:04 UTC
Not in my opinion. Honestly, I thought he and the moderator, Chris Wallace, both raised some important issues about Hillary that she just didn't answer, or couldn't.

But Trump didn't give me any reason to think he has any real plans to fix this country's problems as POTUS. .He almost always speaks in big,vague generalities that could mean almost anything -- or nothing at all. He really does have a habit of saying everything is "rigged" when he isn't getting his way, as Hillary correctly pointed out.

And IMO, his claims about never having really groped women, as he told Billy Bush he had groped them in that video, just don't pass the laugh test. He said tonight that Hillary is a liar, and I think he's right, but he's a much worse liar than she is.

His refusal to say that he'll respect the election results, whatever they will be, was outrageous and some would say close to treasonous. Is he going to "keep you in suspense" about whether he'll urge his supporters to start another civil war???

Hillary seemed a bit sleazy to me in this debate; I didn't trust all her answers; but she made an excellent case that Trump is not fit to be president. The moderator, Chris Wallace of Fox News, also pointed out that the experts say Trump's economic plans will add more to the U.S. national debt than Hillary's plans will.

I don't much like or trust Hillary, but I think Trump lost this debate. He came off looking even worse than she is.

-- democratic socialist / only the truth is revolutionary .. and the truth shall make you free
2016-10-20 22:51:55 UTC
Both sucked but liar Hillary should be in prison and trump I don't care if immature or not like me that can be disrespectful, a wall not going to do anything there going under ground, a no fly zone will cause be worse and make it world war 3 she is a coward to put people on the ground like ww2,we should be in have tanks and people from way out and start moving in it will be a war with Russia if we keep fighting Isis.
Darryl Bullock
2016-10-20 03:11:46 UTC
Lol,if you actually have to ask,then he more than likely didn't win. Just as most of these answers attempting to defend Trump's debate performance make no sense whatsoever. Looking at the actual debate in it's entirety,it to a certain extent didn't matter whom you believed to be wrong or right,it was more about which presidential candidate seemed calm,cool, intelligent and authoritative,in essence presidential. And with those factors observed Clinton won, You could plainly see trump attempting to stay placid,but in an effort to make his own points, and rebuttals he only resorted back to his juvenile" I know I am but what about you" defense. And again he failed to understand how that in " real time" she bated and snared him constantly. Again,overall this terrible election obviously isn't about the very important issues at hand at all,it's about choosing to lesser of two evils period and in that instance we all loose.
2016-10-21 11:44:15 UTC
Yes, he also won the 2nd debate. The only debate he might not have won is the first one.

Clinton just laughs and looks like the devil while Trump brings up issues, or explains them, while showing how much of a crook Hillary is. Then the moderator argues with Trump, instead of Killary debating with him.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-10-20 09:24:00 UTC
all anyone is saying is that Trump did a little better than the first two.................which isn't saying much.........since he made a total hash of the first......and wasn't all that great in the second.

Hillary is the one who understands that debates aren't for appealing to those who are already voting for're suppose to be trying to convince those all important independents and middle of the roaders.

Hillary was *clearly* trying to do that----------

Donald.........was playing to his Clown insisting he won't accept the results of the election.........or he'll have to "think about it"----------or "we'll see......I'll let you know"

God, what a BUFFOON

Do you think he impresed any independents with that idiocy?

3 debates.............he LOST all 3...........not good.

He didn't come off as presidential , at ALL .

Hillary had the poise, stance, temperment....and quick wit on full display.

It's no contest.
My Baby!
2016-10-20 13:00:36 UTC
Trump hands down. Hillary was just talk,talk talk with no substance. As for Planned Parenthood they do not do Mammograms the are basically an abortion baby mill. The Clinton Foundation is also involved in sealing the baby parts for profit. I believe women should be allowed to have an abortion but not at the end of term. Let's at least be reasonable and say after first trimester NO. Fetuses are still human ya know. Then as for conspiracy goes she has been lying to us, she has used the globalists money to fund her campaign. Then she stole the money that was meant to go to Haiti after and gave it to friends who were going to rebuild. Only 4 houses were built. Then her big whopper of the night when she said 90% of the money from the Clinton Foundation goes to charity, no no no only about 6% does. Rest goes to the Clinton FAMILY Foundation. She is all about power and money and the heck with anyone else. Then also stated her Dream was to have "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and OPEN BORDERS." Hillary Clinton's dream of "open borders" will kill our constitutional republic. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admitted she takes two positions on policy issues.

One in private — ostensibly, the “real” position and one for the public, according to a damaging email leak of released on Friday by Wikileaks that included clips of Clinton’s paid speeches to Wall Street banks and other organization. Then here is proof her super pacs have paid off the media, WSJ, NBC etc. to make Trump look bad. Then there is this..

A key operative in a Democratic scheme to send agitators to cause unrest at Donald Trump’s rallies has visited the White House 342 times since 2009, White House records show.

Robert Creamer, who acted as a middle man between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and “protesters” who tried — and succeeded — to provoke violence at Trump rallies met with President Obama during 47 of those 342 visits, according to White House records. Creamer’s last visit was in June 2016. Can you imagine these people were trying to get people hurt at Trump's rallies? Yep, this election has been rigged from the get go!
2016-10-20 09:24:30 UTC
It was pretty even until Trump clung to the idea of conspiracy working against him, and would reserve conclusions about the race being rigged against him until after the election. He then began to get rattled, while she remained more poised and focused.

For the most part he kept himself under control, but then reverted to more familiar tactics because he simply can't help himself. She kept her cool when he interrupted; when he interjected verbal jabs at her during her responses they glanced off her harmlessly, making him look petty and impotent.

The death blow for Trump was saying he'd hold judgment on the electorate's decision if she wins, implying he's willing to claim foul, which could easily trigger violence from his more rabid backers. That was a very STUPID thing to do because that's what people will be focusing on from now until Nov. 8th. He's demonstrated he's willing to ignore the historical stance of a peaceful transition of power.
Sgt Bazz
2016-10-20 07:43:47 UTC
Yes, but only be a little bit. It's like two children arguing over spilled milk, when you, as a parent, know the real facts behind the milk spill.

Both came off unpresidential, childish, and immature.

Like I said, Trump came off a winner, but that is only because I knew the facts of every issue they brought up and Trump addressed them just a tad better.
2016-10-21 04:16:25 UTC
Trump improved his debate skills that he was able to articulate the GOP social conservative views for about 20 minutes, if you agree with his stances, then after 20 minutes, he went SOUTH and imploded. He is NOT presidential, the sad things about these debates is Clinton doesn't have to get detailed, she patiently waits on Trump to implode and he does!!!!!!!! Clinton is 20 times the candidate he is, and she will be the NEXT president of the United States.
2016-10-21 11:43:40 UTC
I can't agree that Trump won the debate last nite because he keeps on lambasting Hillary with the same things. What we are viewing is not a deb debate, but it portends an evil time for our nation. Reason and rationality must prevail for the sake of world peace and prosperity,
2016-10-21 13:51:35 UTC
TO be frank... honest Yes. He ha a more realistic out look on how things should be.. as in should change.. but Ah ha ha.. :) who are we kidding.. We all know It'll be hillary and don't get me wrong. I'm for trump. No really I am for anyone who doesn't.. welcome war, who doens't sneek behind backs, tell lies, sell out, mmm I can go on?

Who doesn't have a history of mental instability. Who.. won't be going to jail .. once the truth does come out and it always does. Who.. mmm lets see. Doesn't rig.... yeah that ones a fact now oh but they acted quickly enough and are now claiming this guy that did or does have actual proof and there is.. it's on what's called YOUTUBE :D YAY.. but again so they are calling him a criminal because he faked tapes before or something.. andd Again I say they "say" that because to discredit this guy.

Look everyone here.. it comes down to what your willing to put up with etc if you want someone who is going to bring a real change then vote for that person whom you think will do so.

Also.. don't let someone like Casey or whatever tell you who you should.. vote for.

YOU; vote for who YOU; think will be the best they can be. As President.
2016-10-21 02:09:05 UTC
Trump has won every single debate. There is nothing that Hillary can say up at this point. Go Trump!
2016-10-20 08:33:02 UTC
Trump could never win a debate against Hillary. She's far more intelligent, sane and informed that he is. I'm not even a major fan of her but she's way better than him.
Hardest Worker
2016-10-21 14:05:45 UTC
I felt the 2nd and 3rd debates were tied and Hillary Clinton cheated on the 1st debate by deliberately irritating and agitated Donald Trump.
2016-10-20 10:09:04 UTC
Personally I think so. It didn't have as much fireworks as the 2nd debate but he hit more on actually policy. He got new attacks on her while she is still using the same old attacks. I think he did a good job bringing up the O'Keefe tape. She dodged basically every negative question that was asked of her. The only mistake I think he made was not bring up the fact high level democrat operatives were caught discussing ways to commit election fraud when asked if he'd accept the results of the election.
2016-10-20 14:44:21 UTC
He got my vote. I know with the majority of women abortion is the biggest issue. Trump cannot overturn Roe VS Wade. Even if he appoints justices who think as he does. It has already been decided and almost impossible to change. I would not be concerned about that. I can see late term abortions limited to only situations that endanger the mother. That would be a special circumstance needing a review board. There is new information out so we know what causes pregnancy. There are plenty of ways to prevent it.
2016-10-23 13:33:59 UTC
Nobody won but Trump performed better IMO. Hillary evaded all sensitive questions about her corruptions. The media will trash Trump without mentioning Clinton's corruptions of course, as usual.
2016-10-20 08:27:53 UTC
On the face of it, I thought Trump gave more detail that at any other time in his campaign, but at the same time he looked beat and more deflated than I have ever seen him, and even though Clinton avoided some questions, she was clearly in command!

Trump has made so many mistakes in this campaign, clearly putting all his eggs in one basket in one section of the voting public and providing them with the scapegoats to feed their ignorance in the guise of political incorrectness which was like music to their ears! And that would be all well and good if that was the vast majority of the voting public.....but it isn't!

Trump did well, but he started to come apart towards the end, and Clinton was on him every time, and even though he said he would have to think about it at the time as to whether the election was rigged or not, the look of inevitability was written all over his face!!!
2016-10-20 11:55:37 UTC
He pointed out the truth. So yes i do believe he did.

I just got used to the media dogging him and was expecting it, so it did not suprise me.

One thing that ticks me off is the influence they have on their zombies.

Donald Trump did something, "he is the devil!".

Hillary Clinton also did it, "It's mutual now, forget what i just said, let's dismiss it".

If DT does something, they want to prosecute him.

If HC does something, they dismiss it.

If they both were accused of it, it becomes mutual grounds even after they wanted to prosecute DT for being accused of it, it's now just okay now that HC does it too?

The media is so dishonest and they make it fairly obvious of their objectives. They must be getting threatened to lose their jobs if they don't agree with the left. They seem to have fear in the back of their voices everytime they praise DT.

Their zombies just go with it without questioning or seeing the obvious narritives of double standards HC has over DT. It's discusting!
Elwood Blues
2016-10-20 13:32:20 UTC
Chris Wallace won last night's debate. Hillary was second, and Trump still made the podium with a third place finish in last night's debate.
2016-10-21 08:51:25 UTC
Yes of course Donald Trump won the debate! And when he becomes president, he must deport all of those Mexicans and Indians OUT OF THIS COUNTRY!! I'm sick of these illegal immigrants ruining our country!
2016-10-19 20:45:07 UTC
No. His continuous denials of statements made previously and on video is exactly like a child denying he took a cookie while the chocolate chip is held in the child's hand. His exaggerated gestures shows he forces to impress his points and his stubborn refusal to STFU when told shows disrespect. One could imagine Trump would build a moat around the white house to keep the peasants away.
Baa Baa
2016-10-21 12:17:20 UTC
Trump lost all 3 debates according to the majority of public opinion. I agree with that.
2016-10-21 18:52:33 UTC
Yes. And he has been wining by a landslide since July. Regardless of what the liberal media says.or the fraudulent polls show they have to create fake polls cause trumps numbers are way too high.

Even dems are voting for him.

Its no wonder Hillary needs illegal immigrants to register, that's 3/4 of her support
2016-10-20 18:17:49 UTC
From the start Donald has not debated. He has took a stance. It is the stance most Americans wish. From the start we have seen Hillary changing her stance for votes till know one knows what why she is even standing & has not collapsed again from dissey spells. The lady of a million faces. See a new one at every debate. So what is she debating? She is slicker than a used car sales person. Sings more tunes than a joke box Meaner than old Maude Barker she be.
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-10-20 05:12:11 UTC
Trump is a loser through and through. As usual, Trump was all about Trump, and at one ranting point Trump spoke of Mosul as being in Syria, not in Iraq, and then rambled incoherently, showing total ignorance on foreign policy. Even Trump, whose wife did not kiss him on stage, knew he lost.
Dr. Jeff
2016-10-20 09:50:38 UTC
Nope. Hillary 52%, Trump 39% in the only scientific poll done after the debate.
2016-10-22 11:54:24 UTC
I think the debates are ridiculous. I really don't know who won, maybe because I dislike them both. But at least Trump doesn't have a body count that I know of.
2016-10-21 07:36:08 UTC
Winning a debate on television is not a measure of who should be President. I care more about what they intend to do to protect and defend our Constitution and our nation. A television debate these days is merely entertainment on the order of a reality tv show. It means nothing.
2016-10-20 09:20:50 UTC
He had less to deny and more to accuse of. In that Hillary came across as secretive and in total denial of everything he accused her of where as Donald mostly accepted he was human.

Said the right things about talk talk talk with is all you get from politicians. Made a very good point of one where he complained that why hadnt she done the things prior, given she'd been there so long. It totally negated her 'length of experience'

Overall Donald did point out the complete truth in that instead of the people the leaders of the country are looking after themselves first.

Certainly we see the whole political system geared towards militarising the police with huge budgets and equipment, while denying funding for industry and communities. It seems they want to micro manage large groups of people rather than invest in them as individuals and thus the betterment of all.

Hillary Clinton presents the America we see today. She is from the system that has promised everything but delivered nothing, but are still using the same rehtoric in promises that they have in the past each and every time.

We gave them large salaries and powers but they have done nothing but abuse that for clearly their own ends, if this were not the case the poor folk would be in power, not the same names or faces each time, and each time they fail to deliver on the promises.

They are totally removed from the existence of everyday living. They lead privileged lives.

Hillary Clinton stated that you are a young country at some 240 years since inception. My country is in the thousands but thats not the point. The point is youve had all of our learned lessons from history to draw upon. So as not to make the early mistakes we made and move towards a joint future of prosperity and giving its a small planet in a giant universe, exploration and dare i say it, extreme adventure.

Currently theyre making themselves rich but offering very scant reward to everyone else for this honour.

Donald Trump is a businessman and all that goes with that he appears to accept with a shrug of the shoulders. That is a breeze of fresh air given the usual political response would be denial and bafflement in politispeak. Donald Trump between the pair of them, has achieved all his goals. Hillary Clinton is still talking about them happening in the future, a future that appears to be a heck of a long time coming.

If I were American(and I admit to being a bit anti American , due to your governments policies and recent events, though I find the American people themselves warm generous and very enthusiastic. Nothing is a problem or unachievable. Though that will change as poverty and mismanagement continues ) but if i were, i'd vote trump.

Basically under Clinton, hubby or wife, under Obama, Under Bush Jr or Snr things have not improved for the population as a whole but has for every single one of the standard politicians.

You see, I can understand businessmen becoming millionaires and billionaires, but I cannot fathom politicians being allowed to do so too. Especially as they arent as successful and in many cases the complete opposite applies.

Yes. If I had the ultimate choice, I'd vote for Donald Trump in the hope that he would improve things. That is a chance because quite frankly, the second isnt going to.

We know this because they havent.
Marina 1
2016-10-21 04:40:23 UTC
Only according to online polls where the same person can vote multiply times.

I must agree that Trump came away as the winner by telling a slew of lies, having a lack of knowledge of essential policies, not to mention his hostility and zero self control
2016-10-20 11:18:28 UTC
All Trump had to do to be perceived as not losing to Hillary in this debate was to stay calm, not revert to childish behavior and not say anything outrageous. He couldn’t even manage to do that. He lost this debate.
2016-10-21 01:09:34 UTC
From your Canadian neighbours, Trump is a wack job. Hillary is dishonest but Trump's got the mentality of a 7 year old, good luck to him running the country (or having other people do it for him)... "No you're a puppet!"
2016-10-20 01:24:26 UTC
No. Hillary pretty much showed us what she's made of. And it's a LOT better than trump.

2016-10-21 06:29:19 UTC
Tonight's debate made me feel actually a bit positive about having to vote for Hillary.
2016-10-22 03:15:51 UTC
He was accused of hiring "undocumented employees" that can be illegal, but there is no evidence to show that undocumented humans are useless. Therefore Trump is a good and kind man and his undocumented employees did not commit crime. Second, He says abortion is illegal. He is correct. Abortion is killing.

Trump passed the answering of the most basic questions correctly. So, He is the real winner.
2016-10-19 20:32:29 UTC
If you want a leader, he won.

If you want a follower, Hillary won.

It's no surprise that all of the typical Hillary followers support the follower.

By all accounts, every step of the way, Trump won the debate on actual, real issues and leadership roles for the Executive Branch. Hillary doesn't understand basic economics and she clearly has no Executive Experience. That much is obvious.


King, yes leaders actually point out when followers are wrong. Even though she was wrong, she kept with her robotic response.


Armchair, that surplus was the result of Newt Gingrich not giving Clinton what he wanted. Hillary has PROVEN that she knows nothing about basic economics on more than one occasion. Over taxation doesn't bring prosperity, it brings more government spending with less accountability. Basic economics should have told you that the less money a citizen has, the less money they can spend.
2016-10-20 13:14:03 UTC
No objective observer could possibly think that Trump won. He needed to hit it out of the park, and he fell far short of that. And that comment on not accepting the results of the election? This man has no idea how our democracy works.
2016-10-20 16:25:37 UTC
Hillary's policies want to take away money from businesses and give it to people who don't work or can't work for health reasons which is what Hillary means when she says not just for those at the top force the businesses to pay their workers less to sustain their business which will eventually topple and they will have to leave the country to avoid the immense taxes and continue to make money which won't happen if taxes are raised it will destroy small businesses and big businesses will leave the country. this election has been rigged from the get go!
2016-10-20 03:32:15 UTC
He provided a lot of ammo for Clinton and stupidly took a lot of her bait. You could tell he was told to be calm when he came in, but he lost his shіt by the end of the night.

Tomorrow, I can almost guarantee you that her campaign will have a commercial out that starts with his statement "Nobody respects women more than me" juxtaposed with videos of all the horrible things he says about women.
2016-10-22 22:13:03 UTC
Trump sounded like a asshole. I'm just glad I don't have to vote in this election. The states are doomed either way lol
2016-10-19 20:31:03 UTC
He provided a lot of ammo for Clinton and stupidly took a lot of her bait. You could tell he was told to be calm when he came in, but he lost his shіt by the end of the night.

Tomorrow, I can almost guarantee you that her campaign will have a commercial out that starts with his statement "Nobody respects women more than me" juxtaposed with videos of all the horrible things he says about women.
Dank memez
2016-10-20 21:05:39 UTC
Hillary won the debate. Hillary focused more on policies, while Trump focused more on bashing Hillary. Hillary seemed more professional, and better fitting to be president to undecided voters.
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-10-20 11:37:17 UTC
It doesn't matter to me what-if-anything Hillary Clinton's guilty of - it's nothing compared to Trump. He can't be trusted. He's dangerous. He's impulsive. He's disgusting - no, wait - deplorable.
Maria b
2016-10-20 11:52:58 UTC
No he hasn't won any of them. He did a bit better then he ran off the rails by calling Hillary a nasty woman. He interrupted her many times. He has no chance of winning because he acts like a spoiled brat.
2016-10-20 22:14:01 UTC
I hope Trump wins but does not look good. If Hilary gets in we are screwed.
2016-10-20 10:55:02 UTC
No! Hillary handed him his azz. First he said Democrats wanted the immigrants here then he said Obama secretly deported millions of them last year and didn't tell anyone? Make up your mind Donald.
2016-10-20 16:10:08 UTC
2016-10-22 07:12:28 UTC
m o r g a n (:
2016-10-21 21:22:11 UTC
2016-10-20 19:43:37 UTC
Trump won 2 out of three and now he's going to win the heart of America
2016-11-12 09:58:18 UTC
trump hands down... hillary was just talk,talk talk with no substance... as for planned parenthood they do not do mammograms the are basically an abortion baby mill... the clinton foundation is also involved in sealing the baby parts for profit... i believe women should be allowed to have an abortion but not at the end of term... let's at least be reasonable and say after first trimester no... fetuses are still human ya know... then as for conspiracy goes she has been lying to us, she has used the globalists money to fund her campaign... then she stole the money that was meant to go to haiti after and gave it to friends who were going to rebuild... only 4 houses were built... then her big whopper of the night when she said 90% of the money from the clinton foundation goes to charity, no no no only about 6% does... rest goes to the clinton family foundation... she is all about power and money and the heck with anyone else... then also stated her dream was to have "my dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..." hillary clinton's dream of "open borders" shall kill our constitutional republic... democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton admitted she takes two positions on policy issues...

one in private — ostensibly, the “real” position and one for the public, according to a damaging email leak of released on friday by wikileaks that included clips of clinton’s paid speeches to wall street banks and other organization... then here is proof her super pacs have paid off the media, wsj, nbc etc... to make trump look bad... then there's this......

a key operative in a democratic scheme to send agitators to cause unrest at donald trump’s rallies has visited the white house 342 times since 2009, white house records show...

robert creamer, who acted as a middle man between the clinton campaign, the democratic national committee and “protesters” who tried — and succeeded — to provoke violence at trump rallies met with president obama during 47 of those 342 visits, according to white house records... creamer’s last visit was in june 2016... can you imagine these people were trying to get people hurt at trump's rallies? yep, this election has been rigged from the get go!
2016-10-20 15:56:39 UTC
2016-10-21 05:59:21 UTC
I can't believe this is all we have to lead our country. Sad. We're doomed either way. Time to think about moving to another country. I'm afraid the USA is no more. Turning into a socialist, third-world country. Our founding fathers are tossing in their graves.
2016-10-23 09:20:28 UTC
He didn't do well with the first two and I suspect he is much like Ross Pero and we all know that didn't work so I am confident Hillary will win no matter what
2016-10-21 07:09:00 UTC
2016-10-19 21:02:52 UTC
No. Hillary pretty much showed us what she's made of. And it's a LOT better than trump.
2016-10-20 09:51:08 UTC
Trump won, Every time he brings up something she said,or did, she puts on that fake smile and denys it. Trying to make it look like he made it all up.
2016-10-20 23:20:47 UTC
2016-10-20 13:21:55 UTC
2016-10-20 20:17:12 UTC
No! At the end of the debate Clinton shook hands with the monirator. AT THE SAME TIME, Trump seemed lost

2016-10-20 20:14:13 UTC
2016-10-19 21:21:15 UTC
Did the raiders lose the last football game? No the raiders won because they looked good and the game was clearly rigged! Lol trump is the epidomy of republicans. Delusional paranoid retards.
2016-10-20 10:28:00 UTC
I don`t think Trump or Clinton won except the makeup company Clinton had on so much make up on to make herself look so much younger, well folks it didn`t work.
2016-10-19 20:29:44 UTC
2016-10-19 20:31:24 UTC
Only to his base. He only went psychobonkers a few times,and in the FoxBubble, that is probably being called a win. but to the rest of humanity, that's a pretty low bar. What a crybaby!
2016-10-21 18:19:19 UTC
Trump lost bigly! Sad!
2016-10-20 19:25:30 UTC
Mr. Trump is a winner.He hit it out of the park in that debate.
2016-10-20 14:56:59 UTC
Samantha lee
2016-10-21 04:34:38 UTC
I'm voting for trump. And though if I wasn't I see that a lot of people will be voting for him.
2016-10-20 14:53:14 UTC
Yes, he won. It doesn't matter as he will NOT win the election. Trump is right the system is "rigged" to some extent.
2016-10-20 19:51:07 UTC
No, he is a well spoken idiot. He has no dignity or respect. He doesnt dance well around issues. He is proof that God has a sense of Humor. 3 debates and he LOST all THREE!
2016-10-20 07:58:46 UTC
Depends on who says who won. Nobody wins debates.
2016-10-23 12:07:36 UTC
Yes. Mostly because Hilary couldn't give truthful answers and dodged questions.
2016-10-22 16:29:00 UTC
Depends on what you mean by "won". It seems most people define winning as have the best one liners, comebacks, or tells the best lies. I actually think the winner should be the won who shows the most knowledge of the topics, and logically argues their position, but I'm old fashioned.
2016-10-19 20:30:29 UTC
He brought out stuff like he should have all along. Nasty hag hellery has been shielded by the mass media. e only way this stuff gets out on their waves is if he used the debates. He should have been beating her like a club with it at all the debates
2016-10-23 16:09:55 UTC
He won them all,Hillary is a ignoramus can't even lie through a debate without looking like she just pulled her head out of her fat butt.
2016-10-19 20:32:38 UTC
With this many liberals on tonight whining and crying he must have won the debate.
2016-10-22 10:05:18 UTC
His refusal to say that he'll respect the election results, whatever they will be, was outrageous and some would say close to treasonous. Is he going to "keep you in suspense" about whether he'll urge his supporters to start another civil war???
2016-10-21 15:58:27 UTC
2016-10-20 10:09:02 UTC
No, and with any luck, with his refusal to flat out say whether or not he'll accept the results of the election no matter what happens, he may very well have lost the presidency.
2016-10-23 01:04:01 UTC
2016-10-20 08:07:24 UTC
2016-10-19 20:28:39 UTC
2016-10-21 00:43:48 UTC
2016-10-24 08:21:58 UTC
He wins every debate. Though the media polls say differently.
2016-10-21 21:41:22 UTC
nothing trump could do.. or say could change this sanders supporters vote. TRUMP 2016! .. why? because clinton and bush belong in jail.. not in politics.
2016-10-21 10:41:05 UTC

Backstage he kissed and groped a girl so he counts that as a win
2016-10-20 04:50:13 UTC
He lost it when he closed with his statement that he might not except the result of the election. Even Republicans are aghast at that statement. He is clearly a deranged and dangerous individual.
2016-10-20 07:13:28 UTC
Absolutely nailed it. Only some leftist, elites in the media think otherwise because Hillary failed and is such a flawed candidate.
2016-10-20 19:02:09 UTC
2016-10-21 09:17:21 UTC
Trump is the man period anyone who wants a souless communist for a president like Hilary should do us all a favour and...... yea
2016-10-20 08:08:57 UTC
No he did horrible in the debate I think he knows he is not going to win .
2016-10-21 06:41:54 UTC
According to his definition of "win" - yes

(his definition of "win" is any debate that dont make him look a 100% a//shole

So to him only looking a 99% a//shole is a "win)
2016-10-20 09:50:06 UTC
Neither won in my opinion. They both have so much baggage. You can't trust them. It's scary to think that one of those two will be the President.
2016-10-19 20:30:41 UTC
Marla Maples did
2016-10-20 15:03:24 UTC
He won 80% of the debate! He is not as gifted as President Reagan....
2016-10-20 08:16:12 UTC
It's not a debate, it is a political soap opera.
2016-10-20 06:37:20 UTC
Trump won the booby-prize! Hillary whupped him a third time... but, yeah, he "won" 2nd place, behind Hillary.
2016-10-20 19:42:56 UTC
Did Trump win? Dies a rooster wear lipstick? HELL NO!
Dr. Stephanie
2016-10-20 19:59:00 UTC
It should be clear and obvious that he did not win any of the debates, as agreed upon by analysts and pundits of journalism, news makers, and others. Its also clear to me.
2016-10-20 09:04:59 UTC
No. They both failed to do anything that should have a meaningful impact on the election, and with Clinton already ahead, all she needs is to keep things the way they are.
2016-10-21 19:19:01 UTC
no9 way. he crashed com[letely. hilllary has a command of the issues which donald trump doesnot, a humanistic one.
2016-10-20 19:21:35 UTC
YES! did you see Hillary's face when Trump mention her emails, her accepting money from country's which treat women like cr*p (although she says she's the women's champion).
2016-10-20 07:30:47 UTC
Trump looked like crap...he was beatdown from the accusers.
2016-10-21 03:22:27 UTC
2016-10-21 04:20:30 UTC
No, he did not win the debate. Hillary Clinton did win the debate.
2016-10-20 09:06:36 UTC
2016-10-21 15:45:03 UTC
yes he won all 4 debates.
2016-10-19 20:34:03 UTC
are you kidding? the crowd openly laughed at him right in his druggy face. Hillary also destroyed his 'it's rigged' talk he's the orange boy who cried wolf once too often.

he came across as a spoilt brat
2016-10-22 13:00:36 UTC
He didn't win, but he did much better and closed the gap on Hillary. Looking good for him.
2016-10-21 07:43:29 UTC
No. I mean the guy technically didnt say that he would accept the outcome of the election. He wants to be president, but no candidate has ever fu ck in did that.
2016-10-21 12:54:25 UTC
2016-10-21 18:12:25 UTC
Yes kinda. He won't win the election tho
2016-10-20 10:00:53 UTC
Yes, mainly because Hillary is such a liar no one knows when she is lying or telling the truth.
2016-10-20 17:36:17 UTC
And that's why low IQ people like the people above me should only go for Trump. :)
2016-10-20 19:36:51 UTC
All this guy does is get his feelings hurt and point his finger at others when he falters. He's a clown.
2016-10-22 17:25:24 UTC
Gerry G
2016-10-22 10:02:06 UTC
2016-10-19 21:48:28 UTC
No I hope he gets embarrassed on Election Day
2016-10-22 02:09:20 UTC
Gary Johnson would have if he were allowed to debate.
2016-10-21 20:57:01 UTC
Hillary won. Sorry.
2016-10-20 12:43:27 UTC
I don't think so, the debate has become a circus
2016-10-20 13:24:58 UTC
Cant say both did good. I just want someone to work for peace and progress .
2016-10-21 14:01:53 UTC
Alpha Male
2016-10-19 20:30:43 UTC
He got his aśs whooped by Queen Hillary
2016-10-20 12:20:20 UTC
trump supports putin hilary not
2016-10-21 18:17:20 UTC
No he lost big time won't even accept the outcome of the election
2016-10-20 23:01:30 UTC
Yes , he was telling the truth & he is a so honest person , Hilary was arguing and telling the same lies over and over again.
2016-10-22 12:04:45 UTC
Didn't watch
2016-10-20 13:52:36 UTC
All three debates he won.
2016-10-21 16:53:31 UTC
Yea. He's won all of them in my opinion
2016-10-21 07:45:12 UTC
Yes easy.
2016-10-21 19:41:17 UTC
He lost, but he will still win the election
Anne Campbell
2016-10-20 06:52:37 UTC
No, his greatest mistake is in not answering when asked if he would accept the result of the presidential election.
2016-10-20 10:00:42 UTC
Who cares. People see it the way they want to see it. Doesn't mean anything at all.
2016-10-20 08:24:34 UTC
Did you see the look on Hillarys face when he was talking about protesters SHE PAID to disrupt his rallies ?

2016-10-21 16:13:40 UTC
He won none of the debates. Hillary won all of them!!
2016-10-22 06:52:22 UTC
No he lost he keeps falling into Hillarys traps
2016-10-22 09:41:55 UTC
No Hilary won
Bert Weidemeier
2016-10-20 17:10:42 UTC
Debates are never won.
2016-10-21 13:50:11 UTC
2016-10-20 17:23:48 UTC
Stick a fork in him he's done
2016-10-20 08:11:27 UTC
Most reports and polls say so, yes. (averaging 70% agreement)
2016-10-22 09:31:00 UTC
I would say yes
2016-10-21 12:17:16 UTC
Nobody won.... America lost
2016-10-20 08:21:40 UTC
I thought he was excellent.trump won the debate.
2016-10-19 20:29:44 UTC
He lost the election tonight for good.
2016-10-21 01:35:35 UTC
2016-10-22 14:33:32 UTC
Does he ever really win?
2016-10-21 12:46:02 UTC
2016-10-20 12:57:54 UTC
I think so, this was definitely his best debate.
2016-10-20 19:21:19 UTC
No, president Hillary gave him the knockout punch.
2016-10-22 01:09:19 UTC
2016-10-20 07:24:14 UTC
Yes, he won
2016-10-20 05:01:25 UTC
He lost the bad Hombre vote.
2016-10-20 01:59:17 UTC
No . he made himself desperate by an ignorance action .
2016-10-22 14:23:35 UTC
He always wins!
2016-10-20 17:18:33 UTC
We will know in November 8th.
2016-10-20 18:14:12 UTC
Both candidates have wrinkly bottoms both lost
2016-10-21 11:46:12 UTC
That is a conceited nasty women hillwgater
2016-10-21 17:26:23 UTC
Hillary won all three, no doubt.
2016-10-20 20:26:19 UTC
Yes. won t matter tho.. the fix is in for Hillary!
2016-10-20 12:10:33 UTC
Curious George
2016-10-20 07:11:15 UTC
Ummm, I'm gonna have to say "no" on that one.
2016-10-19 20:29:30 UTC
No, but we got another famous phase from him "such a nasty woman"
2016-10-22 12:42:04 UTC
No he repeated nonsense over and over
2016-10-20 18:03:27 UTC
He won when he told her to return the donations

she got from countries that stone or kill women and gays.
2016-10-20 16:46:20 UTC
It probably revealed more of his character and his policies.
2016-10-20 07:58:14 UTC
Trumpinator won again!!!
2016-10-19 20:38:06 UTC
2016-10-20 07:36:46 UTC
Max Hoopla
2016-10-19 20:40:07 UTC
He will be the better performer but not the better debater.
2016-10-20 16:11:06 UTC
Honestly his hair Won it...
2016-10-22 23:02:19 UTC
Don't know.
2016-10-20 16:07:27 UTC
2016-10-20 09:57:50 UTC
He was right
2016-10-19 20:32:28 UTC
Only if you mean he whines a lot. No.
2016-10-20 05:48:54 UTC
Of course not.
Your Mom
2016-10-20 15:37:23 UTC
trump DEFINITELY won
2016-10-20 13:23:00 UTC
All day
2016-10-21 14:09:55 UTC
Both Candidates suck.
2016-10-19 20:28:38 UTC
This was he debate:

Guess who won...I'll give you a clue...Hillary was wearing boots
2016-10-20 10:53:09 UTC
Absolutely not.

He is incapable of doing the job.
2016-10-19 20:28:50 UTC
Whoever won, we lose
2016-10-20 15:54:37 UTC
He blew it, like all talking.
2016-10-21 02:36:00 UTC
"Such a nasty question !"

Karan S Adik
2016-10-20 16:11:52 UTC
No, I think he lost "en plein".
2016-10-21 05:12:54 UTC
John B
2016-10-21 11:57:53 UTC
2016-10-20 06:40:25 UTC
No Doubt .
2016-10-22 16:42:22 UTC
2016-10-22 11:30:27 UTC
Hope he does
2016-10-20 10:23:36 UTC
Depends on who u ask.
2016-10-22 05:49:16 UTC
2016-10-20 11:49:28 UTC
2016-10-20 17:33:03 UTC
he sniffle like a crying bull-**** that he is
2016-10-20 08:21:10 UTC
2016-10-20 15:46:47 UTC
Yep, slapped her stupid
2016-10-21 19:45:59 UTC
2016-10-20 14:08:29 UTC
2016-10-21 06:14:41 UTC
Yes, he told it how it is.
2016-10-20 13:55:07 UTC
stoned on something ?
2016-10-22 06:29:32 UTC
he lost
jason w
2016-10-22 19:01:20 UTC
2016-10-22 08:37:18 UTC
2016-10-21 20:02:48 UTC
2016-10-21 19:46:48 UTC
2016-10-21 15:32:08 UTC
2016-10-21 14:37:22 UTC
2016-10-21 12:59:11 UTC
2016-10-21 12:29:24 UTC
2016-10-20 21:33:51 UTC
2016-10-20 14:36:34 UTC
2016-10-20 07:38:39 UTC
2016-10-20 20:26:38 UTC
Is the Pope Muslim?
2016-10-20 18:25:30 UTC
2016-10-20 09:07:30 UTC
He buried her once again.
2016-10-20 12:33:32 UTC
on southpark or black and red?
2016-10-19 20:30:34 UTC
Nope! He failed!!
2016-10-21 01:00:19 UTC
no way
2016-10-22 02:10:37 UTC
dont know
2016-10-20 21:23:16 UTC
I hope so!
2016-10-21 06:08:05 UTC
The devil himself
2016-10-20 22:36:09 UTC
2016-10-22 06:29:30 UTC
**blank stare **
2016-10-23 09:40:11 UTC
2016-10-22 14:28:30 UTC
2016-10-21 22:15:58 UTC
2016-10-21 12:13:45 UTC
2016-10-21 08:24:36 UTC
Both were ****.
2016-10-20 22:22:34 UTC
2016-10-20 14:40:05 UTC
2016-10-21 14:05:34 UTC
2016-10-21 06:03:56 UTC
just trav
2016-10-20 22:26:21 UTC
2016-10-20 22:09:55 UTC
2016-10-20 11:55:48 UTC
Donald K
2016-10-19 20:28:09 UTC
2016-10-23 00:54:02 UTC
2016-10-20 20:44:09 UTC
im gonna answer this with a big NOPEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-19 20:35:14 UTC
ROTFLMFAO No, he did not!
2016-10-21 09:54:06 UTC
2016-10-20 16:37:36 UTC
well...He is TRiUMPhant
2016-10-22 05:54:46 UTC
Lol not at all....
2016-10-21 18:24:29 UTC
2016-10-20 18:55:53 UTC
2016-10-21 21:05:18 UTC
Pac Man
2016-10-19 20:28:25 UTC
2016-10-20 20:12:05 UTC
NO !
2016-10-21 12:10:01 UTC
2016-10-20 19:42:06 UTC
Amna Malik
2016-10-20 19:16:46 UTC
2016-10-20 17:36:29 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.