History hasn't said anything yet. Calling current events history is like calling the latest number one song a classic of the decade. When WW2 ended the Nazis started an insurgency in the Franconia region of Germany that was pretty much hushed up by the press. If todays media were around then i wonder if they'd refer to that as a "unmitigated failure of US policy in Germany" or as a "civil war" in Germany.
Muqtada al-Sadr isn't taking Saddam's place he's just a carreer criminal trying to get out of going to jail for a murder charge from years back. Bin Laden is on the loose but without funds and a leadership structure (killing Bin Laden won't stop Al-Queda you've been watching too many movies) he's pretty much done. Besides the guy who actually came up with the concept for 9/11 HAS been captured.
Al-Queda is run like a tribal council. One guy comes up with an idea and presents it and the others vote on it.
Why is Bush sending more troops to Iraq? Because he admits he took too many out too early besides the big question is why did Democrats change their mind?
Just weeks ago the dems were calling for more troops BUT NOW since Bush says "Okay let's send some." the dems are saying "No let's don't."
Hey Dems can you get saddle sore from riding a fence?
You don't politicize war you fight it without restraint if you want to win. Bush's only fault is he's fighting a bare knuckle boxing match with pillows.