Why do some people still believe Biden didn't sexually assault Tara Reade?
2020-05-11 15:13:16 UTC
Biden has a history of being a misogynist. 8 women are on record saying Biden touched them inappropriately. Then there's Biden preventing Anita Hill from receiving justice. And Biden has also been inappropriate around little girls. He's even been caught stroking the nipples of young girls.
101 answers:
Kim Sweetheart
2020-05-13 19:26:18 UTC
The people defending Biden's behavior are in the minority. It's a lie perpetrated by the Republican party that most people on the left side with Biden over his victim. It may be true that Biden's lunatic supporters and establishment Democrats are willing to ignore Biden's rape scandal for the sake of politics but progressives aren't. We're constantly calling out Biden and Kavanaugh and Trump for their disgusting misogynist behavior. However, as a progressive feminist who votes only Democrat, forgive me for expecting better from Democrats. I mean, yeah, Trump is a rapist pig too but that's expected from the Republicans. That's why I don't vote Republican and never will. Trump isn't the one who claims to believe women and to represent us. Biden does and right now he's being exposed as a liar. He refuses to release his Delaware papers and to be investigated by the DNC. If he has nothing to hide, he wouldn't be acting like this. That being said, if we do not hold Biden accountable, it's going to delegitimize the metoo movement and women's rights in general. If politicians who claim to represent us and fight for us are given a pass as if they're above everyone else, no one's going to take us and our standards seriously. We can't compromise our values. I've researched Tara Reade and find her believeable just like I found Ms Ford and all of Trump's accusers believable. Biden needs to cooperate with Tara Reade or step down. It's really as simple as that because he's making the Democratic party look bad and is hurting women's issues. Preferably, he needs tk step down and let someone like Bernie Sanders take his place as the Democratic nominee. There's still time and this path is achievable if we pressure Biden and the DNC. 
2020-05-12 15:49:27 UTC
cause she waited 50 years to say something
2020-05-12 03:51:31 UTC
Because many people think party affiliation determines guilt or Innocence in politics. 
2020-05-11 21:31:18 UTC
Because she's a liar. She never accused Biden of sexual assault in any written complaint and none of the other staffers who worked with her collaborated her story. She also refuses to take a lie-detector test.

She has also demanded Biden step down and quit his campaign which is suspicious since she has complimented Putin in the past saying he's sexy (with or without his clothes on) and now wants to help his BFF candidate Trump.
Warren T
2020-05-11 17:27:37 UTC
There is evidence she may be right and here it is:
2020-05-11 15:33:11 UTC
They believe he is a perv and a pedo. They just don't care. If Trump can be removed from a second term, all the little children are acceptable casualties in the fight.
2020-05-11 15:20:16 UTC
We're still waiting for your evidence.  Biden has called for an investigation.  So where are they?  Where's the Republican investigation?  And where's the evidence?
Homeschool produces winners
2020-05-11 15:19:44 UTC
Like all victims of rape, we need to look, closely, at actual evidence. We, also, need to look for a motive for the victim to falsely accuse the alleged rapist. If it exists. In this case, there is evidence of a rape. Unless Reade was a fanatical Bernie Bro there isn't much motive to falsely accuse Biden.
Jack H
2020-05-11 15:18:41 UTC
Yeah, Joe Biden, huhh...
2020-05-11 15:14:11 UTC
Because he's a Democrat. "All women should be believed" unless they are accusing a Democrat is the unspoken part of that.
2020-09-12 10:18:50 UTC
Whataboutism is a debating technique beloved by the purveyors of evil essentially distracting from scrutiny of their evil actions and pointing out that bad stuff has happened before or other people are not perfect, so therefore they should be seen as equal to the immorality, corruption, criminality and sheer evil of the evil ones. This explains why even though Trump is the most corrupt politician ever seen leading a large western industrialized democracy, he holds the record of attacking his political opponents as corrupt. What Trump is doing is, he knows he is a criminal, is corrupt and is a conniving traitor, so he wants to paint anyone opposing him as any of those things, even if they have great track records of honest public service. He does so because he wants to say hey this man over here opposing me is a criminal, is corrupt, etc..first as an oxygen consuming distraction but eventually wants to basically have us psychological accept that all polticians are criminal and corrupt and therefore he Trump is no different.


Sandra S.
2020-05-14 23:28:01 UTC
Yes, an individual can feel personally violated by certain kinds of touching, but that does not necessarily mean that a crime took place. 

Touching that is sexual in nature: This is unsolicited or unwanted touching that involves a person's genitals, buttocks or private parts. Evidence is less concrete if an individual believed the touching was sexual in nature, but it did not involve his or her genitals, buttocks or private parts.Touching that is physical in nature: This is unsolicited or unwanted touching that involves physical harm or injury. Bruising, cuts or other visible harm provides concrete evidence of inappropriate contact.An individual may claim that he or she was touched inappropriately by you, even if the touching just involved hands, shoulders, arms, the face, legs or feet. Evidence of this touching is far less concrete if there is no visible harm or harm backed by solid medical evidence.This day an age many are sensitive to all things touching even with innocent behavior.
2020-05-13 14:51:20 UTC
They may think the sex was consensual, even if it were not, people can still believe it. Same as the people that believe it was rape even if it wasn't. Disregarding any religion we can choose to believe what we want.
2020-05-13 12:54:10 UTC
Her story doesn' t make sense on many levels; it even changes, which is a pretty fair indicator that a lie is being told.

Reade's alleged assault took place 27 years ago.  She didn't come forward then.  If you read her account of the alleged incident that she has recently told, it sounds improbable, from how and where the assault took place, to the unlikely prospect that she was so shocked she didn't move away from him, to the notion that she was too "scared" to go to a higher authority. The only people she claims she told were her mother, her brother and a friend.  She may never have told them anything, but she could have told them now to support her claim; these  people are close to her, and would surely lie. It has recently come to light that she had a crush on Joe. Her motivation--payback to the guy who did not assault her, but ignored her?  Working with certain members of the opposing Party to destroy Biden--for payback, for money, or for both, wouldn't surprise those of us who have our eyes wide open to corrupt Republican pay-for-play practices.

Over a week after saying that she only told those people mentioned above, she added to her story, saying that she went to Personnel, does not know who she spoke to, and filed a report, alleging that Biden made her feel "uncomfortable"--she says she knows she never used the words 'sexual assault.' She has no copies of the report, and no names of anyone she spoke with, nor does Personnel have any record of it. She also claims that personnel suggested she go to an in-house counselor, and says she "may have" walked into an office waitng room, but walked out.  Her account is simply not believable; if this were such a life-changing event for her, it would also be something she would never forget.  
2020-05-13 11:15:43 UTC
Because they don’t like the truth. They can’t handle it. 
2020-05-13 04:50:14 UTC
I'm still sad about Bill Cosby!!!
Hal A. Peño
2020-05-13 02:06:37 UTC
I think he did but the truth is I don't care if he did or didn't. It's just not my problem.
2020-05-12 20:22:11 UTC
To admit Biden behaved like that, would undo their entire concept of good and evil, presenting an existential crisis when they have to grapple with the fact that democrats aren't  really the perfect, holy saints that they esteemed them to be , and actually commit crimes. Their delicate sensibilities couldn't take it, so it's easier for them to live their lives in denial and reject any truth that shatters their fantasy
2020-05-12 13:43:08 UTC
I have no idea what or why people think the way they do.

All I know is that, SOME men in power typically abuse their position, whether it be abuse against women or corrupt self serving actions.

We have all witnessed women keeping quiet about sexual assault because it is a very difficult action to prove...therefore, women are typically not  believed, so they do not come forward. But when they are finally able to talk about it, whether it be on the day of the sexual assault or years later, no one believes them.

Why would a woman put herself through the scrutiny of having the press tear them apart and basically try to ruin them, their careers and lives? Because they think it is worth the risk to finally tell the truth about what happened

Have you EVER heard a politician tell the truth? The honest truth? So, of course they will deny sexual assault.

Hey, Clinton lied about his abuse of power when he had sex with Monica. He lied to everyone  tampered with witnesses and lied to everyone who would listen. Luckily Monica saved a dress that the President of the United States of America ejaculated on.

I wish more women were smart enough to save evidence of sexual abuse. Yes  yes, Monica was a willing participant, but, still, it was a political abuse of power with a subordinate intern.

I use that Clinton example because it is likely that the young eger women with high hopes for career advancement typically keep sexual assault a secret as to keep their jobs and not derail the career they worked so hard to obtain. It is only years later that they are secure enough to come forward when they are distant enough from the abuser to feel safe enough to talk about SPITE of knowing the media will tear her apart. That is bravery, not stupidity. It let's the world know that guy is a sexual deviant  from a safe distance.
2020-05-12 12:16:15 UTC
The same reason why trump is not convicted by the 16 women who have accused him of sexual misconduct ... people are innocent until proven guilty. However, I heard trump say his celebrity is a green light to snatch vulvae which lends credence to the women who have accused him.
2020-05-12 02:59:59 UTC
Some people don’t believe Trump’s 25 different accusers either
2020-05-12 02:04:40 UTC
Tara Reade wants us to believe

-- that she was the ONLY woman in DC not wearing pantyhose in 1993

-- that there was a "semi-private" hallway on a day when Senate was in session

-- that a man who's been vetted since becoming a Senator at age 30 w/no history of recklessness was reckless

-- that her constantly changing story is something we won't notice

-- that her blog expressing love for Russia & Putin (with or without his shirt) and claims Mueller lied mean nothing, and

-- that the fact she was charged with bank fraud 4 days before exiting Biden's office is meaningless.

Tara even edited her own medium writings on Biden & the alleged incident after she posted them. She made claims about what superiors told her in that office but doesn't name them. Weird.I believe women should be heard. Tara has been heard. Now she's vetted & caught lying.
2020-05-12 01:45:49 UTC
You babble about Biden and the alleged touching that wasn't even of a sexual nature and one alleged rape that a woman waited 30 years to whine about (She is only babbling because the only candidate who will beat Trump IS Biden and is winning the nomination) Yet you croak nothing about Trump who was accused of raping more than 25 women! So whats up with the hypocrisy?
2020-05-12 00:53:12 UTC
I heard her story. And that is what is seems to be, nothing but a story. I have seen no facts presented other than her word. Biden heard her out, he didn't call her a fat ugly cow(and in this case he could have), like Trump has called his accusers similar remarks about their appearances. He also did not threaten to sue her, which Trump has done...and lastly, he has no prior accusers, no prior lifestyle choices like that, he has been happily married, never divorced and no incidences of adultery or dating porn stars or paying anyone to "shut up"....Trump has done all of those things. And lastly Biden is a man whose word you can take to the bank. Trump's word is worthless.  Who would America trust more?....that is contest there.... President Biden.  You will learn to live with that. 
Random Guy
2020-05-11 22:40:37 UTC
Difference in political alignment can do that.
Alan H
2020-05-11 19:34:23 UTC
All are innocent until proven guilty 

(At least in civilised society)
2020-05-11 17:46:59 UTC
 #BelieveWomen was created to address accusations made against conservatives, so it's ignored when the accusation is against a liberal.
2020-05-11 15:22:18 UTC
You are confusing Biden with Trump. 
2020-05-11 15:15:19 UTC
He should just be like Trump and make a statement all these 25 women are too ugly to rape.

Seems to really convince conservatives.
2020-05-11 15:15:07 UTC
I guess the same reason some people still believe Trump did not assault all those women that have accused him.
2020-05-15 07:00:27 UTC
Nice deflection. Donald Trump has 25+ credible sexual assault allegations against him. 
2020-05-13 23:25:23 UTC
She changed her story 5 times.  she has a history of fraud.  She voted for Biden twice.  She claimed she wrote a complaint.  When Biden said release all record she backtracked and said she never wrote a complaint... on and on
2020-05-13 18:19:20 UTC
Let's say he did and he's the worst Democrat ever: Why the hell would we pass up an opportunity to improve over Trump? Trump is the kind of president the writers at Fox make fun of as Jabba the Hut. 
2020-05-13 17:53:51 UTC
Why do some people still believe Brett Kavanaugh didn't assault all those women who accused him???
2020-05-13 14:22:17 UTC
Ain't it funny how the same people who shrugged off Trump's long record of vile behavior and comments to women are now getting very high  and mighty about Biden? Hypocritical? Surely not!
2020-05-13 10:57:27 UTC
Why do some people believe that Trump never sexually harrassed or assaulted women?
2020-05-13 07:21:55 UTC
Actions speak louder than words and he is seen on plenty occasion with his hands all over children thats clearly unacceptable. It's well known that children growing up in them circles are subjected to that behavior.  Many of which parents are well aware of what is going on and the child has no say.  Money talks even at the cost of a child's innocence.
2020-05-12 23:16:45 UTC
Reade has failed two lie detector tests & she refuses to take a third.  Creepy Pedophile Jim Jordan (R oh) is hiding, in an undisclosed location, from the FBI.  Dementia Donnie's world is crumbling. 
2020-05-12 16:00:19 UTC
Ikeh ikeh kimochi... Arigato gozaimazz
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-05-12 07:29:08 UTC
I don't think even Tara believes it.
2020-05-12 04:48:08 UTC
Because they're aware of the questionable aspects of her story.  Reade's credibility has nothing to do with Hill or anyone else.
2020-05-12 01:32:33 UTC
I guess you don't care that the current president is a PROVEN sexual offender that includes minors 
2020-05-12 00:50:46 UTC
Same reason they don't believe Obama was born in Kenya
2020-05-11 23:51:16 UTC
Because Biden only molests little girls.   He has no interest  whatsoever in post-puberty women.  
2020-05-11 19:28:05 UTC
Due process. He has just as many rights as anyone else. Just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. And I'm an independent. There's a reason why evidence is necessary. 
Gilgamesh King of Heroes
2020-05-11 18:25:16 UTC
Didn't republicans send death threats to Anita Hill? 
2020-05-11 15:38:10 UTC
I don't actually care. What I care about is that it is obvious as fvck to anyone with the slightest experience or intelligence that he is suffering from dementia.... and there is even the slightest chance that he could be the next POTUS.

Anyone WANT WWIII? Elect Biden.
2020-05-11 15:33:46 UTC
Who cares if he did? He’s a Democrat. Therefore, he DESERVES a free pass.
2020-05-11 15:25:17 UTC
Because Reade never used the word assaulted, she originally said he made her feel 'uncomfortable.'
2020-05-11 15:14:37 UTC
Trump had at least 3 times that many credible women state he fondled them, plus he was caught on tape saying he could just grab women anywhere.   
2020-05-14 22:00:21 UTC
Trump is paying her to lie
2020-05-13 19:09:12 UTC
"I'm not saying why not 27 years ago. I understand it can take victims years to come forward. I'm saying, why not before Super Tuesday? Why not last fall when we still had a dozen other candidates to choose from? Why wait until Biden is our only hope against Trump and then try to take him down?"

Here is the article Reade wrote for Medium about how she loves Putin for those saying it's a myth.

But since men are always raping the most sensible thing to do is just have women candidates only for politics from now on and these problems would be over.
2020-05-13 16:05:58 UTC
For the same reason people believe in a flat earth, that we didn't go to the moon, & believe in flying saucers. Too much bubble gum & candy. It sticks to the brain.
2020-05-13 04:26:20 UTC
Some people like Biden show extreme affection and I don't see it in a sexual sense.  Some people don't like to be touched, and aren't used to that.  I don't think a political candidate will be popular if they are mean like physically slapping, punching, kicking, spitting, or verbally abusive to people.  If Tara Reade felt she was sexually assaulted, why didn't she file a sexual assault charge on Biden?  The case with Anita Hill was a different time......time's change, hair styles change, interest rates fluctuates etc etc.
2020-05-13 03:40:58 UTC
None of those pictures you posted are proof of anything other than that Biden is a public figure lol.
2020-05-12 13:16:17 UTC
So...she waits 27 years.  And just after Biden becomes the presumptive Democratic nominee, she starts accusing him of rape.

This from a woman who has publicly stated her admiration for Vladimir Putin.

I don't think so.
2020-05-12 07:30:09 UTC
No one knows except those two. Either of them could be lying. People need facts and evidence.
Coop 366
2020-05-12 04:26:06 UTC
Why do you believe he is guilty but the Donald is not?  More women say the Donald has done it then the one accusing Joe.
2020-05-12 01:54:38 UTC
Cuz we are not all brainwashed Trumplings.
Rodney James
2020-05-12 00:52:26 UTC
Because he didn't. Tara Reade is a Vladimir Putin-loving crazed woman.
2020-05-12 00:10:44 UTC
Wny do you still believe trump didn't do it to 25 women?
2020-05-12 00:09:04 UTC
Instead of just believing complaints against politicians we don’t like and disbelieving complaints against politicians we do like, we should wait for the facts to come out in a real investigation. I’m a democrat. I don’t particularly like Biden, but I think he’s a huge improvement over trump. Both of these men (well one man and one man-child) have had various women accuse them of inappropriate behavior. I don’t necessarily believe any of them. I think they should be taken seriously, and investigated by a neutral, non-partisan law enforcement agency. 

This me-too stuff has gone too far. It was good in the beginning because it gave a lot of women the courage to come forward about sexual assault in a culture that previously tried to avoid the topic at all costs. But now, it’s not just about rape. People are now accusing men of ridiculous things. If a man lingers too long on a hug or gets a little too comfortable, the appropriate remedy is to ASK HIM TO STOP. Now we have men being accused of this kind of stuff years after the fact and at a time when it could hurt them politically. I find that very suspicious. I hesitate to believe any complaint that is strategically timed to hurt someone’s chances at winning an election. 

If I was raped, I’d be more interested in getting justice than trying to influence politics. Why would she wait 27 years to come forward? He was VP for 8 years. Why didn’t she say something then? I don’t automatically believe the women who accused trump either. I don’t think anyone should jump to conclusions without proper investigations. In the court of public opinion, to be accused of sexual assault is to be guilty. The charges may go away but the stain doesn’t. Men who have money and power tend to be targets for false accusations. We should wait for proper investigation before jumping to conclusions.  
2020-05-11 22:29:31 UTC
I'm waiting for the evidence -- real evidence, not mere verbal claims.  Reade has changed her story 3 times. Her brother has changed his twice.  She says she filed a complaint in the early 90s, one that, she admits, didn't actually mention sexual assault or sexual harassment, but it has not been found.  

Biden has called, via his lawyers, for an investigation, for the records to be examined in order to see whether this supposed complaint can be located. What more do you expect people to do in the meantime?  Come to a conclusion on the basis of no evidence?  

Really?  Is that what you'd expect, say, a trial jury to do?

I'm not a woman who thinks all women should be automatically believed any more than I think all men should be automatically believed -- on any subject.  I think such accusations must be examined on a case-by-case basis, and that's what's going on right now.

You're not very bright, are you, sweetie?
2020-05-11 22:14:17 UTC
I really don't know why Bernie dropped out of the race . That said I'm for the Republican party ,I'm pro Republican but by God that Biden guy is a pedophile in plain sight. Someone should put a GPS ankle bracelet on him to make sure he is not near any schools with children .
Weasel McWeasel
2020-05-11 20:39:34 UTC
1.  You lie.

2.  of the 8 women.......most of the complaints are things like  he touched my shoulders,   or held a hug a beat too long..   Ohhhhh, damning.....compared to the RAPE allegations against Trump  filed in court and pending.

3. One of his accusers, solidly still supports him for president.....

and lastly.........4.) Tara Reade or whatever name she's using this week,  has been proven to be a deranged liar, thru and thru.  Read up on HER history of false allegations and extorting employers.
2020-05-11 20:01:29 UTC
Most people do not believe Tara(ble Liar) Reade. She has zero evidence and she is dodging the CBS and NBC invitations for an interview. She is a Putin fan and she deleted a tweet praising Putin, and her lawyer donated to the Trump campaign. She has no credibility and the only evidence she has is her credibility.
2020-05-11 18:26:38 UTC
Most of all, if she really was assaulted she would have come forth when Obama picked Biden as his running mate.

Trump's poor handling of the virus crisis has been so bad he's come up with another diversion and (probably) paid her to lie.

He knows it's not looking good to be reelected.  
2020-05-11 17:05:53 UTC
Russian troll stopped name calling..??   Well, that's a start I guess.....
2020-05-11 15:56:08 UTC
Democratic loyalists put party before people. It's a cult. Nevermind that Tara Reade has more corroborating evidence than Christine Ford and any of Trump's accusers. Nevermind that Biden refuses to be investigated and release his Delaware papers. Many Democrats have come out and admitted that yeah Biden probably did this but they're still voting for him which I find ironic. The same people refused to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court because of his allegations yet won't deprive Biden a vote because of his? How does that work?
2020-05-11 15:16:39 UTC
The GOP and Trump have established the moral high ground..
2020-05-15 00:49:32 UTC
it's not sexual assault if you enjoy it
2020-05-14 07:53:09 UTC
Biden is a sexual predator who is a disgrace to America. He should be in prison, not the white house. 
2020-05-13 03:47:12 UTC
I know right! Tara Reid is so no hot any more.
Judy and Charlie
2020-05-13 02:09:49 UTC
Just show me the PROOF!

None of her coworkers remember her telling them about this.

Joe has asked the National Archives to find the complaint she made to human resources about him....still nothing. 

Her own brother had to be "reminded" of the incident when reporters approached him for a statement and he said he never heard of this.

Biden was Obama s VP for 8 where was her "complaint" then?

Why now?

Still nothing...however we are all waiting for the media to check into her past employment and relationships.
2020-05-12 21:54:36 UTC
They're joe Biden supporters
2020-05-12 18:14:32 UTC
Screw you you are probably a sjw and feminist.
2020-05-12 16:24:51 UTC
Idk if there's proof, but wouldn't be surprised if he did something gross.
2020-05-12 07:05:16 UTC
Democrats are the party of rape.  After all, Ted Kennedy invented the "waitress sandwich," and went so far as to kill his secretary in a drunk-driving incident, but Democrats allowed him to get away with it.  Ted Kennedy is now burning in Hell, with a lot of other "good" Catholics.  "A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this" (Psalm 92:6, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!
2020-05-12 04:30:33 UTC
Maybe if she didn’t change her story all of the sudden...
2020-05-12 03:52:45 UTC
I don't know. He's always going around telling people to smell his fingers. 
Blue Skies.
2020-05-12 01:48:34 UTC
Can anyone give a good reason why uncle

Joe would take a run at Tara Reade. You

would have to be as blind as a bat. And the

word ugly was never in your vocabulary.
2020-05-12 00:59:07 UTC
What proof do you have?  The timing of the accusation alone makes it very suspicious.  Just like the accusations against kavanaugh.   If you get raped, don't wait 30 years until the dude is running for president.  Especially after not saying anything in past political campaigns. 
John W
2020-05-11 23:02:38 UTC
Anonymous trolls have as much credibility as Trump does, none.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-05-11 21:49:18 UTC
My career military electronics genius father, now deceased, was not the most demonstrative dad, but when he wanted to show me or my five siblings approval or affection he put a hand on our shoulder or he bent down to kiss the back of our heads if we were busy with homework or a chore.  Touching is not a crime.

Your question is actually deliberately inaccurate in saying "some people" when the real number of people who (a) believe gentle man Joe Biden did NOT in ANY WAY assault the then-aide Reade twenty-seven years ago, and (b) DO NOT CARE about this pettiness in the midst of a global deadly pandemic that has wreaked economic havoc on our nation and the entire world is a MAJORITY of Americans, including most of the Republicans (like Megyn McCain most recently) who have worked with Senator Biden over the years.  Stop the right-wing or Russian MAFIA attempt to SMEAR in an election year, little uninformed troll.  
2020-05-11 19:33:57 UTC
Even though it is probably “blaming the victim”, I would find Reade’s story more believable if she would have filed a police report and criminal charges the day of the crime. Instead she either buckled to the pressure of DC’s white male privilege culture, or she didn’t want to ruin a “great man” until he beat her boss to become the nominee. Even the feeble efforts she made to report the crime to the Senate equivalent of HR, did not include “sexual assault” according to Reade herself.
2020-05-11 18:32:54 UTC
The same reason some still believe that Trump didn’t sexually assault the 25 women that accused him of the same thing!

Trump was recorded as saying he could what he wanted to women, the same guy that screwed whores and porn stars when his wife had just given birth to their son, that he had to pay off to keep them quiet!

You idiots are on a pointless crusade here, because when it comes to decency and moral character, your guy Trump is lower than a snakes f*****g belly! And you can be absolutely certain that before November we will be reminded again just how low he was and is!!!
2020-05-11 18:13:41 UTC
Reade seems to have a shady past, with some fraud/theft , false accusations, etc, in the past. That doesn't prove that she wasn't assaulted, but it does mean she will have a harder time being taken at her word
Dru Zod
2020-05-11 15:26:08 UTC
Democrats just do not care 

They idolized Clinton ... he raped more women than Biden do and was even a regular on Epstein’s private island 
2020-05-11 15:19:47 UTC

Even if he did consensually fingerbang his #1 lowkey obsessed fan, I still wouldn't believe her.

Her story changed more times than Trumpers and Bernie nuts change their underwear. AND the bxtch came forward late.

Wtf are we supposed to do about it now? Let the country die to comfort her fat, lazy a$s?

Hmmmmmmm. 🤔 300 million Americans over one late Biden fan who did this for Bernie and Putin?

Pass on Tara. 🥂
2020-05-11 15:15:18 UTC
Because of partisan politics. 

Morons who vote for Democrats will be in denial no matter what evidence you put in front of their faces. 
2020-05-13 18:56:43 UTC
it might be me, but i think the woman is a little dingy? maybe, biden is innocent on this one.

if she can pass a "mental evaluation" by a neutral professional, then she might have more credibility.

who is Tara Reade? 

she may have a borderline personality disorder.
2020-05-13 00:56:17 UTC
PROOF!!! Show me pictures and not pictures of his grandchildren.  In our days kissing a child on the head was a form of acceptance and appreciation.  So you slim balls are the ones who have made it where Dad's can't hug their daughters or sons.  Where a man is afraid to put his hand on a woman's back and assist her through the door.  You can continue to post this trash but too many people do not believe her story and I am one.  It is amazing that a year ago she was in financial problems and now is doing well monetarily, is probably planning a book about her so-called experience and she doesn't even have a dress in the closet as proof.  Well, I pray you never get accused of something you never did cause you will then appreciate people sticking up for you.  And just to clear things up.  Anyone who throws her country away and pledges her love for Russia and Putin.. isn't a patriot nor is she someone who can be believed.
2020-05-12 18:35:06 UTC
Its rather suspicious that his accuser waited for decades to speak up.  Then, when she did, it was during Biden's presidential campaign.  
2020-05-12 06:43:33 UTC
Because Joe Biden is a innocent man, not a rapist.
2020-05-12 02:33:51 UTC
EVERYONE KNOWS HE DID IT but to some people,winning is more important than justice for rape victims so they pretend.
2020-05-11 22:53:20 UTC
It's simple really. Everyone thinks their leader is exempt of any wrong doing and if anyone accuses them of anything they are wrong. It applies to both conservatives and liberals. You're all ****** up
2020-05-11 17:25:15 UTC
Democraps don't want Biden to loose this coming election . Liberals were blaming Tara Reade of being a Republican and subatageing there party   Just to find out she is a democrap herself now she is pedaling back with the help of the media  so pathetic 
2020-05-11 15:36:12 UTC
No one on this site has any way of knowing what actually happened. 

We know that a complaint was filed, which would lead to an investigation. The investigation did not find sufficient evidence to take any action against Biden. 

I will base my judgement on the evidence which currently supports Biden. 

I will not deny the possibility the claim is true, but I will not consider Biden guilty without any evidence.
2020-05-11 15:25:47 UTC
Liberals defend rapists if they are Dims.
2020-05-11 15:16:42 UTC
All of a sudden you care after ignoring all Trump has done, All Kavanaugh and the child molesters on the right that find a home inside the Republican Party. You suddenly want answers?
2020-05-11 15:15:21 UTC
12 of the 25 women who have accused Trump 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.